5 Killer Cardio Options

When it comes to burning fat, don’t be a one-trick pony. Broaden your cardio horizons with these get-lean approaches.

As we move into the New Year and out of holiday mode, most of us — including myself — are probably in need of a little cardio boost to bring the waist line and fitness levels back into respectable order.Cardio training is a great way to burn plenty of instant calories for a quick weight loss response and, when combined with a resistance training program, it’s a sure fire way to keep your fitness levels up and while keeping your waistline measurement down.Below are five of my favorite and most effective ways to get a great cardio workout that will not only give you amazing results but, perhaps more importantly, plenty of variety to eliminate boredom and keep you motivated to exercise.

DID YOU KNOW? The average male can easily torch 350-450 calories in only a 30-minute training session, especially when using the HIIT (high intensity interval training) protocols. HIIT also keeps metabolism elevated for 24-48 hours, an effect known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. 


1. Indoor Cycle or Spin

You can’t beat the energy and adrenaline rush of a group cycle class, not to mention the fact that this workout is ideal for the coordination-challenged among us. Indoor cycle workouts are great because literally anyone can do them as you regulate your own intensity by the resistance you use on the bike. The other bonus of these classes is that you don’t need to think, as the instructor will design the workout for you. A variation of fast sprint intervals combined with slower strength and endurance training phases will give best results.
Potential Burn: 400-600 calories per hour + EPOC


2. Rower

Rowers, now de rigeur thanks to the CrossFit explosion, are perfect for a full-body cardio blast that uses both upper and lower body to power through the workout, plus you have the added benefit that the rower is a non-impact exercise. The workout options for the rower are endless and variety is essential if you want to keep challenging your body for optimal results. I recommend choosing a different training objective week to week alternating between various timeframe interval training, steady state endurance, and one-mile time trials. The rower also makes an ideal warm-up exercise before any workout.
Potential Burn: 450-600 calories per hour + EPOC


3. Boxing

If something requiring a bit more skill is more your style then boxing could just be the thing for you. Boxing is not only an awesome calorie burner but also a great way to get out some extra aggression if the need arises. When done with a sparring partner or coach, boxing is also a great way to increase your coordination. I find that simple combinations working in three-minute rounds and then swapping with your partner work best to pack the biggest punch. Using a heavy bag if you have access to one is also a great way to incorporate some kicks, which are great for the legs and core.
Potential Burn: 750-1000 calories per hour

Plyo Kick_3

4. Plyometrics

Plyometrics are not for the faint hearted or the beginning exerciser but definitely worth the effort. When performing plyometric exercises, attention to the landing phase is critical to eliminate excess impact on the knee joints and to ensure the workout is all muscle. Plyometric exercises are best done in short intervals of 15-30 seconds or in a Tabata-type workout. They also make an excellent superset complement in the weight room. A few box jumps after a heavy set of squats is one option for those seeking a next-level training challenge.

Of course, since plyometrics are more explosive in nature, care will need to be taken to ensure that you are properly warmed up ahead of time and that any jumps are done on safe, stable surfaces. It should also be noted that explosive energy stores are finite and cannot be done for extended periods of time. Most plyo-based workouts will be shorter in nature (20 minutes or less) but plyometric moves can be sprinkled in throughout any workout to create an uptick in intensity.
Potential Burn: Varies greatly depending on movements chosen and duration of activity

5. Cardio Circuits

Sometimes, your best option is to use several of your options – at once. I am a huge fan of cardio circuits for a few reasons. Time flies by faster and if you’re anything like me and get bored easily then this is an essential element of any workout. If you are looking for the ultimate cardio blast try this little ripper below. Complete three rounds for 15 minutes of insane cardio conditioning. Try this workout with a training buddy to add a competitive element to your shred session.

Exercise Time Intensity
Rower 60 seconds High – Fast with heavy resistance
Rest 30 seconds Low
Boxing (heavy bag) 30 seconds High – As many punches as possible
Rest 30 seconds Low
Indoor Cycle 60 seconds High – Fast with moderate resistance
Recovery 90 seconds Low
Repeat circuit five times total. 

How to Stop Giving a F*ck What People Think

“We’re all guilty. Every day from the moment we wake up, we live our lives caring what other people think of us.  “

We accept the status quo for what it is because everyone around us does. We tip toe our way through life by doing things in order to please others, not because it’s what we believe in. Eventually our actions, appearances, and lives become molded by how we think other people perceive us. How are these pants going to make me look? What will my colleagues think if I spoke out? Are those people talking shit behind my back? If I take this job, what will my friends and family think of me?

