14-Year-Old Girl Buys A House. Even Her Parents Were Stunned With Her Plans For It

With dedication and hard work, 14-year-old Willow Tufano proves young people can be extremely resourceful. She has already become not only a homeowner, but also a landlord. How she did it is a true testimony of how thinking ahead will take you places. She started her journey by getting serious about a simple hobby. She loved finding free items either on Craigslist or on the curbs and selling them. One brilliant find after the next, she ended up saving $6,000. She didn’t know how she was going to use the money, all she knew was that she was saving it for something special. When the market went down and a property she loved went from $100,000 all the way down to $16,000, you’ll never guess what she did next.

Going to her parents for advice was not exactly the news she wanted to hear at first. Dad exclaimed, “When I was a kid, I had a paper route!” But when she was able to haggle the landlords down to only $12,000, she offered mom a deal. She would put down her $6,000 if mom would pay the other half, and together they would buy a house.

When Willow took action renovating the house all on her own, dad was so proud of her. She fixed it up into a rental home making $700 a month. When she talks with Ellen, she shares the full story.

They Ask This 8-Year-Old Girl Where Her Grandma Lives. Her Reply? Heartwarming!

What role in life do grandparents fulfil? There are no obvious answers to this question, but for children at least, it’s very clear.

These 8-year-old students have responded brilliantly to the question,”What is a grandparent?” Some are funny, some are sweet, and some are just darn hysterical.

It’s unclear whether this was taken from real life or is purely fictional, but as we all know, kids do say the darnedest things, so I’m tempted to believe it’s the former.

Above anything, these answers are full of the kind of warmth and love that only a child can have, something that is certainly worth sharing!

1- Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own. They like other people’s.

2- A grandfather is a man and a grandmother is a lady.

3- Grandparents don’t have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old, they shouldn’t play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.

4- When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.

5- They show us and talk to us about the colours of the flowers and also why we shouldn’t step on “cracks”.

6- They don’t say, “Hurry up.”

7- Usually, grandmothers are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes.

8- They wear glasses and funny underwear.

9- They can take their teeth and gums out.

10- Grandparents don’t have to be smart.

11- They have to answer questions like “Why isn’t God married?” and “How come dogs chase cats?”

12- When they read to us, they don’t skip. They don’t mind if we ask for the same story over again.

13- Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don’t have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.

14- They know we should have a snack time before bed time, and they say prayers with us and kiss us even when we’ve acted bad.

15- Grandpa is the smartest man on earth. He teaches me good things, but I don’t get to see him enough to get as smart as him.

16- It’s funny when they bend over; you hear gas leaks, and they blame their dog.

17- Grandma, she lives at the airport, and when we want her we just go and get her. Then when she’s done having her visit, we take her back to the airport.

Share these beautiful, heartwarming responses with all your family and friends!

Bullies Called Her “Fatty”But When They See The 9-Year-Old’s Transformation, They Are Stunned.

Nine-Year-Old’s Story Of Incredible Weight Loss Success Goes Viral.

By the time she was 9-years-old, Breanna Bond weighed 186 pounds. She had trouble getting around and she even had a hard time breathing. But that wasn’t her only struggle. Her classmates called her all sorts of names, including “fat head” and “fatty.” It was no easy life for a fifth-grader.
But Breanna’s weight gain didn’t happen overnight. She was an overweight baby and reached 100 pounds by the first day of kindergarten.

Suspecting a medical condition, Breanna’s mother, Heidi, had her tested for everything from diabetes to a thyroid issue, but doctor’s couldn’t find anything. So instead of allowing their daughter to gain weight and face a host of potential health issues, Breanna’s parents decided to practice some tough love and help turn Breanna’s health around.

The Bonds didn’t place all of the burden on their daughter though. Heidi designed a health and diet plan for the whole family to follow. And Breanna’s results are a testament to her mother’s plan. After walking a four-mile trail every day and eating healthy food, Breanna lost 66 pounds in less than a year.

Now Breanna continues to exercise and eat healthy food. And she no longer has trouble breathing or struggles to keep up with her friends!

