He Lives in a Lotus Belle Tent. Wait Until You See the Inside!

Ever heard of a lotus belle tent? If not, you’re about to be amazed. This man is living inside this gorgeous tent in the forest while his tiny house is being constructed. The tent itself is beautiful, but wait until you see what he’s done to the inside! Absolutely lovely.

Ever heard of a lotus belle tent? If not, you’re about to be amazed. This man is living inside this gorgeous tent in the forest while his tiny house is being constructed. The tent itself is beautiful, but wait until you see what he’s done to the inside! Absolutely lovely.

This Touching Animated Short Has Left Countless People In Tears

“The Present” is a short animated movie that is based on a comic strip by Fabio Coala.

It starts with a boy being handed a box. As the video progresses, you learn more about the present…and the boy himself. It’s truly touching and speaks to countless people.

By the end, you will be choked up. Guaranteed.

“The Present” ran at over 180 film festivals and won more than 50 awards…and it’s easy to see why. The animated short was created by Vimeo user Jacob Frey, check out his profile page for more videos!

Bride Has A Strange Itch That Won’t Go Away. Then, She Learns The Terrifying Truth…

Liam Crossley and his bride-to-be, Lucy, thought their lives were perfect. It seemed like everything was falling into place at just the right time. Lucy had landed her dream job, and she was working at a lingerie company. Liam was a personal trainer with an increasing client base. The two were saving up for their wedding that was approaching… but then one call changed everything.

Bride Has A Strange Itch That Won’t Go Away. Then, She Learns The Terrifying Truth…

Lucy was training for her now job in London, and she called Liam.

Liam says, “She was in London training for her new job and called me to tell me about it. She was not one to make a fuss, so I knew it must be bad.”

Lucy explained over the phone that she suddenly felt a full-body itch. There wasn’t any sign of rashes, but it had overcome her body and no over-the-counter medication worked. She went to a walk-in clinic where doctors diagnosed her with scabies. They ordered her a special cream that should help alleviate the itch. It didn’t work.

In fact, the condition got worse. “When she got back home in the first week of July, she was making her skin bleed with the scratching.”

Lucy then went to another doctor who suspected it was allergies. He prescribed her with antihistamines, but Lucy didn’t feel any relief.

The reason why Liam is telling this story is because Lucy didn’t have scabies or allergies. She had cancer.

And it is a very unknown form of cancer that we don’t ever hear about. Lucy had developed a tumor inside the bile duct in her liver. But she never found out about this until it was too late. After four months of itching and scratching, she finally learned her diagnosis. At 27-years-old, Lucy had cancer, and it shocked everyone she knew.

Bride Has A Strange Itch That Won’t Go Away. Then, She Learns The Terrifying Truth…

“The moment they told us she had cancer, she broke down. I tried my best not to cry, too –  I wanted to be strong for her.”

Lucy tried to get treated for the cancer. She underwent chemotherapy, but it was too late. Three months after the couple were married, Lucy passed away.

“For three hours after she passed on, I sat there talking to her, apologizing for not being able to save her.”

Bride Has A Strange Itch That Won’t Go Away. Then, She Learns The Terrifying Truth…

Although Liam couldn’t save Lucy from her fate, he did the next best thing. He’s on a mission to educate the world so that no one has to endure what he and Lucy went through. He wants to spread awareness about bile duct cancer, and he’s hoping to raise more money to fund research against the cancer.

This particular type of cancer is rising, and more and more people are being diagnosed with it each and every day. Tumors are undetectable in bile ducts because they are so small. Often times, patients are diagnosed when it’s too late.

Learn more about bile duct cancer by visiting this link. Please SHARE this story with everyone you know. It’s important people are aware of this cancer’s existence.

Instead Of Taking A Selfie With This Shark, He Saved Him

Back in August 2012, Alan Holyoak went to Seaside, Oregon, for his niece’s wedding. He never expected that he’d come back a hero.

Holyoak has a background in marine biology and teaches at Brigham Young University. Returning from an early walk one morning, he and his wife saw a person staring at an object lying just where the waves break on the beach.

“I couldn’t tell what it was from a distance,”  “It was pretty big. I didn’t know if it was a juvenile dolphin or what. So we walked over and it was about a 4-foot shark in the water. It was just being rolled around in the waves.”

Holyoak identified the shark as a salmon shark — which, he said, people commonly mistake for a great white shark.

“If you look at photographs that show under the chin, [the shark] has kind of a rust-colored patch,” Holyoak said. “That rust-colored patch is usually indicative of low oxygen. It was basically asphyxiating.”

Holyoak pulled the shark onto the beach and, when he saw that the shark exhibited faint signs of life, he quickly placed the shark’s head in the water, where the waves were washing over his gills, to give him some much-needed oxygen. His wife, Kathrine, took photos as he worked.

