Creative Truths by Shirley-Ann Dick

A design for a poster calendar, bearing quotes from famous artists, poets and scientists.

1-5 shown only.

Nice series called Creative Truths by Shirley-Ann Dick.

Seven Things Men Are Too Embarrassed to Tell You

It can be awkward being a man. We have these things that we think and feel—things that aren’t politically correct to say, but matter to us. Here are thirteen of them.

1.That stuff about the stomach and the heart are pretty much true.

It’s primal. It’s hard to explain. On the one hand, we don’t expect you to be Betty Crocker, at home with an apron on making coq au vin. On the other, having a partner who can cook delicious food, and is willing to do so, creates tremendous feelings of connection and well-being.  A man has few defenses against a woman who cooks.

2.We’d like to talk about 6 early because it is important to us, but don’t really know how.

Imagine how this third-date conversation would go: “I want to talk about your libido. I have a high-energy libido, and I’ve been with women who didn’t and the lack of compatibility in this area was a big issue. How would you describe your libido?” You would likely be shocked, and there’s a great chance you would end the date right there. It’s important to us and we want to discuss it, but we’re afraid you’ll think we’re creepy.

3.Who you are is way more important to us than what you do.

This is really embarrassing. But when you talk about your greatest accomplishments—your master’s degree, your new position of power at your company, your latest business deal—we’re happy for you, but those aren’t the kinds of things that make us say, “We have to be with this woman.” We tend to value your personality traits way more than your professional accolades. Are you kind, loving, happy, and supportive? Are you fun to be around? Will you be nice to our parents? These are the issues that make us fall in love, not professional acumen.

4.We worry that you’re only interested in one thing.

You say, “How funny. We women are worried that you men are only interested in one thing.” Of course, for women the worry is 6. For men the worry is money. Everyone is worried about something. We’ve had so many married friends start to feel like walking wallets. It’s one of our worst nightmares.

 5.If you’ll give us some space, we’ll slay dragons for you.

It is a scene so common as to be a truism—the man cave. Books have been written explaining why men need a private retreat, but whatever the reason, it is a fact. Your man needs a place he can go think, be by himself, and nurse his wounds. It’s no reflection on you.  Recent movies have made it more acceptable for him to ask for his private space, but it can still be embarrassing for us to say, “I need to go be alone.” If you can find it in your heart to embrace our need for space, we’ll know that you understand us, and we will, literally, throw our bodies in front of moving trains to protect you.

6.We get so many mixed signals that it is hard to know how to act sometimes.

At work you’re my equal, certainly. On a date, you want me to make all the plans and take charge. In the home, you want primacy over the look and feel. That leaves things like travel, money, and the bedroom, to name a few. In the many situations a couple must experience together, it’s difficult to accurately guess how we should act. Over time, of course, we can figure it out, but it’s tough to always get things just right.

7.It isn’t the fear of commitment. It’s the fear of turning into the hen-pecked wimp that we’ve seen our friends turn into.

Men have a reputation for being scared of commitment. For some guys, that’s earned, but for most the name is misleading. We’re not scared of being with one person for a lifetime. We’re scared the relationship morphing into something we don’t recognize. We’re scared of losing the things (and activities) we love to the person we love.

More at eHarmony Advice

10 Funny Politicians Faces

Politicians are also humans like us and sometime it is hard for them to control their emotions and photographers are always ready to capture those moments. Here is the compilation of 10 funniest faces of politicians you might have never seen before.

This Isn’t a Painting

When a friend of mine pointed me to this gallery, at first I thought “Nothing special, must be Photoshopped“. But Alexa Meade is an artist who thinks completely backwards!

Most artists use acrylic paints to create portraits of people on canvas, while Alexa applied acrylic paints on her subjects, and made them appear to be part of a painting! Meade is an installation artist based in the Washington, DC area.

Her innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships. Enjoy!

Alexa Meade - Hyper-Realistic Optical Illusion 1

Alexa Meade - Hyper-Realistic Optical Illusion 2

Alexa Meade - Hyper-Realistic Optical Illusion 3

Alexa Meade - Hyper-Realistic Optical Illusion 4

I’ve included few more photos shot from greater distance in case you don’t believe it’s not photoshoped .

AlexaMeade Body Paint Painting Optical Illusion 1

Alexa Meade Body Paint Painting Optical Illusion 2

Alexa Meade Body Paint Painting Optical Illusion 3


Things To Do in Paris…Hmm… Now, I bet the first thing on your list of priorities would be the Eiffel Tower! Am I right? Can’t blame you – I’d run away to see it right now if I could! But there are many more interesting things to do in Paris, this most magnificent, most romantic place in the world! So, if you’re planning on visiting it soon and you can’t stay very long, check out my list of 7 most important things to see and things to do in Paris:

1. Visit the Eiffel Tower

This 300 meter high symbol of Paris doesn’t need a lot of introduction and you certainly don’t need me to tell you visiting it is a must-do. But, here’s something you’ll definitely need to know before you decide to go check it out – the lines are just terrible and getting in could take more than three hours! Luckily, there is a way around this, so book your tickets online, show up on time and voila – you’re in! Stop by the Eiffel Tower in the evening too, bring your picnic basked as well, get your camera ready, enjoy and wait because lights on the tower turn on every hour and you’ll have exactly five minutes to make some great photos!

2. Visit the Louvre

From antiques to magnificent renaissance art – Louvre is a story on its own and most of the people who visited it said one day is just not enough as there are more than 30,000 amazing works to be seen and admired. Visiting this popular museum should be on your list of things to do in Paris even if you’re not very into arts – after all, how many chances will you have to see the original Mona Lisa, or a real Egyptian mummy?

