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He Chose 3 Loaves of Bread Over His 20 Years Worth of Salary. Best Decision EVER!

They say God gives only three answers to our prayers—yes, no, and wait. We all feel blessed and ecstatic whenever we get immediate answers...

Ex-Lovers Stood in Silence When They Met Each Other for the First Time After 30 Years.

Love is the most complicated thing in the world. Artists are the most eccentric people. So when artists fall in love, the passion must...

Man walks round New York in a suit covered with cash, telling strangers to take what is ‘needed’ – with disheartening results

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK (WTXF) - Coby Persin, 21, known for his YouTube channel focused on human behavioral experiments, is getting a lot...

An Entire Town Secretly Learned Sign Language To Surprise Their Deaf Neighbor

Communication can be a challenge for all of us, though for some, it’s a lot harder. Muharrem, a resident of suburban Bağcılar, is a...

A Waitress Doodled On A Receipt, She Opened Facebook 2 Hours Later And Almost Fainted

Good deeds are contagious, as the saying goes. And they certainly don’t need to be grand gestures. Even seemingly small, positive actions we take in...

This Man Reacted Perfectly To A Little Girl With Autism Calling Him “Daddy” During A Flight

Last year, she boarded a plane with her mother Shanell Mouland. They were on their way home from Disneyland. Her mother decided to position her...

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop

If you love to do something that is uncommon, and what people do just few times in the whole life, than you must try...

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