The 19 Best Drone Photos of 2014

The sky is the limit when it comes to creative uses of drones for photography — see for example Dronestagram or the National Geographic magazine contest.


Given this new golden age of aerial photography, we are showcasing the what’s out there. Here’s our picks for the best photos that drones took in 2014.




Soaring eagle

An eagle soaring in the Bali Barat National Park in Indonesia.


The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

The Eixample, Barcelona’s grid-like district, and Antoni Gaudi’s famous — and still unfinished — Sagrada Familia, seen by a drone.

All eyes on the drone

People stare at a drone in San Jose del Monte City, outside of Manila, Philippines.

A drone hovers over Russian beachgoers in Abkhazia.



U.S. Marines in Philadelphia prepare for a wreath-laying ceremony.


Little players

Kids playing in a soccer league in Athens, Greece, get ready for a game.


The church and the clouds

Clouds surround the the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor Church in Barcelona.


Schoolyard of shadows

Students are seen in a schoolyard in El Dorado County, California.


Tilted tower

A view of the famously tilted Pisa tower in Pisa, Italy.


Star-shaped village

The star-shaped village of Bourtange, in eastern Netherlands.
IMAGE: AMOS CHAPPLE06-the-katskhi-pillar

Home of a Hermit

The Katskhi Pillar in Georgia has been home to a monk who’s been living there as a near-hermit for twenty years.

IMAGE: AMOS CHAPPLEPostandfly_tamul-waterfall_mexico


The Tamul waterall in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.


Stadium Fireworks

The fireworks celebrating the 100th anniversary of two of the country’s biggest soccer teams in Sofia, Bulgaria.



The city of Mougins near Cannes in France.

Sunny Wedding

A married couple photographed in Hlinsko, Czech Republic.


A flower girl looks toward the sky during a wedding in central Philadelphia.


Hazy Sacre-Coeur

A view of the Sacre-Coeur, on the tip of Montmartre, in Paris.


Balancing on the Water

Jérémy Thétaz crossing a “space-waterline” on a small lake near Sion, Switzerland.

Balancing on the Clouds

Theo Sanson walks on a 280 feet long highline at 980 feet of altitude in Les Gorges Du Verdon in France.

Annecy, aka “Venice of the Alps”, France.

Annecy, aka "Venice of the Alps", France.

Drone-cs / Via

Coral garden in Tahaa Lagoon, French Polynesia.

Coral garden in Tahaa Lagoon, French Polynesia.

Marama Photo / Via

Sunset over Brighton, United Kingdom.

Sunset over Brighton, United Kingdom.

Traviseo / Via

Baltoro Glacier, Karakorum, Pakistan.

Baltoro Glacier, Karakorum, Pakistan.

Davidkvision / Via

Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia.

Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia.

iflywithmylittleeye / Via

Fatehpur Sikri, India.

Fatehpur Sikri, India.

Davidkvision / Via

Group of vendors from Iquitos, Peru.

Group of vendors from Iquitos, Peru.

Mo / Via

Niagara Falls, Canada.

Niagara Falls, Canada.

Kolibik-foto / Via

Piazza del Duomo, Tower of Pisa, Italy.

Piazza del Duomo, Tower of Pisa, Italy.

Kolibik-foto / Via

Seljalandsfoss, Iceland.

Seljalandsfoss, Iceland.

donpablo / Via

Kids playing in a soccer league in Athens, Greece, get ready for a game.

Kids playing in a soccer league in Athens, Greece, get ready for a game.

Rizikianos / Via

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain.

Kolibik-foto / Via

Varazze, Italy.

Varazze, Italy.

AFP PHOTO Olivier Morin / Via

Sunset on the vineyard, Santa Inez, California, USA.

Sunset on the vineyard, Santa Inez, California, USA.

verticalvisions / Via

Praia da Bacutia em Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil.

Praia da Bacutia em Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil.

Cleferson / Via

25 Adorably Cute Pictures of Cats and Dogs Getting Along

Who ever said that dogs and cats could not get along was completely wrong.

Although felines and canines don’t have a reputation for getting along, these cute pairs prove that interspecies friendship is possible.

Put everything you are doing down and take time to enjoy the beautiful friendships of these adorable animals.


