Downtown from behind

Downtownfrombehind (DFB) is a photographic series capturing subjects riding their bike from behind on some 200+ streets, avenues and lanes below 14th street in New York City.













The result is an environmental portrait for each street and subject with a goal to highlight a set of individuals, emerging and established, each uniquely contributing; culturally, socially and physically, to make this part of the city what it is today.
The project has been widely covered in the press, from New York Times, Huffington Post, Coolhunting, Vogue, Nylon Magazine and many blogs (thankyou).

Source: Downtown from behind


Holiday stress can ruin the season, making your parties and presents difficult, rather than fun. But it doesn’t have to be that way! There are lots of ways you can handle holiday stress, and diminish it, making the season fun again. Here are my tips for handling holiday stress… see what you think!


There is no way anyone expects you to get everything done, perfectly, all by yourself, every day — except you. Don’t do that to yourself! Make a list of the things you need to get one (a REASONABLE list), in order of importance, and focus on that. Remember, be realistic! This ought to help bust at least a little of that holiday stress.


It’s long been known that exercise is a great stress-buster, so even if you’re overbooked and over-worked this holiday season, make time for exercise! If you don’t have time for the gym, or to work out to your favorite DVD at home, then take a class with girlfriends and spend some QT with them at the same time… multi-tasking!


If you’re the type of girl who loves a good massage, schedule an appointment for a one-hour massage at your favorite parlor, gym, or spa. You’ll be so glad you did, as the massage melts the stress away. Ah!


You’re a one-woman army, efficient at accomplishing everything on your holiday to-do list… but if stress if bringing you down, enlist the aid of some buck privates! Your sig other or your kids can pitch in on some of the smaller (or less enjoyable) tasks… they benefit from your work, so they can help out!


A few minutes of peace a quiet to reflect on what the holiday season is all about can really be helpful at beating holiday stress, too. Yoga and stretching, or just peaceful meditation can provide this benefit in as little as ten minutes.


Maybe it will help your stress level if you learn to say “no.” that one tiny word can mean the difference between constantly rushing around like a crazy woman, and one tranquil night at home all to yourself. No! Say it with me! No!


There’s a very good reason why a lot of service-industry companies plan their own holiday parties after the holiday: it’s so much more relaxed! This isn’t a bad idea, is it? Maybe you could schedule your own holiday party after the New Year, when everyone’s calmer, and your favorite caterer is actually available to help.


Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs we may ever volunteer ourselves. It can also be one of the most rewarding. As parents we may not always have the right answers but following these 9 essential ways to be a good parent should help.


Love goes along way. Showing our wee ones and even our not-so-wee teens how important they are with a little a little, “I love you” or reaffirming hug is a perfect step in how to be a good parent.


Listening is another important step in how to be a good parent.If your child is anything like mine, she has way more to say than time in the day. Even though I can’t sit down and listen to everything that pops into that funny little head of her I do set aside time each day, distraction free to listen. She tells me about her friends, her Bieber Fever, great ideas, her dreams for a beach house, and any concerns she may have at the moment. She talks. I listen.


When learning how to be a good parent you should expect to sometimes have to be the bad guy and say, “No.” Children need limitations and to know you expect certain behaviors from them. Providing curfews and bedtimes, setting chores, and expecting manners teaches children important things they will need as adults.


Another part in how to be a good parent isn’t always about criticizing your children either. Kids need to hear when they are doing awesome, not just when they have messed up. Celebrate their little triumphs through out the day by saying, “Good job” or “That was really smart!”


Being consistent is tough! But when learning how to be a good parent this is an essential detail. If you want you little Johnny to have a 9 o’clock bedtime so you can have a little time with your husband before bed than set the rule and don’t budge. Chances are Johnny is going to push and try to manipulate you into staying up later. Hold strong and stay consistent. Once Johnny realizes you are solid as rock he will give up.


Work, home, family, friends, and the dishes all take up our time. But staying involved with our child’s activities is another way how to be a good parent. Keep up with what is going on at in his classroom. Volunteer to help out at one of the Cub Scout meetings, bring snacks to soccer practice.


Do you remember learning in science that every action has an opposite and equal reaction? It’s true! There are somethings our kids just aren’t going to listen to us about. You can offer your warns and advice, but as you attempt to learn how to be a good parent expect to sometimes step back and let natural consequences happen. Eventually little Sally is going to get to bossy with all one of her friends and they will stop coming over to play. Next time Sally makes a new friend she will know not to be so bossy from past experience.


