15 unbearably cute photos of sleeping babies

Most children are so energetic and unpredictable that you never know what they are going to do. These little rascals are able to rush around the house for hours, turn everything upside down, and suddenly disappear from their parents’ eyesight. Checking in on our babies, we often find them taking a nap among the toys, besides the pet, or in some other unpredictable place.
We have collected some of the most adorable photos proving that babies can fall asleep anywhere. Look and enjoy!


Her battery is low.


Believe or not, but playing around is very tiring work.


This baby is pretending to be a kitty.


Being a genius is not always easy.


My baby won’t sleep well at night in her bed. But look at her now!


My dog is my best pillow.


Sleeping in the shopping cart is great. Have you ever tried it?


This baby sleeps so sweetly!


Too much walking for a day.


This child is definitely not afraid of monsters under the bed.


How on earth he can sleep like that?


The patience and humility of this cat is limitless.


She Hasn’t Seen Her Family In 4 Years – When They Walk In, Her Reaction Is Priceless

Most dogs never get the chance to reunite with their siblings! After four years of tail-wagging, outdoor adventures, loves and rubs, Samo got the opportunity of a lifetime – she was going to meet up with her littermates for a fun playdate!

Samo was adopted from the Animal Haven Shelter in the Soho community in New York City when she was only 8 weeks old. She was one of eight Beagle-Labrador puppies, who all were adopted into loving homes! Many of her siblings live far away now, but Oreo, Hunter, PJ and Samo were able to come together and spend the day playing, just like when they were pups!

During the playdate, the puppy parents got to talk about their fluffy loved ones, and Samo’s mom explained that they found out the siblings share a funny quality. “They’ve all eaten something they shouldn’t have at some point (paint, muffins, raw bacon, nuts, fortune cookies)! I really do believe the dogs knew they were family.” She says that everyday is better with Samo in it, and they encourage others to visit the local shelter when looking for a new furry family member!

Here is a brilliant Way to Eat Baked Oatmeal To-Go

Want a healthy Grab-n-Go breakfast for those busy mornings? Try this simple baked oatmeal to-go in muffin tins. It’s easy to prepare a big batch of these, and you can store them for several days in air-tight containers or freeze them for gradual use throughout the month. Check out the quick video below:

2 eggs
1 Cup packed brown sugar
¾ Cup unsweetened applesauce
1 ½ Cup whole milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract
½ tsp. salt
1 tbs. ground cinnamon
3 Cup old fashioned rolled oats
2 tsp. baking powder
suggested toppings: blueberries, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chocolate chips, toasted nuts, dried fruit, etc.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin tin with paper/foil muffin liners.
In a large bowl, whisk eggs and brown sugar until sugar is dissolved.

Add applesauce, milk, vanilla, salt and cinnamon.

Whisk well until combined. Stir in oats and baking soda. Let sit for 20-30 minutes to allow oats to absorb most of the liquid.

Fill muffin cups with ¼ Cup oat mixture each. Add favorite toppings, pushing down into the oat mixture with your finger.

Bake 30 minutes or until firm and browned on top.

Let cool for 5 minutes before eating.

Can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week or frozen for later use.

2 Little Girls Pose For A Photo At Disney World. Now Look Closely At Minnie Mouse

Some people regard Disney World and all of its incarnations as a magical place because of its whimsical look, its fairy tales come to life, and the jubilant characters that fill the pathways. However, one little girl is experiencing the magic for an entirely different reason. The video, a part of Disney Parks’ “Unforgettable Stories” series, introduces us to Shaylee Mansfield. Both her mother and father are deaf, and Shaylee is deaf, too. Her parents have had an entirely different experience than Shaylee’s growing up. When they were kids, things weren’t so easy. Her mom never expected anyone to know sign language or how to communicate with her. Yet, Shaylee goes to a school where everyone can sign. Where she is always understood. It’s like a safe space for the little girl. Outside the school’s walls is a very different story. The average person doesn’t know sign language, so Shaylee often feels left out.

Then one day, her parents took her to Disney Parks. She and her little sister pose for a photo with Minnie Mouse. When the photo opt is done, Minnie leaves them stunned. She is learning sign language to communicate with little kids just like Shaylee. While it may seem like such a small gesture, it can truly mean the world to feel included. Imagine being her age and never feeling heard or seen. Not just feeling that way, but expecting to be treated that way. Then suddenly the unexpected happens, someone sees and hears you. I am sure the world felt a lot more hopeful that day!

Please SHARE this touching story with your family and friends on Facebook!

She’s Skating On A Frozen Lake. When The Camera Pans Out, I’m In Complete Awe

When Katrina Lazzarotto was asked if she’d like to go figure skating in the mountains of British Columbia, she happily said yes. After all, how often do you have a friend with a helicopter offering to fulfill an unbelievable fantasy? Come and watch her breathtaking experience as she becomes snow queen for a day!

Katrina isn’t a figure skater. In fact, she hadn’t of even skated for four years when her buddy Bradley Friesen made the jaw-dropping proposal. However, the two got into his helicopter and flew up 5,000 feet to the Canadian Rockies – where he spotted the perfect frozen lake.

From there, Kristina got out of the helicopter and put on her skates. The scene was so glorious that she had the thought, “I’m going to skate on Heaven.” Bradley then flew above Kristina as she skated around the pristine lake, which was surrounded by a snow-covered (rocky) wonderland. She truly looks like she is in a fairy-tale! Wow, Kristina can definitely check this off of her bucket list!

Mom’s Taking Care Of Baby – But Keep Your Eyes On The Beagle

It’s Charlie to the rescue when mom needs help changing baby’s diaper. This sweet baby will always have her ‘big brother’ looking after her and no doubt be one of her best friends! Not only does he help, but gives a high five to bring a smile.

