Young Love – Gracie and Zeke

I think this might be one of the cutest things ever! Young Gracie (age 3) and Zeke (age 4) are in love. So cute. What if they grow up and marry?? OK, I know they are still so young, but still, that would be the cutest. Photos by the lovely and talented Joy of Wildflowers Photography. Gracie is Joy’s daughter – what a wonderful keepsake for Gracie to remember her first love! Joy was also sweet enough to send some notes about Gracie, Zeke and the shoot. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

young live with paper flowers and giving tree book

young kids in love with paper crowns

paper flowers wedding

converse shoes for kids

Gracie’s dress is a custom made replication of a woman’s vintage-inspired Anthropologie dress and her accessories are all from JCrew. It was made by Lullaby Birds. The matching converse shoes:  Zeke gave her his own pair of chucks when he outgrew his and then had his mama buy him the exact same ones so that him and Gracie could always match. How precious is that??!

kids in love picnic under tree

paper flowers wedding

The paper flowers were made from a rad kit from Paper Source called “Vintage Blooms”. Crowns are soooo rad! They are made of paper and are so lovely in person. I bought them from an antique store.

kids with crowns

kids in love under tree

Conserving Africa’s Wildlife Through Photography

How often do we see exquisite imagery of animals that isn’t a “When Animals Attack” special? Photographer Nick Brandt says, “The emphasis has generally been on capturing the drama of wild animals IN ACTION, on capturing that dramatic single moment, as opposed to simply animals in the state of being.” I agree with Brandt and appreciate his stunning contributions to wildlife photography.

The native Londoner first discovered the beauty of Africa’s majestic creatures sprawled out on the breathtakingly unaltered landscapes in 1995, when he was still making music videos, practicing his formal training in film. It was in 2000 that that he shifted his medium of choice to photography. Since then, Brandt has documented the extraordinary wildlife of Africa and its unfortunate decimation. His latest set of images include portraits of poachers, hauling their inventory of giant ivory tusks, as well as decomposing carcasses of wildlife, including those of flamingos, bats, giraffes, and varied beasts.

It isn’t all gut-wrenching photography, though. Brandt manages to capture extraordinary visuals of these animals from a rare, intimate perspective. Over 60 photos of Brandt’s work is currently on display at Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm, Sweden until January 8, 2012. There’s also a book containing 90 of the photographer’s images from 2001-2008 entitled On This Earth, A Shadow Falls that can be purchased directly from Photo-eye.

11 Awesome Hangover Cures

Hangovers are the worst. That nasty combo of headache, nausea and gut-pain can cost you precious hours of your life. While there are certainly preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of a hangover (headache medication, food, lots of water before bed, etc.), inevitably you’re going to get stuck with a dirty hangover that you need to crush before it kills your day. Here are 11 awesome hangover cures that you can turn to when you need to ease the pain.

11. Ginger

Ginger is an all-purpose digestive aid. You can eat it with sushi, drink some ginger tea or mix ginger juice with water for a nausea-reducing elixir that’ll balance your gastric fluids and calm your system. This powerful antioxidant and anticoagulant can work wonders, but don’t consume fresh ginger on an empty stomach. Mix it up with something else.

10. Honey

Honey is a great antioxidant that’s loaded with fructose and glucose. In Poland, people mix honey in with pickle juice for a hydrating, salty hangover-recovery treat. If the idea of honey pickle juice sounds foul to you, just take a couple table spoons of the magic bee sauce and enjoy the fresh coat of healing goodness.

9. Prickly Pear

For desert drunks, the prickly pear is a solid morning option that’ll help take the edge off the hurt. The extract from the prickly pear cactus can help reduce nausea, loss of appetite and dry mouth. You can find prickly pear extract in a bunch of different dietary supplements.

