9 Signs You’re Going to Die Happy

“Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives.”

Last week, at my friend Haley’s funeral, her husband stood up to deliver her eulogy and said, “Life is the leading cause of death, and Haley LIVED her life, passionately.  She died doing what she loved to do.  If she didn’t do what she loved, she may not have died yesterday, but she wouldn’t have truly lived either.”

His words immediately reminded me of the opening lines to one of my favorite entries in my grandmother’s journal:

“I have seen and touched and danced and sung and climbed and loved and meditated on a lifetime spent living honestly.  Should it all end tomorrow, I can positively say there would be no regrets.  I feel fortunate to have walked in my shoes.  I am truly lucky.  I really have lived 1,000 times over.”

What does it mean to truly live?  What does it mean to live 1,000 times over?

Perhaps… to someday die happy, with zero regrets of how you have lived.

And that means…

1.  You are 100%, unapologetically yourself, every day.

Where’s your will to be weird?  Where’s your resolution to be real?

Truth be told, it’s not weird to be weird.  Everybody is weird in some way.  You must celebrate your individuality and not be embarrassed of it.  If you’re lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everybody else, don’t be ashamed and don’t change.  Uniqueness is priceless.  In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to be your remarkable self.

One of the most influential sources of both peace and happiness is simply being comfortable with who you really are.  Not trading your reality for a role, or yourtruth for an act.  Not giving up your freedom of thought.  Not putting on a mask.  There simply cannot be peace and happiness in your external life until you are at peace within yourself, being yourself.  It won’t always be easy, but no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning your inner truth.

Being unapologetically YOU is worth it!

2.  You are walking a path that makes you feel alive.

Today, work to create a life that feels right to YOU, not one that looks right to everyone else.  Your worst inner battle will always be between what you know and what you feel.  One of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make is when to stay put and try harder or when to just take your memories and move on.  Sometimes you have to step outside of the person you’ve been, and remember the person you were meant to be, the person you are capable of being, and the person you truly are.

Your life is your message to the world; make sure it’s inspiring.  Allow yourself more moments of awe and wonder and passion and grace.  Don’t let anyone’s ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you.  And don’t let them dim your light simply because it’s shining in their eyes.

If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.  Dare to walk alone, and don’t be scared to like it.  Remind yourself that you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.  You’ve got to do what’s right for you, even if some people disagree.  (Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the “Passion and Growth” chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)

3.  You always do your very best.

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.  Decide the work is worth the end result.  The saddest summary of a life is just five words long: “Could have and should have.”  Yes, sometimes life seems hard, but we often make it harder than it is.  All you ever have to decide is what to do next.  It really is this simple.

Say it out loud: “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.  I will be who I am tomorrow because of the choices I make today.”  Instead of complaining about your circumstances, get busy creating new ones.  You either suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.

4.  You fully embrace reality, even when it hurts.

It’s better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie.  The truth will always set you free, but first, it may tick you off for a while.  So don’t sweat the small stuff.  Live simply.  Love generously.  Speak truthfully.  Work diligently.  Thenlet go and let what’s meant to be, BE.
Letting go is often a step forward.  Sometimes you have to walk away from what you thought you wanted to find what you truly need and deserve.  Sometimes you just have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what remains, do the best you can, and look forward to what’s coming next.

Remember, faith isn’t the belief that life will always give you what you want.  It’s the belief that life will gradually reveal what’s right.

5.  You work through your fears.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be lived and learned.  Now is the time to live and learn more, so that you may fear less, and live even more.  Have a little faith that the universe has a plan for you, and it’s all being revealed in the right time frame.  Something you will eventually learn through all your ups and downs is that there are really no wrong decisions in life, just choices that will take your life down different paths.  Sometimes you must get hurt in order to grow, or lose in order to gain.  Sometimes the lesson you need most can only be learned through a little pain.

Running from fear is a race you’ll never win.  In fact, what you’re afraid of dealing with is what will set you free.  So don’t let your fear decide for you.  Don’t let it shut you down; let it wake you up.  Take chances, follow your intuition, and get excited.  Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is often worse than the suffering itself.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.  Don’t ever hesitate to give yourself a chance to be everything you are capable of being.  (Read Start: Punch Fear in the Face…

6.  You roll with life, instead of against it.

Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are.  Just do your very best.  Appreciate each step.  Forget the rest.

