She Glues Her Family Photo Face Down On A Wooden Plank. The Result? I Must Try This!

Creating a really nice way to display photos is something I have always strived to do. It’s easy to just go out and pick up a pretty frame and stick a photo in it, but I’ve been seeking a more original way to present my pictures at home.

After finding this video, I know I’m definitely going to try this!

It’s extremely simple, but very smart! And the result is beautiful.

This short one minute clip will show you the neatest trick to make the perfect photo ‘frame’.

Want more clever tricks like this in your feed? Click the like button below.

15 Photos Of Animals Eating That’ll Make You Smile

It’s usually agreed that you need to eat to live and that living to eat might be a tad unhealthy. But look at these cute animals having a go at it! From the cute-yet-gruesome sight of bunnies eating strawberries (so that’s how Monty Python got inspired) to everyone except otters enjoying watermelons, it’s a zoological dinner extravaganza. We’ve made this list specifically for your enjoyment.

However, animal feeding is not as easy as it sounds. From the extremely nebulous rules on cats and lactose to the fact that dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate, you would do good to Google any relevant information before feeding that squirrel your sriracha-laden macaroni salad.

1. My Face When I’m Eating Ice Cream Out Of The Container And My Friend Asks Me If They Can Have Some

My Face When I'm Eating Ice Cream Out Of The Container And My Friend Asks Me If They Can Have Some

2. To Nom … Or Not To Nom ?..

To Nom ... Or Not To Nom ?..

3. Hamster Struggling With A Spaghetti Noodle

Hamster Struggling With A Spaghetti Noodle

4. Sometimes You Just Need A Hamster Eating A Carrot Under A Blanket

Sometimes You Just Need A Hamster Eating A Carrot Under A Blanket

5. He Ate Everything He Could Reach

He Ate Everything He Could Reach

6. Just Chillin, Eating Some Corn

Just Chillin, Eating Some Corn

7. Otter Eats Watermelon, But Does Not Enjoy It

Otter Eats Watermelon, But Does Not Enjoy It

#8 My Dog Looooooves Broccoli

My Dog Looooooves Broccoli

9. Chipmunk Eating Peanut

Chipmunk Eating Peanut

10. Just A Lemur Eating A Watermelon

Just A Lemur Eating A Watermelon

11. Tortoise Eating Strawberry

Tortoise Eating Strawberry

12. Extremely Happy Chipmunk With A Carrot

Extremely Happy Chipmunk With A Carrot

13. Our Little Hamster Found The Popcorn On The Table And Took As Much As He Could

Our Little Hamster Found The Popcorn On The Table And Took As Much As He Could

14. Snail Eating Strawberry

Snail Eating Strawberry

15. Seagull Trying To Eat A French Fry

Seagull Trying To Eat A French Fry

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

SWEETPEA COTTAGE Kestle Mill, Cornwall, United Kingdom

This house on the coast of Cornwall, Great Britain, was built in 1680. It seems small from the outside; it’s a bit gloomy and inconvenient to live in, with low ceilings, small windows, and thick stone walls. But a young couple bought it and turned it into a modern, cozy house where they have all they need.

We  would love to live in this nice old house, which is now up for lease.

The house itself

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

From the outside, it looks like a typical Cornwall 300-year-old house.

The entrance

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

If you’re tall, be careful when entering the house.

The living room

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

Inside, you can see a modern ‘retro’ interior: the living room with a soft and cozy couch, TV, fireplace, and a reading corner. Oh, and there’s an ancient trunk serving as a table.

The fireplace

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

The fireplace in the living room is the same one from the original house. However, the owners added modern fireproof walls and a door for safety purposes, but you can still make a fire there.

The bedroom

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing insideIn the bedroom, there’s a huge colonial style bed with wooden bedside cabinets. All of the walls in the house are painted white so that the rooms seem spacious and bright.

The children’s room

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

Next to the bedroom you can find the children’s room, and in it, everything a kid wants.

The bathroom

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

The bathroom with antique lamps is cozy and spacious. Everything you need is at hand.

The kitchen

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

In this modern kitchen, you’ll find everything you need for cooking the perfect order.

The breakfast corner

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing inside

You can have breakfast at a special table that is also situated in the kitchen.

