The World belongs to those who are Happy

Dogs already communicate with each other by raising their haunches, baring their teeth, changing their postures and raising, lowering or wagging their tales, so it would be reasonable to expect that smiles just aren’t a part of their already complex physical vocabulary.

However, scientists are increasingly warming up to the idea that animals may have a more complex range of emotions and that some of them may even have facial expressions similar to ours. In 2010, a controversial experiment held at McGill University determined that mice have distinct facial expressions to express pain, which can be used to monitor their discomfort during a given experiment.

Of course, we can’t always tell what an animal is really thinking. But there’s no denying that they can feel joy just as much as humans. Moreover, it doesn’t take much to make them smile. So why don’t we follow their example more often?

Here’s a few who can surely turn some of those frowns upside down!

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

33 life lessons my son should learn

33 life lessons my son should learnBoys do not grow up themselves. Well, neither do girls, but that’s for another time.

To bring up a real man — a loving and caring individual — parents should educate themselves first, and then they should help their son develop the best traits.

To help moms and dads in this endeavor, We brings you the rules of life that AnaCarolina, a Portuguese blogger, would teach her son first and foremost.

1. Relish the time spent with your grandparents.

2. Look the person you shake hands with in the eyes.

3. You are what you do, not what you say.

4. Talent is achieved through perseverance. Learn to sing.

5. Girls like clean boys, so take a bath often.

6. If you don’t have another choice but to use force, then hit first and hit hard.

7. Praise your mom for every dish she’s made you.

8. When you think you have a lot of influence in society, try to make another person’s dog follow you.

9. Don’t spend much money in a barber shop; your hair will grow back quickly either way.

10. Don’t show off, impress.

11. Learn to listen.

12. Don’t forget to thank those who help you.

13. If you don’t know the meaning of a word someone told you, then ask before it’s too late.

14. Walk a lot, improve your health.

15. Having written an angry message, read it once more before sending, and then delete it.

16. Never, under any circumstances, argue with a pregnant woman.

17. Try traveling on your own.

18. Never look a dog in the eye.

19. Choose a field and be a specialist in it.

20. Always pick a window seat and enjoy the view.

21. Never put a photo on the Internet you don’t want your parents or superiors to see.

22. Stop whatever you’re doing often and sum everything up, thinking of whether it’s right or wrong.

23. Don’t spoil family pictures. Always smile.

24. Whenever you see one of your teachers outside of school, pretend not to see them and let them have some respite.

25. Everyone suffers bullying at school, but one day you will have to stand up for yourself if you don’t want it to continue throughout your entire life.

26. If your teacher forgets to check the homework, don’t remind them about it.

27. Never refuse an offer to spend a night in interesting company.

28. Don’t boast about your successes.

29. Sit in the first car of a roller coaster.

30. Wear clothes that were given to you as a present — it’s the best way to show your gratitude, even if it’s the last time you wear them.

31. If someone gave you their car for a ride, return it with a full gas tank.

32. Take me to Paris some time in the future.

33. Give a street performer a coin if they made you stop and look.

He Put A Window On The Side Of A Cave. But When You Peek Inside? Jaw-Dropping

Once a successful businessman living the high life, Angelo Mastropietro is now a self-proclaimed caveman. The 38-year-old was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2007. The condition led to him being temporarily paralyzed, and inspired him to seek a simpler life out in the hills, far away from the pressures of everyday life. But before you think Angelo is slumming it out in the wildnerness, think again…

While on a bike ride in 1999, Angelo found himself inside an abandoned cave in the UK’s Wyre Forest. More than 10 years later, he learned the dwelling was up for sale. So, he spent over two million dollars turning the 700-year-old cave — made of 250 million year old sandstone — into his dream home.

After spending 1000 hours and excavating 70-80 tons of rubble by hand, Angelo turned this deep, dark cave dwelling into an extraordinarily lavish abode — complete with heated floors, a fully functioning kitchen, WiFi, fresh running water, outdoor patios, and gorgeously rustic decor.