We often forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but of deeply appreciating what we do have.  So stop looking for reasons to be unhappy.  Focus on the things you do have and the reasons you should be happy.  Positivity changes everything.  A happy person is not a person who’s always in a good situation, but rather a person who always has a good attitude in every situation.

Someday you will realize that life is like an ocean.  It can be calm and serene or rough and wild, but in the end it’s always beautiful to those willing to ride the waves.

7.  You lift others up with your kindness.

Three things define you:  Your patience when you have nothing, your attitude when you have everything, and who you help whenever you’re able.

Yes, it takes a great deal of strength to be gentle and kind, but you are much stronger than you think.  Even when times are tough, be positive and go above and beyond for those who need you most.  In a world full of people who couldn’t care less, be someone who couldn’t care more.  Be someone who makes someone else look forward to tomorrow.  Act like what you do today makes a difference.  It does.

To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, the purpose of life is not just to be happy, but also to be helpful, to be honorable, to be kind and compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.  (Read The Four Agreements

8.  You make plenty of time for the people you love.

When we pay attention to each other we breathe new life into each other.  With frequent attention and affection our relationships flourish, and we as individuals grow stronger.  This is the side effect of great relationships – we help heal each other’s wounds and support each other’s strengths.  So stay in close touch with those you care about – communicate openly on a regular basis.  Not because it’s convenient, but because these people are worth the extra effort.

In the end, the best investment of your limited time on Earth will be to spend it with people you love.  Although it’s perhaps conceivable that you may lie on your deathbed someday regretting that you didn’t work harder and check every little thing off your to-do list, it’s doubtful that your work will be your biggest concern.  What’s more likely, however, is that you will wish you could have one more romantic night with your spouse, another long, heartfelt talk with your sister, and one last good hard laugh with your best friend.

Life is too short to be too busy for the people you love.

9.  You pause at least once a day to appreciate what you have.

We are born in one moment.  We die in one moment.  Life changes every moment.  Anything can happen in just one moment.  Make your moments count by noticing them.  Do not constantly allow your spirit to be softened or your happiness to be limited by a time and place you cannot get back or a day that does not yet exist.  Live today with eyes wide open.

Wisdom is not just knowing when to stand up and make moves, but when to sit still and be present.  It’s knowing your full presence is never a waste of time.  Certain things in life simply have to be experienced mindfully, and cannot be explained.  The immaculate beauty of NOW is such a thing.

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our attention and gratitude.  How often do you pause to appreciate your life and everyone and everything in it?  How often do you stop dead in your tracks, just to take a deep breath and smile?

Your turn…

In your opinion, what does it mean to truly live?  What does it mean to die happy?  Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

16 Self-Portrait Paintings You Will Not Believe Aren’t Photos

Eloy Morales/Barcroft Media

2. The Madrid-based artist, 40, began painting at the age of four, and has exhibited his work everywhere from Spain, Italy, and France, to England, Mexico, and New York.

The Madrid-based artist, 40, began painting at the age of four, and has exhibited his work everywhere from Spain, Italy, and France, to England, Mexico, and New York.

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

I never had painted myself before this series, but it just makes sense this way, it’s a conceptual self-portrait, a reflection of my complex relationship with paint.

Via Eloy Morales

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

5. The mind-blowing accuracy of Morale’s work means that each painting takes around a month to complete, with the artist working an eight hour day in his studio.

The mind-blowing accuracy of Morale's work means that each painting takes around a month to complete, with the artist working an eight hour day in his studio.

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

I’m very disciplined, but I need to be to develop my work. I’ve got my studio separate from my home so I can concentrate, I need to be alone while painting.

Via Eloy Morales

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

11. Despite the uncanny lifelikeness of Morales’ portraits, he is keen to avoid being pigeonholed by putting a name to his individual style.

Despite the uncanny lifelikeness of Morales' portraits, he is keen to avoid being pigeonholed by putting a name to his individual style.

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

#I don’t like tags, I don’t think you can choose a premeditated style, your style comes from the decisions you take through the years, I always felt a special interest for the image since I was a kid, i think the power of the image to evoke emotions and make people feel is unlimited.#


Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

#I try to show my inner world in my work. My images are explicit but they talk of senses and the non physical. My ambition is to continue to dedicate my live to paint every day, it was my dream since i was a child – it’s my passion.#


Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

16. The Spanish artist says he feels “liberated” when looking at his finished work, although said he has “a weird process of love and hate with my paintings” while he is making them.

