Photographer Helps Squirrel To Stay Dry With A Tiny Umbrella

London-based artist Max Ellis is something of a squirrel fan, having photographed these critters with various props many times before. Now he’s at it again.

Ellis’ latest shoot involved one of the little guys holding a tiny purple umbrella, and yep, it’s as cute as it sounds.

It wasn’t easy to get the squirrel to pose in the rain, as they typically scurry off to find shelter at the first sign of a downpour.

But Ellis was not one to let himself be beaten by a little water: he coated a miniature umbrella with sunflower seeds and peanut butter before hanging it on a fishing line for his little furry friend to find.

“I considered building a covered walkway from their tree because I was getting cramp crouching behind the camera,” Ellis said.

“Fortunately this one popped out and hung around exploring for about six minutes. As the rain got heavier, he was able to shelter for a bit but eventually gave up and headed off home.”

If you want to see more squirrels rocking out to guitars and lifting weights, you can check out Ellis’ website and 500px account.

Teen Model Won’t Let Down Syndrome Stop Her From Pursuing A Modelling Career

Like many 18-year-olds, Madeline Stuart, or Maddy, wants to become a model. Unlike most 18-year-olds, however, Maddy has Down Syndrome.

While having a genetic condition may seem like an obvious impediment to some, it’s not slowing Maddy down in any way.

It all started with a lifestyle change.

Weight issues typically go hand in hand with Down Syndrome. As a very active girl who wanted to be able to perform feats like handstands and cartwheels, this became a real source of frustration for Maddy. With the help and support of her mother Rosanne, Maddy changed her diet and started exercising.

“In the beginning Maddy struggled as she is very habitual, and was used to eating a lot so she had to break that cycle. I gave her a lot of support and in about two months she created new habits,” Rosanne said.

Soon enough, Maddy was swimming five times a week, hip-hop dancing, cheerleading, and training to play cricket with the Special Olympics.

“Her doctors told me she would never achieve anything. When she was first at school, on the sports day some of the parents didn’t want her to compete as they wanted their child’s team to win,” her mother said.

“People with Down syndrome can do anything, they just do it at their own pace. Give them a chance and you will be rewarded beyond your greatest expectations.”

This is something that Maddy has proven to be true many times over and is about to prove yet again, now that she has decided to become a model after having dropped a whopping 20 kilos.

“She loves the attention when she is up on the stage, doing a play or competing in gymnastics or cheerleading, and I have always taken millions of photos of her so she loves the camera,” Rosanne said.

“Maddy is so confident, she has no hang ups, she is more than happy to parade around the house showing me how gorgeous she is with her hand up behind her head swaying her hips as if to say ‘look at me’.”

By pursuing a modelling career, both Maddy and Rosanne hope to “help change society’s view of people with Down syndrome” as “exposure will help to create acceptance in life.”

“I think it is time people realized that people with Down syndrome can be sexy and beautiful and should be celebrated,” Rosanne said.

“If the average person could see the beauty Maddy has inside, how loving and caring she is and if that is what people measured beauty on, then most of the models in the world would have Down syndrome.”

Although Maddy is not the first person with Down Syndrome to break into the fashion industry, we certainly hope she won’t be the last.

Cappadocia: Unique Travelling Experience

Cappadocia is a large region in the heartland of Turkey and home to wonderful landscapes with remarkable soft rock formations, fairy chimneys and countless caves. This makes it the best spot in the world to go up in a Hot Air Baloon. As you take off for sunrise you will start to be hypnotised by the spectacular and surreal landscape that lies below. You will gently drift over the fairy chimneys, through valleys scattered with pigeon houses, orchards and vineyards. The different colors of the landscape will leave you breathless. Its whimsical topography is a unique experience that is not to miss if you plan a trip to Turkey!

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Engaged Couple In Their 20s Are Aged With Makeup. This Is What They Will Look Like At 90.

