17 Cats Who Are Obviously Excellent Babysitters

Children love animals, the bond that is usually formed between a child and pet as they grow up is often said to be a huge factor in a child’s emotional development.

These 17 pictures of babies with their cats will demonstrate that fact without the need to read any child psychology textbooks.


Play hard, then nap hard … or just nap hard.

Okay, but WHY are there so many flashing lights on this thing?

We’re Not Afraid of a Little Rain! Are We?

I’m going to be your personal kitty-guard on this outing.”

Sometimes it’s nice to just lay back and ponder the complexities of life … and treats.

Ah, I’m not sure ‘Painting’ is my favorite game …

Okay, I’m completely lost, this story-line is absolutely ludicrous.

I will go into loaf-mode to protect you while you nap.

That’s called a ‘bath tub.’ Don’t trust it. It does evil things.

Learning how to relax is one of the most important lessons in life.

The Sweetest kiss.

High-five for being awesome.”

You and I are Best Buds Forever. I’ve decided.

I will gladly be the bumblebee to your ladybug.

The sweetest dream.

You’re quite a captivating story-teller, Little Human.

I just love you so … <3

21 Surreal Places In The UK To Add To Your Bucket List

If there’s one thing that we’re not shy of celebrating here at Sykes Cottages, it’s the beautiful landscape that surrounds many of our cottages. Both here in Britain and over the water in Ireland, visitors and inhabitants of these isles are spoilt for choice when it comes to landscapes and geological wonders to look at.

Today, inspired by our recent post of 29 Surreal Places In America You Need To Visit Before You Die, we thought that we’d take a look at some of our favourite places around the UK and Ireland that have an air of the surreal.
Cameras at the ready, because a visit to any of these beauties might make you snap happy!

1. Beachy Head, East Sussex, England

Beachy Head, East Sussex, England
Getty Images Dan Kitwood
Whoever illustrated the world ran out of ink at Beachy Head. These chalk cliffs are the tallest in all of Britain and attract thousands of clearly-not-afraid-of-heights tourists every year.

2. Giant’s Causeway, Bushmills, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway, Bushmills, Northern Ireland
Getty Images/iStockphoto Gerardo_Borbolla
The polygonal rocks at Giant’s Causeway may look like bad 8-bit graphics but they were actually the result of an ancient volcanic eruption.

3. Lavendar Fields, Banstead, England

Lavendar Fields, Banstead, England
Getty Images Peter Macdiarmid
These 25 acres of lavender fields are only a handful of miles from Central London. I bet it smells so purple there.

4. Dark Hedges, Ballymoney, Northern Ireland

Dark Hedges, Ballymoney, Northern Ireland
Getty Images/iStockphoto Mnieteq
HBO fans may recognize this 200-year-old beech tree tunnel from the first episode in season two of Game Of Thrones. Nature fans may recognize it from nature.

5. Dungeness National Nature Reserve, Kent, England

Dungeness National Nature Reserve, Kent, England
Getty Images/iStockphoto allou
Abandoned fishing boats and shacks litter this shingle-beach-turned-nature-preserve. My palms are sweating just thinking of the Instagram opportunities.

6. Old Man Of Storr, The Highlands, Scotland

Old Man Of Storr, The Highlands, Scotland
Getty Images/iStockphoto Mnieteq
This unusual rock formation tops a nearly 20-mile ancient landslide and would be the perfect secret lair for a Bond villain, in my humble opinion.

7. The Angel Of The North, Gateshead, England

The Angel Of The North, Gateshead, England
This modern sculpture is over 60 feet tall and can be seen for miles in every direction. [A bad Taylor Swift parody “Welcome To The North” plays in the distance].

8. Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
Getty Images/iStockphoto MikeyW
Scientists are still puzzled as to the origins of this prehistoric monument, but I think we all know whodunit.

9. Snowdonia, Gwynedd, Wales

Snowdonia, Gwynedd, Wales
Getty Images/iStockphoto Cloud77
Moss covers nearly every surface of the Llyn Dinas section of Snowdonia giving it the appearance of thick green velvet that I wouldn’t mind taking a nap on.

