Girl With Downs Is Bullied At School. Now Watch Her Brother Show Up And Do THIS.

Bullies Mocked Her At School, But Watch When Her Big Brother Shows Up. What A Guy!

When 11-year-old Matt Morris heard that his little sister, Sarah, was bullied in school, he knew he had to do something. Sarah has Down syndrome, but rather to appreciate each other’s differences, some of the children at school made fun of her.

Matt, who also goes by the name MattyB, is a bit of music star on YouTube, and quite famous for his rap. In a special video he made for Sarah, where he uses his own words, he creates a cover of Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors”. The song and verses speak for themselves: here’s a big brother that really loves his little sister.

Matt has never seen his sister as anything other than the little sister he loves to play with. He hopes that with his powerful vocals he can inspire others to stand up against bullying, especially with regards to people who make fun of those who look a little different.

Here’s the news story:

And you can watch Matt’s wonderful song clip here:

By sharing this, we show that we support Matt and Sarah. Bullying should never be tolerated, whether among adults, children, or people with special needs.

Tiger Is Still Friends with Goat Who Was Given to Him as Live Food Months Ago

Above photo via @CherguiaMbark

Amur the tiger and Timur the goat (who was initially meant to be Amur’s live food) became fast friends in late November and—despite what many predicted—the two are still amicably living together. At Russia’s Far East Safari Park, the uncommon duo spend their time playing with one another as they enjoy a game of hide-and-seek, hunt together, or butt heads for fun. Surprisingly, they remained friends after Timur evicted Amur from his shelter during a rainstorm. Under all circumstances, this pair has stuck together—even as Amur continues to display his predatory instinct. “We still feed Amur live prey twice a week, but we don’t give him goats anymore out of respect for Timur,” zoo director Dmitry Mezentsev told BBC.

Now, the question is: what’s stopping Amur from eating the goat who was meant to be his dinner? According to the tiger’s caretakers, it all has to do with Timur’s bravery. Since the goat wasn’t taught to be afraid of tigers, he didn’t display cowardly behavior when he was put in Amur’s cage. “The tiger was confused and gave up,” Mezentsev told Observer. “It happened once before, another goat pushed back and the tiger decided not to eat him, but once he showed weakness—that was it—his predator killed him. The situation now is different and the animals are great friends.”

To document this remarkable relationship, the Far East Safari Park plans to install 16 cameras for a live stream. Filmmakers Eleonora Lyubimova and Sooyong Park are also fascinated by the tiger and goat’s friendship, which is why they’ve filmed documentaries featuring the two creatures. Based on the coverage Amur and Timur have received thus far, it seems as though they’ve become a worldwide symbol for finding harmony despite differences.

Gif via safaripark25.TV

Gif via safaripark25.TV

Photo via safaripark25.TV

Right now, it’s anyone’s guess how this all will end. Whether Amur and Timur go down in history as the tiger and goat friends who never killed each other, or the whole thing ends with Amur licking his lips, the story of Amur and Timur, two animals in a small Russian zoo, is now reaching all corners of the Earth.

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists

Islands that take weeks to reach, mountain villages hidden high above the clouds, scientific research stations built on permafrost — there are places out there which are almost untouched by ordinary travellers. Here are ten of the best.

Gasadalur village, Faroe Islands

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists
© sergeisavin

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists
moya-planeta / (c)sergeisavin

Gasadalur is a small village with a population of 18 (according to the census of 2002). It was only in 2004 that the village became accessible by car. Up until then, the locals used a mountain path, which ascends to an altitude of 400 meters. Located not too far from the village is the Bøsdalafossur waterfall, whose waters crash down into the Atlantic Ocean from a height of 30 meters. Because the village is located on a high shore that ends in a steep cliff, local fishermen have to use either a road tunnel or a mountain pass to get down to their boats.

La Rinconada, Peru

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists

La Rinconada is a small town in the Andes, and is considered to be the highest town on Earth. It can only be reached by heavy truck or walking along narrow mountain paths. La Rinconada is currently in the midst of a veritable ’’gold rush,’’ boasting around 250 ore mines which provide employment to the town’s residents. Some of the locals agree to work for a month without pay in exchange for being allowed to take away as much gold as they can carry at the end. Since living in La Rinconada entails coping with rarefied air, low temperatures, and severely inadequate sanitary conditions, the town has garnered fame as a refuge for people with a devil-may-care mentality, attracting the most hardened and reckless Peruvians.

