The weather outside is only frightful if you’re a little bi..h. šŸ™‚

1. These people who know that any car can be a snowmobile if you want it to be

2. These girls who are on the most badass commute ever


3. These innovators who use all available resources for revenge


4. This gal who is hoping to hit a birdie (or an abominable snowman)

5. This woman who knows that a selfie is worth the frozen cheeks


6. These guys who keep their poker faces even when their teeth chatter

8. This luchador taking the Polar Plunge

If you’d like to check it out for yourself, you can get some info here!

10. This guy who is DEFINITELY in Gryffindor


11. These two who had to make a pit stop on the way to The Nutcracker

13. This kid who knows how to get a job done in any weather

15. The person who ends up driving this car (maybe James Bond?)

16. The driver and passengers of this school bus

But on a sadder note, no more snow days, kids.

19. This guy who… wait. Is that the same crazy Norwegian dude?

20. These awesome people who build an UNDERGROUND IGLOO with a HOT TUB

I mean, DAMN.

21. This guy who forgot about the “hot” part of “hot tub”

23. This guy taking a nice refreshing dip in a frozen lake

24. This storm trooper who is taking his demotion surprisingly well

25. This guy who is apparently going surfing in this madness.