3. Walk Through The Cimetière du Montparnasse

Famous writers, poets, philosophers, economists and even actors and producers – some really famous bones are buried in this cemetery. Now, I know that sounds waay to morbid but think about it, I mean that’s the closest you’ll ever get to Baudelaire or Jean-Paul Sartre, for example. Now, if I was the one planning a trip to Paris, I’d definitely include this place on my list of things to see in Paris but if you still think it’s morbid, feel free to skip it and go straight to my next suggestion.

4. Enjoy in Versailles

Glorious on the inside, breathtaking on the outside – Versailles will make you wish you could stay there forever! Silver, gold, paintings, velvet, mirrors… ah I wish I’ll get a chance to visit this palace myself. I’m especially looking forward to seeing the so-called Hall of Mirrors so, if you happen to visit it before I do, I want a full description of it and all of its 357 mirrors! Now, once you see everything there is to see inside the palace (and that will take a while) step outside and prepare to be swept off your feet once again, as the colorful, elegant Versailles gardens tend to have that effect on people.

5. Strut Down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Don’t run away just yet as there are plenty of more things to do in Paris, like strutting down this famous, not to mention very posh area! The walk isn’t a short one so make sure you wear shoes that aren’t only great-looking but comfy as well and, in case you’re a fan of theatre, definitely remember to check out Théâtre des Champs-Élysées. Arc de Triomphe and Place de la Concorde are sights you can’t miss while walking down this 2.2 kilometers-long Avenue as it starts with the Arch and ends with afore mentioned square.

6. Notre Dame Cathedral

It’s just as gloomy as you’ve imagined it and yes, you will get to see the Gargoyles so make sure you don’t leave Paris before seeing this popular gothic cathedral. It’s a truly magnificent example of Gothic architecture and, as such definitely deserves to be seen, so take my advice and , believe me, you won’t regret it.


7. See a Cabaret Show

And I saved the best for last, as usual, so make sure you don’t leave before you get to see a real cabaret show either! But… Where should you go? Well, the answer is simple- Moulin Rouge! With a price of 100 Euros per show, it certainly isn’t one of the most budget friendly things to do in Paris, but if you’ve travelled across the ocean just to enjoy Paris for a few days, I’d say the experience and great memories you’ll take home are worth ten times more!


How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out is something that every woman needs to know! Knowing how to motivate yourself to workout will have far greater impact on you than you ever thought. Your body will look, feel, and function like it’s brand new when you start exercising on a regular basis! I love working out, and I know that once you learn how to motivate yourself to work out, you will too! It’s all about the motivation. Here are my very best tips on getting to know how to motivate yourself to work out!

1. Losing Weight

If you want to know how to motivate yourself to work out, this is a great motivator! We all have that extra 5 or 10 pounds we’d love to shed, right? Once you start working out, you will begin to lose weight. Your progress may be slow at first, but you will notice it!

2. Relieving Stress

Want to know how to motivate yourself to workout? Tell yourself it’s a perfect stress reliever. And it is! Running, cycling, jumping rope, or any cardio type of exercise  will help your body relieve stress and relax. How’s that for motivation!

3. Feeling Amazing

I always feel so wonderful after a good run. Not just physically, but mentally as well! You will be in a better mood because your brain releases feel-good hormones while you are being active. Also, there’s the stress release factor, and then there’s just you feeling good about yourself for doing something healthy!

4. A Work Out Buddy

Knowing how to motivate yourself to work out means knowing the perks to having a work out buddy. Having someone to encourage, motivate, and push you forward will keep you driving on when you feel like giving up or stopping. Many times, we are capable of pushing through another mile or another 10 minutes, we just need the encouragement.

5. Reward System

When people want to know how to motivate yourself to workout, this is what I tell them: Have a rewards system. Tell yourself that if you go work out every day this week, you can go out to eat at your favorite restaurant. Or whatever your thing is. You and your workout buddy can celebrate together!

6. More Energy

Surprising as it may seem, working out more often will give you more energy! When you get active, your body will be tired, but re-charged and ready to go the next day. Your energy levels will be soaring in the morning. You’ll notice that feeling sluggish halfway through the day isn’t happening anymore!

7. New Clothes

Want to know how to motivate yourself to work out? Think of this: You’ll get to buy new clothes! Having cute workout clothes to wear will boost your confidence and make you WANT to workout. Sloppy sweats don’t do much for anyone’s confidence. And think of the new clothes you will get to buy when you start dropping the pounds!

8. Reaching Your Goal

There’s no better feeling than realizing that you have met-or exceeded-goals you have set for yourself! If you want to know how to motivate yourself to work out, then set a goal for yourself and work at it until your reach it. It could be a weight goal, or a goal as simple as running for 2 miles without stopping. It could even be a goal to workout every weeknight for a month!

Don’t you love receiving compliments on your appearance? I mean who doesn’t! Once you have these tricks down on How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out, you will start getting them left and right! People notice confidence, and you will be rocking it simply by knowing how to motivate yourself to work out

If The Logos Were Honest

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

If The Logos Were Honest (8 pics)

Famous Social Networking and Media Shoes by Lumen Bigott

Lumen Bigott – graphic designer, photographer and marketer, has created a collection of interesting shoes Keds. Social media . This collection will appeal to clear today’s youth that no longer imagine life without the Internet and social networks. There are shoes for every taste: Facebook, Twitter, STumbleUpon, Google, WikiPedia, Flickr or YouTube. Unfortunately, this project so far is represented only in the portfolio designer.