In November 2015, a young mom from Lakeside, California did something incredible. Brandie, a mother of twin boys Blaine and Rylie, decided to conduct a little experiment in the comfort of her own home — and she uncovered a sad...
I'm the youngest of three and after my mom's second boy, she was so determined to have a girl that my parents kept on trying. Back in 2013, this couple had twin baby girls. While very exciting for them, it...
One day, Tony brought home a pit bull named Sadie. He got Sadie in secret. He didn’t ask for his mom and dad’s permission. They were furious, not because he brought home a dog, but because he brought home...
Ireland is a joy. And not just because of the ineffable beauty of its local bays, gulfs, islands, valleys and cliffs. The country’s unique history, culture and mythology also play their part. Everything here breathes freedom. Each castle, moor, windmill and seemingly ordinary...
Dogs already communicate with each other by raising their haunches, baring their teeth, changing their postures and raising, lowering or wagging their tales, so it would be reasonable to expect that smiles just aren’t a part of their already...
Boys do not grow up themselves. Well, neither do girls, but that’s for another time. To bring up a real man — a loving and caring individual — parents should educate themselves first, and then they should help their son develop the best traits. To help moms and dads in this endeavor,...