8. Eggs

Yep, eggs. Eggs have cysteine in ‘em. Cysteine is an awesome amino acid that breaks down acetaldehyde, a toxin that’s a byproduct of the oxidation of ethanol. Acetaldehyde causes hangovers and eggs break down the acetaldehyde. So get over the fact that you don’t want breakfast and scramble that hangover out of your system.

7. Coca Cola

Oh the sweet, sweet nectar of Coca Cola can do wonders for a messed up belly. Some say that Coca Cola was originally invented as a hangover cure. I don’t know about all that, but whether you’ve eaten a big meal or you need to turn down the volume down in your stomach, a cold Coke just feels good.

6. Greasy Diner Breakfast

Whether you’re pounding pancakes at IHOP, feasting on French toast at Norm’s or plowing through Moons Over My Hammy at Denny’s, greasy-ass diner food will help you booze-coated belly correct itself. Greasy food sticks to the stomach wall and help slow down the process of alcohol absorption. That’s not to say that you won’t feel like trash afterward, but it’ll be a different kind of trash – a much more manageable form of discomfort. If you have the chance to close the night out with some greasy food, that’s a solid hangover prevention method, but if you miss the prevention window, reach for some bacon in the morning.

5. Gatorade + Banana

Electrolytes. You need ‘em, man. When you’re recovering from a night of drunken excess, you’re bound to end up dehydrated. Drinking lots of water helps, yes, but a steady stream of electrolytes will hydrate you more quickly. Your hung-over body also needs an influx of Vitamin B and potassium. Drinking alcohol drains your levels of Vitamins B6 and B12. Bananas will calm your gut-hurt and expedite the metabolism of alcohol.

4. Bloody Mary

If you’re head is pounding and your stomach is sloshed with whatever god-awful combo of drinks you consumed last night, drinking more sounds like the last thing you wanna do. But more booze can actually help you right the ship. A nice breakfast cocktail like a Bloody Mary can serve the dual purpose of a breakfast and hangover remedy. This is a great option if food consumption is totally out of the question, and the tomato juice will help you metabolize alcohol more quickly.

3. Pho

Vietnamese rice noodles with broth and beef (or tripe or chicken) will hydrate you and fill your gut with a nice layer of nutrition, exfoliation and toxin-fighting spices. Don’t go too crazy with the hot sauce though. Under normal circumstances, unreasonable amounts of Sriracha in your Pho would be a great idea, but when you’re dealing with a tender tummy, you gotta keep it mellow. Add some lime, basil, sweet Hoison sauce, cilantro, onions and bean sprouts, and go to town with a soup spoon and chopsticks in hand.

2. Pad Thai

More rice noodle love here. Pad Thai will fill that void in your stomach with a tender helping of noodles, eggs, tamarind juice and some light protein like shrimp, chicken or tofu. I don’t know the science behind it, but it works like a charm.

1. Matzo Ball Soup

The medicinal healing powers of the matzo ball have been well documented throughout history. Known as Jewish penicillin, matzo ball soup can kill a hangover, eliminate pink eye and in some cases, even cure cancer. Embrace the power of the matzo. It’s the most comfortable comfort food ever invented.

Honorable Mention List:

  • Borscht
  • Tom Yum Soup
  • Menudo
  • Haejangguk

10 Ways to Create Your Own Good Luck

Diligence is the mother of good luck.
-Benjamin Franklin 

I have great news!  Today could be your lucky day.  It’s not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice.  Lucky people are ordinary people who create their own good luck by practicing simple luck-producing habits.  Here’s what you need to do:

Constantly try new things.

There’s a saying that the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  If you want to improve your luck, you have to try new things to see what works and what doesn’t.

Unlucky people tend to be creatures of habit.  They take the same route to and from work every single day, talk to the same types of people at social functions, and live out the same routine day in and day out.

In contrast, lucky people try to introduce variety into their lives.  For example, one lucky friend I know recently described how he thought of a color before arriving at a business convention and then introduced himself to people wearing that color.  This kind of behavior boosts the likelihood of chance opportunities by introducing variety into an otherwise status-quo situation.  And in my friend’s particular case, his (somewhat odd) tactic led to a fairly substantial contract deal with a new client.

