The heart of Blue Lagoon’s operation is at the Blue Lagoon, Iceland’s most unique and popular attraction. Guests enjoy bathing and relaxing in Blue Lagoon geothermal seawater, known for its positive effects on the skin. A visit to the spa promotes harmony between body, mind and spirit, and enables one to soak away the stresses of modern life. The spa’s guests rekindle their relationship with nature, soak up the scenic beauty and enjoy breathing the clean, fresh air.

The Blue Lagoon is one of Iceland’s most visited sites with more than 400.000 visitors annually. The bathing lagoon is 5000 m2. At each time the lagoon holds six million liters of geothermal seawater all of which is renewed every 40 hours. Blue Lagoon’s guests actually bathe between two continents as the Euro-Asian and American tectonic plates meet at the Blue Lagoon.