15 Pics That Prove Malta Is The Most Underrated Country In The Mediterranean

If you’re asking yourself “What is Malta?” it’s imperative that you click this post.


Megaliths, medieval dungeons and Calypso’s Cave – The Maltese Islands are positively mythic. The narrow meandering streets of their towns and villages lead to the main square, which is invariably dominated by the huge baroque church. As the countryside is dotted with medieval towers, wayside chapels and the oldest known human structures in the world, the Islands have rightly been described as an open-air museum.


 The Maltese archipelago lies virtually at the centre of the Mediterranean, 93 km south of Sicily and 288 km north of Africa. The archipelago consists of three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino with a total population of over 400,000 inhabitants occupying an area of 316 square kilometers.



Malta is a teeny-tiny country smack dab in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

2. Yes, Malta is small, but that doesn’t matter. You should think of it as a precious pearl in a vast sea of sapphire.

Yes, Malta is small, but that doesn't matter. You should think of it as a precious pearl in a vast sea of sapphire.


Look how it shines.

3. Like most islands, it’s surrounded by water so blue you’ll want to punch yourself in the face.

Like most islands, it's surrounded by water so blue you'll want to punch yourself in the face.


Go ahead, it’ll only hurt for a second.

4. And obnoxiously cool natural features, like this rock bridge to heaven.

And obnoxiously cool natural features, like this rock bridge to heaven.


I’m so annoyed by this.

5. And they have tiny, colorful boats that’ll make you feel mad. Why can’t you have tiny, colorful boats? Probably because you’re not in Malta.

And they have tiny, colorful boats that'll make you feel mad. Why can't you have tiny, colorful boats? Probably because you're not in Malta.

  • Stares wistfully out office window *

6. Listen, I get that Malta isn’t Italy or Greece or any of those sexy countries you’ve actually heard of, I’m just saying it still got it going on.

Listen, I get that Malta isn't Italy or Greece or any of those sexy countries you've actually heard of, I'm just saying it still got it going on.


Bom chicka wow wow.

7. Yeah, Malta didn’t invent pizza and or, like, democracy. No one is arguing it’s the greatest country in the Mediterranean.

Yeah, Malta didn't invent pizza and or, like, democracy . No one is arguing it's the greatest country in the Mediterranean.


You could still order pizza there, I bet. Democratically.

8. But it’s still a pretty fucking cool country.

But it's still a pretty fucking cool country.


Aesthetically speaking. My knowledge of their politics goes as far as the Wikipedia page.

9. And you should know that. You should know that Malta exists, and it looks like THIS:

And you should know that. You should know that Malta exists, and it looks like THIS:


With the doors, and the boats, and the water. Cut it out, Malta!

10. Look at this stupidly cute alley. Look at it. It’s real. It exists.

Look at this stupidly cute alley. Look at it. It's real. It exists.


Does it make you feel things or are you dead inside?

11. Look at these lucky motherfuckers swimming in this natural pool. They’re real too.

Look at these lucky motherfuckers swimming in this natural pool. They're real too.


Can we trade lives for like one second?

12.Let’s dive in Malta



Let’s dive in Malta

13. You can literally go here!

You can literally go here!


It’s not just a desktop wall paper, I swear.

14. Like, uggghhhhhhhh.

Like, uggghhhhhhhh.

  • Looks up plane tickets to Malta *
    * cries *

15. kjhakjhvhkjahklajwhv kahgkajhvkljahg kjlavha.

kjhakjhvhkjahklajwhv kahgkajhvkljahg kjlavha.


That is all. Please return to your life.

Rom Hub Market, Bangkok (The Craziest Market in the world)

If you love to visit a fresh market, Rom Hub Market is the one that you shall not miss. This is one of the most amazing markets in the world! 

Rom Hub Market or Folding Umbrella Market is located at Mae Klong Railway Station, in Samut Songkhram province (72 km. from Bangkok). Rom Hub is truly a unique market, as it is located right on the active railway track!  And that’s why it is also dubbed the “Market on the Railway Track”. 

