Her Son Poses For A Photo With A Stranger, Then Mom Sees THIS In Her Eyes. Unbelievable.

Chase was only two years old when he was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive brain cancer called CPC. He underwent surgery, six months of chemo and two months of radiation. After treatment, his mother Angel was thrilled to see her son return to school, make friends, and just enjoy being a kid. But two years post-treatment, doctors found another tumor. It’s been an uphill battle ever since, but Chase remains strong, kind, and funny through it all.

Recently, Angel took Chase and his sister to the Apple Store in Tucson, Arizona. Chase was working on his homework at one of the tables while Angel struck up a conversation with one of the store associates. Out of the corner of her eye, Angel noticed another Apple employee talking to Chase. She didn’t think much of it, but a few minutes later, the manager approached her and said, “Excuse me. I was actually hoping to speak with you.”

Angel’s first thought was more like a worry. With two young kids in tow, she assumed one of them had caused trouble or touched something they shouldn’t have. But the manager had been crying, his eyes wet with tears — and he had something he wanted Angel and her son Chase to know…

Scroll down to see what happened next. This is absolutely amazing!

Her Son Poses For A Photo With A Stranger, Then Mom Sees THIS In Her Eyes. Unbelievable.

Please share. Today my kids and I were in the Apple Store at La Encantada in Tucson, Az. My son Chase was at one of the tables working on his homework while I talked to one of the Apple associates. In the corner of my eye I noticed an associate named Vicki (shown right in the picture) speaking to Chase and I thought it was so nice she took the time to chat with him.

I did not think much of it but later when I was talking to the other apple associate the manager Jason Greer (shown left in the picture) came up and said ‘excuse me’ at the time I thought he needed to talk to the associate that I was speaking with so I said ‘thank you for your help’ and prepared to leave.”

Her Son Poses For A Photo With A Stranger, Then Mom Sees THIS In Her Eyes. Unbelievable.

“Then the manager said, ‘I was actually hoping to speak with you.’ I was caught off guard and as a mother of two I hoped he would not say that my children had touched something they shouldn’t have. Jason told me that Vicki came to the back to find him in tears to tell him about my son Chase.

She said that she was asking Chase about what he was doing and Chase said, ‘Oh I am working on my homework. I am in 1st grade and I should be in second grade but I was in the hospital for a year because I have brain cancer and I really want to make sure I make it to second grade next year.’

Her Son Poses For A Photo With A Stranger, Then Mom Sees THIS In Her Eyes. Unbelievable.

“Jason said that it is stories like Chase’s that make him love his job because they love to make a difference. He asked if he could give Chase something, I was still in shock and said of course. He handed an iPod Nano to Vicki for her to give to Chase. She was still teary eyed as she handed the Nano to Chase.

Chase is super shy so he gently said, ‘thank you.’ What they did not know is that Chase is OBSESSED with time, it is one of the ways he copes with the anxiety issues he has from his ‘hospital life.’ It is his way of knowing what will come next. In addition he loves music (Queen is his current favorite).”

Her Son Poses For A Photo With A Stranger, Then Mom Sees THIS In Her Eyes. Unbelievable.

“Chase has spent ALL night checking the time on his Nano and singing ‘We Will Rock You.’ They absolutely made his week!!!!

Please pass this story on. I hope it somehow finds its way back to Vicki and Jason so they know how much they made an impact on Chase.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Vicki and Jason!”

H/T: Pray for Chase, KGUN

It turns out that people who talk to themselves are geniuses

It turns out that people who talk to themselves are geniuses
It turns out that people who talk to themselves are geniuses
I talk to myself a lot. And I don’t mean only in the privacy of my own home. I talk to myself while I’m walking down the street, when I’m in my office or when I’m shopping. Thinking out loud helps me materialize what I’m thinking about. It helps me make sense of things.

It also makes me look insane. Crazy people talk to themselves, right? They’re conversing with the voices inside their heads. If you’re yammering on to nobody, everyone thinks you’re a mental patient.

