Wise man once said - „Winter makes a bridge between one year and another and, in this case, one century and the next“, making this time of the year the most magical and gathering one. Taking into consideration the...
“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.” ―Paulo Coelho Today marks the five-year anniversary of a close friend’s unexpected passing.  This morning I caught myself reflecting on that dreary morning when I received the news,...
Up until recently, Tao Liu was just an unknown water meter reader in China with an interest in photography. Then people started noticing his clever photos captured on sidewalks, and now Liu has become one of China’s hottest street...
The great debate on what is healthy seems to rage on endlessly these days, with no shortage of “experts”. There are bacon fanatics, vegans, paleo believers, raw foodies, wheat haters, vegetarians, and a million others in between the extremes. The...
Some of the most popular wildlife photos on 500px have happened when the photographer stepped away from their camera and let the animals take over. From a red squirrel seeking the cozy shelter of a massive lens hood, to adorable...
Winter is coming (because it’s surely not here yet). Get your frozen-weather fix right here. Winter may be a bit late coming this year (especially in Europe!), so we thought we'd share a few of our favourite snow-inspired images. From ice...