Sleeping On The Job has created a humorous video based on the topic of Sleeping on the Job. Have you ever slept on the job? If you haven’t, you certainly must have wanted to at one point. If you’re going to do this, however, we urge you to do it the right way and not get caught! Weigh in your options and learn some devious new tricks for sleeping at work (without it becoming detected by your boss, of course) via this humorous and informative video. This has been created as a public service for workers everywhere!

Sleeping On The Job - An Infographic by the Team at

Strategies For Sleeping On The Job: An Infographic by the Team at

Kamil and Lumi, Alpine photographers

Alpine photographer Kamil Tamiola has made quite a name for himself shooting landscapes and people in hostile high-altitude environments. His work is stunning, and he admits that a large part of what sets him apart from other photographers is his use of nighttime and twilight imagery, which can be incredibly difficult to capture in this environment.
When National Geographic discovered Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola on Facebook, it gave Kamil the boost he needed to turn the hobby he loved into a full-time career.
Check these 20 fabulous photography by Kamil and Lumi.

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

Alpine-Photography by Kamil Tamiola

About KAMIL:

My name is Kamil. I am a Nikon ambassador, specializing in visual storytelling from remote locations. I am based in Groningen, the Netherlands. A substantial part of my commercial portfolio is shot with powerful on-location lights developed by Elinchrom.

Truth to be told, I enjoy working in front of camera, as much as behind the lens. I think the best demonstration of the aforementioned fact is my role as the host and lector in numerous photography-related productions, including high-end, cinematic “Underwater Pixelguide” by Olav Verhoven.
Unlike the most of professional photographers, I have spent the last 10 years of my life, traveling, and pursuing academic career in physics. My scientific adventures at Cambridge and Groningen brought me to the point where I have decided to turn a great passion of mine, photography, into a full-time job…. read more

About LUMI

Born in Romania, yet living and working in Spain, Lumi is coming from an academic field. She holds a PhD in chemistry at University of Valencia, Spain.

“I am an active person, I love doing things outdoors, I love nature. Since a while I was thinking about redirecting my carrier in such a way I could combine my passion for nature with my own creativity, spontaneity and the analytical skills one earns after a long period working in an academic environment.”

Although new to adventure photography field, she made a strong entry to the field with her debiutant editorial work in Daily Mail “Cave new world”. Abstracting from pure photography work, Lumi proven herself as an invaluable outdoor camera operator, essential for “Let there be light documentary” and “Group Elite Ambassador” promotional campaign. As of December 2012 Lumi is an assignment photographer at ALPINE PHOTOGRAPHY… read more

20 Tips For a Better Night’s Sleep

If a night of restful, quality sleep is ever elusive, your daily habits are in need of a revamp. Read on for 25 tips and tricks to get you on your way to a better night’s sleep.

1- Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day

Sleeping in on the weekends can make it that much harder to feel well-rested during the week, so stop the Sunday morning lie-ins and stick to your normal wake-up time. You’ll have an easier time getting to sleep and won’t feel as groggy the next morning.

2- Eat Sleep-Inducing Foods

A nighttime snack of Greek yogurt drizzled with honey may just help you get a better night’s rest: both honey and dairy contain compounds that may induce sleep. Get a list of sleep-inducing foods here so you can choose your midnight snack wisely.

3- Stretch Before Bed

Stretching your limbs relieves aches, but it can also calm you and prep you for sleep. Here are a few ideas for stretching before bed so you can begin the relaxation process.

4- Put Away the Electronics

The blue light from tech devices tricks your mind into thinking it’s day, so have a cutoff time for watching movies and catching up on email that’s at least 20 to 30 minutes before you need to get to sleep.

5- Don’t Nap

Even if restless sleep makes you want to nap during the day, don’t. That nap may be just what’s keeping you from catching nightly Zs. Instead, take a walk or get some fresh air to reenergize until it’s bedtime.

