Restaurant Puts Fridge In Street So Hungry People Can Take Leftovers

Restaurants waste a lot of food, and even though big companies like Starbucks have recently changed their policies, a lot still goes into the bin when it could, well, go into people’s bellies.

So when a restaurant owner in Kochi, India, saw a homeless woman eating from a trashcan, she knew she had to do something. So Minu Pauline came up with a brilliant idea. Realizing that her restaurant, Pappadavada, had a lot of leftover food, she decided to put a fridge outside so homeless people could help themselves. It’s open 24/7 and anybody is free to use it. The fridge receives regular donations from restaurant patrons and other people, and Pauline herself leaves around 75-80 portions of food per day.

“Money is yours,” she told The Huffington Post. “But resources belong to society. That’s the message I want to send out. If you’re wasting your money…you’re wasting society’s resources.”

Mom Saves A Starving Orphan Accused Of Witchcraft—But Wait Til You See Him 8 Weeks Later

2-Year-Old ‘Witch Child’ Who Was Left To Die Makes Stunning Recovery

You might remember Hope from a story we covered about a month ago. The two-year-old Nigerian boy was abandoned by his family, who suspected that he was a witch, and wandered the streets alone for eight months. On January 31st, Hope was rescued by Danish aid worker Anja Ringgren Loven, who began to treat his condition.

Just eight weeks later, Hope has undergone a miraculous recovery.

“As you can see on the pictures, Hope is really enjoying his life now having 35 new brothers and sisters who ALL take such good care of him, play with him, study with him, and make sure he is safe and is getting a lot of love.”

Unfortunately, Hope has been diagnosed with hypospadias, “genital birth defect meaning the urethra emerges somewhere on the shaft or even the base of the penis, instead of at the tip.” If you would like to help him, and other abandoned children in Nigeria, you can make a donation through the link below.

More info: African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation | Make A Donationn

This boy was abandoned because his parents thought he was a witch

He had been wandering the streets for 8 months

Hope was suffering from malnutrition and worms

Now look at him just 8 weeks later

Danish aid worker Anja found him on January 31st and named him Hope

Thanks to Anja, he began to receive medical attention

The results were stunning

“Hope is really enjoying his life now having 35 new brothers and sisters”

They “ALL take such good care of him…and make sure he is safe and is getting a lot of love”

From getting a haircut…

…to playing with friends

“This is what makes life so beautiful and valuable and therefore I will let the pictures speak for themselves”

Popular Girls Of Her College Pushed Her In A Puddle Of Mud & Laughed. What Followed Left Them Speechless.

An unpopular teen girl was being bullied at school by the mean girls. What this boy did next is amazing.


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She Fights Her Tears When A Customer Yells At Her. Then THIS Man Stands Up And The Whole Room Goes Quiet.

Here’s Exactly How To Deal With A Rude Customer. This Is Genius.


I just don’t get rudeness. I never have and never will. There are some very clear, minimum levels of respect and politeness that I think everyone owes everyone; both those that are closest to us as well as those we’re meeting for the first time — and may never see again.

When I do come across an incident – like the one in this story- where someone is being rude and downright mean to a person in the service industry, I clench my teeth and want to scream. But it’s hard to have the guts to actually do something about it.

That’s why I loved this story so much– someone actually did. I’m not sure if it happened in real life or not, but it certainly made me smile ear to ear.

It’s a relatively busy day at a cafe near my work. Several customers are already standing in line. It’s the next person’s turn, and he seems to aggressively approach the cashier who’s about to take his order.

Customer: “Thank God, this line was taking forever.”

Cashier: “Sorry about the wait, sir. May I take your order?”

The customer proceeds to rattle off a long, confusing, and often contradictory order, including such things as a meatless ham sandwich.

Cashier: “Sir, I’m a little confused by your order. Do you mean—”

Customer: “—oh for God’s sake, I have to repeat myself now? Weren’t you paying attention the first time?”

Cashier: “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t want to get anything wrong. You made a big order, and—”

Customer: *sighs* “I’ll repeat myself, but just this once. I hate dealing with lazy ignorant dropouts like you.”

(He repeats his order, but the cashier understands it even less because she is trying not to cry. He finishes speaking and snaps his fingers at her.)

Customer: “Hello?! Punch it in! I haven’t got all day, and—”

(Suddenly one of the other customers; a strongly-built man who has been quietly sitting at a nearby table, roars and leaps to his feet, flipping the table and spilling his coffee in the process.)


(The rude customer shrieks and flees from the store. I and the remaining customers stare at the man, who quietly picks up the table and comes over to the counter.)

Man at table: “I’ll pay for any damage. If you could show me where the mops are, I’ll take care of the mess too.”

Cashier: “I-I-I, um…”

Man at table: “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. There’s always gonna be jerks like that around.”

Cashier: “Uh, you, um…”

Man at table: “Oh, the prison thing?” *laughs* “Never been in jail in my life. So, anyway, where’s that mop?”

Source: Not Always Right

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Does A Dead Loved One Ever “Visit” You In A Dream? Here’s How You Know…

Ghost touching sleeping granddaughter

Have you ever felt like you’ve been visited by a deceased loved one during one of your dreams? If so, you may have experienced a “visitation dream” and should consider yourself very lucky.

Though it’s one of the most fascinating and spiritual type of dreams, visitation dreams are shrouded in mystery. Experts are only just beginning to delve into this stunning otherworld. According to an article written by Patrick McNamara Ph.D. for Psychology Today, visitation dreams have several common characteristics. One involves the physical traits of the deceased during the dream (i.e. healthy vs. sick) and the other involves the emotions felt by the dreamer during the visitation (i.e. peaceful vs. fearful). “The deceased appeared as they did in life rather than as they did when they fell ill,” he writes. “In fact the deceased often appeared much younger or more healthy than when they died. The deceased conveyed reassurance to the dreamer. ‘I am OK and still with you’ This message tended to be conveyed telepathically or mentally rather than via spoken word. Visitation dreams are typically clear, vivid, intense and are experienced as real visits when the dreamer awakens.”

Lauri Moore is a professional psychic medium. In her video below, you’ll learn more about visitation dreams and how to tell if you’ve experienced one.

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He Compiles Hundreds Of Chick-fil-A Cups. What He Transforms Them Into Is Incredible

Chick-fil-A figured out a way to not just make their customers happy, but give back to the community in a special way. When customers order a drink, they are given a thick, polystyrene cup to hold their refreshing beverage. If you’ve had the pleasure of going to a Chick-fil-A resturant, you may have ordered a lemonade and realized that it stayed cool for hours. This is because of the polystyrene material keeps the beverage well-insulated, and while the the short-term satisfaction is great, Chick-fil-A went the extra mile.

Thinking outside the box, Chick-fil-A discovered that since their special cups aren’t very easy to recycle as usual, they put all the disposed cups to a greater purpose. They gather all of the recycled cups by the hundreds, and turn them into benches for the community. It’s an amazing process that Chick-fil-A is willing to go through. They show their care for people through doing things like this.

It takes a whole team to accomplish making these benches, along with special machinery, but all of it shows they care not just for people, but the world around them.

Only 4% of People Can Name All These Popular Travel Destinations. Can You?

So you think you’re a savvy traveler? You say you’ve “been there,” and “done that,” time and again, but how many popular destinations around the world do you really know?

If you immediately knew where the cover photo was, congrats, because many people don’t. That’s Shipwreck Beach, also known as Navagio Beach on the island of Zakynthos in Greece.

Those who got it have a great start, because the destinations below are a lot more well-known.

Take this quiz to test your knowledge by naming them!