The patio

This house is more than 300 years old — and it’s utterly amazing insideYou can also choose to have breakfast on the patio, fenced with a high wall to provide privacy. And if the weather’s not so good, there’s also a gazebo.

Their Performance Of “Hallelujah” Is Already Amazing, Then Céline Dion SHOCKS Them All!

Back in 2010, the Canadian Tenors appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show to perform “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. The Tenors are a popular, platinum-selling vocal quartet. Like many professional singers, they idolize Céline Dion. So, you can imagine their surprise when Céline Dion herself secretly planned to walk on stage during their performance to join them in singing the classic song. The results of the impromptu duet were completely spectacular.

The surprise performance was included in a documentary about the superstar’s life, entitled “Céline Through The Eyes of the World.” Along the way, she made a very special pitstop to Oprah’s show to perform with the unknowing vocal group — and the guys had no clue their favorite singer was about to sneak out on stage from the back curtain. Their reaction is certainly one of shock, awe, and admiration but the Tenors do a fantastic job of continuing their performance without missing a beat. It’s hard to believe this was completely unrehearsed.

This is definitely one of the most special performances we’ve seen in a very long time.


LEGO Has Produced Its First Ever Figure In A Wheelchair

LEGO have just showed off its first-ever figure in a wheelchair at recent toy fairs in Nuremberg and London, and the little guy even comes complete with his own helper dog.

The #ToyLikeMe organisers reacted joyfully, writing on their campaign page: “We’ve got genuine tears of joy right now … Lego have just rocked our brick-built world!”

Its co-founder Rebecca Atkinson wrote in the Guardian in December: “The brand continues to exclude 150 million disabled children worldwide by failing to positively represent them in its products …

Lego was at the centre of another online campaign recently, which argued that the company should drop its restrictions on bulk-buying bricks after Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was blocked from ordering bricks for his work. The company previously had a policy of asking for the reasoning behind bulk orders, and preventing any overtly political use; they relented after global indignation, saying that their policy “could result in misunderstandings or be perceived as inconsistent”.

A #ToyLikeMe campaign encouraged many toy makers, including LEGO, to include more diverse models — particularly addressing disabled children.

LEGO Has Produced Its First Ever Figure In A Wheelchair

Over 20,000 people signed a petition lobbying LEGO to include disabled figures in its sets and, eventually, LEGO was persuaded.

The #ToyLikeMe campaigners were very, very excited.

LEGO Has Produced Its First Ever Figure In A Wheelchair

They wrote on Facebook, “We’ve got genuine tears of joy right now … Lego have just rocked our brick-built word!”

Founder Rebecca Atkinson said, “This is more than just about sales figures or disability access, it’s about changing cultural perceptions.”

LEGO Has Produced Its First Ever Figure In A Wheelchair

“It’s about brands such as LEGO using their vast power of influence to positive effect.”

LEGO now joins a growing list of toy makers creating models that disabled children can really relate to — and feel represented by.

LEGO Has Produced Its First Ever Figure In A Wheelchair

Maybe the guys over at LEGO aren’t so block-headed after all…

Mom Invites New Boyfriend Over At 2AM. Then He Walks In And Sees Her Kids Like THIS…

Mom Recounts The Tear-Jerking Moment She Fell For Her Husband

After going through a rough divorce, Kristina, a mother of two young children, vowed never again to fall in love. So when she met a man named Phillip two years later, she did everything she could to avoid her growing feelings, and deny the amazing bond they shared. “The stronger the feelings got, the more I fought them,” she writes. Kristina knew Phillip was special, but still she found herself pushing him away. She was afraid of getting hurt.

A few weeks after Kristina introduced Phillip to her kids, she and her three-year-old got sick at the same time. She was up all night cleaning her screaming 3-year-old’s vomit off the carpet, which woke up her 5-year-old. The night turned into a complete disaster, and Kristina thought she’d go crazy of exhaustion right then and there. She needed help.

Kristina called Philip, woke him up, and basically told him, “If you want me and everything that comes with me, then come over right now.”

20 minutes later, a knock on the door. It was Phillip. Kristina expected him to be angry about the fact he was woken up and lured over to her madhouse.