Just writing that paragraph alone gave me a headache. It’s exhausting. It’s dreadful. It has to stop. Living a life that follows the ideal notions of what other people think is a terrible way to live. It makes you become the spineless spectator who waits for other people to take action first. It makes you become a follower. Worst of all, it makes you become someone who doesn’t take a stand for anything.

Today is the last day we live a life dictated by others. Today, we’re going to get to the bottom of the truth. Today is the day we stop giving a F@$%.

No One Really Cares

Believe it or not, we’re not that special. We go through our days thinking about how other people might be judging us. But the truth is—those people are thinking the exact same thing. No one in today’s “smartphone-crazed” society has time in their schedule to think more than a brief second about us. The fact of the matter is, when we do have time get our thoughts straight, we’re too busy thinking about ourselves and our own shortcomings—not others.

A study done by the National Science Foundation claims that people have, on average, 50,000 plus thoughts a day. This means that even if someone thought about us ten times in one day, it’s only 0.02% of their overall daily thoughts. It is a sad but simple truth that the average person filters their world through their ego, meaning that they think of most things relating to “me” or “my.” This means that unless you have done something that directly affects another person or their life, they are not going to spend much time thinking about you at all.

I’ve always enjoyed watching performers trying to hustle for some change at New York City train stations. These guys simply don’t give a F@$%. But the more interesting observation I made is how the spectators react. Rather than watching the actual performers, most people are looking around to see how other people are reacting. If people were laughing, they would start laughing too. But if people weren’t paying attention, they would also pay no mind.

Even when provided with the blatantly obvious opportunity to judge someone, people are still thinking about how others may perceive them. Once you understand that this is how people’s minds works, it’s a big step towards freedom.

You Can’t Please Everyone

It’s impossible to live up to everyone’s expectations. There will always be people—no matter what we say or how we treat them—that will judge us. Whether you’re at the gym, at work, taking the train, or even online playing Call of Duty. Even now it’s happening. You will never be able to stop people from judging you, but you can stop it from affecting you.

Think about the worst thing that could possibly happen when someone is judging you or what you’re doing. I guarantee that chances are—nothing will happen. Absolutely nothing. No one is going to go out of their busy lives to confront us, or even react for that matter. Because as I mentioned before, no one actually cares. What will happen is that these people will actually respect you for claiming your ground. They may disagree with you, but they’ll respect you.

Start standing up for what you believe in—causes, opinions, anything. You’re going to have people that disagree with you anyways, so why not express how you truly feel? I’ve learned that it’s better to be loved by a few people you care about, than to be liked by everyone. These are family, friends, your spouse—the people who love you for who you are, and the people who will be there for you during your worst times. Focus on these people. They’re the only people that matter.

You Reap What You Sow

Worrying too much about what other people think can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, because the way we think starts to become the way we behave.

These individuals become people-pleasers and are overly accommodating to others, thinking it will stop them from being judged. In fact, the opposite is true. Most people don’t like push-overs and are turned off by it. The behavior we use in an attempt to please others, can actually cause the opposing effect. This means that if you’re a push-over, then you’re going to be attracting others in your life who are also push-overs. Vice versa. This can be quite a dangerous path to go down if you don’t recognize its consequences.

It’s been said that we are the average of the five people we hang out with the most. When we start to attract and associate with the same people that share our weaknesses —we’re stuck. We stop growing, because there’s no one to challenge us to be better. We start thinking that this is the norm and we remain comfortable. This is not a place you want to be.

Now let’s talk about the cure. Here are five ways to stop giving a F@$%.

Reclaiming Your Freedom

1. Know Your Values

First and foremost. You need to know what’s important to you in life, what you truly value, and what you’re ultimately aiming for. Once you know who you really are and what matters to you, what other people think of you becomes significantly less important. When you know your values, you’ll have something to stand up for —something you believe in.

You’ll stop saying yes to everything. Instead, you’ll learn to say no when friends pressure you to go bar-hopping, or when a tempting business opportunity distracts you from your business. When you have your values straight, you have your shit straight.