Think about how lucky you are right now.

Lucky people tend to see the positive side of their ill fortune.  They imagine how things could have been so much worse.  For instance, I met a rather cheerful, successful and lucky business client recently who showed up to our meeting with a cast from shoulder to wrist on her left arm.  She then explained to me how she had fallen down a flight of stairs.  “But I am the luckiest person alive,” she continued.  “I walked away from that fall with a broken arm instead of a broken neck.”

Another interesting example of this is how research suggests that Olympic athletes who win bronze medals are typically happier than their Silver medalist counterparts.  This is because silver medalists think that if they had performed slightly better they might have won a gold medal.  In contrast, bronze medalists focus on how if they’d performed slightly worse, they wouldn’t have won anything.

Having a positive outlook on life is a must if you are to become a luckier person.  If your outlook on life is doom and gloom, then that’s all you’ll experience.  Fortunately, the opposite is also true.  You control your luck and your life by controlling your thoughts.

Look around.  Appreciate the things you have right now.  Many people aren’t so lucky.  Read The Power of Positive Thinking.

Notice little things and solve small problems.

I chatted with an aspiring web application developer recently who was complaining that all the big ideas were being worked on already and that there was nothing groundbreaking left to do.  As he talked, I realized he was referencing massive projects that others were working on that seemed mostly out of reach.  And as I thought about all these ‘grand ideas’ I realized that in most cases they probably didn’t start with a massive plan or project, but rather started by trying to solve a simple problem.

This is the impression I get when I read about the early stages of companies like Google.  I’m pretty sure Google’s founders didn’t have the goal of organizing the all of the world’s information as their primary focus when they first started – instead they started with a series of smaller problems (problems are potential opportunities) and slowly expanded their end goal from there.

Work on things you’re passionate about.

Some of us were born to be musicians – to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feelings with the strings of a guitar.  Some of us were born to be poets – to touch people’s hearts with exquisite prose.  Some of us were born to be entrepreneurs – to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish.  And still, some of us were born to do whatever it is, specifically, that moves you.

Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires.  You must follow your intuition.  Good luck and true wealth come naturally to those who are passionate about their work.  Read Quitter.

Establish relationships with people who share your interests.

If you’re already passionate about something, finding and connecting with others who share your passionate viewpoint can help you in numerous ways.  You can tap into their knowledge on the topic, share your own ideas and experiences, and often share and learn things outside of your common interest area.

Make an extra effort to reach out to people who you’ve identified as having an interest overlap.  If you happen to meet someone casually who has an interest overlap with you, don’t hesitate, jump on board with that connection.  It can provide a great opportunity for you to build a friendship in an unexpected place.

Share your skills, ideas, and knowledge freely with others.  If you’re already involved in a group with a particular interest, make an effort to reach out to newcomers.  Not only will a friendly face help to encourage them to get involved, they’ll often hold you in high regard, as you’re the one who broke down some of that ‘newness’ barrier for them.  Similarly, when people come to such meetings looking for help, don’t hesitate to assist in any way you can.

Help others out when you’re able.

Remember, in life, you get what you put in.  Luck often comes in the form of help when you need it, and the best way to ‘grease the rails’ for help when you’ll eventually need it is by helping others right now.  If you’re presented with an opportunity to help – particularly one that you can fulfill without infringing on your other responsibilities – the luckiest thing you can possibly do is help in every way you possibly can.

And when you help others, don’t expect something in return. Instead, just enjoy the experience of helping that person out and building a stronger personal relationship with them. That stronger relationship will be there for you later on in your time of need – just trust in it and be a helpful friend whenever you can.

Take calculated risks.

