Motivational Weight Loss Quotes can inspire you when you’re up in the clouds or feeling low. Losing weight is hard, and it’s easy to lose belief in yourself. Loss of momentum can cause you to backslide and forget about your diet and exercise regimens. Boosting yourself up with inspirational weight loss quotes can help you find the courage and stamina necessary to continue on your journey. If you need some inspiration, check out these beautiful motivational weight loss quotes and build yourself back up again!


Julius Erving: “If you don’t do what’s best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end.” This is one of the most thought provoking motivational weight loss quotes I’ve ever read. It’s true, you know. If you don’t take care of yourself, you do come up short. Your health suffers, your mind and body suffer, and ultimately you suffer – and you really don’t have to.


Unknown Author: “Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can.” It’s a shame I can’t find the actual author of this quote, because it’s helped me with many things, including weight loss. Don’t let “can’t” be a word in your vocabulary.


Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never, never give up.” Winston Churchill was one of the best orators to ever speak, yet this sentiment is extremely simply. That’s what makes it one of the most motivational weight loss quotes. It really is that simple: just don’t give up. Don’t stop trying.


David Viscott: “You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.” This is so true. Often, visualization is the key to weight loss. Think about who you want to become, how healthy you want to be, even how you want to look.


Marvin Phillips: “The difference between ‘try’ and ‘triumph’ is just a little umph!” This is one of the most motivational quotes because it highlights how important it so to be determined. You have to work hard to lose weight, but the end is so worth it!


Leigh Hunt: “The groundwork of all happiness is health.” This is so true. When you’re healthy, you’re happy. When losing weight, improving your health should always be your first goal, because good health will see you through to the end.


Carl Sandburg: “The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.” It’s so easy to put things off until tomorrow – then, to coin a phrase, tomorrow never comes. When you’re having trouble getting started, make this one of your motivational weight loss quotes. Remember that sometimes, now is the only moment you have, so take things one day at a time.


Roger Bannister: “The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.” Ultimately you’re only competing against yourself, but this is still a great quote to remember. Weight loss through diet and exercise is tough, it does get hard, but when you exert every ounce of will power and self control, you will persevere.


Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” I’ve been a fan of Eleanor Roosevelt ever since doing a project on FDR in the third grade. She had so many wise things to say, but I think this one is the best. It’s certainly one of the best motivational weight loss quotes I’ve ever read, because it rings so true. Being overweight carries a stigma – but it doesn’t have to, because you don’t have to let anyone make you feel that way.


Vince Lombardi: “The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.” This quote is very true, too. Weight loss is an exercise of mind over matter. You have to start losing weight in your mind, feeling beautiful in your mind, and getting healthy in your mind. From there, it gets much easier.

The Stunning Nature Photography Of Ivan Andreevich

Ivan Andreevich’s Incredible Nature Photography

Ivan Andreevich is a photographer who started this seriously since 2009 and has a thing for mountainlandscapes and sunsets over water. Born in Russia, and now living in British Columbia, Ivan Andreevich has devoted his photographic skills to creating amazingly detailed and beautiful landscape portraits. He is well known for its stunning landscapes
That doesn’t sound like much but if you see his photographs you’ll understand that he really enjoys taking these types of photos and is really good at it. The contrast in some of these pictures is amazing and makes you a little envious that you weren’t there when he took those photos so you could experience such greatlandscapes.

Let’s see some beautiful photos. Also, most if not all of these collection is good for desktop wallpaper. Sometimes reality is better than imagination. This part 3 of 3 part of these stunning photography featuring nature at its best.

Watching these photos really make me feel like our world do not facing any problem like global warming or others. It is look really calm and collective and really awesome.

Source from Ivan Andreevich


We all know that women and men have very different brains and therefore approach relationships quite differently.  Often times women try to be something they aren’t and appear “perfect” when she begins to date a man.  In this case, men and women are not so different.  Men are bombarded with advice of what to do and what not to do when it comes to women and dating.  They might act a certain way or say a certain thing because they think you want them to. Newsflash, many techniques that men think are working in their favor, are actually sabotaging their chances with a woman altogether.  Take a look at these 9 things men think are working for them, and women wish they would quit!


1. Constantly call her

Although women love attention, there is actually a limit to the amount of contact we crave.  Too much calling and texting can make men look obsessive and dependent.  Typically women want a man who is independent and strong, not someone who is constantly calling her to accept his every move.  If you can’t remember the last timeshe called you, then it’s time to put down your phone and slowly walk away.  Your manlyhood depends on it.


2. Show emotions

Most men have heard time and time again that women want a sensitive man, so they decide to open the tear ducts every time she’s around. Wrong. Crying makes men look too emotional and needy, possibly even unstable. Women want to be with someone who has an aura of strength and the ability to protect her, and too much crying definitely cuts down the manly favor.  Unless something very tragic happened and your tears are genuine, ditch the crying act. Being sensitive to her needs is important but crying is not.


3. Too much PDA

Public Displays of Affections.  Everyone has their own tolerance towards and it; some women love hugging, kissing, and canoodling on a park bench, while other women would rather die than give tongue in public.  The issue here is when men take the plunge and initiate a make-out session if she has clearly shown no interest.  Every couple should decide how they like to show of their relationship in public, and if he’s always pushing the envelope, then she will likely push him to the curb.  Being embarrassed in public can be horrifying, especially if it’s a slobbery dog (your man) pouncing all over you.  Friends and family are sure to comment, and when they’re opinions are loose, it can be trouble.


4. Baby talk

Sure, men can have the odd pet name and cute inside joke with this girlfriend or wife, but leave it at that. Unless she baby talks first and gives a strong indication that she likes that kind of thing, men should decide to ditch it entirely.  It is cheesy, silly, and nausea-inducing. Baby talk is for babies, so don’t do it to her… at least in public.