This wrong. Talking to yourself, it turns out, is actually a sign of genius.

In one study, psychologists Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupyan hypothesized that talking to yourself was actually beneficial.

And if you think about it, it’s obviously true. The smartest people on earth talk to themselves. Look at the inner monologues of the greatest thinkers. Look at poetry! Look at history! Albert Einstein apparently “used to repeat his sentences to himself softly.“

Talking to yourself makes your brain work more efficiently

In one experiment, Swigley and Lupya gave 20 people the name of an object (like a loaf of bread or an apple), which they were told to find in the supermarket. During the first set of trials, the participants were bound to silence. In the second set, they repeated the object’s name out loud as they looked for it in the store.

Test subjects found the object with greater ease when they spoke to themselves while searching. Saying things out loud sparks memory. It solidifies the end game and makes it tangible. But talking out loud to yourself helps you only when you know what you need. In this case, speaking the object’s name out loud is helpful only when you’re familiar with its appearance.

According to Lupyan: Speaking to yourself isn’t always helpful — if you don’t really know what an object looks like, saying its name can have no effect or actually slow you down. If, on the other hand, you know that bananas are yellow and have a particular shape, by saying banana, you’re activating these visual properties in the brain to help you find them.

Talking to yourself helps you organize your thoughts

What helps me the most when I talk to myself is that I’m able to organize the countless wild thoughts running rampant through my brain. Hearing my issues vocalized calms my nerves. I’m being my own therapist: Outer-voice me is helping inner-brain me through my problems.

According to psychologist Linda Sapadin, talking out loud to yourself helps you validate important and difficult decisions. ”It helps you clarify your thoughts, tend to what’s important and firm up any decisions you’re contemplating.“

Everyone knows the best way to solve a problem is to talk it out. Since it’s your problem, why not do it with yourself?

Talking to yourself helps you achieve your goals

Making a list of goals and setting out to achieve them can be hard to do. It can be overwhelming. Talking yourself through those goals is a much steadier way to achieve them. If you walk yourself through the process, each step will seem less difficult and more concise. Things will suddenly seem doable, and you’ll be less apprehensive about diving into the problem.

As Sapadin puts it, “Saying [your goals] out loud focuses your attention, reinforces the message, controls your runaway emotions and screens out distractions.” It puts things in perspective and grounds you.

Talking to yourself means that you are self-reliant. Like Albert Einstein, who ”was highly gifted and acquired early in his life the ability to exploit his talents,” people who talk to themselves are highly proficient and count on only themselves to figure out what they need.

Author: Gigi Engle
Photo credit: Pinterest

Wait Until You See Whose Lap This Lil Lion Is Snuggled Up On. Oh My Gosh, Bless His Heart!

No one likes to think about growing old and ultimately dying, but it’s something we should all keep in the back of our minds to help remember to live every day to the fullest. Of course, sometimes life gets in its own way of achieving that when responsibilities pile up and put off your grand adventures. That’s why things like bucket lists exist! One last chance for someone to complete the things they’ve always dreamed of doing, no matter how old they’ve gotten.

For some, it’s all about finding the craziest, most extreme funwhile they still have the chance. Other times, it can be astrange yet simple thrill they’d never have the opportunity to experience on a regular basis. For the 92-year-old animal lover in the video below, all he wanted was a trip to the zoo.

His name is Jim, and after enduring three separate wounds in battle, he took that experience and founded the Therapy Dog Program at St. John Ambulance in Saskatoon, Canada. Despite all his affection for animals, however, he had never stepped foot inside a park. In fact, he still hasn’t, but that’s only because an Ontario park decided to bring the experience straight to him!

Sitting in his wheelchair, Jim immediately becomes emotional as he greets the gorgeous lions. Safely under the protection of the big cats’ caretakers, he receives some sweet kisses from the adult and snuggles from two cubs. Watching the joy spread across his face as he spends quality time with these beloved creatures made my heart feel like it was growing three more sizes.

Take a look below and be sure to SHARE the incredible moment with your friends!