McMurdo Station, Antarctica

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists

McMurdo is an international scientific research station, considered to be the unofficial capital of Antarctica. About 1,300 scientists and volunteers work there on a permanent basis. Despite the harsh climate, McMurdo has much to offer, including a sports hall, a nine-hole golf course, and even a greenhouse, which supplies the station with fresh vegetables and fruit. In the past, McMurdo could only be reached by ship. The journey used to be dangerous and took many months to complete. With the construction of an airfield, communications with the mainland have become increasingly regular.

The house on the island of Ellidaey, Vestmannaeyjar Archipelago, Iceland

The 10 most Impressive corners of the Planet Untouched by tourists

This house rightfully holds the title of the most secluded dwelling on Earth. There are no other houses on the remote island of Ellidaey. About 300 years ago, the island used to be a home to five families, who lived by fishing, hunting puffins, and cattle breeding. By 1930, the last permanent resident had left Ellidaey. It’s rumoured that the last remaining house on the island is now owned by the famous singer Björk. These days, it serves as a hunting lodge.

Illoqortormiut, Greenland


Illoqortormiut is a small hunting and fishing village, situated on the east coast of Greenland. Cut off from the rest of the world by tundra, it is considered to be one of the world’s northernmost settlements. The village can be reached by plane (which flies there twice a week), helicopter, or boat (but that’s only available during certain parts of the year). Illoqortormiut boasts 450 residents, who enjoy the services of one local food store and one local history museum. The townsfolk make their living from hunting polar bears, whaling, halibut fishing, and, lately, even a little tourism.

Kerguelen Islands, French Southern and Antarctic Lands


These islands are also known as the Desolation Islands. They can only be reached by sea (the journey takes about a month). The islands were discovered in 1772 and served as a stopover point for Captain Cook’s ship. Before the beginning of 20th century, the islands were used as seal-hunting grounds and a base for whalers, until seals and whales had nearly been wiped out in the area. From 1949, the islands became the site of scientific research and meteorological rocket launches. Today, the Kerguelen islands support large colonies of penguins, marine birds, and southern elephant seals.

Pitcairn Islands, British Overseas Territories


If you take a look at a map of the South Pacific and zoom in around Tahiti, you might discover the Pitcairn Islands. The story of these islands’ colonization is truly fascinating. In 1789, a high seas mutiny occurred aboard the HMS Bounty. Some of the crew came ashore on the Pitcairn islands. Today, the islands boast around 50,000 inhabitants, many of whom are direct descendants of the HMS Bounty crew members. The journey to the islands takes about ten days and can only be made by sea.

Alert, Canada


Alert is a village situated 800 km from the North Pole. It is the northernmost permanently inhabited settlement in the world. In 2005, it’s population consisted of five civilians and about 70 soldiers. Winter lasts for almost an entire year in Alert. Endless polar nights alternate with equally long polar days. There is an airport there, but poor weather conditions make regular flights virtually impossible.

Motuo County, China, Tibet Autonomous Region

In Tibetan, the word ’’motuo’’ means ’’hidden and mysterious lotus.’’ Motuo District is one of the least accessible places in China, situated in the heart of the Tibetan mountains. In order to reach it, a traveller has to cross nine rivers, climb several snow-covered mountain summits, and pass through several forests before facing the final challenge — walking across a swinging, 200-meter-long suspension bridge. This area has long been revered by Buddhists. It is believed that Motuo is protected by sacred powers. Chinese authorities have made numerous attempts to connect this hard-to-reach mountainous region with the nearby settlements, but each time they were met with defeat.

Tristan da Cunha, British Overseas Territories



Tristan da Cunha is a group of islands, known for being the most remote archipelago on the planet. The islands’ population totals around 300 people. All of them are descendants of the eight men and seven women who settled on the archipelago in the early 19th century. The islands have a school, a hospital, a museum, and a tourist office. Tristan da Cunha is very hard to reach. Since regular sea and air communication with the islands is non-existent, visitors have to wait to hitch a ride aboard fishing vessels or scientific expeditions. The exhausting journey over stormy seas can take from one to three weeks.

21 Images that Amazed the World last year

21 Images that Amazed the World last year

Our planet is far more impressive than we could imagine. It has the power to build things that amaze us even after seeing them a few times.