10. Hadrian’s Wall, Cumbria, England

Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria, England
Getty Images/iStockphoto The_Chickenwing
This wall was once used as a defense fortification in Roman Britain so it’s really, really old (122 A.D.) and therefore really, really cool (122% cool).

11. Buachaille Etive Mor, The Highlands, Scotland

Buachaille Etive Mor, The Highlands, Scotland
Getty Images/iStockphoto Bertl123
If ever there were a place dinosaurs might be hiding it’s Scotland’s most recognizable mountain, the Buachaille. Hey, Scotland, free idea: play pterodactyl sounds at the top of the mountain, everyone will love it.

12. Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, England

Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, England
Getty Images Matt Cardy
A ribbon of roadway cuts through this gorge making for views at the top that are, dare I say, gorgeous.

13. Dunnottar Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Dunnottar Castle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Getty Images/iStockphoto doisneau
The ruins of this 15th century castle sit atop a natural peninsula that juts out over the North Sea, but it’s probably still less drafty than my apartment.

14. Final’s Cave, Isle of Staffa, Scotland

Final's Cave, Isle of Staffa, Scotland
Steve Allen / Shutterstock
The angular columns that make up Fingal’s Cave create unique, melodious acoustics when waves crash inside. Imagine if Gollum hid the ring here? His “Rock and Pool” song would have been a smash hit.

15. The Needles, Isle of Wight, England

The Needles, Isle of Wight, England
Getty Images/iStockphoto acceleratorhams
There once was a tall, skinny chalk cliff in line with this formation that gave the group its name, but it collapsed in the late 1700s, which is like the geological equivalent of when your friend yells something embarrassing and ducks before everyone turns to look who said it.

16. Durdle Door, Dorset, England

Durdle Door, Dorset, England
Getty Images/iStockphoto IanGoodPhotography
“How do you enter the Durdle Door? Just wave a lot” is a really bad joke I thought of just now. But seriously, this stunning natural limestone arch is a reminder that water does what is wants when it wants.

17. Fairy Pools, The Highlands, Scotland

Fairy Pools, The Highlands, Scotland
Neetanic / ThinkStock
Deep in the Isle of Skye is a collection of crystal clear pools connected by miniature waterfalls that are the perfect size for a dip, if you don’t mind freezing your fairies off.

18. Dun Briste, Downpatrick, Northern Ireland

Dun Briste, Downpatrick, Northern Ireland
Getty / Via Lonely Planet Images
This impressive, stratified sea stack was once part of the mainland but corrosive waves separated the two around 1393. Now the sea stack and the mainland just glare at each other, like a divorced couple who still share a house.

19. Micheldever Forest, Hampshire, England

Micheldever Forest, Hampshire, England
Getty Images David Clapp
Many describe the multitude of bluebells in Micheldever Forest as a “purple carpet,” which would be accurate if carpets were so beautiful they made grown adults weep.

20. St. Nectan’s Kieve, Cornwall, England

St. Nectan's Kieve, Cornwall, England
Flickr: hellie55 / Via hehaden / creative commons
As if this keyhole waterfall isn’t magical enough, it’s been nicknamed “Merlin’s Well.”

21. Mealt Falls, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Mealt Falls, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Getty Images/iStockphoto AarStudio
This waterfall is so high that on windy days the water doesn’t even touch the ground. If that’s not the coolest thing you’ve heard all day, x out of this post immediately and get back to your fancy yacht party, your celebrity guests need refills on their martinis.

25 Tricky Photos That Will Make You Look Twice

Some artists spend their entire lifetime trying to come up with the perfect optical illusion, but every once in a while the world (paired with the power of a camera) gives us one for free. We have collected some of the trickiest photos you have ever seen, in fact if it weren’t for the disclaimer you might be really confused what you are looking at.

