7 Tips to Boost Your Day

Jumping at Sunset by Sasha L'Estrange-Bell

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”-Michelangelo

Each day is hard work. We have to get up, run here and then run there all while keeping a smile on our faces letting everyone know that we’re okay. Caring for ourselves? Ha! Who has time for that?

While, I have to say that caring for myself is an uphill battle most days, the rewards I reap from loving me are exceptional! Looking for love outside of yourself is sooo last week. Three’s company and me, myself and I are extremely useful when you put them to work! Here are a few tips to give yourself a boost on any given Monday.

1. Start with positive thoughts.

Wake up. Snooze. Groan. Snooze. Wake up 20 minutes later and curse yourself on the way out the door. Does this sound familiar? How does cursing yourself serve you? Forgiveness is not just for outsiders, but for you too. Make room for forgiveness when you make little mistakes. No one will die if you’re a little late, and your day will be a lot better.

2. Treat yourself like you want to be treated.

Do you notice that we save our nicest demeanor and grace for strangers and elders but sometimes treat our friends and families with carelessness? That’s bad enough but it doesn’t stop there. We save our worst criticism, our meanest self for our very own. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend or elder, then don’t say it to yourself. It isn’t constructive, and it isn’t helping so stop being mean to you.

3. Acknowledge greatness.

Whenever someone is rude to us or pisses us off, we often wish that we can let them know how rude they are. We have this incredible urge to tell negative people where to go and how to get there. Or at least I do! Instead of judging ourselves, let’s draw some inspiration from this! Try this: when someone rubs you the right way, and leaves a positive feeling with you, don’t let it go unsaid! It truly takes little effort to tell someone they’re awesome and that act will reflect positive vibes onto you as well.

4. Be grateful.

Think about something you’re truly grateful for. Sit with it. Relish in it….now try and be negative about something. You can’t. It’s kinda like sneezing with your eyes open, you can’t do it. This is nothing new, gratitude journals and the like are all the rage. Jump on the band wagon, they’re going somewhere nice!

5. Talk to your inner child.

Just think of the playground that your 5 year old self would make the office into. Think of the questions your seven year old self would ask your professors. Approach life like a kid sometimes because these guys are the true fun experts. We would all be better at life if we retapped in to the expertise that we all have had before. Life really isn’t as serious as a lot of us try to make it.

6. Dance.

Or sing. Or run out into the rain. Get out of your comfort zone in a silly way and watch your days soar.

7. Accept your gift!

The present is a gift and truly the only moment you have. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never coming, sorry. You owe it to yourself to create your own happiness in each day. Happiness is not this fleeting thing, but a manifestation of your thoughts.

You have nothing to be sad about, you are an extremely capable and amazing person. You can and will make it through absolutely everything that gets thrown at you. Make this day count for you!

With so much love,
Life Coach and blogger



The First Date by Sam Assadi

Everyone strives to be happy but the mistake that everyone makes is that they think that happiness is some kind of finishing line in a race. Once you crossed that line, you will live happily ever after. That is not true. Happiness is a choice! You can choose to make your life happy. So here are a few ways you could try.

Let go of past memories.

Everyone has both sad and happy moments. So forget about your painful memories. What’s in the past stays in the past. Instead focus on your good memories and move on.

Be optimistic.

Always try looking on the bright side of things. Look for the silver lining behind each dark cloud. For example, if you had an unfortunate accident and your car is badly dented, but on the bright side is that nobody got hurt and that dent in your car can be repaired. There is always a bright side to look on so be optimistic!

Be close to your family

Try and maintain a close relationship with your family and friends. Our relationships with them have a greater impact on our happiness than anything else. Human beings are made to be social creatures. So appreciate the existing relationships that you have.

Try finding a job that gives you happiness.

If you are feeling stressed out in your current job and not getting the job satisfaction that you want, perhaps it’s time for a career change. Job satisfaction plays an important part in your happiness. So give your job a chance. Try having a positive attitude in your job. If that doesn’t work, it may time for a change of jobs.

Make friends

You need to make friends with people who share a common interest. Find something that you are deeply passionate about. It could be a hobby or an organization you can volunteer in. There you could meet people who the same interest and passion as you.


