30 Experiences You Should Have Before You Turn 30

Turning 30 is a major milestone.

 For many it means that you’re no longer in the hard-partying, bad decision-making stage of your life, for better or for worse.

Before you turn the big 3-0 (or even if you already have), here are 30 things you should do, from adrenaline-pumping activities to experiences that help you grow.



Run a half marathon (it’s okay if you have to walk a little).

Run a half marathon (it’s okay if you have to walk a little).

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Travel somewhere TRULY exotic — anywhere that feels like the end of the earth.

Travel somewhere TRULY exotic — anywhere that feels like the end of the earth.


Buy tickets to a music festival and rage with the best of them.

Buy tickets to a music festival and rage with the best of them.


Go skinny dipping.

Go skinny dipping.


Splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime meal at one of the world’s best restaurants.

Splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime meal at one of the world’s best restaurants.

Daniel Krieger

Cook a huge meal and throw a dinner party for friends.

Cook a huge meal and throw a dinner party for friends.


Test drive your dream car.

Test drive your dream car.

Rob Libetti / Business Insider

Grab the microphone and perform at a karaoke bar, even if you have stage fright.

Grab the microphone and perform at a karaoke bar, even if you have stage fright.


Stay up all night partying in a big city like Los Angeles, Tokyo, or London.

Stay up all night partying in a big city like Los Angeles, Tokyo, or London.


Watch a meteor shower.

Watch a meteor shower.


Go bungee jumping or skydiving — really, anything that involves heights and massive amounts of adrenaline.

Go bungee jumping or skydiving — really, anything that involves heights and massive amounts of adrenaline.


Throw yourself a huge birthday party.

Throw yourself a huge birthday party.


Climb a mountain (it doesn’t have to be Mt. Everest).

Climb a mountain (it doesn’t have to be Mt. Everest).

REUTERS/Dominic Ebenbichler

Learn to bartend.

Learn to bartend.

David Silverman/Getty Images

Go scuba diving — or at least try snorkeling.

Go scuba diving — or at least try snorkeling.


Travel somewhere all by yourself. It’s not as scary as it sounds.

Travel somewhere all by yourself. It's not as scary as it sounds.


Eat something that makes you squirm (may we suggest bugs, pigs’ ears, or intestines?).

Eat something that makes you squirm (may we suggest bugs, pigs’ ears, or intestines?).

REUTERS/Michael Kooren

Learn to speak a new language.

Learn to speak a new language.

REUTERS/Albert Gea

Spend a night camping under the stars.

Spend a night camping under the stars.

Maxim Petrichuk/Shutterstock

Join an intramural sports team, even if you’re not an athlete.

Join an intramural sports team, even if you’re not an athlete.

Travis M Lee/Flickr

Splurge on an item that you technically can’t afford, but that will last for years.

Splurge on an item that you technically can't afford, but that will last for years.

REUTERS/Andrew Winning

Sign up to be a mentor, or spend some time volunteering.

Sign up to be a mentor, or spend some time volunteering.

State Farm/Flickr

Go whitewater rafting.

Go whitewater rafting.


Apply for your dream job — there’s no better time to try.

Apply for your dream job — there's no better time to try.


Take a cross-country road trip. (Remember: it doesn’t have to be across the U.S.)

Take a cross-country road trip. (Remember: it doesn’t have to be across the U.S.)


Attend a major sports event, whether it’s the Superbowl, World Cup, or World Series.

Attend a major sports event, whether it's the Superbowl, World Cup, or World Series.

REUTERS/Andrew Kelly

Sign up for a summer share at a beach house, ski house, or lake house.

Sign up for a summer share at a beach house, ski house, or lake house.


Take a class that’s totally out of your element, like improv, golf, or pottery-making.

Take a class that’s totally out of your element, like improv, golf, or pottery-making.


Get lost in a foreign country. Sometimes, that’s the best part of the trip.

Get lost in a foreign country. Sometimes, that's the best part of the trip.


Unplug for a full day…or even a full week if you’re feeling zen.

Unplug for a full day...or even a full week if you're feeling zen.


An Oregon Couple Rushed Through Their Wedding Because Of A Wildfire And The Photos Are Breathtaking

So, a wildfire starts burning around you and it’s terrifying, sure. But it also makes for a hell of a wedding photo.