The Spanish artist says he feels "liberated" when looking at his finished work, although said he has "a weird process of love and hate with my paintings" while he is making them.

Eloy Morales / Barcroft Media

Watch a video of Eloy explaining the process behind his art.

19 Truly Charming Places To See Before You Die

The world in which we live is full of wonderful places that most of us do not know they really exist. Here you can see some of those breathtaking Charming Places around the world. Enjoy!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

1. Burano, Italy

Burano, Italy

StevanZZ/iStock / Via quora.com
Burano is Italy’s technicolor town, located in the same lagoon as Venice. According to When On Earth, fishermen decided to paint their houses with bright colors so that they would be easily distinguishable through the thick fog. Today, residents can’t paint their houses just any shade — if they want to repaint, they have to send a letter to the government, and officials will reply with a list of acceptable colors.

2. The village of Oia in Santorini, Greece

The village of Oia in Santorini, Greece

Perched on the crescent-shaped clifftop on Santorini island, most of Oia (pronounced EE-yah), is accessible by foot. Donkeys are also popular for getting around and can be rented, along with scooters. Take in the breathtaking views at one of the local Santorini vineyards.

3. Colmar, France

Colmar, France
StevanZZ / Via iStock

Colmar is like the “disney princess of towns,” complete with “tiny boats adrift in flowery canals, a miniature train chugging whimsically around town–even a nightly light show that happens every single day of the year.” Situated along the Alsatian wine route in northeastern France, Colmar considers itself the “capital of Alsatian wine.” The popular tourist destination boasts eight centuries’ worth of Germanic and French architecture.

4. Tasiilaq, Greenland

Tasiilaq, Greenland
Antonio Bovino / Via Flickr: antoniobovinophotography

With just over 2,000 people, Tasiilaq is the largest town in East Greenland, about 60 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Popular activities in the town include dog sledding, iceberg-watching tours, and hiking in the nearby Flower valley.

5. Savannah, Ga.

Savannah, Ga.
trinum / Via iStock
Established in 1733 and used as a port during the American Revolution, Savannah is the oldest city in Georgia. With its historic Victorian district, the city’s downtown is one of the largest National Historic Landmark Districts in the country.

6. Newport, R.I.

Newport, R.I.

Albert Pego/iStock

With it’s barely-touched architecture and stunning harbor, Newport is the quintessential New England town. Come for the pristine colonial homes and Gilded-Age mansions, stay for one of the many anticipated events, like July’s Newport Folk Festival.

7. Juzcar, Spain, a.k.a. “Smurf Town”

Juzcar, Spain, a.k.a. "Smurf Town"

Somehow the producers of The Smurfs movie managed an epic, unending publicity stunt: They convinced 250 locals from the town of Juzcar, in Southern Spain, to let them paint their entire town blue. And to this day, so it stays.

8. Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
Vladimir_M / Via iStock
The town of Cesky Krumlov, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been around since the 13th century, with the town’s castle the second largest in the whole Czech Republic. The Gothic castle of the Lords of Krumlov has 40 buildings and palaces, gardens, and turrets and is now used as a major location for performing arts.

9. Wengen, Switzerland

Wengen, Switzerland

Wengen is a dazzling ski town filled with traditional timber chalets and alpine views. Adding to the charm is the fact that cars have been banned in the town for more than 100 years. Live out your Heidi fantasies in this popular tourist spot.

10. Giethoorn, Netherlands

Giethoorn, Netherlands
Luke Ma/Flickr: lukema / Via quora.com
This idyllic Dutch village, once known as the “Venice of the North,” has little canals instead of roads, making the land around each house its own little private island.

11. Alberobello, Italy

Alberobello, Italy
Pirata501/iStock / Via Flickr: lukema

Jennifer Barrow/iStock

It may look like a village for gnomes, but real people live in these 100 cone-shaped, white-tipped houses in the trulli style of architecture, located at the top of a hill and surrounded by olive groves.

12. Bibury, England

Bibury, England
Kevin Richardson/iStock / Via Flickr: lukema

This old village is known for both its honey-colored stone cottages with steeply pitched roofs as well as for being the filming location for movies like Bridget Jones’ Diary. It’s been called “the most beautiful village in England.”

