15 Scary and Ominous Photos of Dust Storms

1. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012

Haboob swallows Phoenix one2

Photograph by Andrew Pielage | apizm.com

2. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Phoenix Dust Storm

Photograph by Daniel Bryant | Prints available

3. Indian Ocean near Onslow, Australia, 2013


4. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012

Haboob 2 from the air.  Phoenix Arizona

5. Khartoum, Sudan, 2007

Haboob over the Nile

Photograph via Paul Currion on Flickr

6. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012


Photograph by Jasper Nance on Flickr

7. Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, 2010

01_Haboob_01-02-10 Broken Hill

Photograph by Tim Gimbert on Flickr

8. Khartoum, Sudan

This is where I celebrate Christmas...

Photograph via fyrverkerida

9. Al Asad, Iraq, 2005


10. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Haboob Approaching Ahwatukee - July 31, 2011

11. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Haboob - Dust Storm

Photograph by shannonsl on Flickr

12. Al Asad, Iraq, 2007


Photograph by James Gordon

13. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012


Photograph by Matt Falk on Flickr

14. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

gotta get this outta my system...sorry

15. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Haboob Over Phoenix Arizona