I drank water with warm honey and lemon every morning for a year. Here’s what happened

I drank water with warm honey and lemon every morning for a year. Here’s what happened

I drank water with warm honey and lemon every morning for a year. Here’s what happened

Until a few years ago, honey and lemon drinks were something I bought in a packet from the chemist when I had the flu. Naturally, those little packets didn’t help much, so I was skeptical when I started this challenge. But drinking real lemon juice and proper honey in warm water is a totally different experience, and with all the hype around it I embarked on a 12 month quest to see if it really was as miraculous as everyone says.

I am pleased to report I am thoroughly converted, and here is why.

I have not had a cold, flu or any stomach illnesses for the entire year.

Literally. Though I have sometimes felt very early signs of sickness (too many sneezes in a day, run down, extra tired, suspicious tummy rumblings) nothing at all has materialised. Sure I’ve had tired days and a few headaches, but nothing to write home about. As soon as I got back on the regime these stopped happening, and I now absolutely swear by honey/lemon—to the point I‘ve become prematurely old-aged and carry them both in my bag when I stay at friend’s places or hotels. This actually blows my mind. All of my life I’ve been getting tonsillitis-getter. And with a large family, including lots of little ones, there is always someone around who has the latest bug. I am happy to report I no longer catch them, even when it rips through the rest of the gang.

I no longer need coffee and have become a morning person.

The zing I get from lemon and honey first thing in the morning has become something I crave, and doesn’t leave me with headaches or the dreaded caffeine comedown. I also have more energy for longer and am quicker to smile in the morning.

It used to take me at least an hour to open my second eye and stop grunting at people like a cavewoman, but I’m now annoying the people that love me in new and wonderful ways, like throwing deep philosophical questions at them as I bound into the kitchen.

The people around me are becoming more healthy — the biggest reward.

So this has taken the longest: to convince my family that honey and lemon can help them prevent some of their own illnesses.

But after playing nurse and administering my magic potion to them when they are at their most desperate, they can finally see its benefits. When they say, “Whoa! That helped straight away!” I feel delighted; it reminds me to keep going every morning so I don’t suffer the indignities of needing to be three feet from a toilet at all times, or running through a box of tissues an hour.

It’s such a lovely feeling to know that I can help my loved ones feel more well through something so simple and available.

My recipe

I generally use the juice of half a fresh lemon, and a decent teaspoon of organic, raw unheated honey in a standard mug with freshly boiled water that has cooled a little (but still hot enough to melt the honey). I then add a splash of cold so I can drink immediately in one go to rehydrate me as soon as I wake.

However, it does depend on the lemon and the honey, some lemons are juicier or more sour and some honeys more sweet, so experimenting is important! Also half a lemon may be too intense to start, my family uses a quarter.

Why does it work? There are at least nine major benefits to drinking warm honey lemon water every morning. But I’ll list my three favourites here:

  1. It protects you from infection such as UTIs

Because this mixture when taken first thing in the morning stimulates the digestive system, as well as hydrating the colon and more, honey lemon water keeps constipation at bay. It also acts as a diuretic, cleansing the urinary tract and ensuring no urinary tract infections.

  1. It improves digestion

Every part of this drink aids in the digestive process; lemons assist your liver in producing more bile so you can break down complex foods better and use the good stuff from your meals. Honey is antibacterial which protects you from any infections you might have. It also helps with the production of mucus in the stomach, helping to flush out toxins. For this reason, it also assists with healthy weight balance.

  1. Makes you glow with health and beauty

Lemon has many benefits for skin, but it also helps purify the blood as well as aiding in the production of new blood cells that act as cleaning agents. The water and honey create a restorative, antibacterial and collagen boosting powerhouse for your skin too.

…So there you have it, my verdict is overwhelming positive and I highly, thoroughly recommend it!

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

Dogs are some of the most nosy animals we have the pleasure of owning as pets. And the following shots of doggies remind us of this quality one more time — they all want to say hello. And we’re more than happy to get acquainted!

Check these 19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello.. Ohh LOVE! Just popping in.

Tell us the password first, then we’ll let you in…

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

I’m picking up the scent of a new friend!

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

Please, don’t board up the fence. I love staring at you every day.

We saw the hole and we thought — well, why not see who’s on the other side?

I expect you to come by here every morning to have a chat with me.

Woah, you’ve got a huge back yard! Can I dig a hole and come play?

I can’t see you, but I know we’re going to be best friends!

Open the gate, open the gate, open the gate, and let me in!

We love you!

I think I’m stuck…Little help here…

I spent two weeks digging this hole so I could see what you look like…

I just wanted you to know how much I love you.

Come over here and give me a kiss, neighbour!

One day we’ll break down this wall and be together forever!

