Under a month to go until Christmas – for many, the most precious time of the year to be spent among friends and family. But not everyone has that luxury of spend Christmas with loved ones – and we sometimes...
Mark Ronson’s super hit “Uptown Funk” was perhaps the most played song around the world in 2015. In this clip, immortal dancing legends such as Gene Kelly, Shirley Temple, Judy Garland and Fred Astaire dance to the incredibly catchy song. How it is...
Dr Robert Hamilton is a doctor at Pacific Ocean Pediatrics in Santa Monica, California. The pediatrician, who has over 30 years experience, recently revealed the secret to calming a crying baby: “shake their little booty.” Yes, seriously. It actually works. Unfortunately, he has a rather...
Son Gives Restaurant-Goers A Lesson In Family Duty A son took his old father to a restaurant for an evening dinner. Father being very old and weak, while eating, dropped food on his shirt and trousers. Others diners watched him in disgust...
In Japan, turtles often get stuck in train tracks causing disruptions to services and delays to commuters, but more tragically, death to the turtles themselves. So West Japan Railway Co. teamed up with Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe to design and install five U-shaped...
Human activity is affecting our planet. Big time. Don't take my word for it, though — take the 97% of climate scientists' who believe climate change is not, um, voodoo, but, in fact, a real thing largely caused by us. Although...