Franc Grom Egg Shell Art

Egg Art Master Franc Grom sells egg artwork by creating approximately 2,500 to 3,500 holes in each egg shell. His intricate art is inspired by traditional Slovenian designs. Drilling holes in egg shells would require an incredible amount of steady hand and patience and the effort has definite paid off with these beautiful creations.

Towel Animals & Towel Origami

The art of making origami enables the artist to make life out of paper. Some may see it as playing God; others only see it as a form of self-expression. Making origami from paper is not the only way. You can make an origami from towels, also. The technique is similar but the product is as amazing as it could be expected. In this way you can make your bathroom shelves more beautiful and show your creativity at the same time. Enjoy with this sweet collection.

Hotel Моntаñа Мágiса Lоdgе

It looks less like a hotel tucked inside a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve than a CGI set piece from Avatar.

It’s a hotel built in a man-made volcano that spews water instead of lava, that’s covered in rainforest moss and vines and is accessible via monkey bridge, sitting within a reserve that’s 232 square miles of lush, teeming nature.

Soak in outdoor hot tubs carved from the trunks of giant trees as you gaze out across central Chile’s Huilo-Huilo Biological Reserve, playing Spot the Puma (or any of the other wildlife species that roam near the Montaña Mágica Lodge—including the world’s tiniest deer, the pudú, which stands about 13 inches tall, like a free-roaming rainforest dachshund).

Nearby, you can play a wild course of mini-golf, where each hole’s obstacle is part of the natural terrain, hike trails, trails and more trails, and brave the longest zip-line in South America (known as “canopy” around these parts), which runs just shy of 1500 death-defying feet.

Converse Spring collection – The Lorah

This special collection of Converse sneakers is inspired by the movie “The Lorah” and is intended for the spring season. All models of the collection is made ​​of canvas and is divided into two groups for adults and children.


Street Art of Christian Guémy AKA C215

You may have seen his work in your city. Christian has travelled extensively across the globe to instill his work into various cultures, including Istanbul in Turkey, Dakar in Senegal, Brooklyn, Morocco, London and New Delhi.

Originally from Paris, Christian describes museums as ‘dead places‘ with streets being ‘the best art galleries in the world‘. He says there is a ‘unique sensation‘ in doing artwork that is effectively illegal in most places. He doesn’t describe himself as a vandal, however, with his work attracting less and less trouble, as it becomes more accepted in society, particularly through the right placement of his pieces.

For subject matter, most stencils are based on local people; those people that represent the true culture of the locations he visits.

Sweet Love messages

Another beautiful gallery inspired by love, this time with messages to the beloved person placed on the  bed. It is a favorite place for all the love occasions , so be creative and yet a simple way to show your partner how much you love him/her.


…or just let me sleep forever!

Awesome Tutti Frutti Self Portraits by Cristian Otero

She is a 16 year old female photographer from Spain with just two and a half years of experience only. Otero used fruit as her inspiration in this series entitled Tutti Frutti. She draws the viewer in with her wide, innocent eyes while the bold, striking colors of her make-up complement each fruit. In these prismatic, fruit-inspired self-portraits, she creatively captures both the lush sweet treats as well as her own striking features.

The extremely Otero executed some of the most stunning and precised work we have ever seen. She used Canon1000D for shooting and does post-production in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Don’t forget to visit her website here.


What men want in women is simple: they want honest, reliable and confident women! It’s not all about the looks anymore ladies, a guy wants someone that he can talk to and that he can plan on spending the rest of his life with! Below, I’ve got the top 7 what men want in women things, so you can keep tabs on what your potential new boyfriend might be looking for! Remember, what are you looking for in a guy? You might be surprised by what men want in women that doesn’t revolve around looks!


A man likes a girl that is stable, a girl that can not only commit to plans, but one that is willing to make them. What men want in women is similar to what their mothers are and stability typically brings them back to their childhood. So ladies, does that match up with your need/want of a man that’s table?


You don’t want to stay with a guy that doesn’t have at least some of the common ground with you right? It’s the same for a guy! What men want in women all revolves around what they like to do. You wouldn’t want to be with someone that is constantly wanting to go out to the club if you just want to stay in right? It’s the same for a guy!


Believe it or not, guys actually like to be surprised girls. They like the anticipation and they like a girl who is willing give them a surprise once in a while. This is absolutely one of the top ‘what men want in women‘ things! So – pull out the flowers and try to woo your man!


This actually goes hand in hand with the surprises. A guy is looking for a girl that knows how to impress him. This is not just a girl that can impress him with surprising him, but also with her wit, sense of humor (which we’ll get to later!) and even a bit of sarcasm! So ladies, what a man wants in a woman is be able to hold her own and to be a little sassy!


I’m sure that you’ve heard the ‘confidence is key’ line before right? Well, it’s actually true! Guys understand that we are sensitive creatures and that we are insecure sometimes, but confidence is definitely one of the most attractive features to a guy. So, before approaching that hottie at the bar, give yourself a little pep talk and stroll on over there like you own the joint!


Ladies, you’ve got to learn to take a joke! It’s a known fact that guys actually look for a girl that knows how to let loose and that has a really good sense of humor. After all, who would want someone that is serious all the time and doesn’t joke back? So girls, lighten up a bit and give his sarcasm right back to him!


Finally, what a man wants in a woman all revolves around trust. Remember, you don’t want a relationship that is going to be based on lies, you want a man you can trust too right? That’s all a guy is looking for. He wants a girl that he can trust his life with as well as all of his secrets and confessions!

Now that you know exactly what a man wants in a woman, what do you think ladies? I know all of us have those qualities, we just have to highlight them! So – the next time you are on a date, showcase how confident you are or how awesome your sense of humor is!  🙂