I’ve been waiting here all day for you to come home.

It’s time to get rid of this fence. It’s a barrier to our friendship!

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

I’ll wait here until you come back. I couldn’t bear to miss your return!

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

Well hello there! I say, you’re beautiful and I’m rather charming myself…Let’s be friends!

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

At last, the world beyond the garden fence! Fascinating!

19 hilariously inquisitive dogs who just want to say hello

The most incredible bridge in the world has been built in China

Is the world’s most scenic highway? China unveils new seven mile road that’s built in the middle of a river valley year, a truly spectacular new bridge was unveiled in Hubei province, central China.

It doesn’t just simply cross over the river between two banks — that would be too easy. Instead, this one runs along the length of the river, following the curve of a valley with a 6.8 mile high-speed motorway built on top of it. The unusual bridge has already been dubbed China’s first ’ecological highway,’ helping the government prevent deforestation and forest degradation.

The road is built on top of a bridge that follows the curve of the river valley.

The most incredible bridge in the world has been built in China

The most incredible bridge in the world has been built in China

It will cut down travel time from Xingshan to G42 to just 20 minutes. The journey originally took close to an hour along a steep and convoluted road.
Drivers along the route are treated to breathtaking views of the valley as well as the river and nearby villages.

The new route has already been dubbed the ‘over-water highway’.We have never seen anything quite like this amazing structure and just had to share it with you.

The most incredible bridge in the world has been built in China

The most incredible bridge in the world has been built in China

According to the project manager of the road Chen Xingda, when the motorway was first proposed in 2013, there were three different possible routes.

Two of the routes involved digging a tunnel through the mountains in the area. The third was a longer route and involved building on water.

Engineers on the project wanted to protect the abundance of plants and woodland in the mountains so decided to build the third route.

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced.

Today we have collected for you works in which the combined efforts of mother nature and photographic artists have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world.

This is what happens if you throw hot water into the air in Antarctica

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

A galactic tennis ball

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

Modern dykes, windmills and highways in the Netherlands

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

A temple covered in ash from the Ontake volcanic eruption, Japan

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

Two worlds divided, New York, USA

The Supermoon in a radio telescope


Just an ordinary day’s building — catching a cloud

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s founder

A blue universe in Japan

Spider webs in Abernethy forest, Scotland

Now I can finally get a tan

Volcanic eruption in Iceland

An eagle soaring over a lake in Canada

An Italian beach

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Yunnan, China

Hotaru Ika firefly squids, Japan

Namib Desert, Africa

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Flamingos gathered in the shape of a flamingo, Yucatan Peninsula

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Forests without end, Russia

Rapeseed fields in Luoping, China

The sea-like dunes of the Namib Desert

Westerdok District, Amsterdam



Frosted trees

Hello there, sister

The chosen one


Holiday village near Arkhangelsk, Russia

This is what happens when a spider and a leaf get together

Birdy hurricane

Alien invasion in Charlotte, USA

A helicopter near Yosemite waterfall, USA

On target

Rango plays guitar

Waterspout on Lake Victoria, Uganda

Red cardinal levitating

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A cargo train at Morant’s Curve

Winter’s abrupt arrival, Mari El, Russia

Selfie with comet, 290,000,000 miles from Earth (courtesy of the Rosetta probe)

Autumn and winter meet in Colorado, USA

Fishman, Mahabalipuram, India


A ghost town, San Francisco, USA

Autumn and winter meet in Miklukhin, Rostov region, Russia

Highly artistic make-up

A toothy sea

That’s how they mine diamonds. Mirny, Yakutia, Russia

Man with Flashlight on Ice creates Beauty

Dog sledding in Greenland

Giant wave illusion


Long exposure of a plane taking off

Yoga by the sea

It’s just a crayfish in the bucket but it looks like it’s capturing the world

Jeep ghost

Dancers on paper, USA

The Royal British Navy puts on a show

A road on ice, Chukotka Peninsula, Russia

A Statue of Christ covered with corals at the bottom of the Atlantic near Key Largo island, USA

The aftermath of a flood in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Explosion illusion

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The One

Tiny ants surrounded a drop of honey, Malaysia

Sky lantern festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Kaindy Lake appeared just 100 years ago due to a severe earthquake in Kazakhstan