2. Put Yourself Out There

Now that you know what your values are, it’s time to put yourself out there. This can be done several ways. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Blogging
  • Wearing a polka-dot sweater
  • Public Speaking
  • Flirting/Asking someone out2

Keep in mind that when you’re doing any of these activities, you have to speak your mind. Be honest with yourself and what you share, because the world doesn’t need another conflict-avoider who does what everyone else does.

3. Surround Yourself with Pros

Surround yourself with people who are self-assured, and live life without comprising their core values. These people will rub off on you quickly.

One of my best friends, Cody, has been a big influence on me. Having spent the summer with him, I’ve observed countless times where he strongly voiced his opinion on controversial topics. What I learned was that he was simply voicing opinions that people already had in their heads, but were too afraid to voice. People admired him for being so honest and direct, even when they disagreed with his views. Thanks for not giving a F@$%,

4. Create a “Growth List”

OK, now we’re getting personal. I haven’t told anyone this, but I have this list called the “Growth List.” A Growth List is comprised of all the things in life that makes you uncomfortable. These are fears, insecurities—anything that gives you the jitters. Here’s how it works.

 You start by writing all the things that make you feel uncomfortable. Then one-by-one, you do them. Once you complete the task, you move on to the next. Repeat.

My first growth task was taking a cold shower (The Flinch). I turned the water as cold as it could get, and I could feel my body shake before I even entered the shower. This was the inner bullshit voice in my head talking. It was hard at first. But surprisingly, it got easier the second time. Then even easier the third time. Before I knew it, my body stopped shaking—I was no longer uncomfortable; I’d conquered my fear.

This exercise does wonders. I have yet to find a better way to get out of my comfort zone. You can read all the books in the world about being confident or getting over your fears, but if you don’t take action, you’re just someone who’s read how to ride a bicycle without ever having ridden one.

5. Travel Alone

If you’re looking for an ultimate transformation that combines all of the points above, you should travel alone. Traveling with other people can be fun, but you won’t get the opportunity to truly get out of your comfort zone. You’ll be exposed to different social cultures, break social norms that you didn’t even know existed, and ultimately, be forced to burst out of your small bubble.

Bring as little as possible, and fit everything into one backpack. Plan nothing, except for a one-way flight ticket to your destination—figure everything else out when you’re there. Trust me, you’ll be just fine. It won’t be easy initially, but don’t get discouraged. Being comfortable with the uncomfortable will grow with time. I continue to struggle with it everyday, as do many others. But you need to get started today.

The world is already full of people who obey the status quo. But the people who don’t give a F@$% are the ones that change the world. Be the latter. Start living life the way you want, be fearless like you once were as a child, and always, always stand up for the truth. Someone has to.

Daily Dozen – Some of the best photos chosen by National Geographic editors.

National Geographic

In this article we are presenting this amazing project run by National Geographic where the NATGEO editors will handpick their favorites and publish a story created from publishers pictures and their editor commentary. All these photographs were super amazing but we decide to pick up 30 of them. All these photographs have their own story.

What Jeanne Moddermann saying about Daily Dozen:
“If you’ve been a regular contributor to or viewer of the Daily Dozen, you’ll notice we’ve made some changes. Our biggest change is that we now review every photo submitted to National Geographic’s Your Shot for consideration in the Daily Dozen. This means that if you upload 15 photos to your gallery, those 15 photos will all be reviewed and may be featured in the Daily Dozen.

There is no specific time period for reviewing photos for a day’s Daily Dozen. Our editors may look at a few days’ worth of photos to select the images featured on a particular day. We may include an image on Thursday that you submitted on Tuesday. However, our Daily Dozen editors do not look at all 1.3 million photos on the site each day. If your photo is selected for the Daily Dozen, it will be noted under the “Published” tab on your profile.” ..read more>

National Geographic
Smelling the wind Photograph by Ben Cherry


A fawn and a boy   Photograph by hasib wahab
A fawn and a boy
Photograph by hasib wahab
A rare glimpse of human affection to it’s surrounding species. The boy here helped the newborn fawn to cross the canal during the high tide. Location: Nijhum Dwip, Noakhali, Bangladesh


Cold and Icy by Y Q
Cold and Icy by Y Q


Auroras and DC-3 in the South of Iceland Photograph by Carlos Gauna
Auroras and DC-3 in the South of Iceland Photograph by Carlos Gauna


Family's bond Photograph by Takeshi Marumoto
Family’s bond Photograph by Takeshi Marumoto


Gentoo Penguin Photograph by Christian Wilkinson
Gentoo Penguin Photograph by Christian Wilkinson
A single Gentoo Penguin pauses for thought on top of a huge iceberg at Paradise Bay, Antarctica.