The shoppers have to walk on the narrow railway track while shopping around because all stalls are lining along the track. It is a 100-metre portion of track between Mae Klong and Ban Laem train stations. 
When the train is approaching the market, the train driver will sound the horn very loudly to warn the vendors. To clear the way for the coming train, all the vendors will quickly fold away their umbrellas or awnings and remove their containers and goods placed close to the tracks. Many vendors use the stalls equipped with wheels so that they can slide them out of the way conveniently. The train moves slowly through the market, passing the vendors, shoppers and stalls just a few inches away. Once the train is gone, the vendors raise the awnings, push back the stalls into position and resume their business again as if nothing had happened. The train passes through it eight times a day (four arriving, four departing).

This Father Captures Images Of His Son In Whimsical Scenes

Happy Father’s Day! To celebrate, we’re shining a spotlight on photographer, digital artist and master photo manipulator Adrian Sommeling. His high-concept approach to storytelling is captured vividly in all of his playful images.

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And who should take the starring role in most of them? His son! We chatted with Adrian for a quick Q&A to talk about his craft, his son, and his Father’s Day plans!

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Scroll down for an exclusive 500px interview with Adrian, plus a step-by-step video of one of his works.

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Hi Adrian! How did you discover photography?
 I did some analog photography in high school, but I rediscovered it in 2011. And with the possibilities of Photoshop, I now draw with photos.

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Were you graphic designer before you came to photography? How long have you been creating your art?
 I was indeed a graphic designer first. I had a graphic design/advertising agency for almost 20 years. I’ve been painting and drawing since I was four years old. I liked to draw realistic. While other children my age back then drew Donald Duck, I tried to draw the comics of Don Lawrence.

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Your son is the star of most of your images, and we think it’s cool how you portray him in many different roles. Tell us more about him, and what he thinks about what you do.
 The reason why I put my son on so many of my photos is because he is just always there. I am lucky that he can do different expressions with his face. He understands how I want him to look, how to pose. In the beginning, he really liked being in my photographs. Now he still enjoys it, but like most of the children of his age, he sometimes isn’t into it anymore. It depends on if he is tired or not. Sometimes, I ask him if I should go and search for another model, another subject, and he’ll tell me that doesn’t want me to do that. Then all of a sudden, he’s up for posing in my photos again.

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How long does it take for you to create your images, from planning the shot to the time you spend shooting to post-processing?
 It depends. I spend most of the time looking for a background that fits the idea that I have in mind. That can take days, even weeks. Once I find one, the whole process from shooting the photos to the post-processing can be done in one day. Like I said, it depends. My last photo — the one with the bike in flames — took two evenings for post-processing.

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Today is Father’s Day — happy Father’s day to you! Got any plans for celebrating your day?
 Depending on the weather, I’ll probably go with my family to the zoo or the beach. And you know, I’ll be taking my camera with me, because you never know!

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Watch the video to see how Adrian created one of his popular photos, “Wind”, step by step.

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Follow Adrian Sommeling on 500px to see more of his magical images.

You can also like his Facebook Page or visit his website.

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Got any questions for Adrian? Comment away!

25 Tear-Jerking Photos Of Fathers At Weddings

Happy Father’s Day! Today, we rounded up the most touching moments a photographer could ever capture during a wedding — the father of the bride or groom. From tears of joy to heartwarming embraces, take a look at these moving images of fathers at weddings.

Scroll down — and don’t forget to call Dad today!4 (30)

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Photographer Uses ‘Photo a Day’ Concept to Draw Attention to Domestic Violence

Photographer Noah Kalina’s Everyday project features one photo of his face every day, and has been running since January 11, 2000. Kalina uploaded time-lapse videos created using the photos in 2006 and 2012, and both videos quickly went viral online. Not only did they amass millions of views, but they sparked a new phenomenon as well, as people around the world started snapping daily photos of their own faces and uploading similar videos to the web.

The video above is one that uses the same idea popularized by Kalina, except it’s very different from the rest (warning: it’s a bit disturbing).

This Goal Is The Best Goal Of The World Cup So Far

Van Persie’s goal > every other goal.” The Flying Dutchman”







Jeff Gross / Getty Images

Hopefully his face is not hurting too much after this, though.

Hopefully his face is not hurting too much after this, though.

Never stop flying, Persie.

29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

From strongholds shrouded in mist to majestic mountain-top structures, these regal photographs of castles across the globe will put you under a spell.

There are so many breathtaking castles around the world and it’s very hard to make a list of the top 10. Here’s one possibility for such a list with 29 amazing castles. You’re welcome to disagree and add a comment with your favorite castles.