13. Eze in the French Riviera

Eze in the French Riviera
Yan Wang / Via iStock

Enjoy sweeping Mediterranean views in this town on the French Riviera, described as an “eagle’s nest” because it’s perched so high up on a cliff. The city is centuries-old, with the first building in the village dating back to the early 1300s.

14. Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Doug_Rice / Via iStock


Though technically part of the Puerto Rican capital, the island of Old San Juan is it’s own small town. European-style cobblestone streets add to the charm of this spot, which feels like stepping right into a 16th-century Spanish colony. The best part? You don’t need a passport to get there.

15. Key West, Fla.

Key West, Fla.
Maciej Maksymowicz / Via iStock

The place that Ernest Hemingway once called home, Key West’s colorful homes and tropical weather make this a hot destination spot at the very bottom of the country (you can’t get more south while staying in the U.S.). Go dolphin spotting or tour the aforementioned author’s house, where the descendants of his six-toed cats still roam.

16. Shirakawa, Japan

Shirakawa, Japan
Rufous52 / Via iStock

Shirakawa is known for it’s triangle-shaped houses, a style known as gassho, where the roofs resemble hands folded in prayer (the slope helps snow slide down more easily).

17. Yvoire, France

Yvoire, France

Described as one of the most beautiful cities in France, the medieval city of Yvoire is known for their stunning flower displays during the summer months.

18. Split, Croatia

Split, Croatia
Witold Ryka / Via iStock
This well-preserved Mediterranean getaway is home to more than 250,000, and has a winning combination of Roman ruins and gorgeous beaches, not to mention a lively nightlife scene.

19. Hallstatt, Austria

Hallstatt, Austria
Kevin Poh / Via Flickr: kevinpoh
Hallstatt, considered to be the oldest still-inhabited village in Europe, is home to just under 1,000 people, and has evidence of inhabitants since prehistoric times. Sometimes called the “pearl of Austria,” Hallstatt is considered to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Pretty girl seeking a rich husband got a shocking Investment banker’s reply

Not sure if a CEO has the time to reply to such things, but this is surely fun to read!lol

A young and pretty lady posted this on a popular forum:

Title: What should I do to marry a rich guy?

I’m going to be honest of what I’m going to say here. I’m 25 this year. I’m very pretty, have style and good taste. I wish to marry a guy with $500k annual salary or above. You might say that I’m greedy, but an annual salary of $1M is considered only as middle class in New York.

My requirement is not high. Is there anyone in this forum who has an income of $500k annual salary? Are you all married? I wanted to ask: what should I do to marry rich persons like you?

Among those I’ve dated, the richest is $250k annual income, and it seems that this is my upper limit.
If someone is going to move into high cost residential area on the west of New York City Garden(?), $250k annual income is not enough.

I’m here humbly to ask a few questions:

1) Where do most rich bachelors hang out? (Please list down the names and addresses of bars, restaurant, gym)
2) Which age group should I target?
3) Why most wives of the riches are only average-looking? I’ve met a few girls who don’t have looks and are not interesting, but they are able to marry rich guys.
4) How do you decide who can be your wife, and who can only be your girlfriend? (my target now is to get married)
Ms. Pretty

A philosophical reply from CEO of J.P. Morgan when you continue!

Dear Ms. Pretty,
I have read your post with great interest. Guess there are lots of girls out there who have similar questions like yours. Please allow me to analyse your situation as a professional investor.
My annual income is more than $500k, which meets your requirement, so I hope everyone believes that I’m not wasting time here.
From the standpoint of a business person, it is a bad decision to marry you. The answer is very simple, so let me explain.

Put the details aside, what you’re trying to do is an exchange of “beauty” and “money” : Person A provides beauty, and Person B pays for it, fair and square.
However, there’s a deadly problem here, your beauty will fade, but my money will not be gone without any good reason. The fact is, my income might increase from year to year, but you can’t be prettier year after year.

Hence from the viewpoint of economics, I am an appreciation asset, and you are a depreciation asset. It’s not just normal depreciation, but exponential depreciation. If that is your only asset, your value will be much worse 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street, every trading has a position, dating with you is also a “trading position”.
If the trade value dropped we will sell it and it is not a good idea to keep it for long term – same goes with the marriage that you wanted. It might be cruel to say this, but in order to make a wiser decision any assets with great depreciation value will be sold or “leased”.

Anyone with over $500k annual income is not a fool; we would only date you, but will not marry you. I would advice that you forget looking for any clues to marry a rich guy. And by the way, you could make yourself to become a rich person with $500k annual income.This has better chance than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps.

