Playful Dog Portraits By Russian Photographer Ksenia Raykova

20 year old Ksenia Raykova from Russia takes vivid and playful dog photos that her fans (myself included) are absolutely in love with.  Ksenia agreed to talk to Bored Panda about her passion for dog photography and share some tips with us.

She started her path as a dog photographer when she was only 14. Even though photography is still just a hobby for this architecture student, it sure does help her get by. Her inspiration and favorite model is her own dog, a border collie named Kim. She says that she can’t imagine her life without this wonderful, happy and bubbly dog. “We play different dog sports and meet a lot of dogs and owners. Now, even the owners from different cities invite me to come and shoot their amazing dogs”.
















35 Quotes From Reddit That Will Change Your Life For the Better

Words can move you, make you happier, and motivate you. Though life isn’t always perfect, it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s overall a pretty beautiful thing. We’ve rounded up some of the most life-changing quotes from the quote thread on Reddit, all of which are guaranteed to inspire you to do something amazing today.

Anger Family Faith Doing-What-You-Love Courage Contentment Conquering-Fear Choice Being-Yourself Being-Leader-Follower Life-Ending Life Learning-Laugh Having-Fun Happiness Finding-Good Fear Working-Hard Words Wisdom Wisdom (1) Truly-Living Taking-Risks Standing-Something Souls Perseverance Pain Opening-Your-Mind Nobility Music Making-Mistakes Love-Light Loneliness Living-Moment Listening Life (1)

7 Explorers Name The Most Beautiful Place They’ve Ever Seen

Looking for travel inspiration? We’ve been asking fascinating people — Pulitzer Prize-winners, world champion athletes, entrepreneurs, artists, and more — to share the greatest travel journeys of their lives.

New Guinea

Scientist and author Jared Diamond, who won the Pulitzer Prize for “Guns, Germs, and Steel,” is emphatic: “The most beautiful, exciting place in the world is New Guinea, with no close seconds. This is not my opinion, this is objective fact.”

Here’s his case: “Within this island, you get the whole world, from the equator to the North Pole, squeezed in. It’s on the equator, but its mountains are 16,500 feet high, so there are glaciers. That means that as you go up a New Guinea mountain, you’re going from tropical rainforest, into oak forest, into beach forest, into sub-alpine forest, into tundra, and then finally up to the glaciers, all within a few miles. In fact, it is the only place in the world where you can stand on a coral reef and look up at a glacier. Also, there are hundreds of different tribes with hundreds of different languages, so from a human point of view, it is the most exciting place in the world.”

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Huli Wigmen crossing in the forests of the Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. (Wade Davis via Getty Images)
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Aerial view of the Bensbach River floodplains. (Col Roberts via Getty Images)

Canyonlands National Park, Utah

Acclaimed Afghan-American memoirist Tamim Ansary moved from Kabul to the United States as a 16-year-old to attend high school. “Every year they would do a trip in spring, a camping trip someplace,” he recalled. “One year they went to Canyonlands, which is in Red Rock Country in Utah. I remember then, I said, ‘I’m coming back here before I die.’ A couple of years ago, we did go back. I’m too old to make the hike anymore. I couldn’t hike into all the places that I remember. But the Red Rock Country of Utah is just overwhelming. Don’t let your life go by without having been there.” [Map]

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Mesa Arch sunrise landscape in Canyonlands National Park. (Dave Soldano Images via Getty Images)
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(Alan Majchrowicz via Getty Images)



Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Minnesota

Tamim Ansary also raved about the Boundary Waters wilderness area. “If you look at the map of the United States and Canada, you’ll find it along the border there. It’s thousands of lakes. They only let three parties put in at any portage point in a day, and they don’t let you come closer than a quarter mile. They have to carry your canoe and all your stuff down; then you get into whatever lake you’ve come to, and that connects to another lake, and that connects to another lake. And there’s nobody there! We were there for a while and we saw one other party. We camped in a little island that had a campground and everything, but only one and there was nothing else there. I just loved that.” [Map]

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Birch Lake, Boundary Waters Wilderness Canoe Area, Minnesota. (Christian Heeb via 500px)


Rishikesh, India

Britta Hölzel is a rare combination, a Ph.D. neuroscientist and a yoga and meditation practitioner. Her research at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere has focused on how meditation changes the brain.

“I’ve traveled to India again and again,” she said. “A special place is a town in the north of India that’s called Rishikesh. They call it the yoga capital of the world, a lot of yoga ashrams are there. It’s right where the Ganges comes out from the Himalayas and goes into the open flatlands. While there, I had a moment of deep realization that this is how I want to spend my life. This is what I want to dedicate my life to, both the research and this kind of practice, because I think it just makes such a profound difference to one’s life to have an orientation towards living a good and spiritual life and a meaningful life. To me, that makes the entire difference.”

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Suspension bridge to Swarg Niwas Temple, Rishikesh. ( via Getty Images)


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The Ganges River near Rishikesh. (Ivan604 via Getty Images)


High Sierra Trail, California

To win last year’s World’s Toughest Mudder contest, endurance athlete Ryan Atkins raced for 24 hours straight, covering 95 miles in the Nevada desert, all while wearing a wetsuit.