But what happened next left Kristina stunned…


“I remember when I first started having feelings for my now husband. The stronger the feelings got, the more I fought them. After a rough divorce a couple of years prior, I was done with this whole love thing. I was perfectly content with my personal romance with cynicism, and I wasn’t going to allow anyone to get in the way of that.

But Philip was different. He wasn’t just different from any man I had ever dated, he was different from any man I had ever known. He was selfless, and patient, and never once did he pity me. No matter how weak or pathetic or defeated I felt at that stage in my life, he saw my strength and my light, and I wanted so badly to see myself in the same way that he saw me.”


“I kept pushing him away, and giving him reason after reason not to be with me. From the very beginning, I aired all my trash, all my flaws, all my drama – I put it right in front of him, sure that he would run.

But he stayed. And he embraced the hard stuff, the really, really sad stuff, the complicated and the exhausting – he embraced it all.”


“After a while, when I was secure in my feelings for him, I introduced him to my children. We never showed any affection in front of them, not even holding hands or hugging. In my kids’ eyes, Philip was just another friend of mine.

A few weeks after he met the kids, I had a particularly hard night. I was sick, and my 3 year-old woke up in the middle of the night throwing up all over the carpet, which, of course, woke my 5 year-old up, who screamed and cried in exhaustion. We were a mess, all three of us. It was one of those single-mom moments where I thought I would go insane. I looked insane, probably smelled insane, and my head was pounding from all the screaming. I was trying to calm my children and clean up my daughter and the carpet, and I thought, ‘Why would any man sign up for this?’”


“I called Philip and woke him up. ‘Come over. Come over right now. You say you want me, you say you want my life with everything that comes along with it, then come over.’

He was at my apartment within 20 minutes. The kids were still screaming, and I was on all fours on the floor, scrubbing the carpet. I expected a look of shock or disgust, maybe even anger that I had woken him up in the middle of the night for this. But instead, without missing a beat, he got down on that floor, grabbed the rag out of my hand, sent me to bed, and cleaned up my daughter’s vomit.

Then he tucked my children in and got them to sleep. And then he tucked me in, kissed my forehead, and said, ‘Yes, I want this. I want every part of it. All three of you.’”


“It’s been almost seven years since that night, and Philip is still quick to clean up the vomit, to stay up late talking my pre-teen through a rough day, to take my daughter’s phone calls at work when she needs help with a math problem, and to love them unconditionally as if they were his own.

This man, this wonderful man had the nerve to come along and interrupt my bitterness. I am forever grateful to him for that. And so are my children.”

Kristina’s heartwarming story is now going viral, and it’s easy to see why; love conquers all. If you agree, please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!


The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.

Rescue workers from the Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans, USA, one day received a call that ended in a way they never could have expected.

A security guard at a supermarket called in to notify them that she had seen a skinny and sick-looking mamma dog, wandering around aimlessly in a parking lot.

Nobody seemed to know who she belonged to. But one thing was for sure: she had recently delivered puppies, and desperately wanted to be reunited with them.

But where were her pups? The rescue workers, i.e. heroes of this story, set out to find out.

In response to the security’s phone call, rescue workers from the Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans promptly arrived and soon discovered the sad-looking dog.

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.Scared and on shaky legs, she immediately approached one of the rescue workers.

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.When she realized they were kind and trying to help her, she quickly led them to a nearby house.

They promptly knocked at the door. A man opened up, and informed them that the dog belonged to his roommate… who was in prison. He claimed to be taking care of her, but the rescue workers could see that that clearly wasn’t true. Meanwhile, her little pups were inside – and it was anyone’s guess what shape they were in.

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.The man refused to help any further and asked to be left alone. Naturally, the Villalobos Rescue Center staff brought the mamma dog back to the shelter.

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.

After some hard work, they were granted legal permission to return to the house where the puppies were and take the dogs to the shelter, where their mother was anxiously waiting them.

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.5

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.

The reunion between mother and puppies was naturally absolutely moving!

The Moment This Dog Is Reunited With Her Missing Puppies Is Just Beautiful.

Take a short documentary about this brave mamma dog and her adorable pups and their heartwarming reunion here:

Newsner loves animals and believes in treating them with utmost respect. Please like if you do, too!

Undeniably one of the most powerful speeches in recorded history. A MUST WATCH VIDEO

“We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise on1e another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way….