Quotes that Will Inspire You to Take Life by the Balls

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

One thing I have learned during my twenty-something years on this planet is that sometimes – yes, sometimes – society is wrong about what is morally acceptable. There are certain things that society forbids that aren’t actually inherently wrong, and it’s up to you – and your independent thought process – to define for yourself (using your awesome, superhuman ability to think critically) what “is” and “isn’t” acceptable behavior in the world.

Question everything. Just like we question horrible things that are still permitted in societies, like animal abuse, female genital mutilation and honor killings, we should also question whether the things that we are raised to believe are unacceptable are actually so bad.

“If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.” – Frank Zappa

Set your principles. My personal rule is that if it – whatever it is – doesn’t harm you, or others, then it’s probably moral. Respect that basic rule and, with the occasional exception, the world is your oyster. Come up with your own rules that make sense to you.

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein

We all go through times when we disagree with something, or someone, or some judgement, but we’re too scared to speak up because “other people” will react negatively. We’re afraid to be ourselves out of some fear that society will reject us for our differences. But who cares? If you step up to the challenge, you automatically win because you are claiming your right to live your life in your own image rather than the image of some rando. You become a real person.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” – Bernard M. Baruch

Sometimes our fear of judgement is internalized and, even though we feel a certain way, we haven’t even understood it or admitted it to ourselves. And that’s okay. Life is a process. But once you get there, you’ll know that there is no better satisfaction in the world than the feeling of personal integrity. If you know what I’m talking about, great. If you don’t and you want to be helpful, simply treat all kinds of people with an open mind.

“Nothing could be easier than disturbing a status quo instituted by others; the real work of the sinister current is to break the rules we rigidly establish for ourselves.” – Zeena Schleck

Next time you feel like something is stopping you from being honest with the world, or yourself, about who you are or what you stand for, know you’re not alone. But don’t run away.

“If you think like others, how can you be sure you’re thinking at all?” – Daniel Delgado F

Instead, remember these inspiring quotes about the importance of being yourself and embracing your uniqueness:

1. “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”  – Marilyn Monroe



2. “I am not made like any of those I have seen. I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence.”  – Jean Jacques Rousseau



3. “Be yourself – not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.”  – Henry David Thoreau



4. I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.”  – Kurt Cobain



5. “It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed.”  – Albert Einstein



6. “Don’t let the noise of other peoples’ opinions drown out your inner voice.”  – Steve Jobs



7. “You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be.”  – Wayne W. Dyer



8. The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself.”  – Mark Twain



9. “There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.”  – Steve Maraboli



10. “Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”  – Judy Garland

anti-human-photography-animal (2)


11. “Wherever anyone is against his will, that is to him a prison.”  – Epictetus



12. “About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won’t like you at all.”  – Rita Mae Brown



13. “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself – and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That’s what real love amounts to – letting a person be what he really is.”  – Jim Morrison



14. “‎Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, cuz we were born this way, bitch!”  – Lady Gaga



15. “Rule your mind or it will rule you.”  – Horace



16. “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”  – Apple, Inc

Portrait of a boy with the map of the world painted on his face.

What This Grandpa Left Behind Before Dying Surprised Everyone. But It’s Absolutely Brilliant

Photo by centerfordentalimplants

When James K. Flanagan passed away on September 3, 2012, he left behind something absolutely amazing. Months before, he wrote a wise letter of advice to his five grandchildren, unbeknownst to them. With permission of his daughter, Rachel Creighton, the letter he left behind was posted online. This is that letter. Even if you didn’t know James, his words are worth reading… they’re life lessons for all of us.

Dear Ryan, Conor, Brendan, Charlie, and Mary Catherine,

My wise and thoughtful daughter Rachel urged me to write down some advice for you, the important things that I have learned about life. I am beginning this on 8 April 2012, the eve of my 72nd birthday.

1. Each one of you is a wonderful gift of God both to your family and to all the world. Remember it always, especially when the cold winds of doubt and discouragement fall upon your life.

2. Be not afraid . . . of anyone or of anything when it comes to living your life most fully. Pursue your hopes and your dreams no matter how difficult or “different” they may seem to others. Far too many people don’t do what they want or should do because of what they imagine others may think or say. Remember, if they don’t bring you chicken soup when you’re sick or stand by you when you’re in trouble, they don’t matter. Avoid those sour-souled pessimists who listen to your dreams then say, “Yeah, but what if . . .” The heck with “what if. . .” Do it! The worst thing in life is to look back and say: “I would have; I could have; I should have.” Take risks, make mistakes.

3. Everyone in the world is just an ordinary person. Some people may wear fancy hats or have big titles or (temporarily) have power and want you to think they are above the rest. Don’t believe them. They have the same doubts, fears, and hopes; they eat, drink, sleep, and fart like everyone else. Question authority always but be wise and careful about the way you do it.