Endurance competitions have sent Atkins to some incredible locations. “One of my coolest traveling experiences was running the High Sierra Trail in California,” he said. “That was awesome, probably the greatest trail I’ve ever experienced. It starts at Sequoia National Park and finishes on top of Mount Whitney in California, and it’s just a totally gorgeous trail. That one stands out.”

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High Sierra Trail approaching Mt. Humphreys (Gettystock)


Killarney Provincial Park, Canada

We also asked Ryan Atkins about the most beautiful place he’s ever visited. “Honestly, it’s probably a park not too far from where I live,” he says. “Killarney Provincial Park, about five or six hours north of Toronto. It’s beautiful Canadian forest, with crystal-clear lakes and white quartzite rock all over. There’s hiking and canoeing. It’s just a gorgeous place.” [Map]

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Island in Georgian Bay along the Chikanishing Trail, Killarney Provincial Park


Hanalei, Hawaii

“I would say the most beautiful place I’ve seen is Hanalei, which is on the northern side of the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands,” says Tim Kochis, the itinerant former CEO and chairman of Aspiriant, a large independent wealth management firm.

“It is just beautiful, particularly in the sunshine, and then after a rain because there are these series of waterfalls that are falling from the north shore mountains into the ocean. If you see this from any distance, you wonder, how could any place on the planet be more beautiful than this?”

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Stand-up paddle board in Hanalei Bay; Kauai, Hawaii.


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A morning shot of Hanalei Valley. (Scott Ingram Photography via Flickr)


Tuscany and Positano, Italy

Lalita Tademy has written multiple bestselling historical epics. Asked about her favorite travel journey, she said, “My husband and I went to Italy for a month. For two weeks of that, we were stationary in Tuscany. We rented a farm house. I wrote every morning, very early. Then in the afternoons, we’d go and visit hill towns and just walk around. We had no real plan. We would just walk. We would stumble into markets that were vibrant and wonderful, or restaurants that we hadn’t done any reading but they turned out to be just absolutely delightful.”

Positano, she said, was the most beautiful place she’s ever seen. “Absolutely blew me away. Up on the cliffs, perched up above everything, watching the ocean, the boats. It was just stunning. I spent so much time on the balcony, just staring. It was inspiring, and the colors were beautiful, everything in bloom. Gorgeous.”

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Sunrise over farm of olive groves and vineyards in Tuscany. (Gettystock)


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Positano, Italy on the Amalfi Coast. (Gettystock)



Senior U.S. policy aide Jamie Metzl has traveled to virtually every corner of Asia. His favorite destination? “Oh, that’s an easy one,” he said. “I absolutely love Mongolia, it is such a magical place. The Gobi Desert is actually where most of the dinosaurs in the Museum of Natural History come from.”

He continued: “As opposed to China, Mongolia is this huge country with a very small number of people. Everyone has their little tent — the Turkic word is yurt, but in Mongolia it’s call a ger, and you’re miles away from everybody else. So there’s this expansive frontier culture, a culture of welcoming and of self-reliance and of not wanting to be part of some system that’s going to oppress you. And the people, at least my Mongolian friends — I certainly don’t vouch for every Mongolian — but they’re just such a creative, fun-loving, big-hearted people. They’re not the only people in the world that way, but it’s certainly in a way that’s touched me.”

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A row of Mongolian gers. (Gettystock)


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Sand dunes in the Gobi Desert. (David Santiago Garcia via Getty Images)


20 Powerful Photos Of People’s Eyes That Say More Than Words Ever Could

“The eyes are the windows of the soul” – this quote has been attributed to countless different historical figures. In the first split-second that we observe someone, our gaze often snaps directly to their eyes – in an attempt to figure out who they are and what their intentions are.

The eyes can often communicate truths about an individual and about their soul that cannot be fathomed by something as inadequate as human language.

17 Stunning Photos That Prove Winter Is The Most Beautiful Season

The weather outside is delightful–you just have to be in the right place.

As winter approaches in the northern hemisphere and the nights draw in, our thoughts turn to the beauty of ice and snow. Winter photography, especially in the colder parts of the world, is a specialized niche. Photographers have to take care of their cameras and guard against frostbite and hypothermia. They often venture into remote wilderness searching for the perfect winter landscape. Their reward is stunning imagery.

We have collected 17 photos of winter, which once again confirms that the winter – it’s a miracle. These images can enjoy forever.

23+ Unbelievable Photos That Are Hard To Believe Really Exist

Photoshop experts can create photos so convincing that they play tricks on our mind and convince us that what we are seeing is real.

What is even more amazing than clever photoshopped pictures are pictures that you can’t believe aren’t photoshopped.

From natural phenomenons to perfectly timed photographs, these photos will have you scratching your head.

