One simple method to teach your child not to interrupt

Photo credit: Ivan Troyanovsky

Often, my kids are just BURSTING to tell me something, and will come straight up to me and tell me what’s on their mind regardless of whether I am already talking to someone.

Well, they used to.

That was before I saw this truly genius little technique.

I was chatting with her one day when her (then 3-year-old) son wanted to say something. Instead of interrupting though, he simply placed his hand on her wrist and waited. My friend placed her hand over his to acknowledge him and we continued chatting.

After she had finished what she was saying, she turned to him. I was in awe! So simple. So gentle. So respectful of both the child and the adult. Her son only needed to wait a few seconds for my friend to finish her sentence. Then she gave him her complete attention.

My husband and I started implementing this straight away. We explained to Jack and Sarah that if they want to talk and someone is already speaking, they need to place their hand on our wrist and wait. It took some practice and a few light taps on our own wrists as gentle reminders but I am so happy to report that the interrupting has all but stopped!

No more, ‘wait‘. No more, ‘Please don’t interrupt‘. Just a simple gesture; a little touch of the wrist. That’s all.

Give it a try. It works!


20 Superb Ways to make a Small room feel Bigger

20 Superb Ways to make a Small room feel Bigger

A tiny kitchen, low ceilings, cramped spaces — all these things can lead to the belief that you have limited opportunities to style your home exactly as you want it. But in fact, there are plenty of ways to spread the wings of your imagination in even the smallest rooms. You just need to know how to increase the space — or the perception of space — available to you.

To help give you some inspiration, here are 20 ways which can help to transform small spaces in your home.

Number 1: Choosing the right curtains


If you choose the same color for your curtains as you have on the walls, it will give a sense of volume to the room. Avoid selecting curtains which are thick, heavy and long.

Number 2: As much natural light as possible


Don’t use window ledges as bookshelves, and don’t put flowers there either. The window panes should always be completely clear and clean. Even the smallest room, if filled with the maximum amount of natural light, will feel more comfortable, airy and cozy all at the same time, rather than cramped.

Number 3: Furniture on legs


Whether it’s a sofa or a bed, a work desk, cupboard or chest of drawers, a great way to enhance actual as well as the perception of space in a room is to have everything on legs rather than pressed against the floor.

Number 4: Order in the house


Think carefully about how best to store things in your home, and pay attention to always clearing away shoes, clothes and other objects so that they’re left only in their designated place. Avoid having too many cushions and other decorations. A sense of chaos in the home, whilst for some may feel homely, only increases the perception of a lack of space to live and breathe.

Number 5: Neutral colors as your base colors


You can never go wrong in choosing light, warm pastel colors for your walls, ceiling, floor and some pieces of furniture. You’ll be surprised how much this enhances the feeling of space in a small room.

Number 6: Use ready-made textiles


Don’t be afraid to buy ready-made patterned pieces of furniture. These have the advantage of allowing you to buy sets for things like cushions, curtains and tablecloths. A single pattern used for different pieces of furniture enhances the sense of how much space there is in a room.

Number 7: Multi-use furniture


It’s always good to have a preference for multi-use furniture — a sofa which turns into a bed, for example, or a fold-away kitchen table; a chair on wheels which can be used in various rooms. The space in a small room should never be static if at all possible. The more you can shift things into different rooms or change the position of furniture kept in one room, the more space you will have in it at any one time.

Number 8: Use of mirrors


Mirrors placed close to windows are instrumental in creating a greater sense of space. Mirror-doors for a wardrobe or the door to a room are a great option here.

Number 9: A balanced choice of furniture


Having only a small number of full-sized pieces of furniture in a room is a great way to economise on space. But if this leads you to choose much smaller pieces for the remaining furniture, the contrast between pieces will give the room a disjointed look. Try instead to choose pieces of furniture which are all the same size, but have as few as possible in each room.

Number 10: Use the height of a room to maximum effect


A great way to save space is to have a bookshelf (or any other kind of shelf where you store various objects) which stretches from the floor to the ceiling. They may seem overly large at first, but you will notice the difference in terms of the space saved and your perception of the room’s size.

Number 11: Enlarge the windows


Hang the curtains high on the wall, and have them extend to the floor. Provided they aren’t too dark or thick and allow light through, this will create a feeling of greater space by making the window opening seem to cover the entire wall.

Number 12: Neat, tidy shelves


Leaving some shelf spaces empty can help to create a feeling of airiness in a room. Place large, heavy books closer to the floor and photographs at eye level.

Number 13: Don’t place all your furniture along the walls


Don’t be afraid to place a table or sofa diagonally in a room, or right in the middle of it. Create a comfortable, functional living space rather than a dance floor in the centre of each room. Placing everything along the walls has the effect of increasing your awareness of how little space you have, rather than increasing it.

Number 14: An emphasis on the walls


Painting one or several walls in a richer, heavier colour to the others also helps create a sense of space which is lacking from smaller rooms. You can also use decorative wallpaper here to achieve the same effect.

