They say picture can tell more than a thousand words. Unique images are always the most important and insignificant times are always the most valuable. Photographers are artists and chroniclers at the same time. They take images of many events, things, opinions. Some of them do it by accident. Others do it to make time stand still.

Here are pictures that can cause very different emotions in people. No one should remain indifferent. Happy viewing!

Winner of life.


The Iron Man.


Laughter is the Best Medicine

This loyalty. 🙁

The joy of birth.

Strong Men Also Cry.

Someone who understands.

Mom, I’m with you.

Sir, Yes sir!!

And what everyone is afraid of?

The most loyal friend.

Love Has No Boundaries, No Barriers, No Distance <3.

Caring in Africa.

Long-awaited meeting.

Corey Allen kisses his daughter

Corey Allen kisses his daughter, Lacey Allen, during the welcoming ceremony at the return home from Afghanistan soldiers Stephen Morton-AP