6- Read a Book

Set aside a few minutes each night to meander your way through a favorite book to help power down from a hectic day.

7- Don’t Drink

Alcohol in your system can lead to a disruptive night of sleep, so if you usually enjoy a glass of wine every night, go without and see if it helps your slumber.

8- Take a Warm Bath or Shower

A warm bath or shower can further soothe your muscles; it’s also great if you’re suffering from a cold or allergies, since the hot steam can help open up your sinuses to help you breathe better while you sleep.

9- Go Dark

Electronics, alarm clocks, street lamps — all of these can prevent deep sleep. Turn off your TV before you drift off to sleep, get blackout curtains to keep outside light away, and cover anything else that’s contributing to light pollution in your bedroom.

10- Change Your Pillow

Your pillow may be hindering, not helping, your sleep, so make sure you’re sleeping on the right one for you. Check out this guide of pillows you should be using based on your sleeping style.

11- Drink Herbal Tea

Settling down with a mug of noncaffeinated tea can help you relax before bedtime. Up the sleep-inducing power by opting for herbs that have their own relaxing properties, like chamomile, mint, and valerian.

12- Stay Active

Exercise isn’t the only way to expend energy; being active throughout the day, whether it’s running errands or talking on the phone while you take a walk, helps ensure that you’re sleepy when your head hits the pillow.

13- Avoid These Foods

Eating the wrong foods will disrupt your sleep, so stay away from meals heavy in proteins, greasy foods, or these other foods to avoid late at night.

14- Use an App

Smartphone apps can help you sleep by guiding meditation, creating white noise, or tracking your sleep habits.

15- Meditate

Clearing your mind allows you to drift off to sleep. Many people think meditating in the morning is best- and it is a great way to start your day, however meditating before bed is also a great way to end your day and can help you make the transition from your day of activity to a night of sleeping peacefully.

16- Eat an Earlier, Lighter Dinner

Eating a heavy, greasy, and late dinner can cause discomfort when you’re trying to go to sleep, so go with an earlier, or lighter dinner to ensure your digestive system isn’t causing you to stay awake.

17- Stop the Afternoon Coffee Break

Caffeine affects people differently, but if you’re finding that tossing and turning correlates to your afternoon coffee run, now’s the time to switch. If you’re looking for ways to reenergize in the afternoon, take a walk, gulp water, or trade your coffee for an herbal tea.

18- Do Yoga

Besides the stress-releasing stretch you’ll give your body, yoga helps you relax your mind, as well. Incorporating a basic yoga routine during the day can help ease stress, and help you fall asleep at night. Adding in some relaxing poses before bed can help your body unwind, release the tension created throughout the day, and focus on sleep. Because yoga focuses on breathing, learning how to breathe properly gives you an added benefit of decreasing your heart rate, calming you down, and improving your rest.

19- Find the Right Temperature

Did you know that the best temperature for helping you get proper sleep is between 65 and 72 F degrees(18-21 C degrees)?

20- Try Aromatherapy

Lavender and tea tree oil are two popular soothing scents; add a few drops of these essential oils to your sheets to see if they help you drift off.

Extra: Make a Routine
Taking time to wind down in the night can help you prep your body and mind for a good night’s sleep. Pick a few items from this list to make a pre-bedtime ritual; whatever you choose, make it a routine so you get used to the idea of “winding down.”

5 Simple Mistakes That Destroy Your Relationships (And How to Avoid Them)

Relationships can be fragile things – especially in the beginning. When they end, it can leave a lot of unanswered questions.

Why did this happen?

What did I do wrong?

Why do I keep attracting jerks?

Sometimes we can’t put a finger on the answers, so we just use vague statements like “we just grew apart.” But in order to learn from our mistakes, we first have to identify them.

Below is a countdown of 5 mistakes that may help to answer those questions and how to avoid them in your next relationship (or how to save the one you are currently in).

