Lots of little things say a lot about who we are.
It’s actually pretty crazy, and some of these things we think we have no control over. They’re just a part of who we are or how we were born, like the position we sleep in, eye color, or the shape of our nails. These things seem so arbitrary but they actually unveil some pretty intimate things about who we truly are — it’s like an au natural personality quiz.
Cultural experts and social scientists have conducted research that reveals that our walking styles, including our walking speed and stride, have a huge impact on our personalities.
According to Patti Wood, body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions there are a few broad categories of strolling styles that people fall into.
“Most people are some combination of two of these categories,” she explained to Men’s Health. “Although one in particular usually dominates.” Wood breaks down the four major walking styles, what each says about your personality, and how to walk if you want people to get a different impression. We’ve also added a few more common walking habits or quirks and the secrets they unveil as well…
The Driver
If this sounds like you, you have some very positive personality traits. You know how to get things done, are extremely productive, very logical, and most likely very intelligent. People admire you, but they may find you a little cold. You tend to be a competitive and your fiery personality can get the better of you.
Wood suggests that you slow down and smell the roses every now and again, make eye contact, and make an effort to say “hello” to someone you know and like. You don’t have to do this all the time, but if you do this occasionally, people will know you are also friendly and have lots of positive personality traits as well.
The Influencer
According to Wood, a lot of politicians and celebrities have an Influencer gait.
If you are in Influencer you are fun, charismatic, socially adept, but some people may think you’re a little much. Your over-the-top personality tends to hog the spotlight, and sometimes you rob it from others when they have a right to it. Wood suggests reeling in your enthusiasm and thinking before you act.
“Consider your situation,” Wood suggests. “Is it a good time to make your presence known, or is this an opportunity to hold back and defer to others?”
The Supporter
If you’re a supporter, you tend to be more interested in people than tasks, and prefer enjoying your personal life rather than focusing on career. You feel a great satisfaction being part of a group, and may thrive in your family life or being part of a team sport. You also like to be acknowledged but are too humble to admit it, and something like a random phone call or card from one you love can go a long way. Yet, you do tend to get distracted sometimes.
You have a lot of admirable qualities, but Drivers and Influencers may perceive you as weak and try to take advantage of you. Try to stay focused when you’re around someone you are trying to impress and it will go a long way.
The Corrector
You’re most likely introverted, but polite. You like to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Yet, due to your introverted nature, you don’t verbally communicate what you want or need. You just expect people to know. This may lead to annoyance towards others and those others being confused by your irritable nature.
Try your best to verbally communicate, even if what you say isn’t polite. Try to find the nicest way to express yourself while being honest and you’ll be surprised by how much smoother your life suddenly becomes.
The following are not part of the four main walking personalities, but are quirks and habits that can relay really important information about you. Let’s start with “The Short Strider”…
Need more reason to hang up those heels? A study in The Journal Of Sexual Medicine, found that women with longer strides were more likely to be satisfied in the bedroom.
The Arm Crosser
Females tend to cross their arms when walking alone at night or through a rough neighborhood they are unfamiliar with. Attackers tend to prey on those who look weak, so try uncrossing your arms and walking upright at a quick pace, he advises.
The Arm Swinger
But be forewarned: If one of your shoulders rolls freely and the other is more awkward or stuck, this can indicate a back or neck problem, which can happen if you have an inactive lifestyle.
The Foot Shuffler
A foot shuffle can also lead to more serious medical issues down the road as well, so it’s important that if you catch yourself shuffling to mention it to a doctor during your next checkup.
The Stomper
“Impaired proprioception can occur due to loss of sensation,” consultant podiatrist Haydn Kelly of the London Medical Centre told the Daily Mail.
If you’re stomping your feet, it means you have lost sensation in this limb and may have a B12 vitamin deficiency, which can lead to tiredness, sore tongue, and bleeding gums, according to WebMD.
So, if you find yourself stomping about, try eating more dairy, eggs, or attempt to drink less alcohol. If you are a vegetarian, ask your doctor for supplements.
The Multitasker
For instance, if you walk around your house on your phone and cook, do a craft, or organize it can actually give you a boost of creativity. So, if you do this often, most likely you’re very imaginative.
Wood also points out that when you see someone walking and talking on the phone and they suddenly stop, it means that the conversation just got serious. People will stop walking, pause, and sit if the conversation gets personal.
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