Michael and April Wolber had picked the perfect place for their wedding, Rock Springs Ranch in Oregon. They couldn’t wait for an idyllic outdoor wedding with all of their friends and family.

Michael and April Wolber had picked the perfect place for their wedding, Rock Springs Ranch in Oregon. They couldn't wait for an idyllic outdoor wedding with all of their friends and family.

So, as firefighters looked on, Michael and April rushed through their vows in half time, racing to make sure they were able to have their dream wedding in their perfect place.

The rushed ceremony doesn’t seem to have been too bad, though.

The rushed ceremony doesn't seem to have been too bad, though.

Josh Newton, the couple’s photographer, was snapping photos of the whole thing and ended up grabbing some absolutely incredible shots.

Josh Newton, the couple's photographer , was snapping photos of the whole thing and ended up grabbing some absolutely incredible shots.

Seriously, Michael and April might not have been able to take their time, but they ended up with some mind-blowing wedding photos.

Seriously, Michael and April might not have been able to take their time, but they ended up with some mind-blowing wedding photos.

After they both said “I do,” Michael, April, and their friends and family rushed off to their backup location safely.

After they both said "I do," Michael, April, and their friends and family rushed off to their backup location safely.

As of Monday, the wildfire was still burning more than 6,800 acres.

As of Monday, the wildfire was still burning more than 6,800 acres.

Beautiful Thailand in Photos by Saravut Whanset

Famous Thai photographer Saravut Whanset invites us to make a trip to one of the most mysterious and colorful countries of our planet. He focuses not only people and nature but also their interaction.

The official name of Thailand is Kingdom of Thailand. In addition, the country is also known as Siam. State is, as you know, in Southeast Asia, in the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula in the north of the Malay Peninsula. Due to its location in three climatic zones, nature Thailand literally dazzles with its colors and variety. It is in this world and we offer you to see the amazing photographs of Saravut Whanset.

Whanset22 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

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Whanset02 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset03 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset04 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset05 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset06 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset07 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset08 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset09 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset10 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset11 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset12 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset13 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset14 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset15 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset16 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset17 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset18 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset19 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset20 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset21 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Whanset22 Fabulous beautiful Thailand in Photographs Saravuta Vanseta

Date Someone Who Can Do These 10 Things To Make You Happy

Featured photo credit: taliesin via morguefile.com

As a therapist who specializes in relationships, I can’t help but notice several skills and personality features that can make or break a relationship.  No, this is not going to be an article about making sure to find a rich guy who likes to spoon or a hot girl who likes to watch football.  These 10 skills are what make couples feel satisfied, connected, and happy with each other regardless of their superficial characteristics.  If you have a partner who can do all 10 of these, (and you are able to do them as well), your will have a very satisfying relationship:

1. Date someone who can delay gratification.

In other words, the ability to do an unpleasant thing instead of an enjoyable thing in order to achieve a more-important benefit. Being in a healthy partnership means being able to suck it up and deal with all kinds of unpleasant things (embarrassment, vulnerability, taking out the trash, resisting acting on angry impulses, actively listening instead of playing video games, running a boring errand, etc.) for the sake of the other person and for the sake of the relationship.

2. Date someone who can be present.

Relationships suffer when one or both partners is not able to engage in the moment with the other person.  Of course we are all busy and can’t exactly sit around staring at our partners quietly all day long, but the ability to genuinely listen to and focus on the other person at least a few times a week is important.  If your significant other is unable to unplug, disconnect from distraction, and engage in interacting with you, this could lead to loneliness down the road.  Also, people who are able to be present and attentive to one thing are excellent listeners, since they are simply in the moment focused on what the other person is saying.

3. Date someone who makes you feel emotionally safe.

Being “emotionally safe” with your significant other means that you are comfortable being vulnerable, making direct requests, and being yourself in his/her presence.  If you have a partner who criticizes, is defensive, talks you out of your feelings (is invalidating), or is often annoyed or condescending toward you, you will eventually grow to feel “emotionally unsafe” in that relationship. Partners who feel emotionally unsafe feel disconnected and powerless at best, and depressed and miserable at worst.  If your partner is open to hear what you have to say (even when s/he does not like it), does not act defensive or critical of you, feels that your emotions are understandable, and considers your requests and desires, s/he has the ability to make you feel emotionally safe.

