Smooth and Creative Illustrations By Renaud Futterer

Creative and Smooth Illustrations are hard to accomplish, most of the good illustration designs out there are well designed and inspiring but they are missing the smoothness, this collection designed by Renaud Futterer whos a freelance designer with savoir faire in graphic design, typography, motion, 3d graphic and digital imaging. Check his Behance portfolio.













Songs for Breakups are a great way to let out some of the pent up emotion and feel better. Whether you are feeling angry or just plain hurt songs for breakups will let you express that feeling and free your heart. We all need to vent a little and what better way than singing at the top of your lungs?  Songs for breakups can also help get you through the grieving process.  So ladies, below, I’ve got the top 8 songs to make you feel better after a breakup!



Does your recent breakup have you feeling a little angry? We all know that feeling right?  Well, you can definitely use this song for breakup to get through that anger!  Alanis Morissette knows all about how you are feeling. She reminds her ex-lover how he promised to hold her until she died, now she wants to know if he feels it every time she scratches her nails down someone else’s back.



Pink’s ex also has her feeling a bit jaded. She ready to start a fight and wants ex to know that even though he’s left her, she’s still a rock star with her rock moves. Lucky for her, in this song for breaking up, she’s got the financial power and has deiced to drink up all her money and not pay his rent.



Christina thanks her ex for making her stronger. Even after all the lying, cheating, stealing, and heartbreak, Christina knows that this bad breakup will make her a fighter and better for it in the end. Use this song for breakup to remind you how strong you are too.



Don’t think you are going to cheat on Beyoncé and get away with it. She lets her ex know what he is not “Irreplaceable” and she will move on. She’s also not going to let him walk all over her and sneak behind her back. We can all learn a thing about self-respect from Beyoncé.



Beyoncé also had a good song for breakup with Destiny’s Child. In “Survivor” they sing about moving on after a break up. Much like Christina Aguilera in “Fighter” they didn’t allow the breakup to break them. Instead they learned from the experience and became better for it.



When Britney Spears broke Justin Timberlake’s heart he created the perfect revenge seeking song for breakup. In the song he doesn’t let her, pleas for forgiveness or tears make him a sucker for the second time. You can sense his bitterness and hurt.



Taylor Swift isn’t going to spend much time dwelling over her ex. Instead she’s gathered up all his stuff and ready to start a bonfire. What better way to get over an ex-boyfriend than to burn up all his things you have and talk trash about his favorite thing? In Taylor Swift’s case it was his, “stupid old pick-up truck.”



It may be an old song for breakup, but it’s perfect. Jessica Simpson doesn’t hesitate to let her ex know he’s a loser and she’s ready to walk. Get your boots on, girl and start walking. He’s not worth your time or heartache.

Singing or listening to songs for breakups are a perfect way to let out some of that pent up emotion. You may have to let a few tears fall in the process, but at the end you will feel better. That’s what songs for breakups are for, after all. They help you vent and even off empathy.

Creative Facebook & Twitter Cookies

Really creative and fun Facebook & Twitter cookies created by Amanda from I Am Baker. She first came up with these facebook cookies for a bachelorette party and they became quite a hit.

Then she said on her blog, “I really want to do some fun snarky twitter cookies… twitter can be so dang hilarious!And sweet. And funny! I love the crazy things people come up with in 140 characters or less”.


She also said, “Oh! And BTW, the @twitter address I used are not real. At least, I dont know if they are real. I sorta made them up. But they might be real. But if they are I dont know them or anything. They didnt order these cookies.”

The 10 Most Important Things In Life I Learned From Talking To Old People

I’m a relatively young man. I don’t consider myself wise but I do pay attention more than most people my age. Obviously none of you online know me, but I am what you call mouthy. I love to tell stories, jokes, and in general my life is an open book. I love to have fun and tell those around me exactly what I’m thinking. Believe it or not when I am not talking I am doing something even more important, listening. I truly enjoy a good conversation and especially with those older. I give speeches (mostly on plants) and tomorrow is for a group of seniors 80 and older. Everyday I look at older people and think, what have they done right and what did they do wrong? Here is the list of what I have learned from people 70 and older in relation to finance. I have gathered it all from talking to seniors about what they did right and what they wish they had done.

1. Be patient

Money must be saved over a long period of time. Don’t take high risks for quick returns. Investing is a marathon not a sprint.