5. Too agreeable

Yes, it’s important to let women pick the movie once in a while, but if men find themselves watching Dirty Dancing for the 10th time, or romantic comedies every weekend, they might have a problem.  When men lack the ability to make their own decisions, and ask permission from their partner, a mother-child dynamic will quickly develop.  Women don’t want to feel like their boyfriend’s mother and will definitely put them up for adoption if that feeling stays.  It’s important for men to show that they are capable of making decisions and stand up to the plate and pick the movie, the restaurant or the television show once in a while. After all, that’s the basis of compromise, sometimes the woman decides and sometimes the man does.


6. Too close with her family and friends

A man’s relationship with his girlfriend’s family and friends is something that has to develop over time. Being cordial and friendly is important, but he shouldn’t go planning her brother’s birthday party if they’ve only been together for a month.  While women want their man to be friendly with her family and friends, she doesn’t want them to jump the gun either.In the early stages of a relationship, she’ll want to make sure things are working between the two of them before bringing her family and friends into the mix.  We all know the flood gate of opinions that will open if your girlfriends and parents start nit picking your new flame.  Take a second to realize if he is really important to your life, and then ease him into the madness.


7. Profess your love too soon

Men think that the way to a woman’s heart is through an “I love you,” which is not completely off base. But such a declaration made too early, or way too often, will only freak her out. There is a time and place for everything. Men should not say it because they think it will impress their girlfriend.  It’s more important for a woman to hear it when he means it, not because he feels pressured into saying it.  Men seem needy if after the first date they are dropping the L word and inviting themselves in to meet the parents.  Slow down and let true feelings happen organically.


8. Over confidence

Men know that women like a confident men.  And men, being who they are, sometimes take this notion and run with it.  “If she likes me to make decisions and act like a man, then she’ll love when I tell her how awesome my house is and how many girls wanted me in college.”  Wrong.  There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance and women are typically not attracted to a bragger.  Why would she want to hear about his past relationships or how great he did in school or how much money he made in his recent bonus at work?  This type of bragging usually circles around to a deep sense of insecurity and confidence issues.  Women want a confident man, not a weak little boy hiding behind bold, smarty-pants comments.


9. Chatty Chatty

Although most men have been taught that women like men who can talk and share, it goes both ways.  No woman wants to spend an entire date listening to her man’s life story and deep feelings.  It’s important to have conversations, not lectures! Incessant blabber will annoy any woman sooner or later and will steamroll her opportunities to open up, or share something important.  Talking is important, but listening is necessary.
source: MadameNoire

Clash of the Titans

Struggles in the wild …

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Art photography by Shlomi Nissim

The works of Shlomi Nissim, a young Israeli photographer, fascinating the audience, they show us the power and beauty of nature, the elements, wild animals and humans.

Shlomi Nissim art photography

BMW 328 Hommage Concept

BMW has rolled out a new concept sports car to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the legendary BMW 328 roadster.  The BMW 328 Hommage Concept merges the BMW Vision Connected Drive concept with styling elements of the old 328, especially the kidney-style grille, taped racing headlamps and an open cockpit.  The 328 Hommage is laced with a carbon fiber skin, a tan accented interior and the edgy-curved shape that shares the inspiration of other recent BMW concepts.  This one-off concept will be powered by a 3.0L inline-six, but a beauty like this is built to drive slow and turn heads.  We wouldn’t be surprised to see a few elements of this one arrive in a future Z coupe…  Get a napkin, you’ll end up drooling.

One Minute Left…

Quote by Joe Hurley


I’ve often wondered how to flirt online. I read up, got some practice, and now I consider myself an online flirting expert! Just like there are rules for flirting in the real world, I have some ideas to help you become the world’s best online flirt. Here are 7 tips on how to flirt online. Let’s go!


Why limit yourself to flirting on Facebook or Twitter or eHarmony when you can flirt online all over! Set up a profile on a few different dating websites (I recommend OKCupid and Fellody) and use them, along with Facebook and Twitter, to flirt all over the web!


Flirting isn’t any fun when you’re struggling to maintain a made-up persona, so do yourself a favor and just be yourself!


Flirting isn’t supposed to be serious discussion. It’s supposed to be light, fun, friendly, and (often) giddy. Don’t talk about anything that could lead to a serious discussion, unless you’re willing to put the flirting on hold to talk about the debt crisis in Europe or last night’s GOP debate.


Like any other talent worth mastering, flirting takes practice. When you start your career as a world-class flirt, you might be a little nervous, or make a few little mis-steps, but these can be fun, too. Don’t worry! You’ll get better, and become more confident, with time.


How many of you have used the “poke” feature on Facebook, or the “wink” option on OKCupid? These little options are a great way to start an innocent flirtation, especially if you’re just not bold enough to send a message yet.


There are some times when flirting online can get creepy, and if and when that happens, it’s okay to end the flirtation. Before you send your first “poke” or drop your first “wink,” think about what sorts of flirting you’re going to accept, and where you’ll draw the line, then stick to it, and don’t feel bad, even for a moment, about it. Sure, you run the risk of being called a bitch or a tease, but who cares? Any guy who’s going to push those boundaries isn’t worth considering anyway.


Along with the verbal boundaries you’ve set, think about whether or not you’ll consider meeting any of the guys you’re flirting with online, and if so, how. For safety’s sake, of course, never agree to meet a guy at his or your own house (until you know them quite well) and opt for a public meeting instead (like at a coffee shop). In fact, you might not even want to share your phone number oremail address right away… and you may want to think about running a criminal background check before you meet someone in person.

See? Flirting online has the potential to be even more fun than flirting in person!