4. Make a Life List of all those things you want to do: travel to places; learn a skill; master a language; meet someone special. Make it long and do some things from it every year. Don’t say “I’ll do it tomorrow” (or next month or next year). That is the surest way to fail to do something. There is no tomorrow, and there is no “right” time to begin something except now.

5. Practice the Irish proverb: Moi an olge agus tiocfaidh sí “Praise the child and she will flourish.”

6. Be kind and go out of your way to help people — especially the weak, the fearful, and children. Everyone is carrying a special sorrow, and they need our compassion.

7. Don’t join the military or any organization that trains you to kill. War is evil. All wars are started by old men who force or fool young men to hate and to kill each other. The old men survive, and, just as they started the war with pen and paper, they end it the same way. So many good and innocent people die. If wars are so good and noble, why aren’t those leaders who start wars right up there fighting?

8. Read books, as many as you can. They are a wonderful source of delight, wisdom, and inspiration. They need no batteries or connections, and they can go anywhere.

9. Be truthful.

10. Travel: always but especially when you are young. Don’t wait until you have “enough” money or until everything is “just right.” That never happens. Get your passport today.

11. Pick your job or profession because you love to do it. Sure, there will be some things hard about it, but a job must be a joy. Beware of taking a job for money alone — it will cripple your soul.

12. Don’t yell. It never works, and it hurts both yourself and others. Every time I have yelled, I have failed.

13. Always keep promises to children. Don’t say “we’ll see” when you mean “no.” Children expect the truth; give it to them with love and kindness.

14. Never tell anyone you love them when you don’t.

15. Live in harmony with Nature: go into the outdoors, woods, mountains, sea, desert. It’s important for your soul.

16. Visit Ireland. It’s where the soul of our family was born — especially the West: Roscommon, Clare, and Kerry.

17. Hug people you love. Tell them how much they mean to you now; don’t wait until it’s too late.

18. Be grateful. There is an Irish saying: “This is a day in our lives, and it will not come again.” Live every day with this in mind.

James knew what was important in life. Share his awesome advice below.

19 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Mess With Nature. It’s a Beautiful Yet Brutal Thing

These 19 amazing photographs taken during or after natural disasters show the destructive power of mother nature. From stunning pictures of supercell thunderstorms in the US to volcanic eruptions in Iceland, these images truly are breathtakingly awesome. They also happen to be very, very brutal.

One thing’s for sure. I’m never going to question nature’s power over its inhabitants.

Share these amazing photographs with your friends below.

The Innocence and Frivolity of Childhood Captured in Golden Light by Jake Olson

Warm golden light, sweet smiles, endless country roads, and pure adorableness are words that come to mind when looking at Jake Olson’s photographs of young children. The Blair, Nebaska-based photographer, who owns his own photography business called Jake Olson Studios, takes portraits that can best be described as “aww”-worthy in their depiction of the warmth and joy that kids radiate.

Olson shoots portraits for a variety of clients, but he really shines when focusing his lens on young subjects. Primarily using natural, outdoor lighting and the vast beauty of the Nebraskan countryside, Olson captures images of children happily playing on dirt roads, running through golden fields, posing with their beloved pets, and showing their love and affection for friends and siblings. The results are stunning, sweet photographs of innocence, youth, and happiness.

Amazingly, Olson is a self-taught photographer who only first picked up a camera at the age of 38 in 2011. After posting his photos on his Facebook and receiving positive feedback, Olson decided to start shooting portraits professionally and was suddenly swamped with requests, which led to his thriving business today. According to the photographer, his “belief that everything in the world is beautiful as long as we take the time to look at it allows him to take normal, everyday subjects and transform them into enchanting images focused on breathtaking light and color.”

Jake Olson Studios Website
Jake Olson Studios on 500px

20 Little Things You Can Do to Become Happier Today, Tomorrow & Forever

1)      Wake up 30 minutes earlier each day. Enjoy the fresh air & avoid the mad rush.

2)      After you open your eyes, tell yourself today is going to be another wonderful day.

3)      Sit on the bed and feel the ground. Then, think about your future/ long term goal. Tell yourself that today you are going to be one step closer to your dream.

4)      Check today’s schedule.

5)      Have your yummy breakfast.

6)      Before you leave the house, look into the mirror once more and tell yourself you look awesome

7)      Smile to everyone you meet

8)      Help at least 3 people without expecting any return

9)      Give compliments to people when people around you have done a great job

10)   Focus on one thing at a time

11)   Leave the company on time. It’s time for yourself and your family

12)   Feel the sky the moment you step out the building. There’s no need to rush.

13)   Listen to the music and read a book that touches your heart

14)   Give yourself some “me time”. Review your day. Ask yourself “what have you done well today?” & “what can be improved in the future?”.