Breanna’s mom says, “[Breanna] is an inspiration to the world and all children who are having weight issues across America, that you can do it with a pair of tennis shoes and motivation.”

The family have three tips for parents looking to keep their children healthy: start as soon as possible, exercise, and enforce healthy eating habits. “Don’t be afraid to do the tough love. It’s worth it in the long run. It’s their life that’s at stake.”

Amazing job, Breanna! You’re an inspiration!

If you know anyone who could gain inspiration from Brianna’s story, please share it.

City Tells Woman to Cut Down Her 110-Year-Old Tree, So She Does THIS Instead!

It is a sad fact of life that giant trees grow old and start to die. This was a problem Sara Sanders, a resident of Everett, Washington, was facing with the magnificent tree in her front yard.

A glorious cedar was starting to lose limbs and it had become unsafe. That is when the city asked her to cut it down. However, where most people would take a tree of that size and make it into firewood, Sara had a completely different idea.

“The tree meant a lot to me. One of the reasons I bought the house 17 years ago was because of the tree. I wanted to be able to commemorate it in some way because it was a wonderful tree.”

Sara decided to have local woodcutter, Larry Carter, turn her tree into a small, free community library where people can take and leave books as they please. The library is available at all times and Sara says people started adding books before she had a chance to.

Check out the beautiful library in the video below!

The price for this beautiful piece of art was all the leftover wood from the tree. Larry took all the wood to the Evergreen State Fair where other carvers from all around the Pacific Northwest turned them into wonderful wooden statues of flowers, herons, and fish. About 50 different pieces were made from that single tree.

Sara took a sad situation and made it beautiful!

This brave little baby owl blocked the path of a police car

Boulder County Sheriff’s deputies had to stop their car while patrolling as they ‘confronted’ a seriously cute, fluffy baby owl who blocked their way. The police officer came up to the curious bird and said ‘hi’. As the officer reported later, the baby owl stayed still as they engaged in prolonged eye-contact. A few seconds later they seemed to come to an agreement and the owl safely flew away. Aren’t animals just wonderful?

Creepy Man Twice Her Age Sat Next To Her On A Bus & Tried To Force Himself On Her. What The Bus Driver Did Next Is Genius.

Everyone should read this because their are creeps out there. It’ll save your life and help others as well.

It’s a story about a woman who was on the bus for the first time when a man started to harass her. The way she got away is something she’ll never forget.

Read the story and you can learn a lot. Creeps are everywhere. Stop them no mater what you have to do.Creepy Man Twice Her Age Sat Next To Her On A Bus & Tried To Force Himself On Her. What The Bus Driver Did Next Is Genius.agfag

Mom Gets Pulled Over By Her Own Husband. But Watch When She Hands Him Something Strange…

Deputy Sheriff Pulls His Wife Over And They Announce Something Huge!

This deputy might look like he’s about to give this nice lady a big ticket, but just wait until she pulls out a surprise that’s going viral. That’s because the man pulling her over is actually her husband!

Think about it: What would you do if your spouse worked for the police and they pulled you over? It’s early in the morning, you’ve got a lot on your plate for the day, and you just need to get to work. But, of course, they’ve always got to get in your way and make you late somehow. Well, that’s what happened to this deputy sheriff and his wife in the video below.

With such a ridiculous situation on her hands, she turns on the camera as her husband approaches the car. “Seriously,” she asks, “who else gets pulled over by their husband?” But the deputy isn’t having it. Referring to her as “Ma’am” and making her call him “Deputy,” he’s all business and ready to punish her for being in the “High Occupancy Lane” in spite of being the only person in the car.

She tries to snap him out of it to let her just go to work, but she has to pay the price like anyone else. You can’t help but laugh at just how annoyed she is that her own husband would do such a thing.

She pulls out her license and proof of insurance, and she hands him a piece of paper. However, it doesn’t look like any license or insurance you’ve seen before. Something’s different. He turns it around to show the camera, and suddenly her driving in the “H.O.V” lane begins to make a bit more sense!

Please SHARE if you hope this couple makes more hilarious videos like this!