Playful Lions Check Out Camera Photograph by Kym Illman
Playful Lions Check Out Camera Photograph by Kym Illman
This lion playfully pawed at my Canon 5DMk3 camera on a recent trip to the Maasai Mara.


True love Photograph by chef atul lahkar
True love Photograph by chef atul lahkar
This photograph remind my childhood how beautiful it was , when i saw some are slum boys are playing together in a beautiful morning light just tried to capture some of moment …friends are forever endless love


Natural resources of Bolivia  Photograph by Takaki Watanabe
Natural resources of Bolivia Photograph by Takaki Watanabe
The salt flats contain more than half of the world’s supply of lithium, the mineral used in computers, phone batteries and electric cars


Toronto with snow & ice Photograph by Peter Bowers
Toronto with snow & ice
Photograph by Peter Bowers
It’s been a very cold winter, so the ice in the harbour is quite thick. Strong winds have scoured the snow on the ice creating these shapes. I used a 2-stop hard ND grad filter to “hold back” the light from the city and sky.


Herding in the Altai Photograph by Tariq Sawyer
Herding in the Altai Photograph by Tariq Sawyer
Kazakh-Mongolian nomad searching for graze in the Altai Mountains, Mongolia.


Photographer on the curves  Photograph by Faisal Alateeqi
Photographer on the curves Photograph by Faisal Alateeqi
I took this shot when i was in uae specifically in liwa desert in abu dhabi


Eruption Kelud Photograph by Heppy Trisna
Eruption Kelud Photograph by Heppy Trisna
I took this photo at the time of the eruption kelud on February 13, 2014 at 00:56, in which all the panic witnessed eruptions


Cairn of snow - Photography by Christian Nesset
Cairn of snow – Photography by Christian Nesset
While waiting for potential northern lights you have to stay warm, so i built this 2m tall cairn of snow at the summit of Fulånebba. In a distance you can see the lights of Sunndalsøra lightning up the mountains-sides.


Changpa of Ladakh Photograph by Kavya Reddy
Changpa of Ladakh Photograph by Kavya Reddy
The Changpa of Ladakh are high altitude pastoralists, raising mainly yaks and goats. The homeland of the Changpa is a high altitude plateau known as the Changtang, which forms a portion of western and northern Tibet extending into southeastern Ladakh, and Changpa means ‘northerners’ in Tibetan.


Batman at the Favela Metro-Mangueira  Photograph by Elisabete Maisao
Batman at the Favela Metro-Mangueira Photograph by Elisabete Maisao
Representatives from the City arrived at Favela of Metrô-Mangueira to demolish homes, causing panic and despair amongst the hundreds of people currently living in the local. Batman arrived to comfort the residents and he made the happiness of the children from this place.


Hole in the snow Photograph by Ivo Gianni Fraska
Hole in the snow Photograph by Ivo Gianni Fraska
The big hole in the snow looks like a scene from X-files.


AB over SørreisaPhotograph by Mats anda
AB over SørreisaPhotograph by Mats anda
My second attempt to shoot the Aurora Borealis and we got quite a show. Didnt see the reflections in the car window before in the editing:p


Iulia & Diana playing with their heife Photograph by Bogdan Comanescu
Iulia & Diana playing with their heife Photograph by Bogdan Comanescu
Iulia and Diana playing with their heifer – Geamana, a small hamlet of only a few houses in Apuseni Mountains, Romania, Feb. 2013


Castelluccio di Norcia  Photograph by Sandro L.
Castelluccio di Norcia
Photograph by Sandro L.
Shot made from the summit of Mount Veletta 1600m- Castelluccio di Norcia (PG)


The Tungurahua Volcano  Photograph by Lucas M. Bustamante-Enríquez
The Tungurahua Volcano
Photograph by Lucas M. Bustamante-Enríquez
After waiting all night for a good picture of the eruption of Tungurahua volcano, I could get this photo at 05h00. The contrast of the lava with sky were perfect, not to mention full of stars and Venus as the brightest point in the sky.