2. Take the risks while you are young.

It is ok to take calculated high risks occasionally, but do them when you have time to make it up.

3. Don’t gamble

Gambling is for the desperate and the poor. If you must, do small amounts and view it as pure entertainment. You will never make money in the long run gambling

4. Stay healthy.

Good health keeps your mind sharp, your doctor bills low, you lifespan long, and lets you work more to make more money. Healthy people make more money

5. Laugh and Smile

See above. Happy people make more money.

6. Buy and car a keep it for many years or if you need a new one buy one a few years old.

A car is one of the biggest waste of money in our lives. People spend too much on new one. Should be buying newer used ones.

7. Everything in moderation.

I learned this from an older customer that used this as his mantra. He said he did everything in moderation from drinking to working. He said it was the key to life

8. Keep the fights clean and the 6 dirty

The key to a happy marriage. A good marriage will help you save money or cost you a fortune if it goes bad. People stayed together longer in years past. They were a savings team.

9. Don’t spend your money on worthless things.

Don’t buy anything at the checkout counter, don’t buy collectibles, don’t buy all the worthless junk sold around you at the box stores.

10. Move

Stay active. The more you see the more you learn. The more learn the more ideas you have. The more ideas you have, the more chance you come up with something that will earn or save you money.

These are all my opinions as gathered by my ears. Some people may agree some may not but it’s how I live my life. Enjoy

Six Reasons We Have Bad Dreams

No one likes being jolted awake from a deep sleep, especially when what riled you up was an assailant, a snake in the bed, or being engulfed by flames. Bad dreams or worse, nightmares aren’t just annoying; when reoccurring, they can disrupt a good night’s sleep, and sometimes, life.

On the spectrum of dreams, missing an important exam or showing up naked to work pales in comparison to nightmares, which are defined as bad dreams that wake the sleeper. They occur during rapid eye movement (REM) late in the evening and because we jerk awake during them, we usually remember all too clearly the fear, anxiety, and horrors.

Though more common among children, nightmares and bad dreams happen throughout life. But is there anything we can do to prevent the bad things from creeping into our sleep?

1. Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress, often as the result of a traumatic life event, are sometimes the cause of nightmares and bad dreams. According to the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), a major surgery or illness, grieving over the loss of a loved one, and suffering or witnessing an assault or major accident can trigger bad dreams and nightmares. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also a common cause of recurrent nightmares.

Not all nightmare triggers have to be traumatic, however. Everyday stressors, such as job or financial anxiety, or major life transitions such as moving or divorce, can also cause nightmares.

2. Spicy Foods 

When and what we eat may affect our nighttime rest, if not our tendency toward bad dreams. A small study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology had a group of healthy men eat spicy meals before bed on some evenings and compared their quality of sleep on nights where they had non-spiced meals. On the spicy nights, the subjects spent more time awake and had poorer quality sleep. The explanation is that spicy food can elevate body temperatures and thus disrupt sleep. This may also be the reason why some people report bad dreams when they eat too close to bedtime. Though few studies have looked at it, eating close to bedtime increases metabolism and brain activity and may prompt bad dreams or nightmares.

3. Fat Content of Food 

Though far from conclusive, some research has indicated that the more high-fat food you consume during the day, the greater the chance that the amount and quality of your sleep may suffer. A small study published in 2007 in Psychological Reports found that the dreams of people who ate a high amount of organic food differed from those who ate “junk foods.” The authors hypothesize that certain foods may negatively influence dreaming.

4. Alcohol

Though alcohol is a depressant that will help you fall asleep in the short term, once its effects wear off, it can cause you to wake up prematurely. Excess consumption can also lead to nightmares and bad sleep; nightmares are also a common occurrence for those going through alcohol withdrawal.

5. Drugs

Some drugs, including antidepressants, barbiturates, and narcotics, can cause nightmares as a side effect. For instance, a 2008 study published in the journal Pyschopharmacology looked at ketamine, a drug used in anesthesia and recreationally, and found that compared with a placebo, ketamine use resulted in more dream unpleasantness and increased the incidence of bad dreams. Similarly, anyone who has traveled to a country where malaria is endemic may have taken Lariam and had some interesting nightmares associated with it. Nightmares usually cease once the drug is cleared from the system.

