Completed in 2008, this 6,800 square foot house built by Corr Contemporary Homes is located in Los Angeles, California, USA. Blue Jay Way Residence by McClean Design: “The 6,800-square-foot Blue Jay Way Residence by McClean Design is located on a spectacular lot above...
We work, take care of the kids, the house and then we do it all over again the next day and feel like there must be more to life than this. Some of us have found ways to have...
Babies and very young children (up to 18 months) have great reflexes when it comes to underwater swimming. They instinctively hold their breath – the epiglottis closes over and blocks the throat so no water can get through. Babies...
1. “WHAT LIES BEHIND US, AND WHAT LIES BEFORE US ARE TINY MATTERS COMPARED TO WHAT LIES WITHIN US.” – RALPH WALDO EMERSON Oh, I totally love this one and the reason I’ve listed it in my top romantic quotes...
The roof acts as a big leaf that protects from the hot sun all the enclosed spaces of the house as the in-between open spaces, truly the most important ones. These in-between open spaces represent the essence of the design....
Sleep, we all love it, especially when you wake up from a great night’s sleep. In the past, sleep was often ignored by doctors and surrounded by myths, but now we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep to...