Stay in your own lane! Photograph by Patricia Przybylinski
Stay in your own lane! Photograph by Patricia Przybylinski
Vermont moose are already training for the Summer Olympic Swim Team. The snow creates proper resistance to build up power kicks for the Butterfly Relay. I am a shadow fan, and when the sun hits the rails on our front deck, I am ready with props in frozen hands! I’m typing very fast as the shadows are out right now…have to fly! p.s. just making sure you know these are toy moose…or are they?


thirsty elephant  photograph by Steve gordon
thirsty elephant photograph by Steve gordon
i was fascinated about the desert elephants. the only place in the world where you find them is in Namibia. I had researched them and decided it was time to photograph them. this is one lone bull at a small watering hole in the Namibian desert. it was about 10.30 am , you can see from the shadows the sun was quite high in the sky, and the elephant, had bathed in the water to keep cool.


Fragile Photograph by Reinhard Arndt
Fragile Photograph by Reinhard Arndt
Gorgonian Sea Fan (Subergorgia mollis), Sha’ab Sheer (west), Safaga, Egypt


Teeth - Uganda - Kidepo National Park  Photograph by Mauro Mozzarelli
Teeth – Uganda – Kidepo National Park
Photograph by Mauro Mozzarelli
It takes hours for three Lions to be able to open the Buffalo hide. They were almost exhausted when one of them began to eat.


Glacier trekking Photograph by Nahid Bhadelia
Glacier trekking Photograph by Nahid Bhadelia
Perito Moreno Glacier, El Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina. The ice trekking tour on this glacier has to be one of the most surreal experiences of my life. A lot of the North hemisphere glaciers are shrinking but Perito Moreno is one of the most stable glaciers in the world. Being on this body of ice makes you realize how ephemeral and ever changing even the most solid appearing elements of our surroundings are.


Virgin Mary Church  Photograph by Ali Aşılı
Virgin Mary Church Photograph by Ali Aşılı
I took this photo at Virgin Mary Church in Diyarbakir, Turkey. I like light beams very much.


love bite  Photograph by Bruce Thionville
Love bite
Photograph by Bruce Thionville Black panther love bite


Hang En Sunbeam Photograph by Ryan Deboodt
Hang En Sunbeam Photograph by Ryan Deboodt
I was on a trip with a few other cavers to do some photography work and I heard stories of an epic sunbeam that occasionally occurred at the entrance to Hang En in Vietnam. The morning was foggy and cloudy so most everyone gave up hope and left. I managed to convince one other person to hang back in the hopes that the clouds would clear. They did just in time and it was stunning.


Giraffe Tower  Photograph by Ali Rashdan
Giraffe Tower
Photograph by Ali Rashdan
A giraffe strolling on the savannah of the Maasai Mara, Kenya


Volcán De Pacaya Photograph by Alex Soto
Volcán De Pacaya Photograph by Alex Soto
Ríos de lava brotando del Volcán de Pacaya, Escintila, Guatemala


Portrait of a MusherPhotograph by Tom Vaillant
Portrait of a MusherPhotograph by Tom Vaillant
Portrait of a new acquaintance, Quentin, who is one of the mushers here! It was -37*C when we shot this.

Frozen Frames A Unique Portait Series Revives Memories of Youth

We decided to reach out to Margherita Vitagliano, the photographer, to learn more about her project “Frozen Frames.”

Vitagliano works with her subjects to find a photo of them when they were young. “I relate the memories that the photos arouse in them, the music, smells, and flavors of those special moments, and when I [have them] close their eyes, it is they who are reliving that past. When I have them open them, it is as a spectator looking into their eyes that I can feel on my skin what they have heard with their eyes closed.”

This passion for portraits and old photos had very personal origins. “The first photograph that meant something to me was of the hands of my grandmother holding an old photo. All of it happened one afternoon when I looked at old photographs in black and white, found in an attic in a box,” Vitagliano reminisces.

She has been working on the project since February 2013 and has already shared a dozen of these portrait pairs.

“I wish my pictures could talk, reveal emotions, convey friendship and memories of dreams never dormant, stories of the everyday, common to all and sundry as the beating of one heart, the common sentiment of every human being.”