I have to admit, even with the knowledge these photos are all accidental optical illusions, I’m still a little perplexed about a few of them…


13 Signs You’re Wasting Life But You Can’t Admit It

When you were a kid, did you want to grow up to be an astronaut, a singer or an engineer? If so, how’s that working out for you?

Hopefully, it’s going great and you are living the life of your dreams. But for the rest of you who are not, here are 13 signs that you might be wasting your life… but you don’t want to admit it:

1. You spend too much time doing things you shouldn’t be doing.

Video games. Reality TV. Surfing the ‘net. Stuffing your face with too much food. Drinking too much. And the list goes on. Take a serious look at your life. Where are you spending the majority of your time? And does it serve you well? Is it leading to a better life? Is it laying the foundation for a bright future? If not, then you need to reevaluate your routine activities and make changes.

2. You find yourself complaining a lot.

I know people who are constantly overwhelmed with life, and they never cease to tell me. Are you one of those people? Do you complain about your job, your boss, your salary, your neighbors or your spouse? If you do, then you are doing nothing but exuding negative energy. Negativity doesn’t change things. It keeps you stuck. So change your thoughts and talk about what you appreciate about your life, not what you don’t like.

3. You don’t feed your mind.

If you’re not continually growing and learning as a person, then you are stagnant – just like a still pond that doesn’t move and grows green gunk on it. That’s what your mind does if you don’t keep it active and learn new things. Positive challenges in your life will expand your mind, not send it backwards.

4. You have a lot of negative self-talk.

Self-talk can make or break your life. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… either way, you’re right.” If you tell yourself that you’re not smart enough to get that promotion or start a business, then you’re right. If you tell yourself you’re too exhausted to put effort into changing your life, then you’re right. Whatever you tell yourself becomes your reality. So closely monitor what you say to yourself, because you will find that your life matches your thoughts.

5. You feel uninspired.

Do you have a passion for anything? I know a lot of people who think they don’t have a passion. But that’s never the case. There has to be something that you enjoy doing. So you need to rediscover what excites you, and then do more of it.

6. You don’t plan for your future.

While it’s always great to live in the “now” and “be in the moment,” sometimes you need to look ahead to see where you want to go. If you don’t have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat that is wandering aimlessly in the ocean hoping to end up somewhere good. But you can’t do that. You have to make a step-by-step guide to get where you want to go. Just like a GPS gets you to a destination, you need your own inner GPS to guide you.

7. You spend too much time with people who don’t contribute to your growth.

It’s easy to get stuck hanging out with people who are not making you feel like a better person. But if you keep doing that, then you will stay stagnant or get pulled down with them. I like to call them “Energy Vampires.” They suck the life out of you and give you nothing positive in return. Instead, go find growth-oriented people to be around.

8. You’re addicted to your phone.

Sure, cell phones are super cool gadgets that can leave us entranced when we use them. While that’s fun, think about all the time you are wasting with your phone. Even worse, think about all the relationships that might be affected. Maybe you’re texting or searching the internet while you’re having dinner with your spouse or kids. If you are, you’re missing out on meaningful time you can spend with your loved ones – or time you could devote to making a plan for your future.

9. You spend money on things that don’t matter.

There is a difference between a “need” and a “want.” I’m sure we all learned that in kindergarten. However, in today’s society, we have blurred the lines quite a bit (see #8… the cell phone). In fact, I know people who can’t pay their mortgage, but still have the fanciest gadgets on the planet. If you stop to think about it, there is very little that we actually need. Food, water, shelter and love are some of those things. All the rest are just bonuses. So look at what you’re spending your money on and see if you can make adjustments. Maybe you can use the money you save to invest in your future.

10. You don’t get enough sleep.

I’m not a medical doctor, but I have read enough books to know how vitally important sleep is. I could write 20 pages on it. But I obviously don’t have enough room in this short article. Sleep is crucial for good health. If you’re too busy to get enough sleep or if you simply have a bad habit of staying up until the wee hours of the morning, you should re-evaluate your habits.