Number 15: A bright ceiling


According to one, erroneous piece of advice, the ceiling in a small room should always be painted white. This isn’t true. Try painting it a bright color, and you’ll be impressed how much more airy the room feels.

Number 16: A striped floor


This option certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste, but it can really help to create a sense of space, making a room feel either much longer or much wider depending on the direction of the stripes.

Number 17: Use transparent furniture


A glass table or transparent chairs made from high-quality material are a great solution for small rooms. They create an impression of lightness and the feeling that the room is not so jammed up with things.

Number 18: A large number of light sources


The lighting in a room should be varied. Free-standing lamps, table lamps, lamp brackets on the wall — all of these work well in small rooms. If the light is focused upwards, this will illuminate the ceiling better and enhance the sense of space.

Number 19: Artwork as decor


There’s a place for artwork even in small rooms. In fact, a large painting along one wall can make the space seem bigger.

Number 20: High doors


High doors exaggerate the height of the ceiling in your mind, and also look stylish and elegant.


20 unbelievably sweet photos that prove that having a sibling is awesome

Those of us lucky enough to have a brother or a sister, or even both, know the incredible feeling of having someone you can trust with your secrets and most valuable possessions, as well as a loving slap from time to time. It’s more than love. It’s a love-based cooperation.

Today we collected 20 heartwarming photos to remind you just how great it is to have a sibling.

They Bought This Ultra Tiny Cabin – Take A Peek Inside

People across the country are falling in love with these quaint and whimsical little cabins made from reclaimed barn wood. They look like they are out of a children’s storybook fairytale!

flowers out front

Private Playtime Or Hideaway

These fully functioning quirky structures are being snatched up for use as children’s playhouses and guest cottages. The unique shape makes children and adults feel like they are entering a classic fairytale.


Secret Saunas and Sheds

They are even being used as adult saunas and garden sheds with lavish landscaping surrounding them.

cute shed

Known By Their Smokestack

Minnesota architects, The Rustic Way, designed each cute cabin to feature a crooked smokestack.

aerial with flowers out front

Sleeps Two To Four

The cabins can be customized on the inside, and even include sleeping space with a full bed or bunk beds.

bunkbeds with gnoes

Just Like A Real Home

The crooked cabins have bathrooms, a kitchenette, and can run water and electricity.


Pick A Size That Suits You

These charming abodes look little, but at the peak, they are 13 feet 16 inches high and six feet wide inside. Perfect for small gatherings or getaways! They also come in several different lengths.

fall photo

Scenic Sunset

The itty bitty mini-houses are also the perfect centerpiece for beautiful photos.

better rainbow

Shelter In All Seasons

Built by Dan Pauly, who owns The Rustic Way, these enchanting cabins feature a weathered look and are cozy in any setting.

winter scene

Built Just For You

Each adorable cabin is customized for the buyer with special colors and decorations.

flowers and wagon wheel out front

Upcycling Old Barn Boards

The material used for the enchanted cabins is reclaimed wood from barns built more than a century ago.

surrounded by flowers

Created By Fourth Generation Craftsman

Dan’s family immigrated to the United States in the 1800s and began building barns in central Minnesota. The old world craftsmanship was passed down through four generations of his family, as he learned to salvage historic pieces of wood.


All A Twitter About Twig

Even Twig the Fairy — a popular storybook character who magically appears at Renaissance festivals held across the United States —and her friends held a photo shoot at one of Dan’s whimsical cabins at The Rustic Way.

fairy in photo

Pint-Sized Version

But if you don’t have room right now for one of these mystical cabins, Dan also handcrafts miniature versions for you to use as bird and squirrel feeders.

mini version

A Magical Experience

Just step inside one of these life-sized picturesque cabins and you will feel like you’ve entered a magical realm. Invite your friends over for a fun gathering in a crooked cabin or convert one into a playhouse for that special child in your life. Be sure to add your own decorative touch and create a whimsical cabin that can be your very own special escape into a peaceful place.

Mom Notices A Strange Symbol On Her Child’s Toy. The Police Now Warn All Parents To Be Aware Of These Horrifying Signs.

A mom in New York recently discovered something horrifying when she returned home from a monster truck rally. At the rally, mom Nicole had bought a pink stuffed monster truck for her 2-year-old daughter. Innocent enough, right? But when Nicole’s sister saw the truck, she immediately noticed something terrifying about it.

The truck’s roof has three symbols printed on it, and one of them—a heart within a heart—isn’t what it at first appears to be.

So what is the heart’s secret meaning? Nicole’s sister had recently seen an episode of “Law and Order: SVU” that featured the insignia. And as the show revealed, the heart within a heart is one of numerous symbols that pedophiles use to communicate their preferences to each other. In particular, the symbol on the pink truck means “girl lover.” When Nicole found out, she was horrified and started to spread the word about this alarming news.

Now that Nicole’s story has gotten out, the company that produces the toys, Feld Entertainment, has said that it didn’t know what it the heart insignia meant and promised to pull the toy from store shelves. In the meantime, an investigation is being carried out to find out how it got there.

