Creating a bucket list is one of the best ways to make sure that you use your time and resources in order to accomplish and experience what you really want out of life.
Get some great bucket list ideas. They may change your life forever 🙂
See the Northern Lights
Get a Tattoo
Swim with dolphins
Massage in a bottle
Go Ocean Ziplining, Jamaica
Get Married
Attend the Olympic Games
Bungee Jump
Experience Zero Gravity
Fall in Love
See the Roman Colosseum
Let go of a floating lantern
Float-in-the dead sea
Fly a hot air balloon
Paddle boarding Grand Canyon
Go on a cruise
Go on a Safari
Go rock climbing
Go Scuba diving
Go white water rafting
Save someone’sLife
Go Zip-lining
Tie up message on balloon
Have children
Jump from a cliff into deep water
Kiss in the Rain
Learn to Surf
Go Parasailing
Plant a tree.
Race a sports car
Ride a gondola in Venice
Ride an elephant
Run a marathon
Discover your life’s purpose
Donate blood
See an active volcano
See the Great Wall of China
See the Pyramids in Egypt
Swim with sharks
Visit the The Fjords of Norway
Go to the airport and take the next random flight somewhere
Visit Paris
Visit the Grand Canyon
Visit the wreckage of the Titanic aboard a submarine