We love the ease and deliciousness of smoothies. And breakfast smoothies are an excellent way to get the nutrients and energy we need to start our days off on the right foot. The Domestic Geek has got some great...
You’ve heard the expression “flat as a pancake”? We personally think that expression is insulting! Pancakes should be thick, fluffy and delicious. If your pancakes are lacking the airy fluffiness that you desire, then you might need to try...
Most people think of child marriage as something that only happens in other countries—and nobody could imagine it taking place in Europe or America. But what you may not know is that some states in America allow children as...
As soon as a couple finds out they’re going to have a child, the thought of waiting a whole nine months to meet the little nugget can feel like an eternity. Every checkup is like seeing a preview for...
Ward Miles was born 3 ½ months premature, weighing under 1 ½ pounds. His parents couldn’t hold him until four days after his birth, and he had to stay in the hospital for the first 107 days of his...
Can you get through this post without cracking a smile? 1. This epic solution to forgetting your appropriate lab shoes. imgur.com 2. This perfect graffiti. imgur.com 3. This Sephora review. Twitter: @staceyxz 4. This useful experiment. imgur.com imgur.com 5. This emotional moment. Twitter: @ciaraa00 6. This fuckery. imgur.com 7. This result. Twitter: @Rattlehead81 8. This...