She Stopped To Buy Her Mom A Smoothie. What The Cashier Says Next Changes EVERYTHING

I think we can all agree: nothing turns a bad day around faster than kindness from a stranger.

It can be as simple as someone holding the door as you juggle your boss’ complicated coffee order, or as involved as someone reaching out and changing your whole life, as we saw with this single dad and his unexpected savior.

Those simple acts of kindness have a ripple effect, spreading love and hope and heartwarming human goodness from person to person. It’s something we cherish here at LittleThings, and it’s something that lots of individuals have had the opportunity to experience firsthand.

But few have seen the balance of human kindness ebb and flow quite like Amanda Sullivan.

She survived not one but two catastrophic car accidents, became an athlete, and met the love of her life, Cpl. Todd Love, all through the ups and downs of this unpredictable world and the people in it.

In October 2015, life dealt her another card when her mother was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer, and began undergoing chemo treatments.

Amanda, a devoted daughter, stopped by the local Whole Foods to pick up her mom’s favorite smoothie as a pick-me-up surprise. When she got there, she met someone who would “restore [her] faith in humanity.”

In her own words on Love What Matters, here is what Amanda experienced that day…

mom-smotihesI stopped at Whole Foods Market on Tuesday, excited to surprise my mom with her favorite smoothie of all: Banana! After I ordered the drink, I realized that I’d made a huge mistake and had to cancel the order. The woman who took my order was very kind and didn’t seem angered by my change of heart, which made me feel relieved.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“I told her that I completely forgot that my Mom is going through Chemotherapy treatments and can’t drink or eat anything cold. ‘She has a chemo bag attached to her for the next 46 hours and is extremely sensitive to the cold right now,’ I said.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“‘I totally understand! I have two family members going through chemo right now, too,’ she replied. ‘Does your mom like Almond Milk? I could easily make her a smoothie without ice and with room-temperature almond milk. My goddaughter, Diamond, loved her smoothies that way,’ she continued.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“Ever since my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in October, things have been very chaotic. It never even occurred to me that I could make my mom’s favorite drink that way, because I have been so focused on a million other things. I excitedly yelled, ‘Yes, please! That would be perfect!!’ and introduced myself.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“My new friend told me that her name is Natasha and that she loves working at Whole Foods Market for this EXACT reason — so she can help others stay on top of their nutritional goals & health. Natasha proceeded to give me a long list of other natural drinks with electrolytes that will hydrate my mom and settle her queezy tummy.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“‘My goddaughter, Diamond, was diagnosed with cancer at Stage IV. It had already spread all over her body. She passed away at only 12 years of age…’ Her voice trailed off and her eyes filled with tears.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“I told Natasha that my mom was already Stage IV, too, when her cancer was found and that I was so sorry to hear about Diamond’s passing. As she made my mom’s smoothie, Natasha and I talked about God, angels and love. It’s hard to put into words what this random encounter did to uplift my spirits and boost my mood. I was feeling very stressed about my mom’s diagnosis when I headed into the store moments before. Natasha’s vibrant smile, kind words & compassion instantly soothed my soul.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“We constantly hear about all the negative aspects of society in the news. It’s easy to go about your day feeling alone and smothered in problems. And, then, you come across someone, like Natasha Barnes, at Whole Foods in Madison, NJ, and you realize that there are truly good-hearted, beautiful people who care, all around us.”


Facebook/Amanda Sullivan

“I thanked Natasha over and over again for all of her advice and encouragement before leaving with my mom’s smoothie. Natasha flashed me another huge smile and pleaded, ‘Wait!!!’”


Facebook/ Amanda Sullivan

“She then ran from behind the counter and gave me a huge hug. It may seem simple. But, Natasha’s actions were life-changing for me & a reminder that angels are all around us. It only took a few minutes of conversation for her to restore my faith in humanity. Hopefully, Natasha’s kindness, my mom’s strength & both of their smiles restore your faith in humanity, too.”

Was your heart touched by this beautiful story of kindness and kismet? Make sure to SHARE on Facebook with everyone who will be moved by Amanda and Natasha’s spectacular chance encounter!

She Sees Mom For The 1st Time – Her Reaction Put Everyone In The Room In Tears

There’s no question that this little girl loves her new glasses. After all, when Mom puts them on her for the first time, she right away expresses her gratitude and amazement. Watch to see this adorable reaction, which is heartwarming to say the least!

She’s only 16-months-old, but had vision that was so poor that she needed glasses. Fortunately, her Mom took her to the doctor to have her fitted for some. In the video, the little toddler is sitting on the floor when her Mom slides them over her head. So, what does she say first? “Thank you,” of course (good job Mom!). Then, she follows it up with a…”Wow!” It certainly seems as if she is happy about being able to see clearly.

The little girl then looks around at her surroundings through her “new eyes.” She seems excited about what she sees. Her Mom too is happy and emotional during the experience. It is definitely something that the two will remember forever (and they always have the video as a reminder).

Her First Words Are 'Thank You' And 'Wow'

"Last week my 16-month-old daughter went to the eye doctor. She has developed a lazy eye, and we were having it checked out. Well, come to find out she not only had a "lazy eye" but she had high far sightedness, which in turn was causing the lazy eye. Where all children have far sightedness when they are little, they are usually at a 1 or 2. My baby girl was at an 8! So she was fitted for glasses. Today she received them, and when looking through them I could not believe how bad her vision was. This is her first reaction to them. Her first words are 'Thank you' and 'Wow' when having them put on. Brought tears to my eyes knowing that she will be able to see better."

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A Love What Matters Original Video


Video courtesy of A. Franklin

Posted by Love What Matters on Saturday, March 5, 2016