Lucky people take more risks.  This doesn’t mean they gamble their livelihood by taking ill-advised risks on sketchy business opportunities.  Taking a risk can be calculated – you weigh your options, know what you can afford to lose, and go for it.  If it doesn’t work out, you go for it again when you can afford to lose a little more.

When you take small, calculated risks, either you succeed or you learn something.  Win-Win.  Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same unlucky spot forever.

Pay close attention to the present.

Unlucky people often dwell on mistakes from the past, obsessing about the bad luck that put them in their present unlucky situation, or they concern themselves too much with future ideals.  Lucky people, on the other hand, concentrate on the present moment.

Life is happening right now.  You can’t learn something new or uncover a new opportunity that’s happening now if your mind is stuck in another time.  Opportunities present themselves every day, all around you, but you have to pay close attention to your surroundings to notice them.  Read The Power of Now.

Identify the lesson.

Everything is a life lesson.  Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc.  They’re all part of the learning experience we call ‘life.’

Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, especially when things don’t go your way.  If you don’t get a job you wanted or a relationship doesn’t work, it only means something better is out there waiting.  And the lesson you just learned is the first step towards it.

Remember, having good luck is a choice.  Use all of the lessons you learn to make educated decisions and create good luck for yourself in the future.

Work toward your goals every day without fail.

The harder you work, the luckier you will become.  Stop waiting around for things to work out on their own.  They won’t.  If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.

While many of us decide at some point during the course of our lives that we want to answer our calling, only an astute few of us actually work on it.  By ‘working on it,’ I mean truly devoting oneself to the end result.  The rest of us never act on our decision.  Or, at best, we pretend to act on it by putting forth an uninspired, half-assed effort.

If you want good luck in your life, you’ve got to be willing to give it 100% every day.  No slacking off!  Achieving your goals and dreams can be a lot of work.  Be ready for it.

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget

Some of the smartest people I know continuously struggle to get ahead because they forget to address a few simple truths that collectively govern our potential to make progress.  So here’s a quick reminder:

#1 – Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action.

It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action.  There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it.  Knowledge and intelligence are both useless without action.  It’s as simple as that.  For some practical guidance on taking action, I highly recommend The Now Habit.

#2 – Happiness and success are two different things.

I know an extremely savvy businesswoman who made almost a million dollars online last year. Every entrepreneur I know considers her to be wildly successful.  But guess what?  A few days ago, out of the blue, she told me that she’s depressed.  Why?  “I’m burnt out and lonely.  I just haven’t taken enough time for myself lately,” she said.  “Wow!” I thought.  “One of the most successful people I know isn’t happy.”

I also know a surfer who surfs almost all day, every day on the beach in front of our condo complex in San Diego.  He’s one of the most lighthearted, optimistic guys I’ve ever met – always smiling from ear to ear.  But he sleeps in a van he co-owns with another surfer and they both frequently panhandle tourists for money.  So while I can’t deny that this man seems happy, I wouldn’t classify his life as a success story.

“What will make me happy?” and “What will make me successful?” are two of the most important questions you can ask yourself.  But they are two different questions.

#3 – Everyone runs their own business.

No matter how you make a living or who you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself.  The big question is:  What are you selling, and to whom?  Even when you have a full-time, salaried, ‘Corporate America’ position, you are still running your own business.  You are selling one unit of your existence (an hour of your life) at a set price (the associated fraction of your salary) to a customer (your employer).

So how can you simultaneously save your time and increase your profit?  The answer is slightly different for everyone.  But it’s an answer you should be seeking.  The 4-Hour Workweek is a good read on this topic.

#4 – Having too many choices interferes with decision making.

Here in the 21st century where information moves at the speed of light and opportunities for innovation seem endless, we have an abundant array of choices when it comes to designing our lives and careers.  But sadly, an abundance of choice often leads to indecision, confusion and inaction.

Several business and marketing studies have shown that the more product choices a consumer is faced with, the less products they typically buy.  After all, narrowing down the best product from a pool of three choices is certainly a lot easier than narrowing down the best product from a pool of three hundred choices.  If the purchasing decision is tough to make, most people will just give up.