#1 Expecting Perfection

Perfection is a myth.

You cannot have a perfect relationship. You cannot be a perfect girlfriend. You cannot expect a perfect husband.

We have been sold the idea that if we find our true soul mate, everything will be perfect. So what happens? When we realize that our partner or our relationship has flaws, we run for the hills because we believe that means the they were not “the one.”

Or we may let other’s opinions of what a “perfect relationship” should look like influence how we view our relationship and when we don’t measure up, we decide something must be wrong. Your relationship may be very different than the fairy tale.You may decide that sleeping in separate beds works the best for both of you, because you sleep better – that doesn’t mean that your relationship is any less “perfect” than anyone else’s.

Nobody and no relationship is perfect and we can’t hold ourselves, our partner, or a relationship to those fairy tale standards.

#2 Compromising


Isn’t compromise the cornerstone of a good relationship?

I hear successful couples say that all the time – “the secret to our happy marriage is compromise”. I would argue that if they are truly happy and content then they are probably using the wrong word when they talk about compromising.

Let me explain.

So what is compromising? It means that 2 people have 2 different ideas, wants, needs, etc and that in order to keep the peace they come up with a solution that is somewhere in the middle or one person capitulates. Usually when there is a compromise, one person gets a little bit (or a lot) more of what he wanted than the other – the “winner”.

The “loser” may have agreed to the compromise to end the argument and they are willing to accept the short end of the stick this time because they hold on to the idea that next time there is a compromise, they will be in the “winner” position.

In this way, compromising can be seen as 2 people taking turns at getting what they want. This can lead to resentment, martyrism, and victim role playing because either one person or both do not get what they truly want or one person feels that they are coming out the “loser” more than their fair share in the relationship.

What is the answer then? Collaboration.

To collaborate is to find the win/win answer.

It is to think creatively to come up with a solution that everyone can get behind and support. Where both people feel like they got what they wanted (and maybe even more than they initially hoped for).

It’s not easy and it takes hard work to truly collaborate to come up with these win/win solutions, but it leaves no ill feelings, harbored resentments, or scorecards behind.

#3 Not Taking Time For Yourself

Everybody needs alone time, or at least time away from your significant other. And even if you don’t think that you do, I bet your other half doesn’t feel the same way.

Couples should not be glued at the hip – you need to be your own person and have your own interests.

So if your boyfriend or girlfriend plans a night out with their friends or asks for some alone time, don’t freak out and don’t take it personally. Use that time to your advantage and so something for yourself.

#4 Not THINKing

A lot of times we tend to blurt out things without thinking, especially if we are upset. These things can get us in a lot of trouble. And even if your partner says they forgive you, those words are still out there – hanging in the air forever.

So when you are upset – before you speak, do yourself a favor.  Hit pause, take a breath and ask yourself, “Is what I am about to say Thoughtful, Helpful, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind (THINK)?  If not, then keep your mouth shut.

Pay special attention to “necessary” as this one is where we usually trip ourselves up.

#5 Trying to Control or Change Our Loved One

This is a big one.

I know we all “know” we shouldn’t enter a relationship expecting to change anyone, but subconsciously we still try.

The next time you are feeling push back in your relationship – that quite not right feeling – take an honest look at your motives for some of your recent actions. Are you trying to manipulate, change, or control the situation or your partner?

Really think about it. Sometimes on the surface our actions look innocent (especially to ourselves) but if we dig deeper we will be surprised at what we find. Trying to control is just another way of trying to change.

You want everything to be a certain way (your way), including your partner. So by controlling the situation you are trying to mold (or change) everything to your liking. When you try to control or change someone you are sending the message that they are not okay just the way that they are. Is that the message you want to be sending to the person you love?

Believe me, they already know what their faults are – they don’t need you to remind them. So give it up. Let go.

Repeat the Serenity Prayer over and over if you have to. In case you don’t know it – here it is: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Concluding Thoughts

If you recognize any of these mistakes as ones you have made in the past, don’t beat yourself up over it.