Wait until you see this incredible space. Please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

The internet is abound with images shared by people who have captured images at just the right moment or from just the right perspective, so we wanted to share some more of them with you.

Anyone with a smart phone, point-and-click camera, DSLR or any other sort of camera can potentially capture such a moment – whether it’s staged or spontaneous. If you’ve ever captured such a photo, share it with us below!
A perfect picture is captured at the exact moment when you become entirely sure that what’s coming next is inevitable. Few of us have the capability of getting the timing down to capture these shots. Being a professional photographer isn’t enough, and it’s actually not even necessary. If you’re good a seizing the moment, you just might have this skill.

We appreciates those who seek creativity. That’s why we collect unusual shots that cause only one reaction: ’’Woah, that’s amazing!’’

’’Target detected’’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Scott Linstead


25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Agoes Antara

The escape plan.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Geo Messmer

The moment.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Gina Waga

Battle for the throne.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Matthew Studebaker

A mud bath would be nice.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Ross D. Franklin


25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

’’Mom told me to become an engineer.’’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

’’Fire in the hole!’’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

’Houston, we have a problem’.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

The cause of floods in the USA.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Ezra Shaw

’My back just itches’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© William Qin

’Hit left!’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Tri Nguyen

’Doesn’t matter, it rains anyway’.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Veselin Malinov


25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Helios Van De Kamp

Another world.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Nadia Aly

’Where’s my earring?’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

’’Ronaldo mode on’’

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© David Lazar

Mmm, yummy.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

Tango with a bull.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

That’s how great friendship starts.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment


25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment


25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Kimera Jam

Superman to the rescue!

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment

The roosters’ kung-fu.

25 utterly fantastic shots taken at exactly the right moment
© Anugrah Fajar

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

It’s true that a lot of cleaning products, detergents and other household supplies do more harm than good. It’s impossible to completely withdraw from using household chemicals, but you can try to reduce your use of them.
We have selected some awesome tips that will help you clean your house using products easily found in any kitchen.

Bathroom tiles

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • 1/4 glass of hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid soap
  • 1/2 glass of water

How to use it:

Mix all ingredients.

To clean superficial dirt, put the liquid on a sponge and give the tiles a wipe. Then wash the surface with water.

If the tiles are really filthy, put some liquid on them and on grout as well. Leave it for 10 minutes. During this time, dirt will dissolve and it would be easier to clean it off. Repeat the process one more time and wash the surface with water.

If you want your bathroom to stay clean for a long time, use the following technique: mix water and vinegar in the ration of 1 to 1 and spray tiles and grout with this liquid twice a week.

A gas stove

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • Q-tips
  • Old tooth brush
  • Ammonia-anisic drops

How to use it:

Dip a Q-tip into ammonia-anisic drops and rub greasy spots. To clean ingrained grease, use a tooth brush and a regular sponge. Always put on gloves to protect your hands and skin.

Kitchen exhaust hood filters

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup regular baking soda
  • 1/2 glass ammonia

How to use it:

Boil water in a big pot.

Slowly pour out soda into water using a teaspoon.

Put filters into boiling water. Grease and dirt will immediately start dissolving. Remove the pot from fire in a couple of minutes. If filters are extremely dirty, repeat the process with a fresh supply of water.

If grease didn’t clean off completely, put the filters in hot water with ammonia (1/2 glass of ammonia for 118 fl oz (3.5 l) of water). It’s necessary to open windows and put on a filter mask to protect yourself from the strong smell of ammonia.

A mattress

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • 8 fl oz (235 ml) 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • A drop of liquid soap

How to use it:

Make the mixture right before you are going to clean a mattress as it’s more effective this way.

Mix baking soda and peroxide in a spray bottle. When baking soda dissolves, drip liquid soap in there. Shake the bottle and spray а dirty spot.