While the presence on the horrifying symbol on a child’s toy doesn’t mean that that child is in danger, it’s something that parents should definitely be aware of and be on the lookout for. And if there if Nicole’s story has had any positive outcome, it is this: many parents are learning the truth behind the dark insignia and are now better equipped to protect their children.

See all of the secret symbols in the video below and please spread the word! Together we can protect our children!

Guy Starts Shouting At An Airline Ticketing Agent. What She Does Next Is Hilarious!

We all know this guy. He’s the one who cuts the line at the airport and starts making a list of demands. He has no time, he has no patience, and he was supposed to be somewhere yesterday. But he’s a “somebody” and he’s not going to take “no” for an answer. All of us “nobodies,” on the other hand, have to wait an extra ten minutes while this guy wastes our time battling the underpaid airport worker behind the desk.

This story is about what we all wish the customer service rep would say in that situation. I would have happily waited in line to witness this!

A crowded United Airlines flight had just been canceled, and a single agent was rebooking a long line of very inconvenienced and frustrated travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk in front of all the others. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, “I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS.”

The agent replied, “I’m sorry sir. I’ll be happy to try to help you, but I’ve got to help these folks first, and I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.”

The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that all the passengers behind him could hear, “Do you have any idea who I am?”

Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled warmly and grabbed her public address microphone. “May I have your attention please?” she began, her voice bellowing throughout the entire terminal. “We seem to have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him find his identity, please come forward to the gate.”

With the folks behind him in line now laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth, and spat out the words, “F… you.”

Without flinching in the least, the agent smiled politely and said, “I’m terribly sorry, sir, but I’m afraid that you’ll have to stand in line for that, too.”

If you this story made you laugh, share it with all your friends.

Homeless Cat Sneaks Into Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

A homeless cat snuck into the St. Petersburg’s Zoo in Russia, hungry and alone the calico cat was lucky to stumble upon some much needed food and water. The only potential issue was that the food and water belonged to a much larger lynx. In the end, the cat got much more than it bargained for, including a new best friend.

The one thing all living creatures covet is love, we need to give love and we need to receive love. Without companionship the world is a lonely and scary place. It’s not just humans that feel this way; even animals that are not traditional pack animals need a friend to depend on. Case and point: take a look at the heartwarming friendship shared between this calico house cat and European lynx.

While the lynx and the calico are both considered feline, these two don’t look like the most likely of pals, especially taking into consideration their size difference. Still, the pair hit it off from day one and continues to share a very loving relationship. To see the extent of their love, you can watch a video of the two very different felines cleaning one another at the bottom of this post.

Homeless Cat Sneaks Into Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

According to locals, the calico cat was only a kitten when she first stumbled into the lynx enclosure. The kitten was homeless and would sneak into the Lynx’s home to get food and water. Instead of rejecting or fighting off the tiny intruder, the lynx embraced her visitor with open paws and a big, warm heart.

Since the calico was only a kitten when the pair first formed a bond, the kitten looks at the lynx like her mother. After all, when she arrived at the zoo she was in need of a mother’s tender care and the once lonely lynx was happy to play mom. Ever since the two have carried on their close relationship, each providing the other with the love and companionship all creatures crave.

Homeless Cat Sneaks Into Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

Zoo employees were undoubtedly shocked when they first saw the stray cat chilling with the lynx, but it was clearly apparent that the two were very happy together and needed one another. The zoo did the best thing it could for the animals by adopting the sweet cat so that the lynx and cat can live together forever. Today, they still live in the same enclosure and remain best pals.

Homeless Cat Sneaks Into Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

The lynx is considered a medium-sized cat. Out in the wild, the lynx lives throughout remote northern forests of North America, Europe, and Asia. The lynx is known as a solitary cat that hunts at night in order to avoid being seen. These skilled hunters can spot a mouse 250 feet away, but that doesn’t mean they are evil killers. Clearly, the lynx has a soft spot for other creatures in need.

The lynx is often hunted for its gorgeous coat. By purchasing fur coats, scarfs and other accessories you play a role in the killing of these gorgeous, loving creatures. Be kind to animals–faux fur is way cooler!

Homeless Cat Sneaks Into Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

The St. Petersburg Zoo is Russia’s oldest zoo; it is also referred to as The Leningrad Zoo or Leningradskiy Zoopark. Sofia Gerhardt and Julius Gerhardt founded it in 1865. Today, it houses around 2,000 animals including over 400 species. Perhaps the zoo’s most unique enclosure is the one containing lynx and calico cat.

Adorable video of calico cat and lynx grooming each other:

6 Tricks to Make Painful Shoes Fit Like a Glove


It’s party season, and that means it’s time for us ladies to break out our fanciest dresses and most fabulous shoes. Only one problem— those heels can hurt, and even our prettiest flats can leave us with blisters after a night of dancing and socializing. This year, though, thanks to, beauty does NOT have to be pain. All we need are these six hacks for making even the most sky-high heels comfortable. Watch and feel better!