Dogs already communicate with each other by raising their haunches, baring their teeth, changing their postures and raising, lowering or wagging their tales, so it would be reasonable to expect that smiles just aren’t a part of their already complex physical vocabulary.

However, scientists are increasingly warming up to the idea that animals may have a more complex range of emotions and that some of them may even have facial expressions similar to ours. In 2010, a controversial experiment held at McGill University determined that mice have distinct facial expressions to express pain, which can be used to monitor their discomfort during a given experiment.

Of course, we can’t always tell what an animal is really thinking. But there’s no denying that they can feel joy just as much as humans. Moreover, it doesn’t take much to make them smile. So why don’t we follow their example more often?

Here’s a few who can surely turn some of those frowns upside down!

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy

The world belongs to those who are happy