So if you’re selling a product line, keep it simple.  And if you’re trying to make a decision about something in your life, don’t waste all your time evaluating every last detail of every possible option.  Choose something that you think will work and give it a shot.  If it doesn’t work out, choose something else and keep pressing forward.

#5 – All people possess dimensions of success and dimensions of failure.

This point is somewhat related to point #2 on happiness and success, but it stands strong on its own as well…

Trying to be perfect is a waste of time and energy.  Perfection is an illusion.

All people, even our idols, are multidimensional.  Powerful business men, polished musicians, bestselling authors, and even our own parents all have dimensions of success and dimensions of failure present in their lives.

Our successful dimensions usually encompass the things we spend the most time doing.  We are successful in these dimensions because of our prolonged commitment to them.  This is the part of our lives we want others to see – the successful part that holds our life’s work.  It’s the notion of putting our best foot forward.  It’s the public persona we envision as our personal legacy:  “The Successful ABC” or “The Award Winning XYZ.”

But behind whichever polished storyline we publically promote, there lies a multi-dimensional human being with a long list of unprofessed failures.  Sometimes this person is a bad husband or wife.  Sometimes this person laughs at the expense of others.  And sometimes this person merely takes their eyes off the road and rear-ends the car in front of them.

#6 – Every mistake you make is progress.

Mistakes teach you important lessons.  Every time you make one, you’re one step closer to your goal.  The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing simply because you’re too scared to make a mistake.

So don’t hesitate – don’t doubt yourself.  In life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance.  You’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work.  Most of the time you just have to go for it!

And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be.  Either you succeed or you learn something.  Win-Win.  Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same spot forever.

#7 – People can be great at doing things they don’t like to do.

Although I’m not suggesting that you choose a career or trade you dislike, I’ve heard way too many smart people say something like, “In order to be great at what you do, you have to like what you do.”  This just isn’t true.

A good friend of mine is a public accountant.  He has told me on numerous occasions that he dislikes his job – “that it bores him to death.”  But he frequently gets raises and promotions.  At the age of 28, out of nearly a thousand Jr. Accountants in his division, he’s one of only two who were promoted to be Sr. Accountants this past year.  Why?  Because even though he doesn’t like doing it, he’s good at what he does.

I could come up with dozens of other examples just like this, but I’ll spare you the details.  Just realize that if someone dedicates enough time and attention to perfecting a skill or trade, they can be insanely good at doing something they don’t like to do.  For an insightful read in this department, I highly recommendThe Talent Code.

#8 – The problems we have with others are typically more about us.

Quite often, the problems we have with others – our spouse, parents, siblings, etc. – don’t really have much to do with them at all.  Because many of the problems we think we have with them we subconsciously created in our own mind.  Maybe they did something in the past that touched on one of our fears or insecurities.  Or maybe they didn’t do something that we expected them to do.  In either case, problems like these are not about the other person, they’re about us.

And that’s okay.  It simply means these little predicaments will be easier to solve.   We are, after all, in charge of our own decisions.  We get to decide whether we want to keep our head cluttered with events from the past, or instead open our minds to the positive realities unfolding in front of us.

All we need is the willingness to look at things a little differently – letting go of ‘what was’ and ‘what should have been,’ and instead focusing our energy on ‘what is’ and ‘what could be possible.’

#9 – Emotional decisions are rarely good decisions.

Decisions driven by heavy emotion are typically misguided reactions rather than educated judgments.  These reactions are the byproduct of minimal amounts of conscious thought and primarily based on momentary ‘feelings’ instead of mindful awareness.

The best advice here is simple:  Don’t let your emotions trump your intelligence.  Slow down and think things through before you make any life-changing decisions.

#10 – You will never feel 100% ready when an opportunity arises.