However, the shark still remained mostly lifeless. It wasn’t until Holyoak brought the shark back onto the beach again that the animal showed more signs of movement — and so Holyoak took the shark back out to sea, this time into deeper waters.

That was when the shark found the strength to swim off at last.

“I really felt a sense of satisfaction being able to help out,” Holyoak said. “It was really great … [but] it’s not the sort of thing you do casually. Even a small shark can have a nasty bite.”

“Nature’s not Disneyland,” he added. “But I knew if something wasn’t done, it was definitely going to die. It was obviously in distress.”

Holyoak said beachings of juvenile salmon sharks aren’t common, but they’re not unusual on the Oregon coast. “Most of the time when people see them on the beach, they’ve already died,” he said.

Thankfully, he was able to get to this shark before it was too late.

This Woman Couldn’t Decide Which Dog To Adopt So She Bought The Entire Shelter

Choosing which dog to adopt from a shelter is hard for anybody. But it was particularly hard for Danielle Eden when she visited a dog shelter in Israel. All of the animals were in such desperate need of rescuing that she didn’t know which one to pick. So she picked them all. All 250 of them.

Eden is no stranger to animal adoption. She’s co-founder of Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary, an animal rescue center in Ontario, and she’s saved dogs from appalling conditions from all corners of the globe.

But this was the worst shelter she’d ever seen. 250 dogs were living in a rat-infested space designed for 70 and the animals were filthy and fighting over scraps of food. Faced with such a dilemma, there was only one solution: she bought the entire shelter. Since then she’s managed to relocate 90 dogs within Israel and another 25 have been taken to her sanctuary in Ontario. Eventually she hopes to bring all of the dogs to Canada. If dog’s are a man’s best friend then Danielle Eden is certainly a dog’s best friend.

More info: Facebook

The shelter in Israel was the worst that Danielle Eden had seen

The dogs were kept in awful conditions. 250 lived in a space designed for 70

The shelter was infested with rats and the dogs were fighting over food

Unable to decide which dog to adopt, Eden decided to adopt all of them

She bought the entire shelter and started to find new homes for them

90 have already been relocated within Israel and another 25 have been brought to her sanctuary in Ontario

More than half of those brought to Canada have already been adopted

Thanks to Danielle, the dogs have been given a new leash of life

World’s Sweetest Dog Offers His Treat To Comfort Crying Baby

Older brothers and sisters of the world, take note. This generous little dog knows just how to act when his younger sibling needs comfort.


After seeing his little human brother in the throes of a crying fit, Daizu the chihuahua has the sweetest response. Rather than run away and hide from the wailing, the pup instead moves closer — offering the baby something every dog holds especially dear: a treat.

Not once. Not twice. But three times, before settling in by the baby’s side.

If this pup seems surprisingly charitable with his food and affection, it might be because he knows better than most what it feels like to have sadness ignored.

According to the video’s uploader, YouTube user metabodaizu, Daizu was rescued after spending the first few years of his life with a neglectful dog breeder. It was there, perhaps, that he learned the importance of being kind, as that was a gesture not shown to him.

Man Yells At Him For Being Late At His Job. But Then This Happened.

This doctor was late for an appointment, for surgery that could mean the life or death of a child. The father was understandably angry, but the doctor was taciturn and quiet throughout. Did the doctor have the right attitude? Should he have apologized to the father? Read on and decide for yourself.


Japan’s Cat Island Asks Internet For Food, Gets More Than They Can Store

Aoshima, also known as Cat Island, is a tiny remote island in the Ehime Prefecture of southern Japan where cats outnumber humans 6 to 1. So you can imagine the horror these people felt when recently the food supply service was put on hold due to bad weather conditions. To prevent the feline-uprising, the residents turned to the Internet.

“Please send cat food to Aoshima,” said the Tweet of a cat caretaker. “There are no stores to buy food here on Aoshima. The people here acquire their necessities by taking a boat to the mainland. However, it’s extremely windy in winter, and boat service is often suspended.”

A few days later, the island was overwhelmed with donations. “Please stop sending supplies (cat food) to Aoshima,” said the following Tweet. “We got far more than we ever expected, and there’s no more storage room. We’ll be fine until April. Thank you all very much.” Internet, we salute you.

More info: Twitter (h/t: rocketnews)

In this Cat Island in Japan, cats outnumber humans 6 to 1

So you can imagine the horror these people felt when recently the food supply service was put on hold

To prevent the feline-uprising, the residents turned to the Internet

“Please send cat food to Aoshima,” said the Tweet of a cat caretaker

“There are no stores to buy food here on Aoshima. The people here acquire their necessities by taking a boat to the mainland”

“However, it’s extremely windy in winter, and boat service is often suspended”

A few days later, the island was overwhelmed with donations

“Please stop sending supplies (cat food) to Aoshima,” said the following Tweet. “We got far more than we ever expected”

“There’s no more storage room. We’ll be fine until April. Thank you all very much”