Dad Boards Up His Daughter’s Bunk Beds. When He’s Done, His Little Girl Is Stunned!

Mom and dad, Cassity and Justin, wanted to do something special for their daughters (albeit on a very modest budget). They decided to transform something as simple as a plain old Ikea bunk bed into a jaw-dropping playhouse. I think both kids and adults will be impressed with this whimsical project that only cost the family around $250. Can you imagine, a few months savings becoming this? It goes to show that with a little elbow grease and planning, no one has to settle for the dull old furniture you get at the department store!

Every little girl or little boy always dreams of having their own fort or playhouse. A place where they can feel unburdened by the outside world and let their imagination run amok. I think many adults still long for the days where an act as simple as closing their eyes can transport them into an entirely different world. The playhouse will definitely allow their little girl to do that!Mom and dad created a bright blue two-story playhouse, using each bed as a floor. And because the family is renting the home, they even created it so that they can take it with them if they move.

Watch at the very end as the girls gleefully enters their new clubhouse. It’s pure joy!

Please SHARE this bunk bed transformation if you would have loved to have a bedroom like this as a kid!

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

Egg dishes are usually associated with breakfast. However, they can be an even better lunch or dinner. They are easy to cook, appetizing, and nourishing. Therefore, if you have unexpected guests or don’t want to spend a lot of time at the stove, try one of these simple recipes.

We collected the best 9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes where you will definitely find something for your taste. The last one is the best!

Baked Egg in Avocado

This is an ideal light snack for those who want to stay in shape. It provides healthy, fatty oils and protein that will last throughout the day. Moreover, this simple dish can add a little spice to an ordinary meal.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 ripe avocado
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper, your favorite spices

How to make it:

  • Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
  • Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Remove 2 teaspoons of the fruit’s flesh so that there is enough space for the eggs.
  • Crack the egg and carefully pour it into half of the avocado. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and your favorite spices.
  • Bake the dish in the oven for about 15 minutes or until the egg is cooked like you like.

Source: answers

Croque Madame Sandwich

The Croque-monsieur (in French croquer is «to crunch» and monsieur is «mister») is a famous French sandwich with cheese and ham. The Croque-monsieur, served with a fried egg on top, is called Croque Madame in memory of women’s hats of that time.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 4 slices of wheat bread
  • 1.7 oz (50 g) butter
  • 4 large slices of cheese
  • 2 large slices of ham
  • 2 lettuce leaves
  • salt, pepper, your favorite spices

How to make it:

  1. Lightly grease the slices of bread with butter, and fry one side on a dry skillet until golden brown. Then turn them over. Remove two slices from the skillet — we will use them a bit later. Place a slice of cheese on each of the remaining pieces of bread and cover the pan. Cook until the cheese is slightly melted.
  2. Put a slice of ham on the cheese and cover with a lettuce leaf. Then, put one more slice of cheese on top, and cover that piece with the remaining slice of bread on top. Cover the dish with a lid and cook for about 30 seconds. Remove the sandwiches from the skillet.
  3. After cooking, the lettuce leaf usually doesn’t looks that good, so you can always make the sandwiches without it, and then simply serve them with fresh salad.
  4. To make the egg the size of the sandwich, use a special cooking form or a foil ring. Cook the fried eggs to the desired doneness, and then add your favorite spices and place it on top of the sandwich.

Source: povarenok

Eggs in Baked Jacket Potatoes

This dish can be both a hearty meal for a family dinner or an amazing snack for a party.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 4 baked potatoes
  • 4 tablespoons of butter
  • 4 medium eggs
  • spring onions, sausages, cheese
  • salt, pepper

How to make it:

  1. Cut the top of each baked potato and make a small cavity in it using a spoon or fork. Place 1 tablespoon of butter on each potato. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Then, crack open an egg into each «potato cup». Put the desired stuffing on top: sausages, onion, herbs or cheese. Sprinkle with your favorite spices.
  3. Bake the dish in the preheated oven to 375°F (190°C) for about 10 minutes or until the desired doneness of eggs.