6. Illness

Illnesses that include fever, such as the flu, can often trigger nightmares. And other sleeping disorders, including apnea and narcolepsy, may also increase the incidence of bad dreams and nightmares.
While bad dreams and nightmares are considered normal responses in dealing with everyday experiences, the IASD recommends consultation with a therapist if they last in intensity and severity. But trying to eliminate these six factors first may be the best place to start in your quest to sweeten your dreams and chase the nighttime demons away.

Life On The Edge – Dennis Maitland

Be careful not to look too closely at these if you have a fear of heights; you will find yourself getting a severe case of vertigo. As much as you might like to believe they are photoshopped, they definitely are not. Having a great love for his city of Detroit, Dennis Maitland wanted to show people a new perspective; something different from the typical tourist shots, so he proceeded to climb. Going to mostly abandoned buildings he would get to the highest point possible, sit on the edge, lean over and shoot. Maitland says, ”When I started this series, in August, I was afraid of heights and I was afraid to climb ladders past 10 feet.

After a few times sitting or standing on ledges, I found myself getting more comfortable with it. I soon realized how to tune everything out and just focus on getting a steady handheld shot. Now, when I go into a building, I’m always looking up and for stuff to climb. The series has pushed me out of my comfort zones and helped expand my creative boundaries. I’ve been able to concur my fear of heights and now I crave the adrenaline.”

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)

Dennis Maitland: Life On The Edge (18 pics)


Hilarious illustrations using Photoshop – Tiago Hoisel


Many dieters often fall into the temptation trap of the sweet tooth and blow their diets into oblivion. Counting calories and reducing your fat intake can be a challenge as you attend social gatherings and office parties. Treating yourself kindly and avoiding sweets do not go hand in hand. There are some sweet chocolate recipes out there for the dieter that can be enjoyed in moderation to satisfy your sweet tooth. The key to enjoyment is to know what you are eating and how much you can eat without falling off of your diet wagon. Here are 8 chocolate desserts for those on a diet. Enjoy!



These tasty treasures are comprised of dark cocoa, fat free cream cheese, cool whip, Splenda, mini chocolate chips and vanilla extract. Made into the size of standard ice cubes you can enjoy one of these little devilish treats for the mere price of 1.1 grams of fat.



At a little over 1 gram of fat per Kiss, these simple treats can be stashed for you to have on-the-go when the urge for something sweet hits. Don’t carry to many of them around at one time though, or you are sure to eat them all at once!



This divine dessert weighs in a little heavier with 6 grams of fat, but the taste will be priceless. Made with low-fat milk, this recipe could substitute sugar with Splenda and knock of a few more grams of fat. Dieters and non-dieters alike can enjoy this recipe at your next gathering and walk away guilt-free.



The star of the show for this non-fat treat is the un-sweetened cocoa powder. These cookies can be served alongside picnics or fancy soirees and enjoyed by all. Each recipe makes a load of cookies and these treats can be frozen and served later. Stick one in your lunch box and enjoy a mid-day treat.



Weight Watcher’s has a low calorie cookie costing only 2 points, 130 calories and only 4 grams of fat and this is for 5 cookies! Split these up throughout your day and enjoy a splurge of chocolate all day long. These are pre-made and readily available in many health food and general grocery stores.



Using unsweetened agave nectar and unsweetened cocoa powder this yummy treat is loved by adults and children alike. Enjoy a bowl for only 3 fat grams and gain a whopping 10 grams of protein in the process. This is a simple recipe to assemble and can be made ahead of time for your lunch box or your dinner party.



Weight Watcher’s Giant Cookies and Cream Bar is a delightful treat for those on the go. You can join in the fun by the pool and in the sun as you feast upon this frozen treat available in your grocer’s freezer. This treat affords you the opportunity to stick to your diet plan with only 2 points, 140 calories, 4.5 grams of fat and a dose of fiber as well.



Lowfat brownies earn respect with their use of unsweetened cocoa and applesauce. These treat can go anywhere you do and will please any crowd. With 2.4 grams of fat per serving and 74 calories you can fill your chocolate cravings with this low fat alternative and not compromise your diet.


With these 8 chocolate desserts for those on a diet, you won’t feel left out at the dessert table. Being prepared by planning ahead can keep you satisfied and on track with your diet. Finding your favorite dessert will be the challenge with so many available. Whether you are looking for a treat on the go or for a planned celebration you can enjoy the sweet satisfaction that chocolate brings to you dessert palette.