Leave it for 5-10 minutes. If you want it to dry faster, turn on a fan and point it to the spot.

Clean off the remnants of baking soda with a vacuum cleaner.

The oven

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • Ammonia

How to use it:

Put some ammonia into a small bowl and leave it in a turned off oven for a night. Give your kitchen a good airing in the morning and wash the oven; grease will peel off easily. There should be no odor left. The only downside to this method is the smell, so please don’t forget to work with gloves and with the windows open.

The kettle

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • Vinegar

How to use it:

To get rid of kettle furring, fill the kettle up to half or three quarters level with equal parts of water and vinegar. Cork the kettle nose (for example, you can make a «cork» out of paper) and boil water for as long as you need for furring to come off. Then wash the kettle well.


10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • Dry mustard
  • Baking soda

How to use it:

The best possible safe dish-washing mixture is baking soda and dry mustard in the ration of 1 to 3. Mix both powders and put them into a bottle with holes in the lid. It’s easy to use.

The toilet

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • Vinegar

How to use it:

To clean your toilet use pure vinegar. It’s also a great disinfectant!

A microfiber sofa cover


You will need:

  • A sponge
  • A bottle of isopropyl alcohol
  • A brush
  • Baking soda

How to use it:

Put some isopropyl alcohol on a sponge and rub dirty places. Use a brush to take care of microfibers. To eliminate funky odor, put some baking soda on as well.

The refrigerator

10 great housekeeping hacks for naturally cleaning your home

You will need:

  • Baking soda

How to use it:

Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 34 fl oz (1 l) of water and scrub the inside of the refrigerator with it. Then wipe it with a soft cloth.

To eliminate unpleasant smells, you don’t have to buy special absorbents. You can just place some products that can be easily found in any kitchen in your fridge, and they’ll do an outstanding job. Here is a list of these products:

  • Pieces of dark bread
  • Glasses of baking soda
  • Slices of lemon
  • Аbsorbent coal

Instead Of Throwing Away Her Cans She Gives Them A Whole New Purpose That Is Brilliant

Do you have a tendency of throwing away cans after they’ve been used? To most people cans appear to be trash but with a little thinking outside the box they can actually be transformed into useful storage containers that can help keep you organized.

Check out these 20 Recycled Tin Can Crafts and Projects that you will Literally fall in LOVE.

1. The perfect storage solution

Use mod podge to adhere cookbook pages or scrapbook pages onto your cans for a unique look. These storage solutions can be used for the office, kitchen or simply to store some fresh flowers.



2. Pin Cushion Can

Stop losing your pins and keep them all in one place by making your own pin cushion with some fabric, poly-fil and glue. Learn exactly how, here.




3. Use them for towel storage

If your can is big enough, use it to conveniently hold your bathroom towels.


4. Keep your ribbons in one place

Punch some holes into a can, give it a fresh coat of paint and turn it into a storage space for ribbon. See the details here.



5.Upcycled Desk Storage

Glue your containers onto a flat wood board and spray paint the entire piece the color of your choice for an easy and useful desk storage. Find the full details here.



6. Craft Storage Board

Use a drill to secure the cans onto a board or hot glue heavy duty magnets onto the cans to easily remove the cans when you need to use them.


7. Keep those coffee and tea canisters

Often times coffee and tea canisters come in big containers that are nice enough to reuse as storage for other items. Clean them out and learn how to give them a new look here.

illy can

containers gawker2

8. Keep your herbs in one place

Basil, cilantro, parsley… you name it and it can be stored within a tin can. Just drill the cans onto a wooden post. It’s that simple and it’ll keep all your herbs in one convenient place.


9. Paint-Dipped Craft Containers

Dip your tin glasses halfway into paint to create a simplistic design that you can use to store crafting materials. It doesn’t get any easier than that.


10. Hanging Storage

Drill a hole into a tin can and use an S-hook to conveniently hang it onto a rod. This will help keep your desk area free of clutter and therefore allow you to have more work space.