A friend will not get into trouble


Or comfort if the trouble still happened


Each one will take an active part


A someone who can take a walk with you


Or maybe someone who will always be there to help


And after you get cold or freeze, someone there to get a blanket


To share and eat from the same bowl


And there will be always someone to play


Even fatigue friendship is not an obstacle


And feel the real love


Trusting the most valuable friend


When you feel like the most secure person in the world…


One gentle Moew hug and the sadness is gone


Muzzle friendly sympathy will not take long when you are sad


That priceless wish to spend the rest of your life with her


Movie time while cuddling…


The moment when you don’t care on which side of the bed you sleep


And the most couzy place on the earth…


Does anyone saw my kitty?…. On your head? 🙂


Norway – The Land of the Midnight Sun

Norway is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It’s home to more natural wonders than we can count and it has stunning cities, fascinating history and really happy people.


Norway’s not cheap. But it’s worth visiting. Check out these amazing photography and Hopefully, these pictures will be enough to get you moving. Enjoy!



Trolltunga – stone ledge on Mount Skeggedal towering over the lake Ringedalsvatn at 350 meters.

White nights on the Lofoten Islands in the Norwegian Sea.

Northern lights in the skies over Hammerfest.

Atlantic road.

Waterfall “Seven Sisters”, Romsdal county.

Norwegian national costume.

Storseisundet Bridge – the bridge connecting the mainland and the island province in Avery Møre og Romsdal.

Alesund on the west coast of Norway.

Trollstigen – the national tourist road that stretched among the mountain peaks in the Norwegian region Vestlann.

Lodalen Valley.

Kjerag – a large stone in the form of a pea, stuck between two rocks.

Giant Pulpit Rock on Lysefjord.

View of the city of Tromsø.

Herunford fjord.

Pier on the Lofoten Islands.

Stone Kanneshtaynen time.

National Park Innerdal.

Frozen lake in the Lofoten islands and waterfalls.

Arctic Cathedral in Tromso, Norway.

Sleeping Dragon – Værøy island.

Lighthouse Helles.


A Father Sings To His Dying Newborn Son After His Wife Dies Following Childbirth

A heartbreaking video of a grieving father singing the Beatles’ “Blackbird” to his dying newborn son after the mother died in her sleep following childbirth is being shared across the world.

The clip shows musician Chris Picco singing to his son, Lennon, in the hospital shortly after the death of his wife.

Ashley Picco, 30, died following an emergency caesarean section at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital in California.

Ashley Picco, 30, died following an emergency caesarean section at Loma Linda University Children's Hospital in California.

Ashley Picco Memorial Fund

Following her death a memorial fund was set up in her memory. It has already raised $60,000 (£38,000).

On 9 November, Chris wrote on the fundraising page thanking people for the outpouring of love and support for his family.

On 9 November, Chris wrote on the fundraising page thanking people for the outpouring of love and support for his family.

“It’s impossible to sum up what as happened in the last couple of days,” he wrote. “My wife, best friend and mother of my child passed away. I have a lifetime to grieve this unspeakable loss, but I know that right now she would want me to focus completely on baby Lennon James Picco, who survived by an emergency C-section.”

The video above was recorded on 11 November and uploaded to his friend K.C. Hohensee’s YouTube channel.

The video above was recorded on 11 November and uploaded to his friend K.C. Hohensee's YouTube channel.

The clip has so far been watched over 215,000 times.

On Wednesday, Picco released this statement revealing some tragic news about Lennon:

Dear friends, family, and supporters; it is with an unbelievably heavy heart that I write this.

My little fighter, Lennon James Picco went to sleep in his daddy’s arms late last night.

He was surrounded by family, friends, and the best doctors, nurses and hospital staff in the world.

He was dressed in an outfit that Ashley bought for him, with little guitars on it, and wrapped in a blanket made by a dear friend.

I am so thankful for the four unforgettable days I got to spend with him.

His mommy would have been so beyond joy to see him and to hold him, touch him, bathe him, sing to him – as I have had the privilege of doing.

I have been so blessed and honored to love him before he was formed, to cherish him while mommy carried him, meet him face to precious face, and hold his perfect little body while we said “goodbye for now”.

There are no words, but I wanted to keep you updated, as your love and support has meant more than anything in the world.

All you need is love.