11. You’re not taking care of your body.

Not only is sleep essential to your health, so is food and exercise. I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. But eating a balanced, healthy diet and moving your body around truly does have more positive effects other than weight loss. It affects your mental attitude and overall well-being. So take a look at your diet and level of activity. You might find that making a few small changes will greatly improve your life.

12. You don’t leave your comfort zone.

I know how easy it is to live in a comfort zone. In fact, when I go to a familiar restaurant, I always order the same thing. Not because I’m afraid to try something new, but because I like the food I normally order. But that’s not the kind of comfort zone I’m talking about. I’m talking about taking a risk that will improve your life. And keep in mind, there is a difference between a “risk” and a “calculated risk.” Any risk has the possibility to be deadly, but a calculated risk is one in which you’ve weighed all options and thus come up with a good, sensible plan of action.

13. You’re living a life you don’t like.

The way I measure success is by someone’s level of happiness. Are you happy? If not, then you should change something! Even a feeling of contentment or satisfaction doesn’t tell you that you’re living life to the fullest. Life should be exciting! So if you’re not enjoying life, take a look at some of the changes you can make to get you to a better place.

If any of these 13 points sounded like you, don’t despair. You can make changes. But the first change you need to make is getting rid of the idea that you can’t do it. Many times, your biggest obstacle is your own thought process. So start there. Change your thinking – then change your life!

Burma Uncovered: Amazing Shots From a Photographer’s Paradise

After five years of work, 38 flights, and 10 separate visas to Burma, photographer David Heath released his first book late last year. Burma is undeniably one of the most raw and photogenic places on earth, and Heath brought an eye to the region that can only be explained by his hours logged behind the lens and devotion to this project.

We asked Heath about some of his favorite images and got a preview into his 248-page book Burma: An Enchanted Spirit.

jumping-sea-gypsiesPhoto: The Moken, or Sea Gypsies, are one of 135 distinct ethnic tribes in Burma. They are a nomadic, seafaring tribe whose traditional ways of life are in danger due to ever-increasing exposure to the Western world. I was on a boat in the Andaman Sea watching the men spear their daily meal of fish.

young-monk-portraitPhoto: This boy is a novice monk, about six or seven years old. His eyes are so expressive, you can really see the joy and inner peace conveyed despite the hardships of the Burmese people. Many young monks who attend Buddhist monastic schools are either orphans or very poor. Their families send them to ensure they have an education, food, and a roof over their heads. Young novices become monks at the age of 20.

intha-fisherman-dawnPhoto: Taken on Inle Lake from a boat in the early morning sunrise. The Intha fisherman reminded me of a choreographed ballet. Deftly balancing as they rowed their boats by wrapping one leg around an oar, they leave both hands free to cast their nets.

bagan-temple-sunsetPhoto: This shot was taken on top of a temple during a sunset overlooking the Ananda and Thabanyu Buddhist temples in Bagan. There are over 2,000 temples and pagodas here. This location is in a rural farming area in the middle of Burma and many of these structures are about 1,000 years old. The site is quite extraordinary; the surrounding land is very dry and flat, with farmer’s smoke and mist billowing over rice, bean, and sesame fields as far as the eye can see.

monastery-children-burmaPhoto: A personal favorite of mine captured in a Bagan Monastery. These young monks are quick to laugh, very curious, and truly enjoyable to be around. I try to donate to the monasteries I visit because I want to give thanks to them for allowing me to take such wonderful, intimate photographs.

fisherman-with-colorful-boatsPhoto: Fisherman at sunrise from the shores of Taung Tha Man Lake, Amarapura in Mandalay.

man-walking-cloud-waterPhoto:One morning I was crossing a famous teakwood bridge in Mandalay called U Bein and saw a woman fishing on Taung Tha Man Lake. A beautiful sunrise created a mirror-like reflection on the water, and the woman appear to be walking on clouds.

burma-morning-mistPhoto: Here I was on a mountaintop in Mrauk U, a town in the western part of Burma, with 360-degree views of temples all around, enveloped in layers of mist and smoke. We trekked barefoot up a small mountain just before sunrise to set up the tripod. This area is a holy site and secluded with very few tourists.

eel-fisherman-basketsPhoto: An eel fisherman near Inle lake in the Shan state. The small woven basket holds the trap and worms, while the large basket holds the eel.