Sunset and eclipse – Solar Eclipses Can (Slightly) Change Weather on Earth

Unbelievable Photos

Shuttle launch – satellite view

Unbelievable Photos

Adolf Hitler’s original moustache style in 1914

Pyrite crystals in the form of a perfect cube

Unbelievable Photos

Marlon Brando before and after makeup for the film “The Godfather”

Fukang meteorite slice

Tiger Stone Paving Machine Makes Brick Roads Like Laying Carpet

Umbrella Sky Project Above A Street In Agueda, Portugal

The mountain-top cloud formations that look like UFOs

The Abandoned Fish Mall in Thailand

2 liter bottle before it is filled with compressed air

Squirrel with incredibly bushy tail

Horse in the Ocean

Reconstruction – Manhattan in 1609 and now

Naturally geometric cabbage is geometric completely inside

This Is How Cats See the World

Rocks in Zhangjiajie National Park, China

Sea turtle moves with the help of a jellyfish

Island shipwrecks in Moreton Island  Australia

Autumn at the Lake in Poland Pomorskie

A man-made funnel that drains during floods

wow_photosvia photovide

This is a resort on the east coast of South Korea!

via acidcow

26 Cute Photos They Will Make You Squeal Every Damn Time

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that cute photos of animals make us always smile. But did you know that looking at cute photos can actually make you more productive? A 2012 Japanese study found that workers performed twice as well after seeing a picture of a baby animal.

Take a break and go through these cute animal pictures, radiating all the best vibrations and emotions!

2.1. OMG hey buddy.


2. *gasping*


3. Love truly *is* blind, isn’t it?

*tears up*

4. Look how… it’s just… resting there…

Look how... it's just... resting there...

5. It’s a freakin’ cute-off.



Sorry for yelling, but like… look at that!

7. Happiest. Cutest. Elephant. Ever.

Happiest. Cutest. Elephant. Ever.

Flickr: paraflyer / Creative Commons

8. *whispers* baby hippo


9. Eeeeeeeeeeee.


Flickr: tambako / Creative Commons

10. Baby chicks EVERYWHERE, gaaaah.

Baby chicks EVERYWHERE, gaaaah.

11. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

12. Stopppppp.

13. Nap buds 4 ever.

14. Foam pup.

Foam pup.



16. Oh hellll yeah. High five, lil’ bud.

Oh hellll yeah. High five, lil' bud.

17. Cool af.

18. ALERT: pomeranian in a bag.

19. Actually literally painfully cute.

Actually literally painfully cute.

20. As advertised.

21. Corgis >

22. How is this even real life??

How is this even real life??

Flickr: tambako / Creative Commons

23. *boop*


Flickr: stijnvogels / Creative Commons

24. *siiiiigh*


25. Anteater babies are called pups.

Anteater babies are called pups.

Smithsonian Institution / Mehgan Murphy

*whispers* hey pup

26. I’ve seen heaven, and it is ADORABLE.

I've seen heaven, and it is ADORABLE.

Up and at ‘Em! 25 Good Morning Habits For a Great Day

OK, we know that the phrase “good morning” can be a bit contradictory right about the time our alarms begin incessantly buzzing. However, morning is the foundation of your day, so it’s a good idea to start off on the right foot from the get-go. The key to a great day is to approach it with a plan: know what you want to get out of it, and go for it with all you’ve got!

If you practice some of these helpful habits, then good things are bound to come your way.

  1. Wake up early — it will motivate you more than sleeping in will!
  2. Try to avoid drinking too much the night before.
  3. Give yourself time to get ready and decide on an outfit that you will feel great in.
  4. Take a hot shower.
  5. Do your beauty routine.
  6. Exercise! Make sure to stretch well, and then get in a workout before you leave for the day.
  7. Map out your day and make a plan about how you will get things done on your list.
  8. Listen to a playlist that pumps you up.
  9. Read or watch something that inspires you.
  10. You’ve heard it before, and we’ll say it again — eat a good breakfast!
  11. Start out the day doing the hardest or most dreaded thing on your list so that it’s out of the way. It will be all downhill from there!
  12. Do a brain exercise like a crossword or sudoku to get those wheels turning.
  13. Eat less at night so that you don’t wake up feeling full and lethargic.
  14. Don’t press snooze!
  15. Get out of the bedroom and get going as soon as you wake up — don’t let yourself be tempted to jump back under the covers.
  16. Try to be five minutes ahead of schedule so that if something disrupts your morning routine, it won’t make you late.
  17. Meditate. While doing this, remind yourself what your goals are and how you want your day to go, and make it happen!
  18. If you can, swap tea for coffee, or avoid caffeine completely. But realistically — just wait to have that cup of coffee until about an hour after you wake up.
  19. Check your voicemail and emails so that you can plan accordingly.
  20. Catch up on the news so you don’t face the day entirely clueless about current events (skimming the headlines should do the trick).
  21. Hydrate! Drink a cup or two of water — a little bit of H20 works wonders for your body.
  22. Smile!
  23. Stick to your routine through the week, and try not to deviate too far from it on the weekend — it will make Mondays extra hard.
  24. Take your dog for a walk if you have one. Or your cat; no judgments.
  25. Go outside and appreciate the day!
Source: Shutterstock