50 shades of grey

A train on the Kazakh steppe. View from plane window

Spectacular ice formations on a mountaintop in Slovenia

Sunrise in Bushy Park, London

Moravian fields, Czech Republic

Cherries under the water

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China’s Gansu Province

Tractor among almond fields, California

Amitabha Buddha Day, Vietnam

Lake Retba, Senegal


My neighbor Totoro

The gifts of the Earth

Юшгп аНап ребегзеп рною

Moon rising above Madrid, Spain

Eiffel Tower from the bottom

Fickle moods

Residential area in Hong Kong

Tianzi Mountain (China) — inspiration for the landscapes of Pandora in Avatar


An outsider in a red hat

An autumn forest. 50% Downloaded

The Freezing Athabaska River in Jasper National Park, Canada

Times Square, New York, USA. A view from below

A dragon

A boat cuts through newly-formed ice in Marion Bay

Kallur lighthouse on picturesque cliffs on Kalsoy island, Faroe Islands

It must be wonderful having a secluded home all to yourself — and some land to plant potatoes

Wingardium Leviosa

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Snow express

Sunrise in the Kingdom of Bagan, Myanmar

Annual base jumping contest in Norway

Breaking the sound barrier

Glacier Lake in Banff National Park, Canada

Mom Has A Repairman Fix Her Furnace. What He Wrote On The Bill? It’s Going Viral.

Bridget is a busy mom of two young kids. When it comes to fixing things around the house, she usually turns to her husband for help. However, that’s not possible these days…

Recently, Bridget came home to a freezing house and realized her furnace was broken. It’s winter in her hometown of Pennsylvania, and way too cold for her and her children to bear. So, she got in touch with Betlyn Heating and Cooling in Coraopolis. The owner, Paul, agreed to drive to her home to help her turn the heat back on.

As Paul was working on the furnace, he and Bridget started casually chatting about their lives. She said she’d normally work on fixing the furnace alongside her husband, but he’s currently on deployment and not there to help her. She continued the conversation without putting too much thought into the information she just shared.

But when Bridget went to pay Paul for his services, he handed her a receipt — with a handwritten note scribbled across the surface. When Bridget looked down, she was stunned.

Scroll down to see what this repairman had to say in his note…

Mom Has A Repairman Fix Her Furnace. What He Wrote On The Bill? It's Going Viral.
Facebook / Bridget Stevens

“This is a bit lengthy, but I just want to take a minute to acknowledge Betlyn Heating and Cooling. I came home with the boys to a cold house that was 50 degrees. When turning up the thermostat was not kicking the furnace on, I called Betlyn’s, thinking I’d get a machine and have to leave a message, then run to the store for space heaters. Ultimately, Paul, the owner, answered and was very patient as he walked me through different things to do to try to get it back on.

When none of that worked, he said he needed to come to the house to fix it.”

Mom Has A Repairman Fix Her Furnace. What He Wrote On The Bill? It's Going Viral.
Facebook / Bridget Stevens

“As he was working on the furnace, we got to talking about Bobby and the deployment. I had mentioned in passing that I tried to figure it out with my husband, but since he’s deployed and couldn’t see it, he wouldn’t know what to do.”

Mom Has A Repairman Fix Her Furnace. What He Wrote On The Bill? It's Going Viral.
Facebook / Bridget Stevens

“After he was finished, I was a little apprehensive about how much it was going to cost. He handed me the slip that is in this photo.

When I tried to give him any money at all, he said that the $1 was a joke, and to thank my husband for his service.”

Mom Has A Repairman Fix Her Furnace. What He Wrote On The Bill? It's Going Viral.
Facebook / Bridget Stevens

“So, thanks Paul Betlyn. My house is nice and warm thanks to you.”

It’s so good to know there are wonderful people in the world like this. It’s a simple and sweet story, but one that everyone should see. If you agree, please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!

New Teacher Gets Best Letter Ever. This Is Priceless.

Being a teacher doesn’t just mean you regurgitate a textbook out-loud for three hours a day. You are a role model, and someone for kids to look up to as well.

This new teacher received this letter from one of his students in his first semester. I think he’s doing his role justice.

New Teacher Gets Best Letter Ever. This Is Priceless.

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Chia Seeds

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Chia Seeds.
THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Chia Seeds.

A few years ago I had no idea what chia seeds were at all. They have since surged in popularity, the tiny, yet powerful little seeds proving to be both nutritious, and rather tasty when combined with the right foods.

I’ve started to incorporate them in various ways into my diet. Since their taste is rather mild, they’re an excellent nutritional boost to almost any meal or drink: from baking bread, to smoothies and energy bars, I have found out that they work both in meals, and when incorporated into healthy snacks.

Read on to find out more about the powerful little chia seed.

1. The risk of heart disease decreases.

Chia seeds contain 8 times as much omega-3 as salmon does. Omega 3 reduces, among other things, the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the book Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs.

2. The risk of anxiety, depression and multiple physical disorders decreases.

Magnesium is very important for our bodies. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of depression and anxiety, as well as increases the risk of diseases in the muscles, bones and brain. A common recommendation to take in more magnesium is to eat broccoli. In fact, chia seeds contain 15 times more magnesium than broccoli.

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Chia Seeds.