Exercising releases endorphins. So, not only you are taking care of your body but you will automatically start to feel good about yourself.

Change your thinking

You have to start living life to the fullest. Don’t delay your life a second longer. Try something new everyday or pick up a new skill!

Don’t let the small stuff bug you.

Remember all the small petty stuff that used to bother you? Forget all about it and focus on the bigger picture. Life is too short to be worry about trivial stuff.

Live your life for yourself.

Stop trying to live your life up to other people’s expectations. You are your own person. So start living it for yourself!

 You have all these love to give so give your love to something and start feeling happy today!

You may already be incorporating some of these tips into your life already and if so, good for you!  For the ones that you aren’t yet doing, start slowly incorporating them over time.  Repetition over time makes a habit change.  Remember it’s not in the end game, but the journey, that we achieve happiness.

16 Poisons To Your Happiness

Summer Jumping by Sasha L'Estrange-Bell

1.Jealously. Just be happy for people and you’ll be happier for yourself.
2.A need for superficial things. Having a name brand item isn’t ever going to satisfy your deep needs for confidence and fulfillment. It’s all incredibly meaningless in the end.
3.Grudges. I know you may feel like the tough one for holding on to some anger that was created years ago, but it actually makes you weaker. Forgive. Forgiveness sets you free.
4.Regret. When I said forgiveness sets you free, that applies to self-forgiveness as well.
5.Dependence. You can’t depend on others for happiness. Take it from me, it’s not going to work. You have to rely on yourself for love and confidence.
6.The need to fix people. You may think you can fix someone, but you can’t. People have to fix themselves and if you allow negative people in your life they will just bring you down too.
7.Fear. Fear is natural and everyone has it, but if you allow fear to control you, you will never move in the direction of your dreams and happiness.
8.Selfishness. It is one thing to be young and do what’s in your best interest, and another to be inconsiderate of others. If you care about no one, no one will care about you.
9.Unreasonably high expectations. I am not saying that you shouldn’t set the bar high, go ahead and put it way up there. But keep in mind that life isn’t perfect and if you are constantly expecting it to be, you are going to feel let down. Expect the unexpected.
10.A self-righteous attitude. You are not above anything or anyone and the moment that you start feeling that way is when you actually become less intelligence because you lose the ability to learn from others. You will miss great opportunities and suffer personally.
11.Wanting to relive the past. You will kill your happiness if you are constantly looking at old photos and trying to think up ways to go back to that. You can’t. Cherish memories, move on.
12.Dishonesty. Tell the truth, to others and to yourself. Lies will destroy your happiness.
13.Reliance on alcohol. Ground breaking I know, but if you feel like you need a drink to feel happy and free, that’s not okay. Alcohol is the farthest thing from an escape, it merely pushes your problems back a night and probably adds different ones. If you allow it to, it will control your happiness, and then wash it right down the drain like the lost disposable income that you spent on it.
14.Pessimism. Don’t try to anticipate negative outcomes to spare yourself from disappointment. Be positive and hopeful, pessimism is cowardly.
15.Prejudice. If you are prejudice in any way, rest assured it will negatively affect you in the long run. Your hatred is only poison to your own soul. Love and be loved my friend.
16.Self-doubt. If you don’t believe in yourself and what you want, who is going to? The limitations on your happiness often stem just as deep as those that you have created for yourself. Believe in yourself, and you will be happy.

19 Beautifully Isolated Places Where You Can Finally Get Some Peace And Quiet

Beautifully Isolated Places

Buzzfeed recently published a list of “19 Beautifully Isolated Places Where You Can Finally Get Some Peace And Quiet.”

The list includes locations from around the globe, and also two are from the U.S.: Baranof Island in Alaska, and Cape Neddick Lighthouse off the coast of York, Maine.

This is literally as quiet as quiet gets.


1. This calming cottage on Lower Beverly Lake in Ontario, Canada.

Beautifully Isolated Places

Flickr: bdwells1986 / Creative Commons / Via Flickr: bdwells1986

2. This house on stilts in Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Beautifully Isolated Places

Vilainecrevette / Via shutterstock.com

3. This small town in Iceland.

This small town in Iceland.