4. Date someone who can tolerate not being in control.

A healthy, happy relationship consists of two people who can tolerate the feeling of not being in control once in a while. This skill is required in many situations, from  letting someone else choose the paint color for the bathroom, to letting someone else openly share feelings that can’t exactly be “fixed.”

5. Date someone who can take control when necessary.

There are some people who struggle with being responsible for decisions and actions.  Whether it is calling the plumber when the sink is leaking, or resisting buying a new sofa because it isn’t in the budget, the ability to be “in charge” and “proactive” is a positive quality in a partner.

6. Date someone who knows and appropriately communicate his/her feelings.

Emotionally-aware partners are able to pinpoint that they are feeling disrespected, ignored, or lonely instead of simply flying off in a reactive, non-constructive rage.  If your partner is emotionally aware enough to understand his/her feelings, this is a good sign for your relationship.

7. Date someone who knows and appropriately communicates his/her needs.

If your partner is able to directly request his/her needs without criticism, yelling, passivity, aggression, or passive-aggression, this is a great sign. If your partner calmly makes specific requests for you to change a behavior without making you feel inadequate or inferior, you probably have a keeper on your hands.

8. Date someone who can be humble.

Humility is required during the process of forgiving someone else for their mistakes and during the process of asking for forgivness from someone else.  In a happy, healthy relationship, both people are able to abandon ego and pride when necessary.

9. Date someone who can tolerate emotional intimacy and togetherness.

In a happy, healthy partnership, both people are comfortable sharing emotions, thoughts, and needs.  If a problem arises, they are comfortable discussing it instead of avoiding it and pretending it doesn’t exist.  They share vulnerabilities, fears, successes, and life goals comfortably.

10.  Date someone who can tolerate separateness.

The ability to tolerate separateness means that he/she is comfortable doing things on his/her own.  And when you are doing things on your own, he/she is not texting or calling you constantly.  Being able to be on your own once in a while without experiencing anxiety is a sign of security and trust.

22 Racial Microaggressions People Hear Every Day

This is a special project made by photographer Kiyun when she asked all of her friends at fordham university to take a board and write down an instance of racial microaggression they have faced , the project soon caught on national attention and was featured by all the big news sites , the message it tries to pass through lovely pictures is that these ” small ” little comments are made everyday at thousands of people and it effects them.

No matter if in school. the work place or anywhere else. We don’t need racial microaggressions in our life. period

1 : Asian people have the same eyes as you dude ! mkay ?

Racial Microaggressions.

2 : This is really offensive. we wonder what was her reaction

Racial Microaggressions.

3 : What does a normal black person do ?

Racial Microaggressions.

4 : What ? all asian people look the same

Racial Microaggressions.

5 : Isn’t it clear? he’s half mexican half chinese . right ?

Racial Microaggressions.

6 : USA – for the thousandth time…born in chicago..lived next to your house since we were babies

Racial Microaggressions.

7 : Why ? because i look spanish to you ?!

Racial Microaggressions.

8 : She doesn’t even look chinese

Racial Microaggressions.

9 : No, im faking it you caught me red handed

Racial Microaggressions.

10 : I should be green ? or blue ? or what ?

Racial Microaggressions.

11 : We want your hat. seriously , will pay hard cash for it

Racial Microaggressions.

12 : ” What’s that say ? , dude i dont read japanese. quick ! lets find one ! here we go. hey lady . what’s that say ? “

Racial Microaggressions.

13 : Because i’m educated bit*h !

Racial Microaggressions.

14 : Wait……what ?

Racial Microaggressions.

15 : Really bad joke. who ever told that joke should kill himself like right now

Racial Microaggressions.

16 : We hope you made her eat that hat, so that will be the last time she touch something thats not hers

Racial Microaggressions.

17 : People just don’t know what they say …and sometimes can be very immature

Racial Microaggressions.

18 : And …  ?

Racial Microaggressions.

19 : Yes it is ! deal with it Dora

Racial Microaggressions.

