Teacher Tells Her Students To Use Big People Words. But Is Shocked When This Happened

There comes a point in ever child’s life when they have to stop using baby words. Baby words are strange, aren’t they? Why did we use those instead of the actual words for things, anyway?
In this story, this one child might have been in too much of a hurry to grow up.


When This Veterinarian Took On An Unusual Patient, She Never Thought This Would Happen…

In summer 2004, veterinarian Melanie Butera received an unexpected patient: a blind, dying fawn named Dillie. Butera and her husband nursed Dillie to health. Now, Dillie—who snacks on lollipops and has her own bedroom in their house in Canal Fulton, Ohio—is a daily source of comfort and love to her adoptive family.


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These Parakeets Call Each Other By Name – But It’s Their New Trick That’s Hysterical

Fabio and Gabriel are two parakeets who already know how to call each other by name, but they just learned a new trick. They love playing in or outside their cage together, chasing each other around, and having hilarious chats asking each other, “What ya doing?” Recently, however, they proved their brotherly bond is closer than just quick chats. They learned how to give each other a peck on the cheek with a loud, “Mwahh.”

It’s simply incredible seeing the two of them interacting on a higher level than what you typically see in birds. They are trained very well by their wonderful owner. While some birds learn to repeat words back to you, these birds actually seem to understand what they are saying. For these two little brothers, each day is filled with joy and love.

Their bright colors, sweet personalities, and adorable giggles make for super fun pets. They love having each other around, and never stop hanging out together. When one of them is quiet, the other makes up for the noise, wondering what the other is up to. Their owner has non-stop entertainment with her cute birds Fabio and Gabriel.

Man Changes House Locks So Wife & Kids Can’t Get In. How This Single Mom Moved On From That Is A Miracle.


A man writes about how his parents split up and how it changed his life forever. What his mom did for him during that time is amazing.

It was forever etched in his mind…but when he saw her face, it hit him.

A viral Facebook post by Sean Whalen has been shared by thousands after he poured his heart out about his parents’ divorce and where it’s led him today.

During dinner at a Chinese restaurant with his son, a revelation hit Whalen about the spiritual and physical fortitude his mother had to have to keep pressing forward as a single parent. He didn’t appreciate it so much then, but as he watched the young waitress serving them that night, the memories began to flood his mind like it was yesterday.

His post reads:

The day my parents split up is forever etched in my mind.

Me and dad get into a big fight.

Me, mom and my little brother take off cause my dad is going nuts.

We stayed at a hotel that night.

When we came back the next day my dad had changed the locks.

I watched my mom plead with him through the door to let us in to get clothes etc.

He wouldn’t.

We had to go back later that day with a police escort.

I’ll never forget the cops handing me a black trash bag saying I had 10 minutes to take the necessities.

I loaded up all the clothes I could fit into the bag, and that was the last time I ever stepped foot into the house I was raised in.

No baseball trophies.
None of my 10,000 baseball cards.
None of my stuff.
Hell, I left my pet turtle.

Me, mom and my little brother moved into a little condo and didn’t have jack shit.

People from the church brought over pots, pans, couches, beds, and food.

My dad cashed out the bank and literally left my mom with the money in her pocket.

Not a damn thing she could do.

No family around.
No real support other than strangers from church.

I only began to realize what mom went through working multiple jobs when I became a single parent.

I never understood when I was younger the grind and effort she put in for me and my little brother.

She hustled.

She worked her ass off to just get by.

She did everything she could so that my brother and I had everything we ever wanted.

But she worked man.


I still to this day don’t know how she did it.

I have no idea how she didn’t throw in the towel at times.

I would have.

I remember vividly walking past her room countless nights seeing her on her knees praying.

I can only fathom what those conversations were like between her and God.

I can only fathom the amount of tears that poured down this sweet woman’s face as she pleaded with God for a break.

I have felt some intense pain in my day.

I’ve questioned many things, but this single mom with two boys never gave up.

She never one time gave up.

Tonight as my son and I sat at this little crappy Chinese joint we love, there was a new waitress.

She stuck out like a sore thumb.

The owners are Chinese.
The workers are Chinese.

And this little white waitress.

She was absolutely fantastic and kept complimenting my son on his manners.

We ate our dinner.

Over small talk and water refills, I got the sense that this single mom didn’t want to be there, but had to be there and she was doing her best to smile.

It tore my heart out.

I thought of my mom, and I saw the same hustle in this woman that I saw in my mom.

A single mom.

Maybe by choice.
Maybe not.

But working on a Wednesday night to ensure she can put food on the table and shoes on the kids feet.

Not for opulence.
Not for status.

But to live.

To hopefully be able to provide the things for her kids that will put a smile on their face.

I empathized for her.

I felt her pain.

I kept thinking of my mom and how difficult it is for a single woman to go from home maker, to bread winner.

I can’t even begin to understand what that must be like for some moms.

I know my tip won’t pay her rent.
I know my tip won’t pay for kids braces.
I know my tip won’t keep the fridge full.


But I hoped tonight in some way it might put a smile on her face, and she can go home to her babies happier than when she left them.

I don’t know her whole story.

I don’t need to.

I felt tonight that maybe along the way someone did this for my mom, and that’s what kept her going on nights she wanted to quit.

I don’t know.

I’ll likely never know.

But I do know this.

I have been blessed beyond measure, and my mother paved the way for my persistence.

She showed me how to bounce back.

She showed me what work and effort is.