15)   Complete your schedule for the next day

16)   Prepare everything you need for the next day to avoid rush

17)   Enjoy the precious moments: bedtime story for your kids/ a little chat with your loved one

18)   Hug and say good night to your loved ones

19)   Count all the wonderful things you have encountered today, one by one

20)  Leave tomorrow’s worries for tomorrow. Close your eyes and sleep with a smile =)

 “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.” ― Audrey Hepburn

I believe happiness is simple & you certainly do not need 1000 tips to be happy.

If you want to open the door to ultimate happiness in life, then perhaps gratitude is the only key you need.

Share this post with the one you care. Happiness is contagious =)

15 Joyful Photos of India’s Vibrant Holi Festival

As many Western nations struggle to return to the vibrancy of pre-winter life, spring is ushered in across the Hindu world. Holi, the Hindu festival of color and love was celebrated over this weekend and into Monday.

Beginning with an evening bonfire on the full moon in March, festival goers sing and dance into the night. The next day is filled with colored paints and waters, thrown freely at strangers and friends alike. Celebrated as the triumph of good over evil, in India Holi is also traditionally a time when strictly separated castes can interact freely.

While India and Nepal are the most widely-known for their Holi celebrations, the festival has spread westward into Europe and the U.S. as well. Festivals vary by location, with traditions — mythological and otherwise — influencing how regions and villages celebrate. In Barsana, northern India, women playfully hit men from the nearby village of Nandgaon with wooden sticks as they parade through the town.

The Guardian reports that Google’s India homepage features an exclusive Holi doodle and, in a statement on the nation’s government website, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh wrote: “May the festival bring health, happiness and prosperity to all.”

Below are fifteen photos of Holi festivites in India.


A girl is smeared with colored powder.


A man sprays colored water as another throws colored powder on devotees.ap993116854520


Hindu widows play Holi for the first time as a part of celebrations organized by the NGO Sulabh. After their husbands’ deaths the women had been banished by their families to the town Vrindavan, where devotees believe Lord Krishna was born, for supposedly bringing bad luck.


Widows stand outside their room in Vrindavan.holi-654654755918


A woman shakes her head covered in colored powder.


A girl splatters another from behind.


A man throws colored powder on another.


A boy drags another on the floor of an apartment.


A man has his face smeared with colors to celebrate Holi in Allahabad.


Villagers arrive at the Nandagram Temploe in Nandgaon.


According to a Hindu tradition, men from Barsana arrive at the temple where they are soaked in colored water by men from Nandgaon and beaten by the women of the village with wooden sticks as they depart the town.


Women wait with a wooden sticks at the door step of their house for the arrival of neighboring villagers.


A man loses his balance as a woman hits him with a wooden stick.


An elderly man seek alms from devotees outside the Ladali or Radha temple before the procession for the Lathmar Holi festival.


A girl, face smeared with colored powder, sits on her father’s shoulders.

Japanese Photographer Takes Beautiful Sun-Kissed Photos Of Cats

Cats undoubtedly rule the Internet, so no wonder that they have become inspirations for numerous photographers. Photographer Seiji Mamiya is one of them. Since 2011, he has been taking beautiful photos of cats like these and putting them on the Internet.

When a good eye for photography and a love of cats meet, the results are amazing! The photographer says that he wants to make people happy with his photos and he definitely delivers.

Seiji Mamiya was born in Tokyo, Japan. He has competed in and won numerous photo competitions. In 2014, he published a book featuring his beautiful feline photography.

Source: 500px.com | facebook.com

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This Woman Has Cancer. What Her Friends Did When They Found Out Touched My Heart and Made Me Cry

Gerdi McKenna was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago – and when her friends and family heard the news they organised something quite amazing for her.

Filmed in South Africa, this moving video was uploaded to Vimeo by photographer Albert Bredenhann last week and has already captivated the minds of thousands of people.Upon hearing Gerdi’s diagnosis, one of her friends sent a round robin email to arrange a photoshoot for her… and a trip to celebrity stylist Gary Rom’s hairdressers.

Here is the group of friends who wanted to do something special for Gerdi.
This is Gerdi’s sister.
None of her friends had ever done this before, and there were a few tears shed in the process.

This is Gerdi’s reaction when she found out about what her friends and family did. Priceless.


If you missed seeing the video above, here it is again. You’ll want to watch this before you see the final photo below!


Below you’ll find some behind the scenes photos he graciously provided, as well as the final after shot of the full group:



Of course, none of this was the main event. The main event was when they threw Gerdi a surprise party and revealed what they had done to show their support for her upcoming battle. Her reaction was, as you might expect, deeply moving.
Captured in the video at top and the photos included in this post, her story has become something of a viral sensation, receiving 3.7 million views over the last eight days… on Vimeo.

I’ve watched the video a few times, and tears have flowed every time. The love, support and comfort Gerdi’s friends and family are offering to her during this difficult time in her life is beyond words.
Thanks to Albert Bredenhann for his awesome photography work and documenting this heartwarming act of love and friendship.
Share this with the friends you love.