Would you like the chance to see what your other half would look like in their 50s, 70s, and 90s, before getting married to them? Well, it’s not impossible.

In a touching short film, Cut Video in collaboration with Field Day aged a soon-to-be-married couple using only the power of makeup.

Meet Kristie and Tavis: both in their 20s, and engaged to be married in one month’s time.


Their journey from young to old — to really old — is nothing short of incredible.

The makeup team first worked to turn the two lovers into a 50-year-old couple. Upon seeing his fiancé, Tavis says: “I hope you look like that. You look fantastic!”

The couple have clear ideas about what their life would be like: “We’ll probably have teenagers. That will be rough, ugh… We’ll be on the PTA.”

A few minutes later, they are transformed into their 70s. And Tavis, ever the smooth talker, says: “I’m pretty happy with the way she looks.”

But the mood soon turns somber as the couple fall into the sentimentality of seeing each other with graying follicles: “I cant help but think what the potential last 50 years were.”

“To see her look like this makes me just think of where we have gone to be next to each other looking like this.”

“It’s a really affecting thing to see someone that you’ve known since you were 19 look in their 70s, and imagine what life would be like then,” an emotional Kristie says.

But the highlight of the video has to be their transformation into a couple in their 90s. Awwww.

100_Years_of_Beauty_Aging_Cut_Has_A_Field_Day (1)

And Tavis, no less romantic after 70 years, utters the words that every 90-year-old woman wants to hear: “You look fantastic. You don’t look a day over 75.”

But it wasn’t over. They’re asked what their last words to each other would be. “I guess I would always wanna make sure he knew how much I loved him. And how important he’s been to me,” Kristie says.

“You just made me a better person. There’s so many things that I couldn’t be without you and will never be without you,” Tavis says in response.

And what about sex? Would they be sexually active? While Kristie is sure they’ll be too tired, Tavis think he would “still try”.

As a couple about to embark on a whole new chapter in their lives, Kristie and Tavis were given an opportunity that nobody before them has ever had: to look into the future. Kristie summed up the experience perfectly: “There’s some strange comforting feeling seeing him this way… I couldn’t be more sure that this is what I want.”

Watch the entire moving video below:

You can see it in their eyes: these two are truly in love <3


People Are Getting Emotional Over This “Tattoo” A Father Found On His Dyslexic 9-Year-Old Son’s Arm

Reddit user “IsthatmyRemedy” was watching his son sleep when he noticed a “tattoo” on the boy’s arm.

“Belv in your self.”


Within hours of posting the image, encouraging comments and similarly inspiring stories flooded his thread. One Redditor named igotnothineither wrote:

“Im dyslexic and have my masters degree, you’re damn sure I believed in myself because the majority of people didn’t. I still struggle with spelling every day and it is embarrassing as hell but I still push through. Be proud of your son and tell him every damn day. That’s what got me through it all. Thanks mom and dad.”

Another comment said:

“Mate, I’m a dyslexic studying for my PhD. Don’t you dare ever let him not believe himself :)”

The photo brought many to tears:

“This picture really hit me hard. It almost makes me want to cry. I don’t even know if I can explain why. He’s only 9 and he understands well enough that if he believes in himself he can overcome his obstacles. It must have been such an introspective moment and important enough that he felt he should tattoo the message on himself. Gosh just so many feels. Much love to you and your son.”

One was even inspired to create this photo:



“Belv in yourself.” That’s something we can all do more of.

America’s Oldest Working Nurse Gets A Heart-Warming Surprise On Her 90th Birthday

As America’s oldest nurse who is still working, Florence Rigney stands out as she bustles along the halls of Tacoma General Hospital in Washington State.

But for the people who know her, this 90-year-old is a true fountain of youth.

Nurse Labs

Referred to by her friends as “SeeSee,” she became a nurse nearly seven decades ago and continues to do what she loves to this very day. Although she is 30 years past retirement age, she shows no signs of slowing down.