Besides taking time to listen part of learning how to be a good parent is taking the time out to make special memories. Enjoy a little break at the park or library. Read a special book together or check out a fun museum. Quality time doesn’t have to cost any money. It’s more about taking the time to connect with your child.


Children need awesome people to admire. Set the example for your children by living a healthy life style, making smart choices, following the rules you expect them to follow, and being a positive influence.

Make Love Not War

American fashion photographer Steven Meisel stirred up some controversy for this awesome photoshoot he did for Italian Vogue awhile back. His “Make Love Not War” series depicts sweaty, dirty soldiers in the middle of a war-zone interacting with models in a very “heated fashion.” Critics say that Steven’s images glamorize the war in Iraq, but I think they should just chill out and appreciate it for the artistic masterpiece it is. More than 60 people including models, make up artists, stylists, and hairdressers collaborated to put this set together.

Villa Sow in Dakar by SAOTA

The Villa Sow House is another dream home designed by Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects (SAOTA), a Cape Town-based studio.

This two-story contemporary residence was completed in 2011 and is located in Dakar, Senegal.


Villa Sow by SAOTA:


Situated on a cliff side overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Villa Sow in Dakar was completed in 2011, with SAOTA (Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects) as the Architects and ANTONI ASSOCIATES doing the Interior Decor. The house was designed for a Senegalese businessman and his young family.

Human Brain Analysis – Man vs. Woman

Normally there is a lot of difference between a Man and a Woman. We can easily find the difference between them. So it was also easy for me to analysis the Man and Woman. It’s just a common analysis, hope you will agree with it…



Women – Multiple process
Womens brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time .
Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook the new recipe.

Men – Single Process
Mens brain designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch a TV and talk over the phone at the same time. He stops the TV while Talking. He can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.


Women can easily learn many languages. Her brain sets up. But can not find the solutions to problems.  Men can not easily learn languages; he can easily solve the problems. That’s why in an average a 3 year old girl has three times higher vocabulary than 3 year old boy.


Mens brain has lot of space for handling the analytical process. So easily he can analyze and find the solution for a process.He can design (blue print) a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, she can not understand it. She can not understand the details of the map easily, For her it is just a dump of lines in a paper.


While driving a car, mens analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he see an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and driving accordingly. Where as women take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. His single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrating only on the driving.

You can often watch, while men driving the car fastly, the women sit next to him will shout, GO SLOW , CARE FULL, AAHHH, OHH GOD….etc..

5. LIE

Many times, when men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Her super natural brain observes the facial expression 70%, and the body language 20% and the words coming from the mouth 10%. So he is easily caught while lieing. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.

So guys, While lieing to your girls, use phone, or letter or close all the lights or cover your/her face with blanket. Do not lie face to face.


End of day, if men have lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts the problems in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If you disturb him, he gets irritated. But at the End of Day, if women have lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problem being solved or not.


Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc… But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc…


If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on work. But If men unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.


Women use indirect languages in speech. But Men use direct language.


Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking. Thats why many of prisoners are men all over the world.

Best of Might Optical Illusions

Another Octavio Ocampo’s Don Quixote Illusion

Oleg Shuplyak’s Illusory Paintings

Sideway Face Optical Illusion

Just What Do You Think You’re Doing, Dave?

Mesmerizing Cinemagraph Illusion

Skull Illusions by Tom French

The Hand Art of Guido Daniele

Other Worldly Cigarette Art

Cool Upside Down Illusion Glasses

Flat Green Surface Becomes 3D!

The Invisible Man: Dragon Series

3D Illusion in Stockholm’s Square

Octavio Ocampo’s Romeo & Juliet

I Bet You Won’t See It (The Illusion)!

Chalk Drawing That Won Guinness

Weird Perspective Soldiers

Adorable Animals To Melt Your Heart

The word “animal” comes from the Latin word animalis, meaning “having breath”. The biological definition of the word refers to all members of the kingdom Animalia, encompassing creatures as diverse as sponges, jellyfish, insects and humans.

We all love animals, especially cats and dogs. Sometimes, they will bring you a smile or good mood when you are down. Here we have collected the following 50 Adorable Animals To Melt Your Heart. Please see these cute and funny animal pictures with your family. I am sure they will go “Awwwww……. they are so cute….”