20 : OMG we love carrie so much we can die !

Racial Microaggressions.

21 : Sure, right. you should have said ” now i don’t see you as my friend anymore , imagine that “

Racial Microaggressions.

22 : We are all beautiful

Racial Microaggressions.

Source: Imgur

15 Quotes to Inspire You to Do Something Meaningful Today

Sometimes, sitting on the couch and guzzling Cheetos like they’re going out of production is the perfect remedy to get you out of that sour mood.

Other times we need a little less messy inspiration. Everyone could use a few words of wisdom to boost every now and then to lift your spirits and put your mind back in focus.

So take these quotes to heart, then try to peel yourself off the couch and do something meaningful today — life is beautiful, and far too short to waste all day online.

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Woman Keeps Two Pet Tigers In Her Backyard – And They’re As Loving And Playful As Kittens

While most people tend to use their garden as a place of relaxation, Janice Haley chooses to use her backyard as a place to keep her two pet tigers.

Saber, a 600 pound male white Bengal tiger and Janda, a 400 pound orange Bengal female live in a cage at the back of Mrs Haley’s unassuming suburban home in Orlando, Florida. Each day, the 57-year-old hand feeds the tigers as well as stroking and feeding them and says Saber, the younger tiger, can’t get off to sleep without suckling on her finger. Mrs Haley quit her job as an admin assistant to spend more time working outdoors around 20 years ago and then took a tiger training course, which she spotted in her local newspaper.

Two years later she arrived home with Chuffer the tiger cub and was immediately bitten by the tiger bug.

In 2002 she bought Janda, who is now 12, to live with Chuffer. After Chuffer’s death in 2007 she then introduced Saber, who was only two weeks old at the time.

Scroll down for video

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11 Simple Tricks That Will Make You Happier And More Productive

You can change your life in 10 minutes — if you take that time to learn a life-changing technique.

In a Quora thread, users answered the question, “What can I learn right now in just 10 minutes that could be useful for the rest of my life?”

Here are a few of our favorite takeaways that will save you time and improve your life.

1. Truly listen to people. Pay attention to their body language, and mirror it with your own.Listen graciously rather than waiting to talk. —Adam Goldman

2. Learn to speed read. We learned to say each word aloud in our heads back in grade school, but we can comprehend language much faster than we can say it. So train yourself to read without having to use that slow-moving voice. —Raj Rai

3. When someone tells you their name, make an effort to remember it. One of the best tricks is the memory linking technique. To do it, self-help legend Dale Carnegie says to”paint a mind picture of the person whose name you wish to remember doing something that reminds you of the person’s name.” —Arjuna Perkins

4. Learn basic mindfulness meditation. It doesn’t have to be a major commitment, just 10 minutes in a day. All you need to do is pay attention to your breath as it goes out and comes back in. Remember, it’s not about clearing your head of thoughts. “Real Happiness at Work” author Sharon Salzberg says mindfulness means having a “balanced awareness” of what’s happening around you, so that you can understand your experience rather than just react to it. —James H. Kelly

5. Before you have an important meeting or presentation, watch some standup comedy. The happy feelings that come with laughter enhance your judgment, improve your memory, and make you more willing to take risks. —James Altucher

6. If you want your phone to charge faster, put it on airplane mode. If your iPhone is about to die, turn it on airplane mode and hop in the shower. It will be well-charged by the time you get dressed. —Himanshu Yadav

7. When you have to sign up for a service, don’t give your real email. Instead, use 10 Minute Mail and sidestep the spam. —Abhishek Mandora 

8. Get into proper posture at your work station. It will save you heaps of neck and back pain. It’s also important to get up at least once an hour, since you need to reset your body’s posture once it drifts into bad positioning. —Ben Mordecai

9. Set your Gmail so you can “un-send” a message. Just in case you write something you wish you could take back. —Vipin Agrawal

10. Talk to at least one stranger every day. Whether on the subway, in a cafe, or at a networking event. Because who you know shapes your health, happiness, and success. If you’re shy, learn a few dependable conversational techniques. —Abhishek Roy

11. At the end of the work day, reflect on what you did well. Research out of Harvard Business School shows that keeping a journal of your daily successes improves your performance and wellbeing.