For those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, aurora borealis, or the northern lights, is a phenomenon only seen in photographs or on video. Unless we’ve been lucky enough to be within the prime viewing zone — from latitudes...
The Banyan Tree Ungasan Bali is located on the island of Bali in Indonesia. With the luxury of both mountains and beaches, the resort is magnificently decorated and boasts of stunning views over the ocean and surrounding vegetation.   Banyan Tree Ungasan Bali in...
Have you ever noticed that sometimes it can be incredibly difficult to stay positive and motivated? Perhaps you’re not getting the results you expected for your goals. Or maybe you’re getting results, just not the celebratory kind or magnitude you expected. Perhaps you’ve...
“Man is not made for defeat.” - Ernest Hemingway Circumstance is our scapegoat. But it’s not the culprit. Because reality is but a perception, a trick of the mind. Influenced - but certainly not controlled - byexternal situations. We’re unhappy because we allow ourselves to...
Pencil art simulations with photo manipulation technique, interesting work by Brazilian artist Tullius Heuer, done in Photoshop. Don’t leave me… I’m not a trash Pencil art Taking life Blow Express Cofee Ocean’s secret Toilet paper Murdered
Piper Mackay is a world, wildlife and cultural photographer, based in Long Beach, California. She believes compelling visual images help to protect what is right in the world. Her work takes her to very remote locations, living cross culturally...