12 creative family portraits

In the west, a very popular tradition can take group family photos and send them as Christmas cards. But even now, when the New Year holidays, traditionally gather the whole family together, behind, there is no reason not to follow the example of contagious create unusual family portraits.

We present you a few ideas for inspiration. You can just lay one on another palm family members, and can be used as props in a small chalk slate. We really liked the picture cheerful mother with six children in the Zadran up of colorful rubber boots. How about you?

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family12 12 creative family portraits

12. This is our “and they lived happily ever after” …

44 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever


Effective Exercises to Lose Weight are an essential part of a healthy weight loss program. And just as eating healthy is essential, it’s important to exercise as well, which is why you need to look for the Top Exercises to Lose Weight.

The best exercises will contain a cardio aspect and a toning aspect, as this will allow you to see faster results. Here are my top 20 Top Exercise to Lose Weight, that have proven to work the best and burn the most calories. See which of these 20 exercises to lose weight work best for you. The only sure thing – no matter which of these exercises for losing weight you choose, you’ll surely be on the right track for losing weight and toning your body. So, let’s start and take a peek at these:




Calories Burnt: 800 cal/hr
Many of the top exercises to lose weight incorporate aerobics. This mainly targets your legs, hips and bum, which are often the areas that women most want to tone. Doing an hour a day, split into two half an hour sessions, will ensure that you see results within 2 weeks. If you aren’t sure how to do these, check out 7 Best Ab Exercises. Another very similar exercise is bench presses, which go very well in sets with step aerobics. Make sure you’re doing them right or you’ll see no results!


Calories Burnt: 500 – 1000 cal/hr



Calories Burnt: 800 cals/hr

Swimming is definitely a top exercise to lose weight, especially in the summer. Doing laps up and down the pool for an hour will burn off 800 calories, and also tone almost all of your body. Stay motivated by giving yourself half an hour extra to make use of the Jacuzzi when you’ve finished!

Depending on how fast you go, this can be a real calorie burner. Riding outside is always enjoyable, but if you’re a little more time restricted, invest in a good quality exercise bike. This is my favorite calorie burner, because it’s so easy to do. How about riding while watching the TV? I find that cycling through Eastenders keeps me distracted, but working hard at the same time. In case you prefer to ride outside, make sure you take a look at this post called How to Not Get Hit by Cars When Bicycling. Just in case…


Calories Burnt: 800 cals/hr

The side to side running involved in this is a great cardio workout, and will also help to tone your thighs and legs. I also find this exercise for losing weight to be much more sociable, which keeps me working out for longer and keeps me from skipping my gym sessions!


Calories Burnt: 600 cals/hr

This is brilliant cardio, and also helps to build strong muscles, and with toning the stomach. I personally find the Elliptical Burner really great, especially if there is a TV attached to the machine or if you bring along your iPod or iPhone, so that you can listen to your favorite tunes or catch up on latest TV episodes on Hulu. When entertained, you won’t believe how long you can do this exercise for losing weight. I sometimes get so caught in the moment, I spend over an hour on this machine!


Calories Burnt: 500 – 600 cals/hr

Rowing is a brilliant way to tone your arms, and is also very good fun. Get involved with the local rowing club and you’ll get to try it for free, or simply use the rowing machine at the gym. You’ll build arm muscle, burn calories and get an incredible workout.


Calories Burnt: 360 cals/hr

The easiest exercise, brisk walking is a great cardio workout and will also help to tone your legs, stomach and hips. Sprinting, walking across hills or walking uphill will add to the amount of calories burnt, and walking tends to be very easy to fit into daily life. Just walking to the train station has made me so much fitter, and it really wakes me up going for a brisk walk in the morning. Check outHate Running? Get Fit Walking! for the detailed walking workout!


Calories Burnt: 600/800 cal/hr

This targets your entire body, and is an excellent work out. In addition to being one of the top exercises to lose weight, it’s also one of the most fun! I frequently put a music channel on and dance around. In addition to burning calories I find that it’s a great stress reliever! Just make sure you stay active, and try and keep going for at least an hour! If you want to learn some new sexy moves while you are at it, you might want to check out Dancing DVDs reviewed in this post: Do Your Dance Moves Need A Makeover? You can also take a peek at 8 Kinds of Dance that Help You Lose Weight!