J.P. Morgan CEO

11 Inspirational Quotes That Are Actually Surprisingly True

You know those inspirational quotes you hear that make you actually stop and listen? The ones somebody posts on Facebook that brighten your day, and you find yourself thinking, ‘that’s so true!’ I’ve been coming across a lot of inspirational quotes recently, so I thought it might be nice to share a few of my favorites with you all.


This is one of my favorite inspirational quotes as it rings really true with me – try not to look to the past too much, be thankful for the things and the people you have in your life and keep a sense of childlike optimism about the future. I think that’s the key to happiness really!

2. EVERYTHING HAPPENS…Evrything happenss for a reason

This quote won’t resonate with everyone, and that’s okay. I strongly believe things do happen for a reason, both good and bad – so much so that I have it tattooed on my arm. Looking back at decisions you’ve made and things that have happened to you, it’s easy to see that they’ve brought you to where you are today!


This quote by the late Nelson Mandela has been seen everywhere this week – for me, it’s one of his most powerful. I think we all need to take more responsibility for teaching children to love and accept others.

4. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE…You only live once.

Another favorite of mine. Of course, everyone’s ‘right’ will be different, but fill your life with the things that make you happy and once will be plenty; make sure you don’t have any regrets!

5.MILTON BERLE14192749_4460

This is a great quote – basically it’s saying that sometimes you have to create your own opportunities. Take steps towards your dreams in order to make them happen and you’ll get there!


Powerful stuff! I hate feeling like I need anyone, although I know we all do sometimes. Try to be independent and support the ones you love and they’ll always be there for you.

7. JACK CANFIELD14192754_2642

This reminds me to push myself to do things that scare me and challenge me as often as I can. It’s too easy to get stuck in a safe, comfortable rut – so get out there and push yourself everyday!

8. IT WILL PASSthis-too-shall-pass-john-rizzuto

I think this is a really powerful and positive quote. Sometimes we all go through really difficult and painful times, but it’s important to recognize that it will pass and things will get brighter again, even if it takes some time.

9. PERFECTION14192749_3616

Nobody is really perfect, even those who think they are. It’s your flaws that make you unique and beautiful – whilst you might hate certain things about yourself, they could be the very things that somebody else loves. This reminds me not to waste my time trying to be perfect, but just to be happy with who I am.


This rings very true with me – looking back on decisions I’ve made and things I’ve done, it’s easy to feel regretful at times. But when you think back to why you did those things and where you were at the time, this quote is very true. Don’t regret the things you’ve done as they have made you who you are today!

11. COOKIE MONSTERCookie Monster

This had to be my final choice – I loved Cookie Monster as a kid and still love him now! It’s a very true quote – if you’d share your last anything with them then they must be a true friend. This quote always makes me smile!

So there you have it – hopefully at least one of these quotes has struck a chord with you and made you think or even made you smile. I personally love inspirational quotes and try to keep them in mind as often as possible when I’m having a bad day. Share with me some of your favorite quotes that inspire you?

Breathtaking Photography of Asia By Weerapong Chaipuck

Asia is a beautiful and mysterious continent with breathtaking landscapes and deep-rooted traditions. This is exactly how photographer Weerapong Chaipuck shows it in his photos. Looking at his work, it is hard to believe that he took up photography only after an early retirement from the medical profession.

His main interest is travel and landscape photography, through which he shows us the beauty of our world. “To create a project, you must do homework about the place; which season and period of time are optimal for taking photographs, what is the vantage point, which lens should be used, and what your post production process is going to look like,” – says Chaipuck. And that homework has paid off with well-executed and stunningly atmospheric shots.

Enjoy the amazing photos below and be sure to check out his 500px page for more.

Source: 500px.com

1. Li River, China.

Li River, China.

2. Li River, China.

Li River, China.

3. Li River, China.

Li River, China.

4. Zhangye, China.

Zhangye, China.

5. Yangshuo, China

Yangshuo, China

6. Wat Klang, Thailand.

Wat Klang, Thailand.

7. Dunhuang, China.

Dunhuang, China.

8. Northern Vietnam.

Northern Vietnam.

9. Northern Vietnam.

Northern Vietnam.

10. Northern Vietnam.

Northern Vietnam.

11. Dal lake, Srinigar, India.

Dal lake, Srinigar, India.

