Gideon Robinson is a normal little 5-year-old who also happens to be undergoing chemotherapy. After he proposed to his favorite nurse at the hospital, the answer was both adorable and shocking!

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Just A Regular Kid

Gideon Robinson is just a typical kid who likes to play Legos and video games. However, unlike other kids his age, he’s been practically living at Rady Children’s hospital in San Diego, where he receives life-saving medical treatments.

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He Has Leukemia

Gideon was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in November. After his admission into the hospital, he’s been spending a lot of time away from family and friends. But, his cancer hasn’t stopped him from making brand new friends at the hospital.

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Tall Sarah

Sarah Richards is Gideon’s favorite nurse. To him, she’s tall, hence his cute nickname for her. She’s been helping him through his chemo treatments, and he totally adores her.

Gideon’s mom, Sosy Robinson, told TODAY:

“She just spoils him with attention and Legos. She really knows the way to his heart. Even if she’s not assigned to his room, she’ll come and bring him Legos.”

Nurse Sarah has definitely gone out of her way to make sure Gideon is taken care of during his hospital stays.

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Mastermind At Work

Gideon’s adoration for Tall Sarah soon lead to questions of whether or not she was single. After he found out his favorite nurse wanted to get married, his head was spinning with ideas on how to propose to her.

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Will You?

When Tall Sarah joked to Gideon that she wished her boyfriend would propose, he stepped in and took the lead by asking her to marry him.

Gideon told TODAY:

“I wanted to marry her to make her laugh like she makes me laugh.”

So the big question is… did Tall Sarah say yes?

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Of Course!

After Gideon got down on his hands and knees to pop the biggest question of his life, he was ecstatic when Tall Sarah accepted his proposal without hesitation. She said he could be her hospital husband!

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Watch as Gideon proposes to his favorite nurse.

Awesome Nurse

Chemo can be rough on grown adults. But, for a child to go through such treatments, the support of family, friends, and hospital staff is crucial to helping them heal. Sarah Richards went above and beyond the call of duty to make Gideon feel at home. It’s no wonder Gideon wanted to marry her!