It appears that it’s no coincidence that she is the namesake of Florence Nightingale, the English social reformer who is regarded as the founder of modern nursing.

SeeSee recently turned 90 years of age and was given a surprise bash at the hospital. She also received a birthday card from Washington Governor Jay Inslee.

Nurse Labs

SeeSee continues to work twice a week, setting up hospital rooms and inspiring other nurses with her unlimited energy. She has been in the profession since 1946 and it seems that nothing can get in her way, except for technology. But she’s no luddite, and strives to learn as much about computers as she can.

SeeSee did try to go into retirement at age 67. But as she was in good health and Tacoma General had no age limit for staff, she decided to put her uniform back on.


SeeSee jokes that she’ll continue working as long as there is wheelchair access at the hospital. But, as you will see in the video below, she’s far from retiring her legs.

Watch as SeeSee gets a heart-warming surprise from the people who she inspires and brings joy to every day.

As for her retirement plan? We should probably ask her again in a decade or more.

When A Student’s Baby Starts Crying In Class, Her Professor Does The Sweetest Thing Ever

A professor at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University has recently become an internet sensation after a photo of him holding a baby while lecturing captured the hearts of people all over the world.

Sydney Engelberg, who has spent 45 years of his life as an educator, was teaching a master’s degree program to mostly older students when a baby started crying in the middle of his lecture.


The embarrassed mom started to leave with her crying baby, but was stopped by Engelberg, who took the infant in his arms, calmed it down, and went right back to teaching his organizational behavior class without missing a beat.

That is how he spent the rest of the lecture: baby in one arm, the education of his students safely nestled in the other.

Apparently, this isn’t an isolated incident: the 67-year-old social psychologist is used to his female students bringing their children to his lectures when babysitters become unavailable. Sometimes they even breastfeed while in class.

“There’s a lot of young moms and a lot of them have babies, and he encourages them to just bring their babies to class,” said Sarit Fishbaine, the professor’s daughter.

“The way he sees the concept of getting education is not only learning the dry facts that you need to learn in class,” his daughter added, “but also learning values. And that’s the very important message that my dad wants to endow to the world.”

Facebook: Sarit Fishbaine

Engelberg’s approach has attracted the respect and admiration of his students, and he regularly receives love letters, according to the professor’s wife Fredi Siskind.

It’s not hard to see why.

33 Reasons Why You Need To Get Your Ass To Norway Right Now

Norway - Reine #2 by Fabrizio Fenoglio

Norway is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’s home to more natural wonders than we can count and it has stunning cities, fascinating history and really happy people.
Norway’s not cheap. But it’s worth visiting. Check out these amazing photography and Hopefully, these pictures will be enough to get you moving. Enjoy!

#1 Svolvaer


#2 Odda


#3 Reine


#4 Reinebringen


#5 Røros Street

Røros Street

#6 Renndølsetra


#7 Lofoten Islands, Fredvang Bridges

Lofoten Islands, Fredvang Bridges

#8 Trolltunga


#9 Bleik


#10 Morning In Norway

Morning In Norway

#11 Trollstigen


#12 Geirangerfjord


#13 Autumn In Lofoten

Autumn In Lofoten

#14 Lofoten Islands

Lofoten Islands

#15 Lyseveien


#16 Høyvika Beach On Andøya, Vesterålen In Northern Norway

Høyvika Beach On Andøya, Vesterålen In Northern Norway

#17 Senja


#18 Senja


#19 Ramberg


#20 Vaeroy


#21 Borgund Stave Church

Borgund Stave Church

#22 Glacier


#23 Senja


#24 Preikestolen


#25 Reine


#26 Reine


#27 7 Sister Fjord

7 Sister Fjord

#28 Lofoten


#29 Atlantic Road

Atlantic Road

#30 Reinebringen Rock, Lofoten

Reinebringen Rock, Lofoten

#31 Torghatten


#32 Fredvang


#33 Reinefjorden, Lofoten

Reinefjorden, Lofoten