12. On the way to Srinagar-Leh.

On the way to Srinagar-Leh.

13. Zhangjiajie, China.

Zhangjiajie, China.

14. Mount Bromo, Indonesia.

Mount Bromo, Indonesia.

15. Mount Bromo, Indonesia.

Mount Bromo, Indonesia.

16. Yuanyang, China.

Yuanyang, China.

17. Borobudur, Indonesia.

Borobudur, Indonesia.

18. Longshuba, China.

Longshuba, China.

19. Yunnan, China.

Yunnan, China.

20. Bagan, Myanmar.

Bagan, Myanmar.

21. Luoping, China.

Luoping, China.

30+ Tips for a Successful and Goal Driven Life

To achieve success in our lives we need dedication, commitment, hard work, and determination. Success only comes to those who look for it and work towards it. People have named me ‘the unstoppable machine’ many times before. I am a person who is always determined to get to where I need to be. Through my experience, I have learned and grown to know that it’s necessary to set your own rules and principles in order to reach the top. Here are some of the guidelines I follow:

1. Find your true purpose in life.

Figure out what drives you. What passion brings out the best in you?

2. Self belief, inner will power, and strength

are all necessary for a happy life. You have to be confident in your own ability to achieve goals. No matter who doubts you, you should still be able to believe in yourself.

3. Self investment:

Investing in oneself is not always about money. It’s about education. The world is evolving very fast and it’s very important for you to have at least a pinch of knowledge about how it all works.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ? Nelson Mandela

I read quotes of people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Will Smith, and Robin Sharma to empower myself everyday. At times I even look for self-help books that will challenge and help me grow. Regardless of what anybody else tells you, there is always something new to learn.

As much as schooling and education are important, self-education is the next level. I recently acquainted with a school mate who is an author and he told me he writes 7,000 words per day. He said it started as fun, then eventually it turned into a hobby, and now he’s a full-time author. I was moved at what self investment can do.

4. Empowerment

– as you learn, empower others with your knowledge and skills. Knowledge shared is knowledge learned. At a place I used to work one of the ladies started as a sweeper but my boss saw great potential in her so she taught her to photocopy, print, and write correspondence letters. Now, she is an administrator.

5. Commitment/determination/dedication.

These 3 words are the biggest key to success. There will be lots of challenges when you are focusing on your purpose for life. There will be pressure to meet deadlines and keep up with your speed. You will have to sacrifice many other things. When I was doing my two degrees simultaneously I had to sacrifice many events and celebrations as I had to maintain my focus and remind myself every single day what my longterm goal was. It was to graduate with a double degree.

6. Prioritize

– It’s very important to set priorities as the purpose you have set for yourself will usually fall as the first priority. It will naturally take up most of your hours.

7. Keeping up with the world.

Knowing what is going on in the world is always a plus. Especially if you can see through the propaganda. It will help in making acquaintances easily, as through my experiences I have noticed that when you catch a person in their area of interest it makes your connection stronger.

8. Developing connections.

A friend once told me your networks are your net worth. It takes years to form connections as everyone you meet is resourceful in one way or another. Always be open to meeting new people. You never know what kind of experiences and opportunities that relationship will bring about.

9. Consistency, patience, and perseverance are key ingredients.

I have seen many people who chase overnight success. Success is a process you have to consistently work towards. It’s not some button you can press. There will be many frustrating moments along the way, but you should never allow yourself to give up.

10. Risk takers.

Richard Branson is successful but he keeps taking risks. Losing money in one business did not stop him from trying another. He does not give up on his ideas or dreams. I’m not advocating taking unnecessary risk, however if you have a good feeling about something you should consider going for it. After all, you only live once.

11. Have a mentor.

A mentor with experience can guide you and give you wisdom. I’ve learned that having a mentor is a valuable asset as long as you go to them with real problems and meaningful challenges.

12. Make time for yourself.

Solitude brings the best ideas. Most people do not understand that when you’re in solitude you have time to reflect on your life and figure out what you need to do in the future.

13. Constantly reading.

Reading expands your thinking and allows you to discover new ideas. Thinking ‘outside the box,’ will allow you to be more creative. Apply every interesting idea that comes your way from reading in the real world. Skip TV and read instead. You’ll thank me for it later.

14. Sincerity/honesty/integrity.

Be a person whose principles you would want to follow. Have you ever said, “I want to be like her/him?” Well, try to be the hero of your own story.

