What this sneaky beagle does when he’s home alone is brilliant!

There are hot chicken nuggets in that oven, and nothing was going to stop Lucy from getting her paws on them.

This beagle, Lucy, wastes no time figuring out the best way to retrieve them!

Watch the video above to see how Lucy gets them, it’s pretty genius!

He swam up to what he thought was a dead whale, what happened next was amazing

Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Fishing Nets

Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Fishing NetsMichael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets.

At first, the animal appeared to be dead, yet Fishbach investigated and quickly discovered that the poor creature was tangled in a fishing net.

The humans had to act fast; what began as a tragedy soon became a thrilling rescue as Fishbach and his crew labored to free the young whale.

The entire encounter was caught on videotape and later narrated by Fishbach himself.

Watch as the whale named Valentina by her rescuers goes from near death to freedom, then rewards her saviours with dozens of magnificent full-body breeches and tail flips.

Indeed, this video has the power to inspire action on behalf of other beings. In ways big and small, each of us can be the one who helps another.

Opportunities to be a hero for animals are all around. Where will your compassion take you next?

When Mom Gets Pregnant, Dad Hides A Secret In The Bedroom Wall. 7 Years Later, She Finds This…

Dad Sets Up An Incredible Pirate Treasure Hunt Using A Hidden Room

The idea of hidden treasure is always so much fun for children. Their imaginations go absolutely wild when they think of all the lost or buried riches that are out there. Not to mention, they also learn how to solve puzzles and think critically. Really, it’s an all-around winning activity for kids.

When this couple found out that they were going to have a baby, they set a plan in motion way, way, way ahead of time. They sealed up a wall in their baby-to-be’s room, hiding a special surprise in there.

As the child grew, she had no idea that there was an entire secret space right on the other side of her wall. For seven years her parents kept this huge secret from her in anticipation of the big treasure hunt.

Then, one day, she asked Mom and Dad if they had some pocket change to spare. Under the guise of not wanting to spoil their daughter, they told her to try cleaning out an old, unused window box. Being the good girl that she is, she obliged, and began cleaning out a heap of odds and ends until…

At the very bottom, she finds a battered treasure map of her home. This is as good as creative parenting gets, and watching this curious, clever girl work through the map with her father is so heartwarming. She’s going to remember this for years and years to come.

Just watch what Dad does to get to the secret room!

Please SHARE this awesome idea with your friends and family on Facebook!

This guy came up with a seriously impressive method of putting his baby to sleep

Little Sam couldn’t get to sleep because of ear ache. So his caring father decided to try playing him Brahm’s lullaby. It didn’t take long to achieve the desired result!

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

I’ll admit that “save” is an interesting word choice, especially considering that many scientists think that we are beyond saving after the environmental devastation we have put Earth through thus far. However, as an eternal optimist, I believe that every little bit counts and that we can still make this planet a beautiful place, and hopefully save its creatures from impending doom. The choices we each make today are important.

To contribute to the cause of environmental protection, you don’t have to donate tons of money, join any kind of movement, or publicly protest against environmental pollution.

Instead, there are simple things you can start doing right now to save our planet. We have already started doing some of them. Join us!

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

30 simple things you can do to help save our planet

Source: 50waystohelp

They Put Cameras Inside A School Cafeteria. What The Lunch Ladies Do? It’s Going Viral…

This Is What School Lunch Is Like In Japan — And It’s Amazing

In Japan, lunchtime is about so much more than food.

In this elementary school located in Saitama, Japan, lunch is turned into a 45-minute educational period, just like math or reading. The students grow and peel their own vegetables on the school’s farm. They serve meals to their own peers inside their classroom. They do full cleanups after lunch. Each step in the process is meticulously planned, yet collaborative and fun. On this particular day, the menu features fish with pear sauce, mashed potatoes and five-vegetable soup. All of the ingredients are wholesome and home-cooked.

What started as an educational video about lunchtime in Japan is now turning into a conversation about the quality of lunch in American schools. The internet is blown away by the school’s care and efficiency when it comes to lunchtime, along with the student’s genuine appreciation for their delicious meals and hard work going into them. One YouTube commenter says, “Look at that, at a young age they’re taught to eat fish and healthy food some of which they’ve grown themselves. They are taught personal hygiene, how to serve food to their fellow classmates, clean after themselves after each meal, recycling and being thankful to the people who made the food for them.”

How do you think the quality of lunchtime in the US stacks up to this lunch “period?” Let us know, and please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!

Lazy Husband Gets Angry During Football Game. But His Wife’s Response is Hilarious!

It’s sometimes easy to forget to listen to our partners when they ask for something, and not tune out and consider their request “nagging”.

Showing a small bit of appreciation and doing something you may consider a chore without complaint can be the best thing for a relationship. That’s a lesson this husband learned the hard way…

A husband is at home watching a football game when his wife interrupts him.

“Honey, could you fix the light in the hallway? It’s been flickering for weeks now.”

He looks at her and says angrily, “Fix the lights now? Does it look like I have a GE logo printed on my forehead? I don’t think so.”

“Fine.” Then the wife asks, “Well then could you fix the fridge door? It won’t close right.”

To which he replied, “Fix the fridge door? Does it look like I have ‘Westinghouse’ written on my forehead? I don’t think so.”

“Fine,” she says. “Then at least you could fix the steps to the front door? They are about to break.”

“I’m not a carpenter and I don’t want to fix steps,” he says. “Does it look like I have ‘Ace Hardware’ written on my forehead? I don’t think so. I’ve had enough of you. I’m going to the bar!”

So he goes to the bar and drinks for a couple of hours. He starts feeling guilty about how he treated his wife, and decides to go home.

As he walks into the house he notices that the steps are already fixed. As he enters the house, he sees the hall light is working. As he goes to get a beer, he notices the fridge door is fixed.

“Honey,” he asks, “how did all this get fixed?”

“Ah well, when you left I sat outside and cried. Just then a nice young man asked me what was wrong, and I told him. He offered to do all the repairs, and all I had to do was either go to bed with him or bake a cake.”

He asked, “So what kind of cake did you bake him?”

She replied, “Helloooo, do you see ‘Betty Crocker’ written on my forehead? I don’t think so.”


She Takes 2 Depressed Dogs To The Park. When They See The Man In White? Unbelievable.

Shelter Reunites A War Veteran With His Two Beloved Dogs

When Joshua returned home from Afghanistan, the air force veteran suffered from terrible nightmares and other PTSD symptoms. After seven months of struggling, Josh needed a fresh start in California — but it would mean he’d have to leave his two beloved dogs in Louisiana while he got back on his feet. “Just going from a war zone to a civilian life and coming back, you feel totally isolated. You feel totally alone. You feel cut off from everything.” His dogs, however, were his salvation.

The separation was devastating for Joshua, but he knew it was for the best. “Every day I wake up without them snuggled up underneath my blankets is a strange day,” he said. “Every day I don’t have to walk a dog is a wrong day.”

Two months later, Josh was ready to take care of Panda and Momma again, but he needed help transferring them across the country. Enter an animal hero named Mariah, who volunteered to drive Joshua’s pups all the way from Louisiana to California. When Mariah picked the dogs up, it was clear the two months spent away from Dad were just as difficult for them as it was for him. Panda and Momma were barely eating. They were skinny and miserable.

In this video, Mariah arrives at local park in California and waits for Joshua to arrive. She isn’t sure how the meeting will go, and Joshua is worried that his dogs won’t remember him. But just wait until he gets out of his car…

There is nothing like the love of a dog. Please SHARE this incredible reunion with your friends on Facebook!