11. Tuna Can Drawer Organizer

After cleaning out those tuna cans they’re surprisingly useful with their small and flat shape. They fit perfectly within drawers to keep smaller desk items nice and organized.


12. Paint Can Cubbies

Turn a paint can onto its side to turn it into a convenient cubby for letters or mail.


13. Stackable Storage

Wrap paint cans in a brightly colored print and then glue the paint cans together into a pyramid shape for the perfect desk organization.

14. Or line them up on a wooden plank

Ordinary cans on a wooden plank are surprisingly useful and they don’t cost you much money at all!

387 copy

429 copy

15. Hanging hairbrush storage

Wrap your can in a fun print and add a command strip to the back of it for a really useful storage compartment for your hairbrush.

can brush holder with command strip

brush holder from side

16. Turn big tins into handy storage buckets

Add handles to the sides to give them a store-bought look. Then simply cover with a few coats of spray paint for adorably useful storage buckets.

3.Kahvan mallaus

7.Peltipurkkiamparit maalattu sinkkimaali


17. Dog Food Can

Give decorative holiday canisters a new look for your four legged friends. This is a great way to store the pets food in a cute can. dogfoodtin-collage


18. Burlap and lace

Transform a plain can into a dainty piece by wrapping it in burlap and lace for a fresh and chic look.




19. Tin Can Carrying Case

Paint all of your cans and a flat wood plank, attach the cans to the flat wood plank (which should stand upright in the center) and add a leather strap to the top of the wood plank for a convenient way to bring out utensils for your next party. It’s so convenient!



Start a can collection

Just because the contents inside of a can have been eaten doesn’t mean that your cans are useless. Start your own collection and make some adorable and useful containers that will keep you organized.

We Visited Over 50 Countries With Our Van Spending Only $8 A Day

We are young travel bloggers from Poland who did not have a lot of money but we wanted to see the world. We bought an old van for $600, painted it, took tents and supplies of food and just took off.

In 6 years we visited more than 50 countries and we traveled more than 150.000 km on 5 continents. We never paid for accommodation (we sleep in the van and in tents) and we eat what we cook. Here’s a short story, in pictures.

UPDATE: Since many of you were asking how we manage to travel spending only $8 a day, we wanted to explain it a bit further for you. The main cost is the fuel – that’s why other people travel with us and share fuel costs. We travel slowly and often stay in one place for a few days, so we save on fuel. Also lots of people are ordering a postcard from our trip – they get a postcard from a beautiful place, and we get the money for one liter of fuel.

We do not pay for accommodation because we sleep in the van or in tents – on beaches, cliffs, mountains. Often, strangers invite us to their homes. Poles living abroad often help us. The food we buy in supermarkets and eat what we cook – we do not pay for restaurants. For example, in Australia we ate kangaroo steaks because it was the cheapest meat.

We Visited Over 50 Countries With Our Van Spending Only $8 A Day
Image credits: Wojciech Lewandowski

We wanted to travel but we did not have a lot of money so we bought old van for $600 and converted it to a travel car

We took tents and food supply and just took off

We visited over 50 countries on 5 continents in 6 years and we drove over 150.000 km

We saw the beautiful mountains of Grand Canyon..

And mesmerizing fields of lupins in Iceland

We bathed in hot springs in Iceland…

Looked at incredibly green fields in Iceland…

Made selfies in the most beautiful places…

Climbed to the top of huge rocks in Norway…

Relaxed in Venice, Italy

Photographed wild sheep in Iceland

Rode camels in Sahara

Saw this beautiful house in Iceland

Visited the monument valley, USA

Saw The Valley Of Fire, USA

Dinned with the view of Grand Canyon

And celebrated Christmas in our van

We never pay for accommodation. We sleep on beaches, cliffs or in the mountains

Image credits: Paweł Jagiełło

We don’t pay for restaurants also, we eat what we cook

Our old car breaks down very often, but we learned how to repair it during the trip

Because we sleep in the wild, we always meet a lot of wild animals

Like this wild emu, who is trying to race our car

Blog about our adventures became popular in Poland, and people began to join us

Readers of our blog and accidentally met people join us and share fuel costs

Other cars sometimes also join us

All the time we meet people who change our point of view

Finally, we got engaged in the Sahara desert

…and we are still on the road!

