Penguins are one of the most lovable animals on this planet. Penguins are mostly aquatic, flightless animals which are found in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in the cold continent of Antarctica. These animals are highly adapted for living in the water.
These are one of the cutest creatures and possess, counter shaded white and dark plumage, with flippers as their wings. There are not many people who do not love penguins as they have beautiful markings, adorable waddle, and quirky personalities. These species make up for one of those few species which live in Antarctica.
They always live in groups which is very hard to identify the same by the humans. They lay eggs which is at the maximum of two and for the King Penguin and Emperor mostly one. Penguin plays most role in film and cartoon industry and the books for penguin stands high that is the reason for the to the kids. Here we put some Cute and Beautiful
Penguins Pictures. Enjoy!
A blessed land.
Parents Love
On the first-second count!
I’ll Show you how! 🙂
What am I doing here ?!
Just Lovin’ it!
And there she is..
We’re reporting live from Antarctica, and it’s cold…
This is no longer pour
Audience: To watch or be watched
Family – this is important. – Brush your teeth!
David C. Schultz , Exodus Travels