Flickr: stuckincustoms / Creative Commons

In this area just north of the town, the local residents decided to light the side of the cliff at night to give it a special feel.

4. This house on a mountain slope in the Kaprun ski region, Austria

This house on a mountain slope in the Kaprun ski region, Austria

Vadim Petrakov / Via shutterstock.com

5. This house on the uninhabited island of Urup, Kuriles.

This house on the uninhabited island of Urup, Kuriles.

Denis Veselov / Via shutterstock.com

6. This beach house in the Maldives.

This beach house in the Maldives.

Xiaojiao Wang / Via shutterstock.com

7. This house on Samaesan Island in Thailand.

This house on Samaesan Island in Thailand.

sarayuth3390 / Via shutterstock.com

8. The Cape Neddick Lighthouse in York, Maine.

The Cape Neddick Lighthouse in York, Maine.

Flickr: houser / Creative Commons

A photo of this famous lighthouse is actually carried in the Voyager spacecraft, along with other manmade feats like the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.

9. This house on an Icelandic peninsula.

This house on an Icelandic peninsula.

Flickr: stuckincustoms / Creative Commons

10. This home on the Ocean in Ambergris Caye, Belize.

This home on the Ocean in Ambergris Caye, Belize.

Brandon Bourdages / Via shutterstock.com

11. This house on a peninsula in Skudeneshavn, Rogaland Fylke, in Norway.

This house on a peninsula in Skudeneshavn, Rogaland Fylke, in Norway.

Flickr: ewixx / Creative Commons

12. These houses on tiny forested islands in Sitka Sound on Baranof Island, Alaska.

These houses on tiny forested islands in Sitka Sound on Baranof Island, Alaska.

Chad Zuber / Via shutterstock.com

13. This red house in Sweden on the Stockholm Archipelago.

This red house in Sweden on the Stockholm Archipelago.

Svetlana Batalina / Via shutterstock.com

14. This stone beauty in the middle of a Fjord.

This stone beauty in the middle of a Fjord.

ppl / Via shutterstock.com

15. This house in the Land of the Panserbjørne.

This house in the Land of the Panserbjørne.

Flickr: stuckincustoms / Creative Commons

16. This placid cabin by a waterfall in the valleys by Isafjordur.

This placid cabin by a waterfall in the valleys by Isafjordur.

Flickr: stuckincustoms / Creative Commons

17. This little house in jungle on the tropical island off El Nido, Philippines.

This little house in jungle on the tropical island off El Nido, Philippines.

Simon Bond / Via shutterstock.com

18. This lone house on the Snaefellsnes peninsula in Iceland.

This lone house on the Snaefellsnes peninsula in Iceland.

Anders Peter Photography / Via shutterstock.com

19. This Buddhist Temple on island near Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka.

This Buddhist Temple on island near Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka.

Jaromir Chalabala / Via shutterstock.com

This is literally as quiet as quiet gets.

The Moment – Best shots chosen by National geographic’s Editors

Last month, National Geographic asked readers to submit photos of perfect moment, which were submitted via its online photo-sharing platform, Your Shot. Out of more than 14,000 submissions, 27 made it into the final story, entitled The Moment. Moments can be large, loud, and in your face. They can also be soft, gentle, and intimate. Some of the large and explosive moments made it into the final selection, as did some of the quiet and personal moments. It really came down to the power of the image.

Here are a handful of the selected images:

The Moment they Met by Wendell Reyes
The Moment they Met by Wendell Reyes
I saw this little White Chested Emerald taking his time, waiting his/her turn to go to the feeder. While observing and taking some portraits, I saw the bird being very alert and edgy and then this little wasp came to view. As the wasp got closer, he/she took off in mid air and it looked as if they were having a conversation. I figure perhaps he/she was telling the wasp, “you better stay over there, because you are a threat to me, and I am thinking of having you for lunch!

Freeze Frame by joseph grant trammell
Freeze Frame by joseph grant trammell
The rising sun provides plenty of backlight for this ‘moment in time’ as a solo fisherman at Snapper Rocks in Australia calmly reels in his (hardly visible) line despite powerful surf lapping at his spot.