The number one thing I persistently see holding smart people back is their own reluctance to accept an opportunity simply because they don’t think they’re ready.  In other words, they believe they require additional knowledge, skill, experience, etc. before they can aptly partake in the opportunity.  Sadly, this is the kind of thinking that stifles personal growth.

The truth is nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises.  Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow emotionally and intellectually.  They force us to stretch ourselves and our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel totally comfortable at first.  And when we don’t feel comfortable, we don’t feel ready.

Just remember that significant moments of opportunity for personal growth and development will come and go throughout your lifetime.  If you are looking to make positive changes in your life you will need to embrace these moments of opportunity even though you will never feel 100% ready for them.

The 45 Most Powerful Images Of 2011

What a year it has been! Here’s to 2012 being a more quiet and less destructive


Robert Peraza, who lost his son Robert David Peraza in 9/11, pauses at his son’s name at the North Pool of the 9/11 Memorial.

(Getty Images / Justin Lane)

A whirpool forms off the Japanese coast after the tsunami on March 11.

(Reuters / Kyodo )

This sightseeing boat, Hama Yuri, was pulled 1300 feet from the coast and somehow balanced itself on a two story house during the tsunami in Japan.


Members of the national security team receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House on May 1.

(Reuters / HANDOUT)

Two lights from the former site of the World Trade Centers shine for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.


Phyllis Siegel, 76, left, and Connie Kopelov, 84, both of New York, embrace after becoming the first same-6 couple to get married at the Manhattan City Clerk’s office.

(Getty Images / STAN HONDA)

A protester gets sprayed in the face with pepper spray at an Occupy Portland protest. (Randy L. Rasmussen/The Oregonian)


A before and after shot of Joplin, Missouri after a massive tornado on May 22.

Source: zeitlosimagery

Friends and loved ones gather at the Oslo cathedral to mourn 93 victims killed in twin terror attacks from a bombing in downtown Oslo and a mass shooting on Utoya island on July 24.

(Getty Images / Paula Bronstein)

A monstrous dust storm (Haboob) roared through Phoenix, Arizona in July.


President Obama signs a bill to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

(AP / Evan Vucci)

Christians protect Muslims during prayer in Cairo, Egypt.

Source: @NevineZaki

An aerial shot of the damage immediately following the Japanese tsunami.

(Reuters / KYODO)

A girl in isolation for radiation screening looks at her dog through a window in Nihonmatsu, Japan on March 14.

(Reuters / Yuriko Nakao)

A man sits in front of a destroyed apartment building following the Joplin, Missouri tornado. (Reuters)


A University of California Davis police officer pepper-sprays students during their sit-in at an “Occupy UCD” demonstration in Davis, California. (Jasna Hodzic)


A mother comforts her son in Concord, Alabama, near his house which was completely destroyed by a tornado in April.

(AP / Jeff Roberts)

Chile’s Puyehue volcano erupts, causing air traffic cancellations across South America, New Zealand, Australia and forcing over 3,000 people to evacuate. (Reuters)


Firefighters of Ladder Company 4 — which lost seven men on 9/11 — perched together on their aerial ladder, watching a news bulletin in Times Square declaring that Osama bin Laden was dead on May 2.


Slain Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson’s dog “Hawkeye” lays next to his casket during funeral services in Rockford, Iowa. Tumilson was one of 30 American soldiers killed in Afghanistan on August 6 when their helicopter was shot down during a mission to help fellow troops who had come under fire.


A makeshift Steve Jobs memorial at the Apple Store in SOHO New York.


Cars are abandoned on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive during the “Snowpocalypse” in February.


Facebook played an extremely important role in the uprisings throughout the Middle East.


84-year-old Dorli Rainey was pepper sprayed during a peaceful march in Seattle, Washington. She would have been thrown to the ground and trampled, but luckily a fellow protester and Iraq vet was there to save her. (Joshua Trujillo /


Australian Scott Jones kisses his Canadian girlfriend Alex Thomas after she was knocked to the ground by a police officer’s riot shield in Vancouver, British Columbia. Canadians rioted after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup to the Boston Bruins.