When the car breaks down – we repair it, beacause during the trip we have learned how to do this. And when we need mechanics help, they very often do not take money from us because they are impressed with our trip and want to help us and be a part of our adventure. We have our own electric shower and 150l water tank on the roof so we don’t pay for showers. Sometimes we just use rivers or lakes. Between continents we transport the car on the ship. It is very simple.

We sometimes have sponsors – when we have to spend a lot of money on something. For example, the transport of car across the ocean to Australia and the US – sponsors paid for it in exchange for their advertising on the van. Logos on a car is advertising for such companies, which helped us to transport the car through the oceans. Our blog is the most popular travel blog in Poland – now we work as bloggers and thats how we earn money. And thanks to that we can be still on the road because we just need a laptop and internet to work. We published two books about our trips and they give us some money. We do photo sessions for companies or doing advertising clips in exotic locations and companies pay us for it. We sometimes also work as graphic designers and IT specialist (online).

More info: busaroundtheworld.comFacebook

Soldier Goes To Pay For His Order, But Look Who’s Standing Behind Him. Unbelievable!

This is simply incredible.

Army Lt. Col. Robert Risdon recently went to Taco Bell to grab some dinner. He was already sitting down to eat when two young boys walked into the restaurant, but not to order.

The boys — one 9 and the other 13 — were there to sell homemade desserts in an effort to raise money for their local church. But Army Lt. Col. Risdon noticed the boys looked cold and wet. He asked them if they had had anything to eat for dinner yet, to which they replied no.

What happened next was captured on camera by another customer, Jason, who was so affected that he uploaded the video to Facebook and begged others to share it.

Now, this soldier’s story is going viral whether he likes it or not… H/T: Palm Beach Post,

Soldier Goes To Pay For His Order, But Look Who's Standing Behind Him. Unbelievable!
Facebook / Robert Risdon
Soldier Goes To Pay For His Order, But Look Who's Standing Behind Him. Unbelievable!
Facebook / Robert Risdon

This is Army Lt. Col. Robert Risdon. He’s the father of two and is currently stationed in Fort Benning, Georgia. Robert recently went to grab dinner at Taco Bell. As he was eating, two boys — ages 9 and 13 — entered the restaurant selling homemade desserts. They were trying to raise money for their local church.

As he was eating his meal, Robert noticed the boys were cold and wet. He asked them if they’d eaten dinner yet. They hadn’t.

Soldier Goes To Pay For His Order, But Look Who's Standing Behind Him. Unbelievable!
Facebook / Robert Risdon

What happened next is going viral, and it was all captured on camera by another customer named Jason.

To accompany the video he posted on Facebook, Jason writes: “I was in a taco bell tonight when two kids came in trying to sell home made desserts for money. I over heard a soldier ask the kids if they were hungry and told them to follow him to the counter, he would buy them dinner. I had to video it and share. Our troops are always taking care of us. Thank u LTC Robert Risdon please please share this….I heard the little one say I want to be just like u when I grow up and saluted him.”

Soldier Goes To Pay For His Order, But Look Who's Standing Behind Him. Unbelievable!
Facebook / Robert Risdon

“I’m kinda embarrassed and humbled by the praise and don’t need it,” Army Lt. Col. Risdon told The Huffington Post. “I am a believer that we live in the best country in the world with the best people and that acts of kindness happen every day.”

It’s people like this who make the world go ’round. This soldier deserves all the praise and recognition he gets, so please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!