Moments by Bridgena Barnard
Moments by Bridgena Barnard
We decided to have a totally different Xmas in 2009–and wow was it different. Temperature of 42degrees,Typical kids they prompt me for a Xmas wish. We are going to see something spectacular! Like what they asked: My answer “A cheetah kill”, was accepted with roarning laughter ,but my wish came true

The Power of the Criollos by Chris Schmid
The Power of the Criollos by Chris Schmid
The power of the Criollo horses at the Cabanha Ipuã located in Paranà, Brazil. The Criollo is the native horse of Uruguay (1910), Argentina (1918), Brazil (1932) and Paraguay. It may have the best endurance of any horse breed in the world next to the Arabian.

Stuntman by Jiri Strasek
Stuntman by Jiri Strasek
Photo arose during filming

Pacujawi @ Bull Race  by  mohd irman ismail
Pacujawi @ Bull Race by mohd irman ismail
Pacu Jawi consists of two syllables that is meaningful Pacu track, being Jawi mean cow or cows, so if translated into Bahasa Indonesia, Jawi is track Cattle Pacu. Pacu Jawi is an event that is in the child NAGARI Land DatarSumatera Regency West.

Seraphim   by J. Goodman
Seraphim by J. Goodman
This photograph is of a gull hitting the brakes in mid-flight while in competition for a few airborne scraps at a California beach one evening.

Airborn by Christy D.
Airborn by Christy D.
This was the ending of a family portrait session, a storm was rolling in over the front range. I had just finished some father & son shots, when I looked down at my camera and back up to see him tossing his boy in the air. I was lucky to get this shot and to also have this beautiful dark sky in the background accompanied by the golden light of the late Summer evening. The joy in his face is because he sees his mom standing behind me. I knew immediately that this shot would be special.

One more throw by Spencer Selvidge
One more throw by Spencer Selvidge
After an afternoon photographing dogs and owners at Lady Bird Lake in Austin, Texas, there was just one dog left. And she did not want to leave. It was well past sunset and the owner kept trying to coax her out by giving her one more throw but she cleverly stayed away from the shoreline and let the ball float back instead. After 15 minutes of working the situation, and some hoping for a break in movement, I had my shot.

CatWalk by Nancy Leigh
CatWalk by Nancy Leigh
One day, I visited the quaint village of Gordes, but there were so many tourists, I decided to leave. As I headed to the car, I noticed two women talking just beyond the car park. From afar, I saw that one of the woman had something crawling around on her shoulders. As I got closer I realized it was a Siamese kitten. I quietly photographed a series of this adorable, inquisitive kitten and was so amused by his playful antics, it was difficult not to laugh.

Pariah do and woman, each on their side by Serge Bouvet
Pariah do and woman, each on their side by Serge Bouvet
In this picture, a pariah dog and a woman, each on their side. The laying dog reminds me of that of a respectable statue. Blue walls, red sari woman framed by the doorway, square, hindi letters, figures on the wall caught my eye. This is the opposite of the dog and the woman who encouraged me me to shoot this blue spot. Luckily I had my camera in hand when I saw this scene ..

Through The Net by Pyiet Oo Aung
Through The Net by Pyiet Oo Aung
The photo was taken at Ngwe Saung Beach, Myanmar. Using waterproof bag to get the low angle and protect from engaging with salted water

Respect by Sebastião Correia de Campos
Respect by Sebastião Correia de Campos

Jumping the Fire by Sergio Murria
Jumping the Fire by Sergio Murria
Shot taken at a regional festival in honor of a saint Antonio

Fire Eater, Shakrain Festival  by Junan Chakma
Fire Eater, Shakrain Festival by Junan Chakma
Shakrain Festival is celebrated in Dhaka, Bangladesh at the end of the Bangla month Poush (January 14 or 15 in Gregorian calendar). This day is known as Poush Sangkranti. (End of Poush). It is celebrated mostly around the southern part of Dhaka city. As part of the celebration, kites are flown high from the rooftops around the area in the afternoon. When night falls, fireworks lit up the sky of old Dhaka. Flame-eaters also gather up on the roofs to entertain everyone with their skills .