(Getty Images / Rich Lam)

Hurricane Irene approaches the east coast.


Billy Stinson comforts his daughter Erin Stinson as they sit on the steps where their cottage once stood on August 28 in Nags Head, N.C. The cottage, built in 1903 and destroyed by Hurricane Irene, was one of the first vacation cottages built on Albemarle Sound in Nags Head.

(Getty Images / Scott Olson)

Flowers and tributes are seen outside the home of Amy Winehouse in London on July 24.


Office workers gather on the sidewalk in downtown Washington, D.C., moments after a 5.9-magnitude earthquake shook the nation’s capital. The earthquake was centered northwest of Richmond, Va., but could be felt from North Carolina to Massachusetts.

(AP / J. Scott Applewhite)

Mihag Gedi Farah, a seven-month-old child, is held by his mother in a field hospital of the International Rescue Committee in the town of Dadaab, Kenya. The baby has since made a full recovery.

(AP / Schalk Van Zuydam)

A woman jumps from a burning building during the London riots in August. (Amy Weston /


Office workers look for a way out of a high rise building in central Christchurch, New Zeland on February 22. A strong earthquake killed at least 180 people.

(Reuters / Simon Baker)

A woman cries while sitting on a road amid the destroyed city of Natori, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan after the massive earthquake and tsunami.


A demonstrator shows his bottom to riot police during a protest by European workers and trade union representatives to demand better job protection in the European Union countries in Brussels on March 24.

(Reuters / Thierry Roge)

A woman rebel fighter supporter fires an AK-47 rifle as she reacts to the news of the withdrawal of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s forces from Benghazi on March 19.


Police spray Ugandan opposition party leaders with colored water during demonstrations in the capital Kampala on May 10.

(Reuters / James Akena)

A student is punched in the face by a police officer in Chile. Students in Chile are demanding a new framework for education.


An aid worker using an iPad captures an image of a dead cow’s decomposing carcass in Wajir near the Kenya-Somalia border on July 23.

(Reuters / STRINGER)

A Libyan rebel is pictured with Gadhafi’s golden gun.

(Getty Images / Philippe Desmazes)

Harold Camping speaks about the end of the world. The world was supposed to end on May 22 of this year.

(AP / Marcio Jose Sanchez)

A phone hangs off the hook on Wall Street.


US gay service members march in a gay pride parade for the first time ever.

(Getty Images / Sandy Huffaker)

A woman hangs onto a street sign in chest deep water along the flooded streets in Rangsit on the outskirts of Bangkok on October 24.

(Getty Images / Paula Bronstein)

A distressed bride attempts suicide in China after her fiance abruptly called off their marriage. Still in her wedding gown, she tried to kill herself by jumping out of a window of a seventh floor building. Right as she jumped, a man managed to catch and save her.

(Reuters / CHINA DAILY)

A U.S. Army soldier takes five with an Afghan boy during a patrol in Pul-e Alam, a town in Logar province, eastern Afghanistan.



Wondering How To Find a Boyfriend and doing absolutely nothing about it won’t get you anywhere girl! I’ve seen the weather forecast for the week and, believe me, nobody said anything about raining men any time soon! I’ve noticed that a lot of girls act this way nowadays – they are stressed out, they claim there are no good men out there anymore, their self esteem is low and they genuinely believe every person that is not single has just had more luck than them! Well, let me share a few tips on how to find a boyfriend because I can absolutely guarantee that we are all presented with the same opportunities and the only thing that differs is the way we choose to act. And here are the promised 12 tips on how to find a boyfriend that will certainly help you figure out your “weak” spots and motivate you to take control of your own destiny!