We are simply mesmerized by the incredible beauty and harmony of our planet. That’s why we selected the finest 21 Images that Amazed the World last year and that will really grab your attention, and help you understand what we’re talking about!

1. Aerogel — the lightest solid material on our planet made of 99.9% air.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

2. An opal which appears to contain the first rays of dawn.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

3. A ’’Battleship’’ armadillo in safety mode.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

4. No, that’s not a pebble on the photo. It’s a unique view of the ’’dark side’’ of the moon together with the Earth in the background, captured by NASA.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

5. New York looks like a circuit board at night.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

6. Footprints carved into the floorboards over time by a monk who has prayed in the same spot for 20 years.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

7. Earth’s quietest place -the ’’anechoic chamber’’ at Orfield Laboratories in South Minneapolis. No sound from the outside enters you ear canals, and it gradually drives you insane. You can even hear the blood pumping through your head.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

8. The Magdeburg water bridge in Germany.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

9. This huge aquarium is a part of an elevator shaft. It houses about 1,500 fish.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

10. This is a zebroid — a mix of a zebra and a pony.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

11. This is not a diorama. It’s a real island full of people who survived the floods in Malaysia.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

12. Velcro under a microscope.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

13. A bridge over a frozen river.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

14. The cleanest and clearest water in the world, Melissani Lake, Greece.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

15. The road through Death Valley, USA. It stretches more than 200 kilometers in a straight line.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year
© Mazouz Shana

16. A surfer in training for endurance. She runs along the bottom of the ocean with a 20-pound stone in order to have the strength to withstand the high pressure of shock waves.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

17. A confluence in the ríver Uruguay and its tributary, in Misiones province, Argentina.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

18. A winter fairy tale scene in Siberia.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

19. A futuristic-looking parking lot in a Volkswagen factory, Wolfsburg.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

20. The Fukang meteorite — a precious gift of the universe. It is nearly 4.5 billion years old.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

21. This is where the Great Wall of China ends.

20 Images that Amazed the World last year

A daughter’s first date through the eyes of her parents

A brilliant little film about the worries we all experience when they start growing up.

The Shape Of Your Feet Reveal Your Personality

You might be very surprised to learn that foot and toe shape can tell you something about personality. While everyone has toes, we don’t usually think about what different toe and foot shapes might actually mean.

The Shape Of Your Feet Reveal Your Personality

We often hear about how our hand lines can describe us, and fortune tellers or ‘hand readers’ are well-known a little everywhere. But never had I heard of a “foot reader”. Apparently though, these do exist! In essence, the idea is that our feet can describe us the same way that our hands and hand lines can. Jane Sheehan is one such foot reader.

After reading through this, I still can’t say for sure whether I believe these theories or not, but what’s certain is that the description provided for my foot was on the ball. More than anything, this made for a very interesting read and something to share with everyone 🙂

Take a look below to find out which personality type you have.

Foot A: The big toe is the biggest, but otherwise your toes are proportionate. This is called a Roman foot. If you have one, you’re very outgoing and charismatic. You are a sociable person who can speak in front of large crowds and are most certainly a good businessman/woman.The Shape Of Your Feet Reveal Your Personality - A

Foot B: If you have a “square foot” – that is, all your toes are of equal length – you’re pretty quiet, but very wise and sensible. Especially when it comes to hard decisions. You are a person who is always there when friends need you.The Shape Of Your Feet Reveal Your Personality - B

Foot C: Here’s the “Greek foot”, where your second toe is longer than your big toe. If you have a Greek foot, then you are enthusiastic and driven. This foot type is common amon athletes, politicians, artists and innovators. You are a natural leader.The Shape Of Your Feet Reveal Your Personality - C
Foot D: The “outstretched” foot type has toes that sit very close to each other. Most often, the big toe is the largest, with the remaining toes getting smaller and smaller. People with this foot type are characterized as impulsive and mysterious. They highly value their personal privacy.

The Shape Of Your Feet Reveal Your Personality – D

For me, this was right on the dot! Please share if it was true for you too.

A Man Shared A Photo Of His Tireless, Devoted Girlfriend To Show His Gratitude

This man’s post about a hardworking single mom is going viral.

Feeling a little tired and overworked? So was this woman, and that’s why her boyfriend decided to write her a little online love note to let her know how amazing she really is.