Source: buymeapie

Baked Eggs with Sausage and Cherry Tomatoes

This is an appetizing dish for a lazy and relaxing breakfast with your family or loved ones.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 3.5 oz (100 g) smoked sausages
  • 4–6 slices of bacon
  • 4 eggs
  • 3.5 oz (100 g) halved cherry tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper

How to make it:

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C)
  2. Grease a baking tray with butter and place the sausages and bacon on it. Cook until they are slightly rosy, or about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the baking tray from the oven, move the bacon and sausages so that there is enough space to place 4 eggs.
  4. Carefully crack open the eggs without breaking the yolk and pour them into the empty space on the tray.
  5. Add the halved cherry tomatoes, and then sprinkle with oregano, salt, and pepper.
  6. Bake the dish until the desired doneness.

Source: diethood

Avocado Salad with Bacon and Egg

You can serve this as a salad, separate dish, or a snack. You can also put it on your sandwich as a filling.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 4 large hard boiled egg chopped into cubes
  • 1 avocado chopped into cubes
  • 2 spring onions cut into small discs
  • 4 slices of bacon (diced into small pieces and fried until the desired doneness)
  • 3.4 oz (100 ml) low-fat yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh finely chopped dill
  • salt, pepper

How to make it:

  1. Place the eggs, avocado, spring onion, and bacon in a salad bowl, and then put it aside.
  2. In another bowl, beat together the yogurt and sour cream. Then add lime juice, dill, salt, and pepper. Mix it well one more time.
  3. Pour the yogurt sauce in the salad bowl and stir well. Garnish with the dill and small pieces of bacon.

Source: diethood

Sunny Side Up Eggs in Onion Rings

If you like onion, especially fried, you will fall in love with this quick and simple meal.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 large onion
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper, your favorite spices

How to make it:

  1. Cut the onion into rings. Take the widest rings or rings that have two layers.
  2. Heat olive oil in the saucepan and saute the rings until golden brown. Then turn them over and fry the other side.
  3. Pour an egg into each onion ring so that the yolk remains whole and doesn’t flow on the skillet. Sprinkle it with salt, pepper, and spices.
  4. Cook it like an ordinary sunny side up egg—until the protein is hard and white. The yolk should be liquid.
  5. Before serving, you can garnish the dish with lettuce leaves or other vegetables.

Source: apronstringsblog

Light Salad with Green Beans

If you cook this salad, it will be like eating spring from a bowl. The dish is so easy to cook that you will only have to spend a few minutes in the kitchen.

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

For the salad:

  • 7 oz (200 g) salad mix
  • 7 oz (200 g) tailed green beans
  • 6 halved hard boiled eggs
  • 6 slices of bacon (crispy fried and diced into pieces)
  • 1 red onion sliced into thin half-rings
  • 1 cup of croutons

For the dressing:

  • 2.5 oz (70 g) shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
  • 1 clove of minced garlic
  • salt and freshly ground pepper

How to make it:

  1. Place the lettuce leaves in a large bowl and set it aside.
  2. Cook the green beans in boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Rinse the beans in cold water to let it cool, and then add them to the lettuce leaves.
  3. Place the chopped eggs, bacon, onions, and croutons in the bowl.
  4. In another bowl, combine the Parmesan cheese, olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, garlic, salt, and pepper. Beat until the mixture is smooth. If you want to get a more liquid-like consistency, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of water and keep stirring.
  5. Pour the dressing in the egg-vegetable mixture, stir it again, and serve.

Source: diethood

Sunny Side Up Eggs with Brussel Sprouts

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes
© Cecily McAndrews

You will need:

  • 8 slices of smoked chicken or turkey
  • 1 scallion sliced into thin half-rings
  • 10.5 oz (300 g) peeled and shredded brussels sprouts
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 4 large eggs
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper

How to make it:

  1. Saute the slices of chicken or turkey in a large saucepan over medium heat with 2 teaspoons of olive oil until golden brown. Remove the cooked slices from the pan using a skimmer.
  2. In the saucepan, add the chopped scallion and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cook it until it’s browned.
  3. Then, add the brussels sprouts and vinegar. Cook it for about 5 minutes, until it’s lightly browned but still a little crunchy. Then, add the sliced chicken or turkey, and stir it well.
  4. Crack the eggs into the skillet on top of the vegetable mixture so that the yolk remains whole. Reduce the heat to low, and cook the dish to the desired doneness.