15. Always maintain humility and humbleness

no matter how successful you become. It will make others respect you more and look up to you.

16. Get out of your comfort zone

There is no room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone. I sure do love my comfort zone, but when I’m pushed out of it my confidence grows. It may be scary at first, but when you look back on life you will be quite thankful.

17. Get rid of negativity and obstacles.

Make no compromises. For me there has always been more negativity then positivity. My biggest challenge has been to fight the negative things people say while still remaining positive. That’s why #2 is important. No matter what people say you should not take anything personally. There will be many distractions on the way to success, but you’ll have to maintain focus on your goals with your inner strength and willpower.

18. Work at your own pace toward your goal.

Everyone’s pace is different. Some people climb the ladder of success faster than others. Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to anybody else.

19. Have an open mind.

You should always be open to receiving new ideas and open to critiques, even if they come from the lowest person. Do you have to listen to them? Not really. However you should logically evaluate if what somebody else is saying.

Everyone has something to teach in the capacity they are in. I usually spend time with the guard at the door, Askari, as he teaches me gardening which is one of my main passions. Learning is a two ways street. As we teach, we also learn. Sometimes I sit with my niece and nephew just discussing future prospects and goals. More often than not I’m amazed as they come up with the smartest ideas. Every single person has something to offer, even if they’re a child.

20. Dedicate time to the things you love most.

Find at least one hour everyday for your passion as it will rejuvenate you towards your goal.

21. Figure out your best working hours.

The 9 to 5 doesn’t apply to everybody. For example, my most productive hours are at night between 10pm to 3am. Everyone has a unique preference. Find yours and stick to it.

22. Healthy living is energetic living

Your health is the most important thing to take care of. Without it, you will not be able to chase your dreams and do the things you love. I always emphasize this. You must keep your body healthy and take care of it. Use your free time to read blogs and books about nutrition. Once again, health is the most important investment you can make.

23. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

If you fail, keep moving. Failure is the only way to success. The most important thing is not to give up and keep going.

24. Learn from people but do not be influenced by them.

Maintain your own originality and purpose. Don’t try to copy somebody else’s ambition. You know what your goals are. Stick to them. Don’t get distracted by somebody else’s life.

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” – John Mason

25. Self-evaluate at each stage you have reached to see your personal growth.

Are you happy with what you are doing? Are u experiencing fulfillment? Are u doing things with your full capacity and potential? If the answer is no, then you need to change something.

Many people don’t do this until they’re old. Don’t have any regrets at the end of the road. Constant self evaluate your goals, visions, and dreams.

26. Self-discipline.

Are you strong enough to resist the things that waiver you?

27. Always have a long-term vision.

Think of a 5 years plan. Where do you see yourself? What have you already accomplished? What are you planning to do next? What do you need to do today to get there? Questions like these should be pondered upon.

28. Motivate yourself everyday towards your goal.

Motivation runs dry easily. That’s just the truth. You might be exited one day, and a week from now you’ll probably come up with a mental excuse as to why you can no longer chase that goal. When you are working towards something for a long time, the results will take longer than usual. It’s very easy to get de-motivated, when your goal is far away. Keep working at it, look for motivation each day.

29. Organization.

This is one of the first principles. Organizing yourself and making a schedule for each goal will make everything smoother. Once you write something down, think of it as a contract you made with yourself. Do you hate it when people promise something and never deliver? Well, why would you do that to yourself?

30. Intimate contacts.

Have a few close people to share your visions and goals with, but make sure these people have positive influence in your life.

31. Be loyal to what you have promised to do.

Keep your word, people will always respect you and know you are committed to achieving your goal if you fulfill this. For starters, time management. I usually feel it’s good to arrive at least 5-10 minutes early for a meeting or an appointment.

32. If you can make money doing what you love, you won the game of life.

Many people settle for a job they don’t like or enjoy. They simply do it for the paycheck. When the only thing you look forward to is a paycheck, you need to reassess your life immediately! You should feel happy when you work, not miserable.

33. Move past your fear into faith.

It has been the hardest thing for me achieve. There’s always an unsettling feeling of “What if?” What if this happens? What if I don’t get the job? What if I can’t do this or that?

Living your life of ‘what ifs’ will mentally destroy you. It takes time to slowly train and convince the mind that there are no ‘what ifs.’ Do you have faith in what you are doing? Do u believe you will succeed? Then stop worrying and start having some faith in yourself.