Todd Harris and Eva Alice Webb have been dating for about nine months, and they are very much in love. Webb is 38 years old and going back to school after raising two kids, ages 10 and 15. The other night, she fell asleep studying and her boyfriend snapped a candid photo of her and posted it online with a sweet caption about how much he loves and appreciates her.

This is 34-year-old Todd Herres and 38-year-old Eva Alice Webb of Olympia, Washington. They have been dating for nine months and are very much in love.

This is 34-year-old Todd Herres and 38-year-old Eva Alice Webb of Olympia, Washington. They have been dating for nine months and are very much in love.
Todd Herres

Herres told BuzzFeed that Webb has had a particularly rough go in life, but she always manages to be an incredibly supportive mother and partner.

Herres told BuzzFeed that Webb has had a particularly rough go in life, but she always manages to be an incredibly supportive mother and partner.
Todd Herres

Amazed at all the things that she does, on Sunday he posted on Imgur this picture of her asleep among a pile of books for her college courses.

Amazed at all the things that she does, on Sunday he posted on Imgur this picture of her asleep among a pile of books for her college courses.
Todd Herres

Accompanying the photo was the story behind it. It reads:

My 38-year-old girlfriend just started her second quarter of college. She’s raised two kids, 15 and 10, on her own, has piss all parents and was the victim in not one, but two domestic violence cases.

This is how I found her tonight. I’m so proud of this woman I could burst. We went wedding ring shopping earlier today and I think I’m ready to make the best decision of my life.

Todd Herres
Since the post went up, it’s been viewed over a million times, and dozens of people have left comments congratulating the couple on their soon-to-happen engagement and letting Harris know what a sweet guy he is for acknowledging his girlfriend this way.

Harris tells Buzzfeed he wasn’t expecting so much attention, he just felt like his message needed to be said. “She supports me like no other person has,” he told the site. “I thought by posting this I could let her know just how amazing she is and how much I appreciate her, as well as how proud I am that she is able to go back to college after having not been in school for 20 years.”

Say it with me now: Awwww.

and giving our all to the loved ones around us. It’s nice to be appreciated once in a while for the hard work you put in every day, and it’s really touching that this man decided to praise his girlfriend in such a public way. The sheer amount of attention the post has gotten just goes to show you how many of us are craving that recognition for our efforts, and how far a little validation can go.

We can’t all be the subject of a viral declaration of love, but hopefully this post inspires others to let the lovers and friends in their lives know how appreciated they really are. We’re all fighting battles the rest of the world knows nothing about. It feels good to be acknowledged and appreciated by the ones who know us best.

Please share this story to Spread this beautiful act of kindness and love!

30 flawless Photos taken one second before the inevitable

Not everybody manages to take the perfect photo, but one definition of a masterpiece must surely be the ones which you look at and think: what’s about to happen one second after this was taken was already completely unavoidable. And the great news is that you don’t even have to be a professional photographer to achieve a masterful photo of this kind — you simply need to be in the right place at the right time, and have quick reactions.

If there’s one thing that we value to the utmost it’s the capability to present the beauty of the world around us in a creative way. Here are 30 photographs which we think demonstrate this quality perfectly.

Now let me see…have you been brushing your teeth?

And then the gates of hell opened…

It was the best concert she’d ever been to!

If I can’t have this milk, no one can!


No one can save it now.

I can’t find any antelopes or zebras, so I’ll settle for chicken.

Playing with fire…

I’d love to see the expressions on their faces one second later!

Bull’s eye!

One second before the end, two until dinner.

Earth, here I come!

One second after the horse understood that it’s not Santa Claus in the sleigh!

I hope he didn’t hurt himself too bad!

I told you four people was one too many for this boat!

Somebody catch me!

One second before being fired.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, as they say.

I just need to hold out for one more second and then I’ve got my supper for tonight..

He’s a miracle dog!

Nearly got it!

Maybe they didn’t get good grades this semester?

I never knew that flies like to dance in their final moments!

— Hey! You can’t pull my pants down like that!
— Well you shouldn’t have picked up the football with your hands, then!

Everything’s fine, guys! I’m just switching horse!

Everyone’s allowed in the pool today!

I can’t work out who got the bigger fright…

Hey, Dad! Catch!

I don’t need your damn food! Can’t you seem that I’m doing my evening aerobics?

Oh well…everything that happens at a wedding is for the best!