And if you’re on the hunt for stock images, some of these photos are available on 500px Prime. Scroll down, and happy exploring!


1. Schloss Neuschwanstein in Germany

29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

2. Bled Castle in Slovenia
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

3. Mont-Saint Michel in France
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

4. Eltz Castle in Germany
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

5. Kilchurn Castle in Scotland
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

6. Methoni Castle in Greece
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

7. Rocca Calascio in Italy
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

8. Matsumoto Castle in Japan
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

9. Chillon Castle in Switzerland
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

10. Eileen Donan Castle in Scotland
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

11. Prague Castle in Czech Republic
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

12. Catherine Palace in Russia
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

13. Hochosterwitz Castle in Austria
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

14. Chateau de Chambord in France
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

15. Corfe Castle in England
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

16. Bodiam Castle in England
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

17. Guaita Castle in San Marino
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

18. Buda Castle in Hungary
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

19. Castle Santa Catalina in Spain
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

20. Vyborg Castle in Russia
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

21. Gyeongbok Palace in South Korea
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

22. Castillo de Barcience in Spain
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

23. Bran Castle, or “Dracula’s Castle” in Romania
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

24. Stalker Castle in Scotland
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

25. Jal Mahal in India
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

26. Palácio de Pena in Portugal
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

27. Osaka Castle in Japan
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

28. Swallow’s Nest Castle in Crimea
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted

29. Ross Castle in Ireland
29 Dreamy Castles Around The World That Will Leave You Enchanted
Which castles will you be dreaming about tonight?

40 Angry Birds Who Don’t Give A Hoot About What You Think

Today, we bring you over a dozen photos that show you just how expressive owls can be. Whether it’s the way they tilt their heads or walk with attitude, you have to agree, they’re one photogenic bunch.

“There’s nothing like observing local burrowing owls over a period of weeks, even months,” states wildlife photographer Debbie Tubridy. Whether they’re first peeking out of their burrow, beginning to run outside of the burrow, testing their wings, learning to play, or in this case, exploring the world around them and perfecting lifelong skills that will help them survive on their own, they’re always fascinating to watch and photograph.”

Mostly, owls. This one’s all about owls, folks.

Majestic as they are, they always seem to be pissed off about something.

First off, they’re not really known as perky morning folks.

They’d rather sleep all day, do their business at night.

Maybe they’re mad about their feet.

Did you know that two of their toes face forward while two face backward? (It’s used to grip their prey.)

And who wouldn’t want a third toe that rotates forward? (It’s used for perching.)

It’s not their only body part that can rotate.

Like the kid on The Exorcist, they can turn their head.

They’re probably pissed that their eyes are fixed within their sockets.

…which means they have to turn their entire heads to be able to see in different directions.

Stop doing that, dude. You’re freaking us out!

Or maybe they just suffer from Bitchy Resting Face.

Bitchy Resting Face starts at infancy.

They throw tantrums.

Wonder what this baby owlet is mad about?

Probably since this other one is being a tool.

Owlets probably get it from their momma.

Hell hath no fury like an angst-ridden teen owl scorned.

They’re stark raving mad and won’t shut up about it.

As they get older, the grumpier they look.

“You kids get off my lawn!”

But they never lose their epic moves.

They’ve got moves you can’t refuse.

This one is their version of the hand jive.

And this is how they do the dougie.

The slide.

“Grrr. Get the #@%& off my dancefloor!”

The most gorgeous angry-looking folks on the planet.

But owl don’t care.

Not a single hoot was given that day.

Looking beautiful today, guys! Anyone up for a family portrait?

Clearly, nobody is happy about posing for a family portrait.

This meerkat family portrait has nothing on an owl family portrait.

They just look so badass as a gang.

Mom and Dad ready to ground you for life…

..and the kids just don’t give a hoot.

Don’t mess with this family.

When they start to squint, watch out.

More like watch your back.

Are you a small creature? Just a heads up—you are dinner.

Grrrr. Om nom nom nom. Grrrr.

The equivalent of giving major side-eye.

The classic “You’re-Dead-To-Me” look.

Stop it.

“I’m coming for you, fool.”


“Scram, or Owl cut you!”

It’s bird! It’s a plane! It’s…yes, it’s a bird.

“Are you still here? GTFO.”