The purpose of this article is to help you identify past mistakes so that you may learn from them and have healthier, happier relationships in the future.

Whimsically Surreal Photo Montages by Thomas Barbéy

Traveling photographer Thomas Barbéy uses his keen, artistic eye to see the world a little differently than the rest of us. Along his travels, Barbéy proceeds to capture a variety of scenic images, still life, and portraiture, mixing and matching them all into some wildly creative composites. His resulting manipulated photo montages reveal a new world that feels both familiar and unusual.

The photographer’s body of work has a sense of humor to it as it whimsical juxtaposes two unrelated subjects. While one wouldn’t automatically notice the resemblance between an elephant and a tree, the photographer makes it hard to ever look at a tree again without seeing the likeness in their wrinkly, coarse skin/bark. They also both have trunks.

Barbéy also plays with perspective in a lot of his work. He even incorporates a multi-angle technique that artist M.C. Escher, one of his artistic idols, would be proud of. Drawing much of his inspiration from surrealist painters like Escher as well as Rene Magritte and Roger Dean, the photographer also ironically attributes the concept for his atypical creations to everyday life. He says, “Visionary inspiration and imagination is not a technical skill learned in school.”

surrealizm 1 Surrealism in the works of Thomas BarbeyThomas Barbey was born in Konnektikkute in 1957. When he was only six months old his family moved to Europe, where Thomas grew up and was educated. After Italy and Germany, he lived in Switzerland for 17 years. For the second year left Geneva University to pursue a career in the music business.

surrealizm two Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

Following its successful introduction in the Italian music charts, he moved to Italy and stayed there for 15 years, where he successfully made a career in the music business, and the photo was a favorite hobby. Imbued with the European spirit, Thomas became interested in not only photography, but also the geometric aesthetic of Escher and Magritte.

surrealizm 3 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

From that moment he began his dizzying career conceptual photographer, creating worlds, beautiful and frightening his surreal. In the early 90’s, he has owned a successful fashion-photo studio, and in 1995 he moved back to the U.S..

surrealizm 7 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

Thomas Barbey today lives and works with his wife Suzanne in Las Vegas. His wife is a business partner, and the Barbe creates surreal black-and-white images, which calls “photomixage”.

surrealizm 8 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

“The inspiration for my work I draw from the experience of many years of traveling around the world, daily life, as well as from your favorite artists, such as Roger Dean. I always carry a few cameras. “

surrealizm 9 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

“The process begins with a montage of concept. Then I choose the negatives that will be used. “

surrealizm 10 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

span>”Then you create a draft of the future of work – I carefully choose the printing process. Superimposing negatives at each other, I print them all at once.Also plays a big role here prepared beforehand double exposure, photo retouching and / or a combination of all of the above. “

surrealizm 11 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

“I sometimes retouch and / or use a brush on the collages before perefotografirovat them. Then I create a negative control, to print some pictures. “

surrealizm 13 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

“While I am always asked how I do it, I’d like people to just look at these pictures without puzzling technical side.”

 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

“Visual inspiration and imagination – this is not a technical skill that is taught in school, and my personality, a gift from God, if you will.”

 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

“This is the only way how I can explain, where are my ideas.”

 Surrealism in the works of Thomas Barbey

Still life photography inspiration from Kevin Best

Still life photography is technically challenging and intellectually stimulating. While the original masters of the genre delighted in fooling people that their paintings were real, I delight when people think my photographs are paintings.” ~ Kevin Best

Kevin Best’s practice has been recognized in Australia, his self portrait after David Bailey was shortlisted for The 2009 Australian National Photographic Portrait Prize which toured nationally.

American Photo named him one of the 12 Flickr Superstars and described his work in their May 2009 Issue as having “the intense realism and luscious light of a Dutch painting”.

