A Sweet Hooded Babies

5 Ways To SuperSize Your Life

McDonald’s does it, why shouldn’t you? Life is filled with choices; why not choose to live life in a more satisfying way.

1. Say Yes to Life.

“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.” -Henry James

Saying yes to life allows wonderful blessings to come to you. Say yes to opportunity and success. Say yes to a life that you live by your standards. Say yes to making your own decisions and not seeking approval of others. Say yes to a fulfilling and rewarding career. Say yes to a relationship that energizes, supports and stimulates you. Say yes to a promising future. Say yes to living without guilt, resentment or regrets. Say yes to spending more time on your self improvement. Say yes to living an authentic life. Say yes to taking chances and freeing yourself from fear. Say yes to happiness and achievements. Say yes to a well-lived life.

2. Love Yourself and Others Unconditionally.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs…..”

When was the last time you loved without hesitation or caution? Withholding love as a means of control only leads to distrust and resentment. Loving unconditionally means loving without judgment. Free yourself from unrealistic expectations and accept the person you love for who they are. Do not expect your needs and wants to be fulfilled by someone else. Allow those you love to express themselves without fear of rejection. Do not punish yourself or loved ones for past mistakes. People use the word love very loosely, but do not stop to think of the implications of using the word. Take the time to be responsible in how you show love. Allow yourself to love and be loved.

3. Take Risks

“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin

Everything in life involves a risk. Are you allowing fear of rejection and failure to dictate your life? Fear inhibits success. Take chances and free yourself from limiting beliefs. Taking risks empowers you to take charge of your life. Be curious about life; experiment and try new things. Set goals for yourself and take action. Step out of what is safe, comfortable and familiar to you. Examine what feelings emerge when you are thinking about taking a risk. Ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” Concealing yourself in a safe container prevents you from exploring other possibilities. Embrace the unknown and anticipate success. You will never know the outcome if you don’t take the risk.

4. Make the Impossible, Possible

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”- Winston Churchill

Think it can’t happen; then it won’t. It is possible to get through the difficult times in life. Learn from failures and take responsibility for your life. Listening to your inner critic can sabotage your dreams. Silence the critic by reaffirming all the things you are capable of doing. Dream big and be excited about your future. Find and release your untapped talents. Believe in your abilities and discover what you have to offer the world. Think about all the things you can’t do and try to do them. Think back to a time, when something was difficult and you were able to overcome the challenge. Continuing to live life in a safe container doesn’t help you gain anything in life. Take the necessary actions to achieve your goals. Stop assuming and start achieving!

5. Make Your Life Really Count.

“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” – Annie Dillard

What’s your legacy? How do you want to be remembered? The life you live defines who you are and the choices you make will determine what impact you will have on the lives of others. Never underestimate the power of your words and actions. You were uniquely created to make a contribution to the world. It is your right and your obligation to make your mark in this world. Surround yourself with people who are supportive, positive and encouraging. Show appreciation and gratitude to those around you. If you have a message to share, then share it with the world. Staying small and thinking small will not get you where you need to be in life. Starting today, have a new perspective on life. Start a new chapter in your life.

Old people and their hidden beauty

An extremely emotive photo gallery which includes portraits of people who are around a century. Their faces are wrinkled and old, but hide the true beauty. Yet people like a book, and among them almost all pages are written. Given today’s pace of life, It will be the true happiness if we can celebrate the 100th birthday.

The children and their Pets

Beautiful gallery, which is just further proof that children love their pets  The bond between pet and child can be breathtaking to behold  unconditional love and tender care at their fines . Excellent pozeri for beautiful photos.


Learning how not to lose yourself in a relationship can be pretty hard in the beginning. After all, once you get into a relationship, all you want to do is turn ‘me’ into a ‘we’. Below, I’ve got the top 8 Ways on how to not LOSE Yourself when you are infatuated with your man. Remember, you can still be part of a ‘we’ without using the ‘me’ in there and below, I’m going to teach you how not to lose yourself when you’re in a relationship.


The first thing that you’re going to want to do is make sure that you maintain all of the interests that you had before. If your man doesn’t like to go snowboarding, that doesn’t mean that you have to quit too. Take a group of girls and go out once in a while, it’ll give him an excuse to hang out with his friends. A lot of women believe that the key to being in a relationship is not pursuing anything that their man doesn’t want to do.


One of the key things to keep in mind when you’re learning how not to lose yourselfwhen you’re in a relationship is to communicate with your partner. Your man is there to have your back. Just let him know that you’re feeling that you are losing yourself a little and I can promise he’ll understand!


A lot of the time, when you are learning how not to lose yourself in a relationship, you become distant from your partner. You could even start pulling away from sex and everything that sex has to offer. Well ladies, the cure to that is prioritizing sex. You don’t want to pull away from your man just because you’re trying to find yourself again, he should be very involved in helping you maintain your own personality.


When you’re in a relationship, you can’t assume that your man isn’t feeling exactly the same way you are. He could be feeling like he is slipping away as well and that’s why communication is so important. Remember, you’re in this together and you should support one another!


Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean that you have to LOSE track of everything that you love. It’s easy in a relationship to get caught up with talking about your relationship, bills or even the mundane things of life but you also want to make a point to actually talk about Yourself, your day and what you life. Your partner should also be able to do the same. It’ll make all of the difference and I promise, it’ll feel better too!


Your partner isn’t perfect. No one is perfect and the more you try to force them into that mold, the more fights are going to happen and the more your relationship is going to deteriorate quickly. Ladies, the key to not losing yourself in a relationship is to keep it realistic, to be real and not to idealize. Take the good with the bad!


In a lot of relationships, it just seems to happen naturally that one partner takes advantage of the other. You want to make sure that you are expressing just how lucky you are to have your man in your life and trust me, he’ll do the same! It’s a great way to keep your bonds strong and for you to keep your individualism!


Finally ladies, your relationship shouldn’t be your entire life. Your man is important, your relationship is important, but you also want to keep in mind that you have friends and family too. Don’t LOSE track of your family or your friends, after all, they will be there for you no matter what!

Being in a relationship and being in love is awesome ladies, but you also have to learnhow not to lose yourself when you’re in a relationship.

Sweet Sleeping Babies by Tracy Raver

Art works of American photographer Tracy Raver cause tenderness. Tracy specializes in photographing of babies aged about 2 weeks. To get children in such half asleep condition photographer tries to make the studio as warm and welcoming as she can, and moms fed babies right before the shooting. As a result we see absolutely stunning photos of charming sleeping babies. They sleep not only in the crib, but in baskets, socks, dishes … Take a look at these cute pictures and get a positive charge!

A Sweet Hug – Dogs & Cats


The Living Wall by Nikita Nomerz

Russian street artist Nikita Nomerz travels around various cities in his homeland to find abandoned structures and bring them back to life. By adding eyes and facial features he makes old buildings laugh, smile, scream or just look at the passersby with their big window eyes.

Nomerz started back in school with classic hip hop graffiti but later became more interested in street art and began all sorts of experiments. The artist says that he likes to play with space and objects and is inspired by the place itself. Nomerz loves watching the city and finding an interesting point.