RoastMe is currently the fastest growing non-default subreddit on the whole of reddit, and there is a pretty good reason for it. Everyone loves witnessing a good roasting, and that’s exactly why this particular sub has been set up. Basically,...
We sometimes lose sight of the fact that every day we have a choice. We can choose to connect to those around us, or we can choose to close ourselves off. Some days we may not feel like reaching out...
If you’ve been the victim of an assault, testifying against your attacker can be terrifying. In 2014, three young children were removed from their Ohio home after suffering unspeakable acts of abuse. The kids were so traumatized, it took them months...
Good deeds are contagious, as the saying goes. And they certainly don’t need to be grand gestures. Even seemingly small, positive actions we take in our everyday lives can also have amazing consequences. This story is proof of that. Tim Young and...
“It’s very unusual to see a bear and a wolf getting on like this” says Finnish photographer Lassi Rautiainen, 56, who took these surprising photos. The female grey wolf and male brown were spotted every night for ten days straight,...
A Japanese Method For Healing, Each Finger Is Tied To Two Organs Jean Shin Jyutsu is a traditional Japanese healing art. It is an extremely simple practice that anybody can do themselves anywhere at anytime. It’s one of the most...