Calories Burnt: 300/500 cals/hr

While there are a lot of these, some exercise DVDs do actually help you to lose weight and tone up. Find a high energy one, and try and do it once a day. You’ll burn calories, tone up and feel much fitter. My personal favourite is “Pump It Up”, because the music keeps me motivated!


Calories Burnt: 200-600 cal/hr

This one may be slightly harder to arrange, but going horse riding once a week is one of the best ways to stay fit, healthy and enjoy nature. The view from up there is so amazing, you won’t notice that you’re toning your butt, absand thighs, and burning calories while you’re at it! You’d be surprised at how cheap it can be to arrange a session once a weekend, and if your feeling extra fit you could even cycle to the stables! Check out these 7 Riding Tipsfor more information…


Calories burned per hour: 550 cal/hour

I love to run and jog, and it is so good for your body! Aside from all of the calories you will burn, you’ll also get a lot of thinking done, without all the distractions of the gym or a workout DVD. Truly, I do some of my best decision-making and problem-solving while I’m on a run.


Calories burned per hour: 400 cal/hour

Who knew something so fun could be such a great exercise for losing weight? Bouncing on the trampoline will get your heart thumping, and it is a blast! See if you can do any tricks, like my favorite, the booty-bounce! Be careful, though; a fall can lead to a sprain or a break of epic proportions.

13. ZUMBA!

Calories burned per hour: 500 cal/hour

I’m far too uncoordinated to do Zumba, but look how many calories you can burn in just one hour! Donit get me wrong — I look ridiculous, but I still do my Zumba class — I just make sure to bring a friend or two so we can laugh about it later!


Calories burned per hour: 600 cal/hour

This is one of my favorite exercises for losing weight. I feel like such a bad-ass when I’m done! It’s fun, especially if you bring a friend. You’ll be exhausted when your hour is up, and you’ll have burned so many calories!


Calories burned per hour: 180 cal/hour

Stretching is good for your body and soul, and it’s actually an effective exercise for losing weight! You’ll notice an improvement in your tone and flexibility, plus a decrease in back pain, all while burning about 180 calories an hour… even more if you’re doing more advanced moves and combining more difficult positions.



Calories burned per hour: 400 cal/hour

Running around the soccer field with friends or just chasing the kids with the soccer ball is a marvelous way to burn calories and lose weight! It’s also a lot of fun, if you can keep up…


Calories burned per hour: 350 cal/hour

Hiking, not to be confused with a gentle walk, will burn about 350 calories an hour… and it gives you the opportunity to spend some quality time outside, seeing nature, spending time with someone you love. Or go alone and just enjoy the scenery!


Calories burned per hour: 200 cal/hour

While most of us don’t need an hour of weight training every day, it ought to be part of a well-rounded workout routine, and it’s good to know you can burn about 200 calories if you are able to do an hour… though my personal trainer only recommends about 35 to 40 minutes a day, three days a week.


Calories burned per hour: 350 cal/hour

Another excuse to spend time in the garden — pulling weeds and tending tomatoes, raking leaves and sweeping grass clippings, will burn about 250 calories an hour! Remember to protect yourself from the sun, and keep hydrated, too!


Calories burned per hour: 200 cal/hour

Talk about multi-tasking! Get your house tidy and burn calories, all at the same time! Push the vacuum and dust with gusto, and if you’re feeling sluggish about sweeping, turn on your favorite tunes and add some dance! You’ll burn about 200 calories an hour!

So give these Top Exercises to Lose Weight a try, but remember that you should always consult your doctor before starting a strenuous exercise routine, especially, if you have a medical condition. And if I come learn any more lessons on my weight-loss path, i will be sure to share them with you. Do you have a favorite exercise for losing weight, or know about one that just doesn’t work? Or do you know some interesting way to lose weight? Please tell us about it!