3. The risk for iron deficiency decreases.

Chia contains three times more iron than spinach. This is especially important for women, since many women suffer from iron deficiency. Lack of iron leads among other things to fatigue and lethargy.

4. It’s filled with calcium.

Most of us have probably already been advised to drink milk in order to get strong bones and teeth. As a matter of fact, chia seeds contain 6 times more calcium than milk.

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Chia Seeds.

5. Improves your body’s fluid balance.

Potassium helps to regulate your body’s water-acid balance. Many people might think of bananas when they think of potassium, and rightfully so, but even there, chia seeds contain two times more potassium than bananas.

6. The little power seeds can give you unimagined strength at the gym.

According to some research, it appears chia seeds provide more stamina and strength during workouts, if consumed just before, as described in the book Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs.

7. Energy to run longer.

The Tarahumara tribe in northern Mexico are considered some of the world’s best distance runners. Chia seeds are the staple food of this people, according to the book Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs.

THIS Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Chia Seeds.

8. You feel full longer.

Mixed with water, chia seeds create a sort of jelly. That gel makes you feel fuller longer and makes it easier to maintain your ideal weight, according to Chia: Rediscovering a Forgotten Crop of the Aztecs.

9. Packed with antioxidants.

When you eat chia seeds, you’re also consuming lots of antioxidants that are excellent for your health. It is often said that you should eat a lot of blueberries because they’re full of antioxidants. But chia seeds actually contain more antioxidants than blueberries! Antioxidants are known to prevent cancer and combat cardiovascular disease.

10 Discoveries which no one can explain

10 discoveries which no one can explain
10 discoveries which no one can explain

The history of the world is full of surprising mysteries. None of us will live long enough to see them all solved. But it’s always interesting to have a look at some of the truly bizarre things which lie beneath the surface.

1. Moa Birds

Moa birds were flightless birds that used to inhabit New Zealand, which became extinct around the year 1500. They were killed off, according to one theory, by the Māori people. During an expedition in the twentieth century, scientists stumbled across a very large claw from one of the birds which had somehow been incredibly well preserved for centuries.


2. The Temple Complex of Saksaywaman, Peru

The perfect stonework of this ancient temple complex, which was completed without the use of a single drop of mortar, is truly amazing. In some cases, it’s impossible to pass even a piece of paper between the stones. Every block, moreover, has a smooth surface and rounded corners. How was it constructed? No one knows.


3. Gate of the Sun, Bolivia

The Gate of the Sun can be found in Tiwanaku — an ancient and mysterious city in Bolivia. Some archaeologists believe that it was the centre of a huge empire during the first millenium AD. No one has any idea what the carvings on the Gate are meant to mean. Possibly, they have some astrological or astronomical significance.


4. The Longyou Caves, China

These caves were gouged out of sandstone by human hands. Such difficult work would have required the participation of thousands of people. Yet there is no mention of these caves, or the methods used to construct them, anywhere in historical records.


5. The Unfinished Obelisk, Egypt

This obelisk initially began to be carved straight out of a rock face, but it appears that it began to crack. It was left in this condition, unfinished. Its size is simply staggering!


6. The Underwater City of Yonaguni, Japan

This ancient complex was discovered by chance by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake. The underwater city has confounded all scientific theories. The rock from which it is carved was submerged underwater about 10,000 years ago — long before even the Egyptian pyramids were erected. Some archaeologists believe that during this primitive era, people still huddled in caves and lived off edible roots rather than hunted; they certainly couldn’t erect stone cities.


7. Mohenjo-daro (’The Mound of the Dead’), Pakistan

The secret of this city’s downfall has perplexed experts for decades. In 1922, the Indian archaeologist R. D. Banerji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands in the Indus River. Questions arose: how was this great city destroyed? What happened to its inhabitants? Numerous excavations have not offered any answers.


8. L’Anse aux Meadows, Canada

This archaeological site in Canada was once a settlement founded by the Vikings about a thousand years ago. The fact that it exists indicates that the Scandinavian seafarers reached North America long before the birth of Christopher Columbus.


9. Stone-Age Tunnels

The discovery of an extensive network of underground tunnels, which stretch across all of Europe from Scotland to Turkey, shows that stone-age communities were not simply hunter-gatherers. But the real purposes of the tunnels is still a mystery. Some researchers believe they were used as protection against predators, whilst others believe they provided a way to travel around in safety, protected from the rigours of the weather and various conflicts.


10. The giant stone spheres of Costa Rica

These mysterious stone formations are intriguing not only for their perfectly spherical shape, but also on account of their unknown origins and purpose. They were discovered in the 1930s by workers clearing the jungle from a banana plantation. Local legends suggested that the mysterious spheres contained hidden gold, but they turned out to be empty.