25 Lessons About Life I Learned in 25 Years

My life doesn’t look anything like I thought it would at 25. I don’t have a great job, my car barely gets me from point A to B, and I exercise just enough so I don’t feel guilty about that second piece of cake. On the bright side I have a beautiful fiancé, my body and mind are healthy, and every single day I’m getting closer to living out my dreams.

Twenty-five years may not seem like a lot to some people. But if you pay attention during that time you can learn a lifetime’s worth of lessons. For all of you who may be a little younger or a little older, here is some wisdom I’ve picked up along the way.

  1. Making mistakes isn’t the end of the world.  I learned the most during the times I stepped outside the box and refused to play it safe.

  3. You don’t have to follow all the rules. You’re allowed to make your own path in life. The pushback will be brutal at times, but the payoff is amazing.

  5. True friends are a precious resource. You’ll have plenty of acquaintances, but once you find someone willing to go through the crap of life with you – hold on to that person.

  7. You can’t accomplish anything if you’re not healthy. Spending two weeks in the hospital because of a ruptured ulcer taught me that. You only get one body, take care of it.

  9. Heartbreak sucks, but it’s only as permanent as you let it be. You deserve to be with someone who sees how amazing and valuable you really are. Don’t sell yourself short because you don’t think you can do any better. Find someone who loves all of you.

  11. You get to pick who you call family. Surround yourself with people who treasure the real you. Because sometimes the families were born into aren’t the best people to be around.

  13. Don’t define yourself with job titles or college degrees. You’re a million times more valuable than your accomplishments. You are more than what your resume says so take pride in yourself.

  15. Some parts of you will never grow up and that’s okay. My love for Hot Wheels cars will never die and that’s perfectly fine.

  17. Television was better when we were kids. Future kids will never know the joy of TGIF or 90’s Saturday morning cartoons. We really had something special.

  19. You’ll see how human your parents are. Whether you had a good or painful relationship with your parents, over time you’ll see that they were just human too and not the super-heroes we wanted or needed them to be.

  21. Our metabolism really does slow down. I never understood why grownups were so picky about what they ate until I became one. And I almost can’t believe how much I use to eat.

  23. You matter. I know at times it feels like we’re completely inconsequential. We’re not. You, your words, your work, your life is important and chances are your making a bigger impact than you think.

  25. I wish allowance was still a thing and bills weren’t. I know bills and taxes are there for a reason and are a necessary part of a civilized nation. But that doesn’t stop me from thinking they are still evil.

  27. There is such a thing as soul mates, and they’re worth waiting for. My fiancé proved this to me. No relationship is perfect, but there are some matches that were just meant to be. I hope you find yours.

  29. Comparing yourself to your high school classmates never leads to anything good. It’s never a good idea to go on Facebook in between applying for jobs because you will inevitably find 37 people who have it all together.

  31. A positive mindset can help you overcome a lot of day-to-day troubles. In order to really change your life you have to take action. But having a positive mindset lays the foundation for your action to be effective.

  33. Life is hard. Some days it feels like the entire world is against you. It’s not. The hard stuff hurts, but I promise it doesn’t last forever. Keep going because it does get better.

  35. Reading the right books will transform your perspective and life. I can’t say enough about making reading a priority in your life. People have faced problems just like ours and have taken the time to write down how they overcame them. We would be foolish not to seek their advice.

  37. The world will not end if you take a vacation. I know it feels like all the responsibility is on our shoulders, but for our own sanity and health we have to take a step back sometimes.

  39. Don’t live with regret. Looking back at missed opportunities will only make you miss the opportunities that are right in front of you.

  41. Smile as much as you can. Cry as much as you need to. Don’t think that just because you’re an adult you need to hide your emotions. If you’re excited, let it show! If you’re crushed by something that happened, mourn the loss. Emotional maturity is just as important as other types of maturity.

  43. Make sense of your money. Money can be a huge cause of stress. But if you take the time to manage and budget, even with a small income life will seem much less stressful.

  45. Life is beautiful. When’s the last time you took 15 minutes just to walk through the park. We have a beautiful world with billions of unique stories being lived out every day. Never forget your part of something extraordinary called humanity.

  47. Hard work pays off, just not always in the way you think. We will spend a huge portion of our lives working. Do everything you can to find work that’s meaningful to you and that helps you live the sort of life you want. Because our work should be about more than just a paycheck.

