Baby Powder Proves Perfect For Quick Fixes

Baby powder isn’t just for pampering sensitive skin. This light and airy concoction loved by moms for decades has some surprising uses around the house and in your beauty routine.


Thicken Your Eyelashes

Beautiful eyelashes are possible with just a tiny bit of baby powder dusted across your lashes. Simply use a clean mascara brush to apply some to your lashes before you apply mascara. Eyelashes are primed to look fuller!



Baby Powder Barrier For Bulbs

Boost your flower bulb’s potential by dusting each of them with baby powder in a plastic bag. Add three tablespoons and give the bag containing the bulbs a few shakes. The powder coats the roots of the bulbs helping to protect them from rotting. It also wards off voles, grubs, moles and other critters that want to eat the bulbs.


Powder Lessens Painful Waxing

Lots of ladies wax, but sometimes this process can be painful and leave redness. Sprinkling on just a bit of baby powder before applying the wax will help reduce the pain, because the powder absorbs existing moisture, allowing the wax to work better. It also helps protect the skin.


Eliminate Squeaky Floorboards

There’s that one squeaky floorboard that always trips you up, whether you’re sneaking down the hallway to check on the kids or snagging a late-night snack. Sprinkle baby powder on your floor, then sweep it into the cracks to quiet them.

squeaky floorboards

Remove Stains

Oil-based stains on your clothes can be frustrating, but just dab that stain with some baby powder to soak up the grease, then launder as usual.


Au Revoir Ants

Surprisingly, ants are not fans of scented baby powder. So if they’re invading your home, just sprinkle some baby powder in their path and they should stay away.


Goodbye Greasy Hair

Tame greasy hair with baby powder, which is similar to dry shampoos that are starch-based. Just sprinkle some baby powder on your hands and gently massage it through your scalp to soak up the excess oil.

baby powder hair

Musty Smells Are Gone

If you love antique furniture, but not the musty smell that can accompany it, lightly line baby powder under drawer liners for a fresh scent.

antique furniture

Unknot Necklaces

It’s frustrating when your necklaces tangle together in the jewelry box. But a sprinkle of baby powder and gentle wiggling with a pin and those necklaces will come apart easily.

baby powder necklace

See how you can make your own matte nail polish using baby powder.

Baby Powder’s Power

Whether you need to untangle your jewelry, fight pests, protect flower bulbs or plump up your lashes, a bottle of baby powder will do the trick.