Source: prevention

Egg Muffins

9 quick and tasty egg dishes you can cook in under five minutes

You will need:

  • 12–15 eggs
  • 7 oz (200 g) shredded cheese
  • 1.7 oz (50 g) spring onion
  • 7 oz (200 g) vegetables of your choice: tomato, bell pepper, broccoli or zucchini
  • 7 oz (200 g) ham, sausage or boiled meat
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite spices

How to make it:

  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Grease a silicone cake tin with olive oil.
  2. Slice the vegetables and fry them in a saucepan until golden brown.
  3. Chop the meat into cubes.
  4. Place a layer of meat cubes in the bottom of the molds, and then put in the sauteed vegetables, grated cheese, and the spring onion. The mold should be filled to about 2/3 of the cup.
  5. Beat up the eggs with a fork, and add your favorite spices along with salt and pepper.
  6. Carefully pour the egg mixture into each mold. You can lightly stir all the ingredients with a fork.
  7. Bake the muffins for about 15 minutes. They should rise up and get browned. You can take them to the office or class to have a yummy break.

Source: answers

Bon appétit!

WOW..The video that’s taking the Internet By Storm Today Will Leave You Questioning Everything

Sometimes we judge others based on their appearance without even knowing. But when you are judging someone consciously based on their color or religion, then it says more about you rather than them. Labels are wrong and we should all work towards getting rid of them. We are all humans and deserve the same. Share if this powerful message inspired you.

Watch Closely What They Caught The Cashiers Doing At This Supermarket. I’m Speechless!

Germany’s biggest supermarket chain Edeka had something special in store for their customers! In attempt to spread some holiday cheer, they staged an amazing ‘Jingle Bells’ performance together with the store’s cashiers!

30 cats caught doing the strangest things

For all their domination of the internet, there’s still a lot about cats we don’t know or suspect. They can always surprise you.

We gathered together some photos that prove we don’t know as much about these adorable animals as we think.

30 cats caught doing the strangest things

The gracefulness of this hefty cat is off the scale. vk

30 cats caught doing the strangest things

Warming-up. vk

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat reading Jean-Paul Sartre, animalsthatdopeoplethings

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat-bread, wpapers

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat-rotisserie chicken, diytheme

30 cats caught doing the strangest things
Cats-office workers, animalsthatdopeoplethings

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsA tired office worker, pinterest

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat-caring mother, richardaustinimages

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsBusiness cat, twitter

30 cats caught doing the strangest things…and its colleague, tout-bon

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsThis cat is on holiday, therightplanet

30 cats caught doing the strangest things
Sleepy cat, youtube

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsDad-cat having his morning coffee, blogspot

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsThe Saturday morning cat, livedoor

30 cats caught doing the strangest things
Cat-towel, lovemeow

30 cats caught doing the strangest things
Vegetarian cat, tumblr

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsDesperate cat, imgur

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsHopeless cat, Nicky, instagram

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsA cat that has just received a gift, cutecatshq

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsWine night cat, theclearlydope

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsBeach cat, imgur

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsA monorail cat, curazy

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat-captain, sodahead

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat-passenger, realitatea

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCats-surgeons, hardmob

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsCat-runner, amazing-creature

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsA cat whose paws give itself away, publimetro

30 cats caught doing the strangest things
Cat-acrobat, tumblr

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsA cat with an evil plan, funnyjunk

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsHome-delivery of an angry cat, dailypicksandflicks

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsShaved cat, 9 gag

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsLevitating cat, ahaonline

30 cats caught doing the strangest things
And a cat-equilibrist, tumblr

30 cats caught doing the strangest thingsSpiritual cat, bunnyfood