Frozen frames Giovanni age 77
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Margherita Vitagliano her self
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Fozen frames Maria age:92
download (4)
Frozen frames Clemete age:64
download (5)
Frozen frames Grazia age:77
download (6)
Frozen frames Maria age:71
download (7)
Frozen frames Immacolata age:82
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Frozen frames Maria age:89
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Frozen frames Lorenzo age:78
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Frozen frames Livia age:76
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Frozen frames Assunta age: 78
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Frozen frames Carmelo age: 60
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Frozen frames Gaetana age: 88
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Frozen frames Otina age: 78
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Giuseppina e Antonio <3

Each of her portraits has a personal story to go along with it. Some are personal to Vitagliano, as well—she shares the story of the photo with us. “This affects me directly because the lady portrayed here was my elementary school teacher. We went back in time looking at her pictures in black and white, and from all the photographs, we chose one from when she was 20 years old and went to the sea. Before the shot, she left for a moment, and when she came back, I realized that she had put on lipstick, the same shade she used to wear every day when I was a child, so at that moment, I closed my eyes and imagined being a child again.”

“Memories are among the most powerful drugs; they manage to shake humans by bringing to light and reviving memories buried in some kind of hidden corner of the brain. “It’s only in the past that we reveal the beautiful opening of one hand and at the same time we try to grasp it so it doesn’t fade and vanish forever … ”


Madness has no Limits

How do these people live long enough to practice ..Only one way : God loves adventurous risk takers ..what have you risked for Him today !?

Guy Hilariously Photoshops Himself into Celebrity Photos

A man photoshops himself into celebrity photos. The results are eye-wateringly brilliant.

These 20 Photographs Will Leave You Speechless. There Are No Words.

Take a look at these 20 powerful photos that will leave you speechless. Some of these photos are of truly historic moments, while others, are quite heartbreaking.

1.World War II veteran from Belarus Konstantin Pronin, 86, sits on a bench as he waits for his comrades at Gorky park during Victory Day in Moscow, Russia, on Monday, May 9, 2011. Konstantin comes to this place every year. This year he was the only person from the unit to show.


100s of galaxies seen through the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), as they were 10 billion years ago.


Sunset on Mars, taken in 2005 by the Spirit rover.


A soldier making the long walk to defuse a car bomb in Northern Ireland.


Neil Armstrong after his Moonwalk.


This was taken moments after Jewish refugees realized they weren’t being sent to their deaths at the horrible concentration camps and were in fact being saved.


Ignorance is bliss – Homeless man sleeps outside a diner in Milwaukee.


Nazi rally at Nuremberg in 1937.


This photo was taken by astronaut Michael Collins, when he took this photo he was the only human, alive or dead, that wasn’t in the frame of this picture. He travelled with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong and orbited the moon whilst they were landing to study the surface of the moon from farther out.


Lithuanian man in shock after accidentally hitting and killing an eight year old.


Turkish official teases starving Armenian children by showing them a piece of bread during the Armenian Genocide in 1915.


A Filipino politician took this photo of his family moments before being assassinated.


Two engineers died when the windmill they were working on caught fire. This might be the last picture taken of them alive. Picture was taken on October 29th, 2013 in the Netherlands.


A monk prays for a dead man in the station hall of the Shanxi Taiyuan Train Station, China. The man died suddenly of natural causes while waiting for a train.


Girl devastated after the tsunami that hit Japan in 2011.


The orange Sossusvlei sand dunes in Namibia.


Boy tries to wake up his alcoholic father.


“The last Jew in Vinnitsa” – Member of Einsatzgruppe D (a Nazi SS death squad) is just about to shoot a Jewish man kneeling before a filled mass grave in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, in 1941. All 28,000 Jews from Vinnitsa and its surrounding areas were massacred.


Man uses the suicide hotline on the Golden Gate Bridge.


Undulating clouds.

And suddenly, my broken down dishwasher doesn’t seem like such a bad problem to have…really puts things into perspective.

Ben Heine – Incredible 3D pencil drawings that allow the artist to step INSIDE the picture

Belgian artist Ben Heine created ‘Pencil vs Camera’, a work that mixes drawing and photography to create some fascinating imagery. He produces 3D pictures using a pencil and a huge blank sheet. Heine brings new dimensions to the flat surface, making landscapes, animals and even himself appear on the paper. Ben’s work has inspired many other artists who have taken up similar style of producing images. These mind-bending works of art have been so cleverly constructed they allow the artist himself to feature in the picture.

To see more of Ben’s fascinating pictures, visit his Flickr page.

All images © Ben Heine