His works are exhibited in London, Paris, New York, Berlin, and throughout Europe at Lumas Galleries, at Sophie Maree Gallery in the Netherlands and at Hamburg Kennedy Photographs New York. A series was recently commissioned by Amsterdam’s finest hotel, The Conservatorium.

Photographic still lifes StillLife01 Kevin Besta1. Allegory of the five senses. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife02 Kevin Besta

2. Still Life in the style of Willem Kalf. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife03 Kevin Besta

3. Smoke Vanitas. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Vanitas (Latin vanitas, letters. – “Vanity, vanity”) – a genre painting of the Baroque allegorical still life, composition center is traditionally a human skull. These paintings, still life infancy, were intended to remind you of the brevity of life, the futility of pleasure and the inevitability of death

Photographic still lifes StillLife04 Kevin Besta

4. Music still life. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife05 Kevin Besta

5. Still-life with a skull. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife06 Kevin Besta

6. Still Life in the style of Remer with nuts and lemon. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife07 Kevin Besta

7. Vanitas. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife09 Kevin Besta

9. Still Life with Decanter in a pineapple. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife11 Kevin Besta

11. Still life with a crab and lobster. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife12 Kevin Besta

12. Requiem. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Photographic still lifes StillLife13 Kevin Besta

13. Self-portrait with the attributes for still lifes. (Photo by Kevin Best)

Libyan Desert by Bashar Shglila

We offer you the photographs of Libyan photographer Shglila Bashar (Bashar Shglila) “Libyan desert.” In 2011, the 41-year-old Bashar Shglila (aka Ben Taher) has been named “One of the most talented photographers.” What is surprising is that many of the great photos Bashar made conventional compact cameras. Bashar says about himself: “I took up photography four years ago, just as a hobby, but after two years, a lot has changed … I started getting many offers, and also received several invitations to participate in exhibitions. My photos have appeared in magazines, newspapers and books. In addition, I participated in many exhibitions inside and outside of Libya!

libyandf Libyan desert Bashar Shglila1.

libyandg Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandh Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandi Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandj Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandk Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandl Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandm Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyandn Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyando Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


libyande Libyan desert Bashar Shglila


“Miniaturization” cities of Ben Thomas

32-year-old professional photographer and explorer Ben Thomas (Ben Thomas) from Australia loves to create pictures in the style of big cities miniatures. Tokyo, Paris, Berlin, Melbourne, New York and other metropolitan areas in his pictures become quite toy look as if they were collected from the constructor of Lego. “Miniaturization” is achieved by special shift lenses.

Ben Thomas is a recognized master of photography and of the genre. His best work won in international competitions, participated in exhibitions and published repeatedly.

Ben Thomas (Ben Thomas) engaged in photography, illustration, advertising, collaborating with magazines and drawing prints for T-shirts. Once this super-popular and popular American photographer took a tilt shift lens, and went on a tour of major cities. We present you a selection fotominiatyur Ben from New York, Paris, London, Sydney, Tokyo …

Thomas90 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas
1. Tokyo. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas80 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

2. Tokyo. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas70 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

3. Sydney. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas60 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

4. London. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas50 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

5. Paris. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas40 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

6. Paris. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas30 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

7. Paris. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas25 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

8. Sydney. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas24 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

9. Sydney. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas23 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

10. Melbourne. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas22 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

11. Melbourne. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas21 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

12. Melbourne. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas20 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

13. Paris. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas19 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

14. Sydney. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas18 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

15. London. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas17 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

16. London. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas16 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

17. Berlin. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas15 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

18. Berlin. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas14 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

19. Berlin. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas13 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

20. Berlin. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas12 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

21. Berlin. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas11 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

22. Tokyo. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas10 «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

23. Paris. (Ben Thomas)

Thomas1A «Miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

24. New York. (Ben Thomas)

013 "miniaturization" cities of Ben Thomas

25. Tokyo. (Ben Thomas)