Stuck in customs collecton by Tray Ratcliff

If you’re interested in photography or just enjoying seeing AMAZING shots, you have got to check out this guy. His name is Tray Ratcliff and he does HDR photography. If you don’t know what HDR is or do and want to try it out or get better, he has a free HDR tutorial on the site that is really really really good. Another interesting fact: he’s the first person ever to have a HDR photo hang in the Smithsonian! Check out this amazing collection of Tray

Glittering stars over Queenstown
Saint Mont Michel
The Mysterious Rock of Wonder
The long road in NZ
The monster lake
Golden bay Milford sound
Queenstown Aurora, Australis
The Secret Underwater Passage
Izzy Horse
The Bamboo Forest
La Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre
The Track-New Zealand
The Dirt Road to the Nuclear Blast Site
Arc de Triomphe
Turf Roof
The Edges of Hearst
Eiffel Tower at Night
Queenstown from Above
Above the World

15 Scary and Ominous Photos of Dust Storms

15 Scary and Ominous Photos of Dust Storms

1. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012

Haboob swallows Phoenix one2

Photograph by Andrew Pielage | apizm.com

2. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Phoenix Dust Storm

Photograph by Daniel Bryant | Prints available

3. Indian Ocean near Onslow, Australia, 2013


4. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012

Haboob 2 from the air.  Phoenix Arizona

5. Khartoum, Sudan, 2007

Haboob over the Nile

Photograph via Paul Currion on Flickr

6. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012


Photograph by Jasper Nance on Flickr

7. Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, 2010

01_Haboob_01-02-10 Broken Hill

Photograph by Tim Gimbert on Flickr

8. Khartoum, Sudan

This is where I celebrate Christmas...

Photograph via fyrverkerida

9. Al Asad, Iraq, 2005


10. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Haboob Approaching Ahwatukee - July 31, 2011

11. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Haboob - Dust Storm

Photograph by shannonsl on Flickr

12. Al Asad, Iraq, 2007


Photograph by James Gordon

13. Phoenix, Arizona, 2012


Photograph by Matt Falk on Flickr

14. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

gotta get this outta my system...sorry

15. Phoenix, Arizona, 2011

Haboob Over Phoenix Arizona

Arlington row cottages in Bibury, England.

Cropped For Pinterest

See the Exhibition here on Pinterest: Cropped For Pinterest

I think the internet is the best means for an artist to display his work, and you have to constantly adjust your art so that it can be enjoyed in the medium in which it is communicated.
But Pinterest is different. Long, skinny photos seem to rule the day. And you can do amazing things with that cropping factor. So, I went back through some of my favorite photos and gave them a strategic cropping.

from Trey Ratcliff at www.stuckincustoms.com
from the blog www.stuckincustoms.com
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from Trey Ratcliff at www.stuckincustoms.com from Trey Ratcliff at www.stuckincustoms.com from Trey Ratcliff at www.stuckincustoms.com
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The Beauty Of Lightning Storms

The Grand Canyon Lighting Show by Scott Stulberg

What better way is there to show both the beauty and power of nature than with these incredibly electrifying images of lightning? While sometimes it just takes being at the right place at the right time, like for amateur photographer Bertrand Kulik and his photo of a brightly illuminated Eiffel Tower, for others, like Dan Ransom, it requires carefully assembling a composite image or “stacking” multiple photos together to showcase a wild electrical storm (like the one Ransom stunningly captured at the Grand Canyon). Enjoy this beautiful “lightning” collection.

Dramatic lightning storm off the coast of Ventura, California (officially the City of San Buenaventura). In the comments – Photograph by Amery Carlson
This picture, by amateur photographer Bertrand Kulik, a concert violinist, of a lightning bolt appearing to strike the Eiffel Tower is included in an exhibition of images of lightning strikes across France being held in Issy L’evêque in Burgundy.
He shot this during spring 2012 near the California/Nevada border. The mountain getting electrocuted is Bald Mountain, which is southeast of Lake Tahoe.
A Lightning Show At The Grand Canyon
Lightning At Lake Shore Drive in Chicago
Lightning At Lake Shore Drive in Chicago

Lightning hitting the surface of water from a vantage point high up. Six lightning bolts in this 30 second exposure.[/caption]

Landscape lightning
Landscape lightning
Lightning by Evenstar photography
Lightning by Evenstar photography
The Beauty of Lightning
Albuquerque Thunderstorm
Lightning illuminates a cumulonimbus cloud over Corio Bay, Victoria, Australia, by James Collier.
Lightning illuminates a cumulonimbus cloud over Corio Bay, Victoria, Australia, by James Collier.
This is the moment a lightning bolt appears to strike the Statue of Liberty in New York
Lightning strikes June 6th over the Puyehue volcano, over 500 miles south of Santiago, Chile. (Francisco Negroni/Associated Press/AgenciaUno)
“Lightning” by John Wollwerth.