When you’re stuck in a rut and your daily, weekly or even monthly activities involve work, home and maybe an occasional coffee with your BFF you’re not really giving a fair chance! Where the hell are you planning to meet all those interesting guys, sister? They won’t just show up on your doorstep! Reconnect, socialize, go places and you’ll realize that your little town is actually full of interesting, available, cute men!



Smile opens many doors, it warms up hearts, brings light into a dark room and is, without any doubt, a very good answer to the question “how to find a boyfriend”! Smile, girl, because smile is the most powerful seduction weapon!



Find an affordable gym, make sure it’s not one of those women-only places and start visiting it whenever your schedule allows! Invest in a cute gym outfit or two, experiment with different gym-friendly hairstyles (ponytail, braid, bun…) to find the one that looks best on you and… action! Spot a cute guy, smile, ask him to help you with something and you’ve successfully accomplished the first part of the mission.



Being friendly with people you’ve met is the second part of your mission and that pretty much means you won’t totally ignore the gym cutie that helped you two days ago but smile and say “hi” the next time you see him! This is one of those tips on how to find a boyfriend you simply must use in order to succeed because you can’t make new friends (or find new boyfriends) if you make yourself unavailable for even the most basic, polite conversation.



Throw a party at your place, invite all of your friends and don’t forget to tell them to bring their friends! You can invite a couple of colleagues, too or even that gym cutie we’ve discussed previously! As a party host, you’ll have to mingle and chat up guests which is a perfect excuse to get to know the interesting (and single) ones a little bit better!



Being a stranger in a big city has though me this – if you need company to go out, you’re doomed to spend the most of your time indoors! Go out, you don’t need a friend to grab a cup of coffee, walk your dog, to visit the museum, a gallery opening or to browse shops! Bring a book or a magazine and read in the park! And believe me -you’ll have guys waiting in lines to talk to you in no time!



Still wondering how to find a boyfriend? Well, here’s an idea – why not engage in casual conversations more often? Let the cute salesmen in your favorite book shop help you to pick your new favorite, smile to a fellow shopper in the supermarket and compliment his choice of food, ask that buff Vin Diesel type of cutie to help you with a huge watermelon you want to buy or find an item on the highest shelf (which you can’t reach, of course) and ask for help.



Next tip on how to find a boyfriend would be to limit the number of people you normally go out with! Bring two friends only for at least one good reason – guys find our habit of travelling in packs intimidating and would rarely approach a girl knowing that there are 5 of her BFFs around judging his every move!



Like a guy? Send him a drink! Ask a guy out even if it doesn’t sound like you’re asking him to go on a date. Say, “Hey, I’m about to grab a coffee, you want to keep me company? I really hate drinking my coffee alone (cute pout)”. He won’t be able to resist you! My fiancé is like the shyest guy in the world – I literally had to wear a sign just to get him to talk to me and yet… in the end of the day (and especially after a few years) nobody really cares who started hitting on whom! Try- it really doesn’t hurt ne bit!



Flirting is a game for two and, believe it or not, women are the ones responsible for pressing “start” button! Let that cutie across the room notice that you’re looking at him, give him something to work with! Guys don’t have special powers, sister! They can’t read minds! Take control because wondering how to find a boyfriend while doing everything you can not to let your potential dates see that you’re interested certainly isn’t the best strategy!



Being outgoing is one thing, putting yourself out there is something completely different and although these two work best together, you might find yourself surrounded by people and completely alone in the same time! It doesn’t mean you’re ugly, unattractive or whatever it is that you’re worried about! It just means that you’re not sending “single and looking” vibes! Tune in, look around, take a moment to notice the world around you and you’ll see there’s at least one guy out there, patiently waiting for you to wake up and finally notice him.



My final tip on how to find a boyfriend would be to start using the power Mother Nature had given us – body language! You’ve probably noticed that some women get more attention than others, you might have even wondered why is that so and now you know! It’s their body language – the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they play with their locks…

15 Smiling Children By Monika Zborowska

“Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”

Dr. Haim Ginott


Copyrighted by Monika Zborowska