I hope this small gesture with my son tonight brightens this woman’s life so she can wake up tomorrow and fight a good fight.

Single moms who grind…. RESPECT.

You are beautiful and your posterity will learn from your efforts. They are watching you.

Just as I watched my mom.

Mom I love you.

You are my hero.

This Cop Feeds A Hungry Homeless Man. 6 Months Later, He Hears THIS On His Voicemail.

One fateful day, Deputy Matt Holman of the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office shined his spotlight on a homeless man walking down the road. The man was Robert Morris, and Officer Holman soon learned he’d been dealt a rough hand. Together, the two walked to the nearby church and struck up a conversation. Robert said his tent in the woods washed away in the flood. He lost his family and got addicted to drugs and alcohol, which ruined his relationships with his existing brother and sister.

Inspired by this man’s story, the officer began rummaging through his trunk to find the extra Bible he kept in his car. He couldn’t find it, so instead he did something incredible. Officer Holman gave Robert his very own personal Bible which contained his scribbled notes and highlighted scriptures from over the years. As attached to this Bible as he was, Officer Holman knew that giving it to Robert was the right thing to do. Officer Holman then realized that Robert was hungry. He offered to get Robert some food, then refused to accept the few crumpled up dollars that Robert offered him. “Go sit on the steps and I’ll be right back,” the officer said. He returned with a plate of hot food, which Robert gladly accepted.

Six months later, Officer Holman received a voicemail. It was from Robert, and what he said left him speechless. In the video below, you’ll hear Robert’s actual 911 recording, in which he details the heartwarming story. On March 18, 2015, Robert passed away unexpectedly — but because of one kindhearted officer, he had become a changed man.

Please SHARE this incredible story with your friends on Facebook!

Thank you to the Greenville Country Sherriff’s Department for allowing us to share their story. Check them out on Facebook!

She Woke Up Confused On A Bench – Then Discovers This Note Tucked In Her Hand

Imagine waking up on a train, having no idea how you got there. This happened to Ellie Farnfield, she woke up confused but what she found in her hand when she woke up was the biggest surprise of all.

A Confused Ellie

Ellie Farnfield is a 27-year-old acupuncture student living in London. She has no history of seizures so when she unexpectedly suffered one on her daily train commute it was a big shock. Ellie had no idea what had happened to her. She woke up dazed and the first thing she realized was the handwritten note in her hand.

Love, Tom

The note read,

“Hi Eleanor. I hope by the time you read this you are feeling better. You had a seizure on the train and I took you off. You didn’t hit your head, but I may have hurt your leg as I walked on it before realizing you were on the floor having a fit! Sorry! I’m also sorry I can’t stay with you now, but here is a coffee to perk you up later and £10 to make sure you get a taxi home. Sorry I don’t have anymore money, so I hope you don’t live far away. I’ve contacted people from your phone and medical help is on its way and you’re with train staff. Wishing you all the best and a quick recovery. Love Tom”

While Tom never came forward, Ellie is still very grateful for his act of kindness.

Finding Tom

Once Ellie recovered, she was determined to find Tom and thank him for his good deed. She started the hashtag #FindTrainTom and her story quickly went viral. However, Tom never came forward to Ellie but she is still very grateful.

Hope For The Future

Ellie’s story goes to show there are still good, decent people in the world! Tom still remains a mystery, but his act of kindness will not be forgotten. Good samaritans, otherwise known as angels in disguise, still live amongst us!


Foster Son Starves While Mother And Daughter Feast. But Now Watch What This Stranger Does.

Foster children often sadly experience the feeling of never truly belonging to a family. This is especially true as some foster parents notoriously take advantage of fostering children simply to cash in government cheques. Few words describe what a terrible act that is.

If observing such an unjust act though, what would you do? Would you interfere and speak up? Or awkwardly and silently sit by?

For instance, if you were sitting one day at a restaurant and noticed a foster parent sitting nearby who offers her foster the cheapest choice on the menu – while providing the most expensive one to her biological daughter?

The mother treats the daughter like a little princess and meanwhile scoffs at the foster son – adding that no one will ever want to adopt him.

Thankfully, the scenario above is the scene of a social experiment from popular TV program “What Would You Do?” and doesn’t actually happen in real life. However, it is still powerful enough to bring tears to your eyes.

Always remember- children need us, equally.Thank heavens for the kind people in the experiment who prove that humanity is alive and well.

Please share so that more people realize the importance of us making a difference for people, both young and old, who are mistreated.

A really interesting question: Who would you drive home?

Imagine this situation: on a dark night, you’re driving your car and suddenly you notice three people waiting at the bus stop. They are:

  1. An old woman looking as if she’s near death.
  2. An old friend who once saved your life.
  3. The woman/man of your dreams.

Who would you give a ride, if your car was just a two-seater? Think about it, and come up with an answer before you continue reading.


The answer:

This moral and ethical dilemma was actually offered as a recruitment test by a company. You could give a ride to the old, sick woman, because you have to try and save her life. Or you could choose the old friend, because he saved your life once, and it would be an excellent chance to return the favour. Yet still, when will you get another chance to meet your soulmate?

Only one of 200 candidates didn’t dare pick any of the three options, and he was hired. His solution? ’’I’d give the car keys to my old friend and ask him to take the old woman to the hospital. In the meantime, I’d stay with the woman of my dreams.’’

Sometimes, out-of-the-box thinking and creative decisions give us the key to complex problems.