And the Winner of this contest:

Explosions at Acatenango by Diego Fabriccio Diaz Palomo
Explosions at Acatenango by Diego Fabriccio Diaz Palomo
Every year I love to climb the beautiful Acatenango Volcano in Guatemala, my country. I was speechless when I saw for the first time lava spit out from the violent Fuego Volcano. I decide to set my camera in Bulb mode and took a long exposure (89 sec) picture. 2 seconds before the exposure ended two thunders appeared in a far cloud on the horizon. That was just awesome, it’s INDESCRIPTIBLE

20+ Most Beautifully Secluded Places In The World

These amazing nature places are secluded from the whole world. If you would love to visit some strange and amazing places this summer, than you can try one of these. All of them are something that you will remember for the rest of your life. Hope you will enjoy our collection.

1. Peak District, England

2. Qassiarsuk – Erik the Red’s former farm in Greenland

3. Benbulbin in the Dartry Mountains in Ireland

4. Ellidaey Island, Iceland

5. The Deer Stones of Mongolia

6. Mount Shuksan, Washington

7. Song Kul, Kyrgyzstan

8. The steppes of Kazakhstan

9. The Austrian countryside

10. The Phobjikha Valley in Bhutan

11. The fjords of Baffin Island

12. Mont Saint-Michel Abbey in France

13. Olchon Island on Lake Baikal in Russia

14. Thimphu, Bhutan

15. The Castles of Switzerland

16. Crescent Lake in the Gobi Desert

17. Meteora Monastery in Greece

18. Halstatt, Austria

19. Gasadalur Village in the Faroe Islands

20. Taktsang Palphug Monastery in Bhutan

21. The fjords of Iceland

22. Alcazar Caste in Segovia, Spain

These Five Guys Took The Same Picture Over 30 Years…You Gotta See What They Look Like Now!

Five friends from Santa Barbara, California go on vacation every 5 years to the same place to take the same group photo and they have been doing it since 1982. They started as teenagers when they were just 19 years old. In 2012, at age 48, they have taken their 7th photo, 30 years after it began.

They visit the same lake. They stay in the same cabin. They sit on the same bench. They sit in the same order. They make the same pose. They even make the same facial expressions. And, starting five years ago, some of them began wearing the same clothes.

First Photo – 1982



Second Photo – 1987



Third Photo – 1992



Fourth Photo – 1997



Fifth Photo – 2002



Sixth Photo – 2007



Seventh Photo – 2012


According to one of the friends, “It took 30 seconds to take the original photo, now it takes a half hour to take the photo because it has to be perfect.”

However long it takes, we hope these friends keep this tradition alive for a long time.

Story Source | Images Source

China Earthquake: How A Mother Saved Her Son (An Emotional Story)

This is a true story of a Mother’s Sacrifice during the China Earthquake.
After the Earthquake had subsided, when the rescuers reached the ruins of a young woman’s house, they saw her dead body through the cracks. But her pose was somehow strange that she knelt on her knees like a person was worshiping; her body was leaning forward, and her two hands were supported by an object. The collapsed house had crashed her back and her head.

With so many difficulties, the leader of the rescue team put his hand through a narrow gap on the wall to reach the woman’s body. He was hoping that this woman could be still alive. However, the cold and stiff body told him that she had passed away for sure.
He and the rest of the team left this house and were going to search the next collapsed building. For some reasons, the team leader was driven by a compelling force to go back to the ruin house of the dead woman. Again, he knelt down and used his had through the narrow cracks to search the little space under the dead body. Suddenly, he screamed with excitement,” A child! There is a child! “

The whole team worked together; carefully they removed the piles of ruined objects around the dead woman. There was a 3 months old little boy wrapped in a flowery blanket under his mother’s dead body. Obviously, the woman had made an ultimate sacrifice for saving her son. When her house was falling, she used her body to make a cover to protect her son. The little boy was still sleeping peacefully when the team leader picked him up.

The medical doctor came quickly to exam the little boy. After he opened the blanket, he saw a cell phone inside the blanket. There was a text message on the screen. It said,” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” This cell phone was passing around from one hand to another. Every body that read the message wept. ” If you can survive, you must remember that I love you.” Such is the mother’s love for her child!!