7 Motivational Quotes To Start Your Day, Everyday!

“ You see things and say ‘Why?’ but I dream things and say ‘Why not?’” - George Bernard Shaw “The true measure of a man is not...

17 Fitness Truths To Get You In Great Shape

“Nothing’s better than the wind to your back, the sun in front of you, and your friends beside you.” - Aaron Douglas Trimble 1. Small...

9 Great Reasons to Drink Water, and How to Form the...

We all know that water is good for us, but often the reasons are a little fuzzy. And even if we know why we...

10 Secrets to Happiness I learnt from Andrew Matthews

“What is more important than being happy?” Andrew Matthews asked the audience in a seminar I attended 6 weeks back. He then started to...

30 things I learned about life and love

1. The more you chase, the more they run. Work on attracting (pulling) people to you instead of chasing after them. 2. Love is not...

7 Life Changing Lessons You Can Learn from Mark Twain

in 1871, Mark Twain was born as Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri, U.S. He was a writer, and lecturer. He was called the...

How to Start Your Morning and Set up the Day for...

Some days are just golden right from the start. You get up bright and early, you have a good breakfast, your coffee is perfect,...

7 sexy skinny dips (private and most luxurious places)

While plunge pools pervade in Asia, very few allow us to disrobe entirely without embarrassing exposure. Here are seven of the most private, most...