42 Impossibly Fun Wedding Photo Ideas You’ll Want To Steal

1. The sun shining through a heart.

The sun shining through a heart.


2. An aerial view of the wedding dress in all its glory.

An aerial view of the wedding dress in all its glory.


The most romantic picnic blanket ever.

3. Incorporating three generations of women.

Incorporating three generations of women.


4. A perfectly symmetric family photo.

A perfectly symmetric family photo.

5. Something a little silly, if you don’t mind the groom having his head up your skirt.

Something a little silly, if you don't mind the groom having his head up your skirt.

6. A shot where you’re surrounded by the people you love.

A shot where you're surrounded by the people you love.
Inspire Photography

Draw the heart on the ground with chalk so your guests know where to stand.

7. The bridesmaids before they get ready.

The bridesmaids before they get ready.

9. Fun with mirrors.

Fun with mirrors.
jeffkolodnyphotography.com / Via joyfoleyweddings.com
Emin Photography

11. A shot of the couple before the wedding, reading each other’s letters.

A shot of the couple before the wedding, reading each other's letters.

You won’t NOT be able to look back on this without crying.

12. A “from below” shot of the bridesmaids’ toast.

A "from below" shot of the bridesmaids' toast.

13. The “tiny bride” perspective pic.

The "tiny bride" perspective pic.

14. Another requisite perspective pic.

Another requisite perspective pic.

15. An adorable shot of the bride with the flower girl.

An adorable shot of the bride with the flower girl.

16. Or flower girls.

Or flower girls.

Because they’re small and they pretty much fit anywhere.

17. A “first look” not just with the groom, but with Dad.

A "first look" not just with the groom, but with Dad.

18. A “first look” with the bridesmaids.

A "first look" with the bridesmaids.
velaimages.com / Via magnoliarouge.com

19. A photo of your guests giving you ~a little privacy~ for your hot makeout sesh.

A photo of your guests giving you ~a little privacy~ for your hot makeout sesh.
jenniferbagwellphotographyblog.com / Via frostedpetticoatblog.com

21. Some very goofy photos of the groomsmen.

Some very goofy photos of the groomsmen.
Otto Schulze Photographers

Boys will be boys.

25. The first dance…in aerial view.

The first dance... in aerial view .

26. A photo with photos of your parents’ wedding days.

A photo with photos of your parents' wedding days.

27. A cute photo op with your bridesmaids that lets you reminisce how far in your friendship you’ve come.

A cute photo op with your bridesmaids that lets you reminisce how far in your friendship you've come.

28. A shot with them at the bar…literally.

A shot with them at the bar...literally.

29. And because you know they’ll be Instagramming the sh*t out of your dress…

And because you know they'll be Instagramming the sh*t out of your dress...

30. A mad boob grab.

A mad boob grab.

For a very special group of friends.

31. Silly poses with each of your bridesmaids.

Silly poses with each of your bridesmaids.

So you can send each girl a thank you note with your picture together.

32. A romantic photo of the wedding party with the sweet ride you rented for the day.

A romantic photo of the wedding party with the sweet ride you rented for the day.
mintandsage.com / Via fioreblossoms.blogspot.com

33. A photo with everyone giving their best bouquet-face.

A photo with everyone giving their best bouquet-face.

34. A photo you can include in your “thank you” notes.

A photo you can include in your "thank you" notes.

You can buy the prop signs here.

35. A candid laughing photo.

A candid laughing photo.
4eyesphotography.com / Via stylemepretty.com

36. One that incorporates your HUGE ROCK as well as your best furry friend.

One that incorporates your HUGE ROCK as well as your best furry friend.
Gambol Photography

37. A GIF.

42 Impossibly Fun Wedding Photo Ideas You'll Want To Steal

Can you believe we’ve come this far in the modern age?? See a bunch more wedding photography GIFs here.

38. A pinky promise photo showing off your rings.

A pinky promise photo showing off your rings.
Jordan Jankun Photography / Via lover.ly

39. A photo with the kids that is perfectly worthy of framing.

A photo with the kids that is perfectly worthy of framing.

40. A creative double-exposure.

A creative double-exposure.

You can ask your photographer to do this for you in Photoshop.

41. An artful reflection.

An artful reflection.

42. L-O-V-E.


Is all you need.