10 Drool-Worthy Vacation-Home Rentals

Ever daydream about where you would go if you could travel anywhere in the world? So did online vacation-rental marketplace HomeAway. In fact, HomeAway didn’t just fantasize, it scoured its database of more than one million listings to find the most outrageously spectacular homes in the most picturesque locations around the globe.

Grab a pen and start taking notes, because you need to visit at least one of these vacation homes before you die.

1. Luxe Barbados Villa

Luxe-Barbados-VillaGrab your friends and jet to Mullins Bay, Barbados, where you can luxuriate in this four-bedroom, ultramodern villa (from $2,000 per night). Sip tropical cocktails while taking in the spectacular view, or take a dip in the private pool.

2.Contemporary German Houseboat

Contemporary-German-HouseboatTake in a unique view of Berlin from Lake Rummelsburg. This spacious houseboat (from $224 per night) gives you easy access to the city while providing a floating respite from the hustle and bustle.

3.Modern South African Villa

Modern-South-African-VillaPrivacy and relaxation await you in this ultramodern Cape Town villa (from $1,300 per night). The panoramic views foster tranquility, while the luxurious amenities provide you with every type of entertainment.

4.Cozy English Garden Annex

Cozy-English-Garden-AnnexA cozy and clean garden annex (from $95 per night) is the perfect home base for a twosome in Winchester, England. It might be small, but its efficient layout ensures you’ll never feel cramped.

5.California Home

California-HomeEnjoy a one-of-a-kind living experience at this indoor/outdoor home (from $340 per night) near Joshua Tree National Park in Yucca Valley, CA. From the outside, the house blends seamlessly with the rocky terrain, but from the inside it spares no modern amenity.

6.Exclusive Maldivian Villa

One-Only-Reethi-Rah-Maldives-Water-VillaThe Maldives in Asia are known for exclusivity and luxury, and this private villa (inquire for price) does not disappoint. Expect the same service you would receive at a five-star hotel plus unparalleled privacy.

7.Wyoming Ski Cabin

Wyoming-Ski-CabinAfter a long day on the Jackson Hole slopes, recuperate at this cabin (from $199 per night) with après-ski cocktails by the fireside, movies on the flatscreen TV, and a good night’s sleep on a Tempur-Pedic mattress.

8.Modern Thai Villa

Modern-Thai-VillaYour only concern in this two-person villa (from $900 per night) will be deciding whether to sit by the private marble infinity pool or on the private beach.

9.Isolated Nevada House

10-Most-Incredible-Vacation-Home-RentalsGet away from it all in this isolated house (from $3,106 per week) in Beatty, NV. No signs of civilization here. All you’ll see are stunning desert vistas.

10.Woodsy South Dakota Retreat

Woodsy-South-Dakota-RetreatEscape to this South Dakota retreat (from $545 per night) for rustic relaxation. Light a fire in the wood-burning fireplace, go for a hike in the surrounding woods, or unwind in the private sauna and steam shower.

28 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Visit India

India is a vast country that’s just over one-third of the size of the United States. Much of it is rural, and there are some incredible sights to be seen and discovered. To the north, there are the Himalayas. To the south, beaches. To the west, desert. And to the east, tribal territory.

India is a unique travel destination that’s growing in popularity all the time. Thinking of visiting India? Here are 28 reasons why you should Never Ever Visit. 
It’s not worth it. 🙂


1. If anyone’s ever told you that India is a beautiful place to vacation, they lied. It’s horrible.

If anyone's ever told you that India is a beautiful place to vacation, they lied. It's horrible.

eAlisa / Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Himalayas.

2. Seriously, it’s just the worst. Just look at this totally disgusting sunset.

Seriously, it's just the worst. Just look at this totally disgusting sunset.