  49. Life keeps going, don’t ever give up on your dreams. We could live 1 more day or 70 more years. Either way, I’m going to make each day count. I challenge you to do the same.

This post originally appeared on Pick The Brain on October 19, 2014.

These Breathtaking Pictures Won The Smithsonian’s ‘Nature’s Best Photography’ Contest

Home to some of the most incredible nature photography in the world, the Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum has just announced the winners from their “Nature’s Best Photography” competition.

We’ve put 10 of our favorite images on display here. Large format versions of these — plus 50 more — will be on display at the museum through April 20, 2015.

These photos were chosen from more than 20,000 entries submitted from more than 50 countries.

They show mountaintops at dawn as well as life under the sea and in the most extreme environments on the planet.

Grand Prize Winner: A brown bear pounces towards unsuspecting prey in the icy waters of Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska.

Grand Prize Winner: A brown bear pounces towards unsuspecting prey in the icy waters of Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska.

Tin Man Lee / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Photographer of the Year: Art Wolfe, who won this award for his extraordinary 40-year body of work, captures sunrise on the peaks of Torres del Paine National Park, Chile.

Photographer of the Year: Art Wolfe, who won this award for his extraordinary 40-year body of work, captures sunrise on the peaks of Torres del Paine National Park, Chile.

Art Wolfe / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Youth Photographer of the Year: Jenaya Launstein, age 15, captured a tranquil moment in the life of a porcupine in Kluane National Park, Yukon Territory, Canada.

Youth Photographer of the Year: Jenaya Launstein, age 15, captured a tranquil moment in the life of a porcupine in Kluane National Park, Yukon Territory, Canada.

Jenaya Launstein / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

African Wildlife Winner: A solitary Masai giraffe is showered by light in a magnificent sun burst at Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

African Wildlife Winner: A solitary Masai giraffe is showered by light in a magnificent sun burst at Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.

Andy Rouse / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Animal Antics Winner: This red kangaroo was captured licking his forearms and paws to cool off in the heat of Sturt Stony Desert, New South Wales, Australia.

Animal Antics Winner: This red kangaroo was captured licking his forearms and paws to cool off in the heat of Sturt Stony Desert, New South Wales, Australia.

Jami Tarris / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Art in Nature Winner: An emerald glass frog clings to a wild pepper leaf skeleton in the cloud forest of Central Volcanic Mountain Range, Costa Rica.

Art in Nature Winner: An emerald glass frog clings to a wild pepper leaf skeleton in the cloud forest of Central Volcanic Mountain Range, Costa Rica.

Gregory Basco / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Birds Winner: An emperor penguin chick peeks between its two parents after begging them for food in Snow Hill Island, Antarctica.

Birds Winner: An emperor penguin chick peeks between its two parents after begging them for food in Snow Hill Island, Antarctica.

Thomas Kokta / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Oceans Winner: Rays of sunlight add a majestic glow to this photo of a green sea turtle in the coastal waters of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

Oceans Winner: Rays of sunlight add a majestic glow to this photo of a green sea turtle in the coastal waters of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

Montse Grillo / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Small World Winner: Two male Booted Racket-tail hummingbirds duel over territory near a red banana flower in the Western Andes Mountains of Ecuador.

Small World Winner: Two male Booted Racket-tail hummingbirds duel over territory near a red banana flower in the Western Andes Mountains of Ecuador.

Mark J. Thomas / Nature’s Best Photography Awards

Wildlife Winner: An Arctic fox on Wrangel Island, Russia gently carries a goose egg, a precious source of food for a nearby litter of pups.

Wildlife Winner: An Arctic fox on Wrangel Island, Russia gently carries a goose egg, a precious source of food for a nearby litter of pups.

You Won’t Think It’s Too Early For Christmas Ads Once This Boy and His Penguin Make You Cry

British retailer John Lewis is well known for making amazing Christmas ads every year. They got 13 million views on last year’s ad alone.

This year, they’ve knocked it out of the park again with a sweet and moving ad that will warm the heart of even the biggest Grinch…

A Baby and Her Loyal Dog Have the Squeakiest Conversation Ever

We can’t begin to imagine what these two are talking about, but by the sounds of it, it’s a very interesting (if somewhat shrill) conversation…