AthulKrishnan / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3. Just look at this ugly ass fort.

Just look at this ugly ass fort.

Mynamenot / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Jaisalmer Fort, Rajasthan.

4. And this totally ugly valley.

And this totally ugly valley.

Getty Images/iStockphoto RNMitra

Sikkim, India.

5. Who would ever want to see something like this?

Who would ever want to see something like this?

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Chitrakot waterfall.

6. I’m pretty sure lakes aren’t supposed to look this gross.

I'm pretty sure lakes aren't supposed to look this gross.

sihasakprachum / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7. India should really up its game when it comes to beauty.

India should really up its game when it comes to beauty.

Meinzahn / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Bikaner, Rajasthan.

8. There are definitely better views in this world than this.

There are definitely better views in this world than this.

DanielPrudek / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Karsha Gompa – Buddhist monastery in Zanskar, Jammu and Kashmir.

9. I mean, look at this sky. Where’s the majestic blue?

I mean, look at this sky. Where's the majestic blue?

Getty Images/Top Photo

10. It’s not like India has any great architectural wonders either.

It's not like India has any great architectural wonders either.

Vingeran / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Tomb of I’timād-ud-Daulah, Agra.

11. There are at least six wonders of the world that are more beautiful than this shit.

There are at least six wonders of the world that are more beautiful than this shit.

javarman3 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Taj Mahal, Agra.

12. And don’t get me started on the beaches.

And don't get me started on the beaches.

TatianaTolstykh / Getty Images/iStockphoto

13. Yeah, this is just disgusting.

Yeah, this is just disgusting.

Mehul Antani / Via Flickr: mehulantani

Kovalam Beach, Kerala.

14. And how about this unattractive site?

And how about this unattractive site?

Deepak Sharma / Via Flickr: keedap

Radhanagar Beach, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

15. How about this one?

How about this one?

Byelikova_Oksana / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Gadi Sagar Gate, North India.

16. How can anyone appreciate a sunset in a place so ugly?

How can anyone appreciate a sunset in a place so ugly?

Via Flickr: kgabhi Kar Gupta/

17. They can’t.

They can't.

Rajarshi MITRA / Via Flickr: tataimitra

Marine Drive, Mumbai.

18. I’m feeling kind of sick just looking at this horrible, horrible country.

I'm feeling kind of sick just looking at this horrible, horrible country.

Via nevarpp / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19. There’s no majestic wildlife to speak of either tbh.

There's no majestic wildlife to speak of either tbh.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

20. Look at this random cat, that’s totally there in every continent, lazying around.

Look at this random cat, that's totally there in every continent, lazying around.

GreenReynolds / Getty Images/iStockphoto

21. Look at this completely unattractive blue city.

Look at this completely unattractive blue city.

Meinzahn / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

22. Like what is this even?

Like what is this even?

RNMitra / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Western Temples of Khajuraho, India.

23. Never ever going there.

Never ever going there.

cookelma / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Tea plantations in India.

24. Never.


LeenaDamle / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Bandra-Worli Sea Link, Mumbai.

25. Ever.


Getty Images/iStockphoto kunphel


26. And why should you?

And why should you?

ggenova / Getty Images/iStockphoto


27. You have no reason to go.

You have no reason to go.

Getty Images/iStockphoto


28. Nope, none whatsoever.

Nope, none whatsoever.

ivan604 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Ganga River near Rishikesh.

25 heart-melting photos proving that babies really need pets

Is there anything cuter than seeing a baby getting along with a puppy? If you are a parent and also have a pet you certainly know that it’s a lot of work, but you will also agree with me if I say that seeing their incredible bond and the love they share is absolutely priceless.

Studies have shown that kids that grow up with pets are less likely to develop allergies when they’re older, and in addition to that, living with a pet teaches them empathy and non-verbal communication earlier than usual.
The following photos are a proof of how much babies really need a pet in their lives, but I have to warn you: they will cause a total cuteness overload.